《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 4


Lin Yao was about to perform a soul search on Lin Feng.

His hand approached his head, but at the next moment, a fierce counterattack sent him flying back like a broken kite. He hit the ground and rolled like a ball before coming to a halt near the wall. He spurted out a mouthful of blood before collapsing, his death and life status unknown.

Old man Lin was surprised by this development. The situation was becoming more complicated at the moment. Zhao Lin rushed to her husband's position to check on him.

" He is heavily injured, but he will live."

Zhao Lin reported to the old man. She too, was shocked. One moment they were opening meridians, the next moment a spy was discovered, and now her husband is heavily injured, things were moving faster than her feeble mind could comprehend.

Old man Lin came forward to check on his son's condition. At least he wasn't dead.

"Who attacked him?"

He asked himself this question. Ever since things started becoming weird, he unleashed his complete early void transformation divine sense to check any suspicious activity. Everything was as expected according to him, but his son was attacked under his nose?

Then this must have been done by someone stronger than him, but this was impossible if the attacker was stronger than him, so why not attack without relying on schemes? He concluded the attacker must be a peak domain formation cultivator like his son, then the next problem was how the attacker was able to avoid his divine sense.

While Lin Yi was still thinking of possibilities, Lin Feng was awakened by the sudden noise. He looked behind only to see his father collapsed on the ground while his mother and grandfather checked on him. On the other side, he saw what he presumed to be a burned body. This situation shocked him.

"Did I miss a fight?"

He asked himself this question, he has always been a fan of cultivators fighting using their techniques, so he was disappointed to have missed a fight, and how come it ended so fast?

Lin Feng got up and walked towards the small crowd. He was surprised to see his grandfather and mother move away and assumed vigilant postures. He didn't know if he was hallucinating, but his grandfather gave him the same look the other kids usually give him.


Was his grandfather afraid of him? Then did his father also forbid them from interacting with him?

"it's not like I usually interact with them." Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and put those thoughts at the back of his mind.

His father's condition was terrible. That was all he could get from his observation. His face was pale, blood was flowing from his mouth, and his clothes were rugged. Looking at his condition now and a few minutes ago, all he could say was his father was in an embarrassing state.

While Lin Feng was still observing his father, an invisible strand of qi moved from his body and entered his father's body, only that, no one present saw it, including Lin Feng himself.

Lin Yi called for some guards and ordered them to carry Lin Yao to his room. He also called for the family's alchemist to come and check his injuries, he ordered some guards to take Lin Feng back to his courtyard, and they were to observe his every movement. The last part was a mental transmission. There was no way he was going to stay near the boy as he was a ticking time bomb.

Lin Feng was surprised. He knew nothing about cultivation, including how to start cultivating. Although his father's situation was terrible, he wasn't dead, so how come he was being sent away?

He had been waiting for this day for a long time, so how comes he was being sent away? He decided to speak up, as he didn't want to wait any longer.

"I don't know how to cultivate." He spoke loudly to no one in particular.

Lin Yi was surprised by the question.

First, he didn't know if Lin Feng could cultivate as he wasn't sure if his meridians were opened or not. He decided to recheck his body. Well, he had done that already, and nothing happened to him, so doing it again should not bring any dangers.

Lin Yi used his qi to check on Lin Feng spiritual roots again. This time, his anxiety went through the roof because he could not see Lin Feng's spiritual roots.

This was impossible because he was the one that checked them and was sure they were there. Was he getting too old, or was everything related? He scanned again, but the results remained the same.


You must know his cultivation base is at early void transformation, so for something to be hidden from his sight, the person either has to have entered the immortal realm or is very proficient in illusion techniques.

He ruled out an immortal cultivator. There was no way an immortal cultivator would rely on schemes to defeat an insignificant person like him, which leaves only an illusion master.

When he thought of this idea, everything clicked in place. The only illusion master that he knows or pays attention to, comes from the royal family. Only the royal family has the human resources to fight against them.

"Fortunately, I arranged spies in the royal family earlier. Otherwise, the old man would have fallen for their tricks." Old man Lin thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he finally felt relieved. He was proud of his vigilance as he didn't dare think what the consequences would have been if he didn't know of the illusion master. Maybe he would panic and do something stupid like slaughtering every elder, thinking everyone was a spy, thus weakening their forces. Well, he didn't want to think of troublesome matters because he had already figured everything out.

"This must have been Dong Li's plan. That old fogey is getting better at this only....only your opponent is me." Lin Yi muttered to himself while trying his best to imitate an evil smile.

Lin Yi was excited about how things were turning out now. After all, who doesn't like to be in control?

What the old man failed to account for was how his son was hurt. This is a question that will plague his mind when he is at his last breath.


Lin Feng called out when he saw Lin Yi being absent minded.

Lin Yi was awakened from his thoughts. He cleared his mind and focused on the matters at hand.

He fished out a space ring from his ring and gave it to Lin Feng.

"This is called a space ring. It is used to store things like spiritual stones, techniques and so on. The space is big enough to store a whole house. You can store anything as long as it is not alive ." Lin Yi paused briefly before continuing.

"To use a space ring, you will need to place a trace of your blood on it."

"To put things inside the ring, you need to hold the object with the hand the ring is on and then imagine the object inside your ring."

"In this ring I'm giving you. You will find spirit stones and techniques that you can practice. You can choose any. Inside you will also find a jade slip that will explain everything about cultivation. A jade slip is used the same way you use a space ring, imagine the inside of the jade, and its contents will be displayed in your mind."

"If you have any questions, you can come to the main hall and find me. Now I have to look after your father. You can go and start."

Lin Feng went back to his courtyard while being followed by guards. This didn't bother him much as he was finally able to start cultivation.

" Old man Lin, what's happening?"

Back at the main hall, Zhao Lin was still confused about how things were going on.

"Don't worry, just some ants that don't know their place dare to trick the old man." Lin Yi answered.

Zhao Lin gave him a puzzled look. Seeing this, the old man continued.

"The royal family sent spies and used an illusion master to deceive us into thinking they have a strong powerhouse backing them."

Zhao Lin finally understood but was still puzzled.

"Why did they use Lin Feng?"

The old man sighed. Indeed he was the only one blessed with knowledge. Looking at the woman who had her illusions of being superior to everybody, he couldn't but smile inside since the woman, to him, was also a cultivating tool. He just had to wait for her to mature and harvest everything.

"They probably think you guys love your son and will start panicking the moment things become unexpected."

"So that's how it is." Zhao Lin finally adopted a knowing expression.

"Well, let Lin Yao heal, and we will retaliate fully. The northern kingdom is going to be surnamed LIN after he recovers."

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