《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 8


Back at Lin Feng's courtyard, he was waking up. He had an excellent sleep and was prepared to go out. He had made up his mind on what he was going to do. Well, he was going to do nothing, he thought of different things, but none of it interested him, the thing he was sure of, was he wanted to get out of the Lin family, he decided to take his space ring, from his jade slip, he understood that spiritual stones could be used to buy things, so he wasn't worried about survival.

"What are these?" Lin Feng was about to pick his space ring from the table, but he found two shiny orbs.

"I didn't see them before, and what is their function?" Lin Feng decided to put them in his space ring as just looking at them could not answer his questions. He walked out of his courtyard and was surprised to find no guards in front of his house. He looked at his house one last time. He knew his likelihood of returning was zero. Like a bird that was leaving its nest for the first time, he went on his way, his parents? Well, they had accomplished their goal of "raising" him, and just like a bird that is chased out of its nest to fend for itself, it was time for him to go fend for himself.

He was walking, and he soon discovered a problem," how do I get out?" he discovered that he didn't know where the gate was located, he looked around, and soon he discovered he was alone, at least as far as he could see he didn't spot anyone, should he go back and ask his parents? he decided against this idea as his parents might tell him not to go.

He was becoming desperate when he remembered where he used to train from. The area was near a wall. Without wasting time, he headed there. When he arrived at the area, he was surprised to find a hole large enough that he could pass through. He didn't overthink as this was convenient.

As Lin Feng was making his way out of the Lin homestead, the other members of the Lin family were not having a good time. They discovered the patriarch and his father were dead some rushed to the treasure hall to clear it only to find it clean, the person who discovered the bodies was lucky, and he took both space rings from the corpses, the elder figures fought for who was to take leadership. In a short time, the Lin family was in a mess, the elders were injured, and the disciples killed each other for any little treasure they could discover.


The family was in chaos. Suddenly a giant battleship appeared, the disciples panicked, the elders tried to activate the formation again. However, it was all in vain. Countless silhouettes descended from the battleship and immediately started attacking the Lin family. What was supposed to be a war turned into a one-sided massacre, kids, women the young, and the old were killed equally without neglect. In a few minutes, the Lin family was no more. The attackers then got back into the battleship. Cannons were fired at the buildings flattening everything that could have been hiding.

After the successful raid, the battleship went to where it had come from. The only evidence it left behind was the unnaturally flat land.

Lin Feng walked towards nowhere as it was the first time he had ventured out of the Lin family. He wasn't completely hopeless as far as where to live was concerned. From the memories, he knew of a house on a hill. He just wasn't sure if the house was something that existed or not. He was going to confirm if the house existed. This would help him confirm if the memories were real or not.

As Lin Feng was walking, he arrived at a certain place filled with people advertising their products. Lin Feng assumed this to be the market. He was amazed by the variety of things that were being sold, from swords, herbs, animals to other things that he didn't recognize.

" Young master, hold your steps." Lin Feng was walking while checking out the things being sold when he heard someone call from behind.

He turned only to see an old man give him a joyful smile.

"Young master, is this your first time at the San Luo market?" the old man asked Lin Feng.

"Yes!" Lin Feng responded to the man calmly.

"Then, if the young master doesn't refuse, the old man can show you around the market," the old man said happily. He was so excited to find a fat sheep. Looking at the young man's clothes, he could tell his pockets were deep.

Lin Feng was surprised, are there such friendly people? He had lived his life without other people's support, so this was a surprise to him.

"I will be in your care then," Lin Feng told the old man."

"Okay, follow me." The old man led Lin Feng to a particular shop. He quickly instructed his servants to be ready to display the shop's contents.

" Please have a seat, young master." the old man directed Lin Feng to a seat.


" Young master, what do you need? As long as it can be bought, we have it."

Lin Feng was taken aback. The old man must be lying. How can someone have everything? That didn't bother him much as he didn't know what he wanted.

" I don't know exactly what I want." Lin Feng replied truthfully.

"Maybe you can make up your mind after seeing some of the goods," the old man replied as he ordered his servants to start displaying the goods. He had anticipated such an outcome.

The first servant came forward with a sword. The sword looked exquisite and had beautiful patterns drawn on it. Lin Feng doubted if the sword could be any better than a stick. It looked so fragile that he thought it was meant for decorations.

" Young master, this sword is a grade ten mortal treasure. Mortal cultivators can't break it. Only immortal cultivators can have a chance of breaking it." The old man declared proudly.

Lin Feng didn't know what the old man was babbling about, but he chose to believe him."

" How much is it ?" Lin Feng asked.

"1000 high-grade spiritual stones." The old man answered while observing Lin Feng's expression.

He was happy to find the price didn't shake him. His gamble was not wrong.

Lin Feng took out the spiritual stones and gave them to the old man. He had more spiritual stones than he could count, so the price didn't bother him.

"What else do you have?" Lin Feng asked the old man.

The old man was happy, and immediately, his servants started displaying the items to Lin Feng. Lin Feng was uninterested as he only bought the sword because he needed it. He knew where he was going was a forest and needed protection.

Lin Feng was about to leave when he saw a boat carving displayed on the counter. The old man noticed his gaze and rushed to explain.

" Young master, that is a flying boat. It is used for traveling long distances and carrying many people."

Lin Feng's attention was immediately intrigued when he heard traveling long distances.

"How does it work?" Lin Feng asked

The old man was startled. Could this young master not know a flying boat? He assumed he must be a young master of a powerful sect that was sheltered from worldly affairs.

"Once the boat recognizes you as its master, it will enlarge or shrink according to your wishes, " The old man explained.

"Once you get inside, you need to show the core of the boat where you want to go. As long as you know the direction, it will take you there."

Lin Feng was excited. He walked towards the boat and immediately commanded it to enlarge.

The old man was about to tell Lin Feng that it doesn't work that way, but his words were stopped by the boat enlarging. Fortunately, it only enlarged enough to fit the room.

"Impossible!" the old man exclaimed. This boat was an immortal-grade artifact. How was it possible to accept a youngster as its master? He had tried to make it accept him as its master, even powerful elders from powerful sects had tried, but they had all failed. Could it be that this kid's Dao protector was an immortal? The old man knew that the kid must have a hidden protector. That was why he was treating him respectfully, but he didn't expect the kid to have an immortal Dao protector, and how could an immortal stay in the mortal realm?

He only thought briefly and didn't dare to make any speculations.

"How much is this?" Lin Feng asked the shocked old man.

"This... it's fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones." The old man wanted to say the boat was not for sale, but he decided against it.

Lin Feng took the spiritual stones from his ring and paid the old man. He then picked his sword and put it inside the ring. He commanded the boat to shrink and also put it in his ring.

"Where can I find an open area?" Lin Feng asked the old man.

"This way." The old man told Lin Feng as he motioned for him to follow him behind the shop.

Lin Feng was happy to find ample space. He took out the boat and commanded it to enlarge. He then got in.

"Greetings, master." a genderless voice could be heard

"Who?" Lin Feng was surprised by the voice that was coming from everywhere.

"I am the spiritual manifestation of this boat ." the voice explained.

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