《Into the Trenches》Chapter 3
It was a particularly lovely day. Clear blue skies dotted with the occasional puffy cloud. The temperature was a gentle warmth, not stifling but just enough so that one could wear short sleeved shirts and blouses without being chilled. There was a firm and constant gust of wind, forcing women to tie their hair back into neat buns and braids, and men to hold onto their Fedora and Derby hats.
It was still relatively early in the morning when I walked towards the park by the school I’d just graduated from. I wonder if they’ll have the ceremony later in the summer or in the fall. I hummed tunelessly as I walked along the paved footpath, with my notebook and pencil tucked under the left arm and coins jingling in my right pocket.
I had the intent to stop by Koch’s Cookery for a delicious mixed berry strudel, but as I approached I could see that they had not yet opened yet. I peeked through the window and saw Mr. Koch was behind the counter. He looked up and saw me peering in. With a smile he approached the door and opened it.
“Ah Benjamin it is good to see you. Come in, sit” He motioned with his hand. I followed him to one of the small round tables and took a seat.
“Now if your here looking for job, I’m afraid we are still not hiring right now. However there is a bakery across town that is…”
“Pardon me for interrupting sir but I’m not here about the job. To be honest sir...I just came to get a pastry...” I said sheepishly, quick to add in, “...but you’re not open yet so I’ll just come by later” I started to get up but he gestured for me to stay seated. He stood and wattled over to the door, flipped the sign so that the open faced outwards, and then walked behind the counter.
“Nein nein, stay. We’ll open a little early just for you.” he turned and winked. A smile spread across my face.
“Your finest mixed berry strudel please. Something nice and sweet while I work on my book”
“Excellent choice young herr” he replied as he bent over to retrieve the strudel. It didn’t take long for customers to start filling the bakery. Each one patiently waiting to order. I paid for my pastry and left. As I was walking through the door I could hear Mr. Koch’s joyous wilkommen’s and guten morgen’s.
With the strudel acquired I strolled on. Ideas on how to end my story bounced about in my head. After many trial and tribulations, Dale Lansky had at last scavenged all of the parts required to make the H2O extractor.
Hmm should the story end on a high note, with the machine saving everyone from dehydration? Or should I have a sudden plot twist/event at the end?
I reached the park and found a blotch of shade. I sprawled out onto the grass and wrote notes on different endings. I had always found ending the book to be the hardest part of writing. I took a brief break to savour my strudel. It was the greatest thing to have ever graced my taste buds. A human shaped shadow loomed overhead and remained still for a few minutes.
Is this person gunna just stand there staring or are they going to say something?
As I was finishing my strudel, curiosity got the better of me. I popped that last piece into my mouth and looked up to see who it was.
Cheryl Damoi!?
I choked and coughed as I stood from the ground. I shook my button-up free of crumbs and made sure it was properly tucked into my pants. I looked up to see a gorgeous smile spread across her face. She was wearing a white blouse with a brown skirt down to her ankles.
“Cheryl sorry I uh, didn’t notice you there. How’s it going?”
“Hi Benjamin...” she said still smiling, “I’m well, just walking through the park. It’s a fine day is it not?”
“Fine indeed” I replied.
“Still working on that book I see. Almost done?”
“Ya I’m just trying to figure out how to end it”
“You have some good ideas. I can’t wait to read it in its entirety” My cheeks went hot.
“You were reading my notes?”
“I was going to say hello but you seemed so engrossed” she said with a slight laugh. “Well I’ll leave you to your work. Sorry to disturb you” she started to walk away. I scooped up my things and jogged up beside her.
“No no, you aren’t a disturbance at all. Mind if I join you? I need to get some blood flowing anyways.”
“Not at all. It gets a little boring by myself after a while.” We followed the winding path through the park. I congratulated her on her father’s promotion in the military, and we talked about how high school had been, future plans and what we were doing for money.
“...gee Ben that sounds like a lot of hard work. I don’t think I could do that. Certainly not killing chickens. Just the thought gets me woozy.”
“Oh I haven’t had to kill anything yet. And the work really isn’t that bad...as long as I don’t have to dig any holes. What about you? Have a job?”
“Yup. I’m working at the library as Mr. Nedry’s assistant.”
“Ugh I think I’d rather be in the sun all day than do that. Must be boring.”
