《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 14


Lin Feng went to the kitchen and took out the grill, he planned to eat roasted meat, he had hunted a beast earlier and he put the body in his space ring, this way he could preserve the meat for a long period.

After pulling out the grill, Lin Feng took out a long knife that he had forged and started to skillfully skin the animal, he then cut a huge chunk that would be enough to feed them and stored the rest.

He then started the fire using some woods he had split, as the fire was slowly igniting Lin Feng went to his garden and pulled out some herbs to spice up the meat, he mixed the herbs then grinded and chopped them to form a red paste with an aromatic fragrance, Lin Feng then took the meat and smeared the paste on it.

He cut the meat into smaller pieces and repeated the process of smearing the spices on it. He then took out a large leaf from his space ring, he had discovered that slowly roasting meat wrapped on the leaf made it more delicious, whatever he was doing to discover such a thing was unknown.

Lin Feng wrapped the meat on the leaf and put it where there was less heat.

"This should take about an hour," Lin Feng muttered to himself.

After ensuring the meat was cooking properly, Lin Feng sat near the grill and was immediately lost in his thoughts.

"I think it's time I visit the outside world." Lin Feng muttered to himself, thinking about it, Lin Feng barely knew anywhere else apart from the San Luo market and the small mountain, perhaps that's why his life was a little dull? Lin Feng thought he could find something interesting if he was more outgoing.

"The meat should be ready." Lin Feng muttered to himself while standing up, he took the leaf that had already turned black and put it on a table, he opened the leaf to reveal it's contents.


He then took out long thin rods from his space ring, pierced the pieces of meat and then placed them on the fire.

Fat droplets dripped on the fire causing a huge flame to flare, he turned the rod to ensure the meat cooked evenly. He removed the meat from the fire and placed them on two plates.

"Are you coming out or you will hide forever?" Lin Feng suddenly spoke.

"As expected of the master, my concealment technique is useless to him.

Mei Lin came out from her hiding spot, she had been hiding ever since Lin Feng started roasting the meat, she then sat beside Lin Feng and started eating.

"What do you think about going on an adventure?" Lin Feng suddenly asked her.

Mei Lin was pleasantly surprised, she had always wanted go on adventures with Lin Feng around the star and possibly other stars as well, this is what she was born to do, literary, but Lin Feng had never shown any sign of leaving the small mountain, she had tried various things in order to make herself useful in the eyes of Lin Feng but she quickly discovered the things that he made look simple were extremely hard to do, so she could only stay at the boat and come to see Lin Feng occasionally.

"My time has finally come." Mei Lin exclaimed excitedly.

"Where do you want me to take you?" Mei Lin started talking excitedly when Lin Feng stopped her.

"Why are you so excited? I will rely on you as I don't know where to go specifically." Lin Feng said calmly

"Don't worry I will figure out a place by tomorrow." Mei Lin told Lin Feng, her statement wasn't merely boasting, after Lin Feng created her, knowledge of different places in the universe flooded her brain, so although she always stayed with Lin Feng, there was no place in the universe that she didn't know.


After eating, the two prepared to sleep as it was already late.

While Lin Feng and Mei Lin were preparing to sleep, thousands of li away from the small mountain, two old men were just arriving at a huge castle, this castle was the same where old man Lin fought with the king and patriarch of the Zhao family, right now the castle was only a shadow of its former self, the initial splendor was lost, though the grandeur was lost one could still recognize that the castle did not belong to a common man, after all a wet lion is still ferocious.

The two old men looked like they were hesitating but they found resolve and walked inside the castle, the inside was dark as not a single light source could be seen in place.

"Your majesty, we have bad news to report." The two old men spoke at the same time while kneeling down, not daring to look at the dark figure.

There was a long dangerous silence before an indifferent voice could be heard.


"Your majesty, the prince was murdered by a powerful cultivator, we tried to protect him but the powerful villain restricted our bodies and made us watch as he feasted on the prince's body. He then released us and told us to come and pass you a message." One of the old men spoke quickly while trembling.

The old man then took out the bones of the prince and presented it in front of the dark silhouette and quickly resumed kneeling.

The dark silhouette stared at the bones, for a moment, the darkness around the silhouette seemed to flurry, this only happened for a short moment before the man in the darkness closed his red eyes, this continued until morning when sunshine penetrated the room, the two old men were in a miserable condition, their clothes were soaked in sweat, it seemed that staying in a kneeling position with their faces on the ground without using their qi was a tasking matter, that plus the stress they faced as they didn't know whether they would live or die.

As the light penetrated the room the face of the dark figure could be seen, the man was exactly Dong Li, the previous energetic old man was a thing of the past, like his castle he was only a shadow of his former self, only now the shadow looked more powerful

"You can go." Dong Li finally spoke to the old men.

The old men couldn't help but breath out a relieved sigh, as they walked away they were a little proud of themselves, who else but them could say they lied to the king in his face and still got to keep their life?, they had come up with the plan to tell the king how they heroically tried to save the prince but they were too weak. They even injured themselves to make it more convincing.

They were just about to step out when they suddenly felt their necks becoming warm, they reached to touch their necks but all they felt was blood gushing out. They died regretting why they hadn't taken their chances and ran off.

"You guys really are an eyesore, I should have killed you earlier." That was the last word the old men heard.

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