《The Rise of the Soul Stealer》Chapter 12: A Good Day To Be Bad


Melakios and Clair were both still eating even though it was several hours later when Count Furfur showed up. He was a strange Demon, with a teetering stance and appearing to be fragile. Melakios’ first thought was that this Demon was a Soul Monger.

He was far from being human as his upper body was like a deer and had hooves and wings. His tail was short and was more like a horse’s. He was relatively short, compared to the other Demons. He clopped forward with his hands behind his back.

When he spoke, it was a whisper and Melakios thought it would be hard to hear him. On the contrary, his voice rang clear in his ears. It wasn’t abrasive, nor annoying. In fact, his voice sounded calm and smooth.

Melakios’ initial impression was a good one.

“Good evening, little one. My apologies for not arriving earlier. I see that since you have eaten already, can we provide you with anything else?”

“Hmm…I was supposed to head to the Demon Academy, but I got lost. Now I’m not sure if I want to attend.”

Furfur was surprised upon the boy’s words. The Demon Academy? So then this child must be a Demon! Unless, there was that rumor a couple months ago. But a human surviving in the forest for four months? Preposterous! Although his characteristics do match the description given to him by Eligor’s agents.

“Forgive me, but does your name happen to be Melakios?”

“Hmm? Yes. But I don’t plan on going back home. I am going to visit the world. And I need materials and knowledge, first. Do you happen to know a place? Preferably a place that can teach how to make Soul Stones and Items.”

“You! Why…hah…fine. I will let Master Eligor know. He was adamant about your whereabouts.”

“Just don’t tell him where I’m going. Otherwise, others might end up finding out as well.”


“Oho! Indeed! Quite sly, for a child your age. And a Gryphon?! I do believe you can handle yourself for the most part.”

“Hehe, I can even take down Duke level beasts and monsters, if I plan well enough.”

“That’s good. I noticed you had the carcass of the Terror Turtle. Did you want us to clean it for you?”

“Sure, but I want the core.”

Count Furfur coughed into his fist a little awkwardly before gesturing to his men around him.

“Ahem, of course! Men, come help out our guest!”

“Oh, and I also have these other beasts. You can help me with them as well, right?”

“Certainly. How much do you have?”

“10 pack rats worth.”

The little boy grabbed the strange little bags from around his waist and started squeezing them like wringing out a towel. He grabbed the tail with one hand, and with the other, he squished all the contents of the rat bags out through the mouth.

Some of the Demons felt a little queasy watching these rats vomit corpses.

Eventually, a massive pile of dead monsters, beasts, and animals littered the ground in front of the Count. His smiling face was twitching while the composure of the soldiers were anything but subtle. They held their head in their hands and screamed out in shock with their eyes wide open. It was very picturesque.

Count Furfur realized that the boy before him was capable of many great things. Just his achievements in these past couple months prove he has far surpassed many powerful true Demons. There was even a rumor that the Duke Valafar was forced to retreat thanks to this child, since he hadn't managed to produce anything new, yet.

“It looks as if I must comply. There is a school for learning how to condense souls into stones, weapons, and pills far to the south in the High Hysteric Mountains. The school is run by the Tengu Yokai. There they practice a style of merging with nature. But for now, we have a local Jinn who might be of help.”


Furfur guided Melakios through Gloss City. He had chosen to fly alongside Melakios who was riding Clair. They eventually came to a tall building with 4 floors and had many people walking in and out of it.

“This is a branch of the Miserable Miser Trade Group, or the Triple M Trade since the group is run by Mammon, a Demon Prince. The Jinn, Nesune, can be pretty cold, so don’t do anything to anger them. Just for fair warning.”

“Okay. Thanks the help. Where should I go after this?”

“Gäap’s people might find you if you go with me. Just ask the staff here to let you stay. Gäap would not want to mess with Mammon for such a small reason.”

“That’s another thing. How come everyone treats me so small if everyone wants me?”

“Because you’re human. Sure, if we can do things, we usually do. But to have to fight another powerful Demon just for the sake of a small human is foolish.”

“But isn’t that exactly what Valafar did by messing with Lilith?”

“Not entirely. Most of the Lilim Household are Soul Mongers. Their actual combat ability is low. Only the exemplary sons and daughters get focused on.”

“Oh, like Lilu, Lilitu, and Ardat Lili.”

“Correct. By the way, did you want me to let the Lilims know you are alright? They have been looking everywhere for you desperately.”

“After I leave.”

“Alright. Well, here we are. The fourth floor is for staff members.”

As the two walked towards the counter, Melakios saw Clair hovering in front of the window outside. After convincing her he was alright, she squawked in return and flew back down.

“Good evening, Count Furfur. How may we be of assistance?”

“No young lady, it’s more like, how can this young man be of assistance. He wishes to learn from Nesune about Soul Stone creation.”

“Oh! Uh, okay! Right this way, Young Sir!”

The teenaged Demon girl with braided hair over her shoulder and a smart looking cap on her head led Melakios down a hall with a slight fidget. He noticed she was sweating a little and that her hands were shaking.

“Is this Nesune that scary?”

“HUH?! What?! No! Uh…no. *ahem* She has a wonderful personality and is always courteous to others!”

She had an extremely fake smile on as sweat poured down her forehead like it was raining.

“Quit with the sarcasm, Jenny, and let him in.”

Jenny, the clerk girl, held the door open with her fake smile, although it looked as if it was about to fall apart, and left very quickly.

In the middle of the room, surrounded by a depressing, sad, and tormented feeling, as well as a ton of rubbish with paper and writing utensils strewn about, was a pretty looking lady with an orange colored skin tone and dressed in a long white coat that contrasted her black hair tied in a ponytail. She had a strange bottle before her that Melakios could sense contained many souls. On her were golden bracelets and anklets that exuded Soul Energy as well. She had a tired look, as if nothing was going well for her today.

“So brat, why can’t I sense your soul?”

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