“I thought the same going into the job but it’s actually surprisingly fun. It’s nice and relaxing, and I really enjoy reading stories for the kids. And after the library closes, Mr. Nedry will play some records while we put away books, or turn on the radio.”
“The library has a radio? Damn I need stop by more often” Cheryl suddenly stopped walking and a look of scorn came over her face. With a hand placed on her hip she waggled an index finger in front of my nose.
“Tch tch tch. Benjamin Holler that sort of language is unacceptable”. We looked at each other for a moment, and then we both broke out into fits of uncontrolled giggling.
“My goodness that was almost a perfect impression of my mother!”
“The things I’ve seen her chastise you for are hilarious!” I could barely understand her through the laughter. After a minute or two with passerbys shooting us looks, we calmed down.
“Well I’m working tonight if you want to stop by after work.”
“Ya I’d like that. What time should I meet you?”
“Six thirty is when I’m done but Mr. Nedry usually lets me out a half hour early.”
“I’ll see you at six o’clock then”
“Bye Benjamin” We waved goodbye to each other and I headed home with a little extra spring in my step.
Six o’clock couldn’t have come fast enough. I made sure that my black semi-formal pants and white collared shirt were ironed, and that my black loafers were well polished. I pulled on my pants, buttoned up the shirt and tucked it in. I opened my closet for suspenders.
Hmm brown or black with stripes?
I slung the black and white suspenders over my shoulders and went to the bathroom. With a quick brush of my teeth and hair gelled I was ready to go. I walked down the stairs with my shoes.
“Aw common Ben I just swept!” Donovin whined.
“Don’t worry my shoes are clean” I went to the kitchen, where mom and Hector were, to get a glass of water before I left.
“Ben honey, where are you going all dressed up? I’m just about to start cooking dinner you know.”
“I’m just going out to meet a friend. We’ll probably grab something to eat so don’t worry about making extra” Hector perked up at this.
“I’ve seen your friends and they aren’t the type to wear nice clothes. So why are you?” he asked laughing.
“Shut up Hector!” I spat back.
“Benjamin don’t tell your brother to...shush up. And you mister,” she said swiping at Hector with a towel, “stop teasing Ben.” Hector didn’t head her warning.
“Oh I know. He’s going out to meet a girl!”
“So...what of it?”
“Benjamin are you, courting her?” mom said as father walked into the room.
“NO!” I was getting more and more frustrated and embarrassed.
“Tom have you had the talk with him?” I’m in Hell
“Oh Jaine he doesn’t need that. He knows to wait for marriage”
“I’m leaving. I should be back around eight”
“Oh...ok dear. Have fun. Wholesome fun”
“My GOD” I yelled as I stormed out of the front door.
What a way to start the evening.
It had cooled off significantly since the afternoon, but not enough that I needed to put on my jacket. The town was so much nicer in the evening. No noise to give you a headache, no people bumping into you. The library was only a short distance from home, so I was able to make the trip in under twenty minutes.
I walked up the steps to the double doors and noticed the closed sign had been hung. But as I turned the knob to see if they were locked, the doors swung open. It had been a while since I had last stepped foot into the library, and I could see that it had undergone some renovations. Instead of the brown, water stained wallpaper, there was crispe white paint. It looked like the wood floors had been refinished as well. As I walked down the hall, the sound of a piano playing grew more and more audible.
I walked into the main portion of the library and saw mister Nedry at the checkout desk.
“Ah Mr. Holler it’s been a while. Cheryl will be back in just a moment, she’s re-shelving some books.”
“I see the library’s had a few upgrades. Nice radio”
“You won’t believe how many late return fees I had to save up for that. It cost a pretty penny.” Mr. Nedry gazed at the machine with fondness. Cheryl walked up just as Mr. Nedry finished speaking.
“Hey Ben” she said, that gorgeous smile spread across her face.
“Are you all ready to go?”
She turned to the librarian and said, “Anymore work to be done?”
“Nothing that I can’t handle. You kids have a good evening.”
“Thank you sir” we said simultaneously. We left the library and made for the park. It was an awkwards walk, with very little talking, and just as we reached the picnic area Cheryl remembered she had left her purse back at the library.
“...I’m so sorry Ben. It just completely slipped my mind” she said with sincerity.
“Ah don’t worry about it. On the bright side I get to spend a little more time with ya” I replied, and scrunched my face in an attempt to wink. We both laughed.
“I wonder where Donovin learned to do it?”
“I think it was from a moving picture. No one else in the family can replicate it though. It’s really peculiar”
“Maybe you just need some practice?”
“Nah it’s not really important enough to practice. Would you stand in front of a mirror repeatedly trying to wink?”
“I don’t suppose I would.” she said as we walked into the library once again.
“I’m getting a sense of deja-vu”
“Oh be quiet” she retorted and slapped my arm in a playful manner. Mr. Nedry was still at the check-out desk, listening to what seemed to be the news.
“Back already?”
“No, it would seem that I forgot my purse here”
“Ah so that’s who it belongs to. I put a white faux leather purse in the ‘lost and found’ box.”
“Yup that would be mine” she said and we walked into the small room behind the desk. Lucky for us it was the last thing Mr. Nedry placed in the box, or else we would have had to scrounge around the large container for both the purse and potentially its contents. As we walked back out we now noticed Mr. Nedry staring wide-eyed at the radio, his face pale.
“mister...Nedry?” I said putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. He held a finger to his lips and turned the volume up on the radio.
“...and we have just received reports that the German army, an estimated one million strong, has indeed marched into and invaded the small country of Belgium. Belgium which has remained neutral in the conflict so far, surrendered immediately while also appealing to its British allies for help. It would seem...yes I’ve just received confirmation that Great Britain has declared war on the brutish German empire. Her majesty the Queen calls on her countrymen, and the men of her colonies to support the allied forces in their fight for freedom against the tyranny of the German empire. Effective immediately, all able bodied men must report to their local professional forces garrison, or militia headquarters…”
Mr. Nedry shut off the radio and stared with a face void of expression at the desk-top. Beside me Cheryl had started to hyperventilate. Her lower lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears.
“Dad?” was all she could muster before she choked up.
“Cheryl look at me…” I said as I grabbed her shoulders to steady her, “he’s going to be completely fine. He’s high up in the chain of command. He probably won’t even see a gun.”
“You don’t understand!” she screamed, tears flowed from her eyes. “He was promoted to company commander. His job is to lead like, a hundred men directly into battle. ONE HUNDRED! Against a million? He’s not going to last!”
“Well I don’t think they would send only one company against an entire army…” she broke free and ran for the door.
“Cheryl wait! Wait up it’s dark out and there could be... unsavory characters!” she didn’t hear me. I bolted out of the library and flew down its front steps. I sprinted to catch up to her, and was thankful she was slow enough of a runner to allow me to ease my breathing. We ran all the way to her home. She burst into the door and left me to hesitate at the entrance.
To hell with it, I may not be invited in but I need to make sure she’s ok.
She has her family here to comfort her just wait out here until you’re asked to come inside.
Shut up other Ben!
Fine just throw away your manners Ben.
I removed my hat, stepped inside and slid off my shoes. I could hear sobbing coming from the den, mixed with the sound of low voices. I walked towards the comotion and stood at the threshold. On a sand coloured couch, sat Cheryl with her mother and father flanking either side of her. Her face was buried in her father’s chest while her mother rubbed her back. I gave the wall a gentle knock and both of Cheryl’s parents looked up.
“Benjamin Holler I presume?” Mr. Damoi said in a grave tone. “Have a seat” I lowered myself into a plush chair and folded my hands on top of my lap. After a few more minutes Mrs. Damoi stood up from the couch.
“I’ll fetch us some tea to calm the nerves” she said and turned to me. “Would you like some as well?”
“Oh uh...no thank you ma’am” She turned and went deeper into the house. At this point Cheryl had calmed herself down to the point where she was only sniffling. I tugged my handkerchief out of my breast pocket and handed it to her.
“Th - ank you.” she said and dabbed at her tears, “I’m so embarrassed you had to see me like this”. She choked on the last few words and for a moment it looked as if she would start bawling again, but she didn’t.
“Sir I would like to congratulate you on your promotion but...given the circumstances…”
“It’s both a blessing and a curse. My elevation to company commander actually came at the perfect time. While I would be honoured to serve on the front lines for the Queen, the military is having me stay behind to train a new company of conscripts. You here that sweety? You still have me for another month or so”
“But I don’t want you to go at all! What if you don’t come back?”
“Then that is God’s plan. But I trust in our Lord as well as my fellow soldiers, and I need you to do the same. It won’t do you any good if you’re fretting over me all the while I’m away.”
“Wait you said conscripts. Who exactly is getting conscripted?”
“Well…” Mr. Damoi said and turned his gaze towards me. Cheryl noticed and a look of sudden realization came over her face. She looked back and forth between her father and myself and started to whimper again. My heart was in my throat, and I found myself unable to respond.
“I’m sorry, but all men sixteen years to fiftyfive are eligible to be drafted in the event of a war. Unless you work on a farm, in a munitions factory or at a government institution, there’s no way out of it.”
I was still shocked by the fact I would have to go to war, that I didn’t pick up on my ticket out of the military. But Cheryl did, she perked right up as soon as her father said farm.
“Ben didn’t you say that you worked on a farm?!”
“Uh huh...Mr Jansen’s farm.” I replied, still in a daze.
“Then that means he doesn’t have to go, right daddy?” Cheryl said, and turned to her father. He looked from her to me and said,
“Well...yes. Mr. Jansen would have to provide a record of employment to you, with which you’d show to the conscription officer. Since farmers are being required to give up a portion of their produce to support the war effort, themselves and anyone under their employment are exempt from the conscription law.”
I snapped out of my trance at last and relief flooded my entire body. Mrs. Damoi walked in carrying a tray loaded with a pot, cups and saucers. She set it down on a short table and poured four cups of tea. She handed one black to Mr. Damoi, one laiden with milk and sugar to Cheryl and paused before handing one to me.
“Take this Ben. May I call you Ben? It’s been a rough night for you too, I’d say.”
“Thank you and you may” I said, forgetting to ask for sugar. The tea didn’t feel too warm so I took a big gulp. Big mistake. Searing pain travelled down my throat and tears welled at my eyes. I blinked them away and luckily no one noticed. Cheryl was nursing her drink while her parents blew on theirs to cool off.
We all sat in silence sipping our tea. Cheryl had calmed down tremendously, almost seeming to be in a good mood. That’s when it hit me.
The triplets!
My hands started to shake, rattling the tea cup against the saucer. The Damois looked at me and concern grew on their faces. I set the cup and saucer down on the tray, and got to my feet.
“I’d like to warn you Mr. Damoi…” my voice was shaky and I could feel my throat tighten, “...that Hector will be a devil of a challenge to handle. You all have a good evening”
I left without another word in fear that I wouldn’t be able to hold back the water works. Sure the triplets could get under my skin, but they were still my brothers. And the thought of them going to war was terrifying. The walk home was brisk.
How do I tell them? How do I tell them they have to fight someone else's battle? Oh GOD! Mother will surely have a heart attack!
If she didn’t have a heart attack she came quite close. As soon as the news was broken to the family, there was immediate shriek of despair and she became utterly inconsolable. Dad had to actually carry her upstairs to the bedroom. Donovin, Jonathan and Hector all wore what I imagined was the same look of shock that I had. I think it was the first time that Hector didn’t have some quip to make.
When dad came back downstairs, he knelt down in front of the triplets and whispered something to them. I didn’t quite pay attention as I was still trying to think of a way to get them out of the conscription. Tom sent the boys upstairs and turned to me.
“Is there any chance that Mr. Jansen needs anymore hands on the farm?”
“I can ask but I don’t think so. He already has me and a few other guys from school”
“I see…” he replied, his tone was grave. “Benjamin I need to ask you to do something for me. If we aren’t able to keep the boys at home I…” I could see that he was working really hard to remain collected, but his efforts were all for not “...I need you to ‘forget’ about your record of employment.” he said as tears started to stream down his face. The gravity of his request hit me like a punch to the stomach.
“Dad I...I can’t. I can’t do it. I’m not cut out for killing. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just...can’t” he pulled me close and hugged me tight. It was the first time in a long while since he had last embraced me.
“That’s ok son. You don’t worry about it then. We’ll figure something out” He gave me a kiss on the forehead and went upstairs. I stood in the den for a moment before deciding to do the same.
I’ll leave at the crack of dawn. By the time I get to the farm, Mr. Jansen should be up and about. He’ll take on the triplets I’m sure of it. And with that I fell asleep.
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