《Demon Saga: Phoenix Dancer》Chapter 11 - Forming a Party


Tamaio and his company led Corrin, Graine, Nawa and Lief to the bonfire camp of the demon hunters.

"The navigator from your grandfather's hunting party will lead you to the Sunless Lands. He knows the way to the Hamatsa's territory. Right, Letto?" confirmed Tamaio as he pointed to a quiet young man who leaned against a wood shed by himself.

Letto's face was scarred from many hunts, with a prominent scar vertically across his left eye. A long tattered red scarf covered his mouth and neck, hanging off his back while hides of several demons made up his hunter's garb. The young man's hair was long and dark, masking much of his face, with brown eyes peering from under the messy locks.

Letto approached, bowing to Corrin, "My Princess," he nodded.

"Thank you so much for your service," smiled Corrin.

"I haven't a choice," he shrugged.

Tamaio walked up to Corrin, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Your brother Maize will be declared a king by the Chief of Ceremony if we do not find Koronin," said Tamaio, "We can all agree that it would be bad for the Asla'ati as a whole if we can't find our King and your brother begins his reign."

Hammit and Bonoto passed over four demon chimes to Graine, Lief and Corrin; which were adorned rattles and demon-hide drums.

"If you encounter the Hamatsa demon, you will need to use these demons chimes to disorient it, so that Letto can attempt to slay it," said Hammit, "He will be the only one of you skilled enough to face the demon."

The large muscular man patted Letto on the back, with a big grin across his huge rosey face, "May the Sun guide your blade, Letto."

"You can't seriously be sending us out there with just Letto," panicked Lief, "Graine has never been on a hunt before and Corrin is a girl."


Corrin and Graine looked over at Lief, narrowing their eyes.

"We need more than one band of hunters to find our King!" continued Lief.

"--Look at us! We are injured and broken," interrupted Tamaio, "We all think Koronin is dead! Letto saw with his own eyes. We don't have the strength or will to return and discover what is left of him.|

Tamaio knelt, wiping a black paint across his forehead. A symbol of mourning.

"Letto is there to navigate for you, but his role is solely to survey. We are not sending you on a hunt, just find the remains of your grandfather and return to us."

Graine looked at the hunters resting beside the warm bonfire. The hunters were maimed and in bandages, and paying no attention to the bickering group beside them.

"Will any of you hunters not serve your Princess? Is it not more dishonourable to reject her services than to fail another hunt? Is that what you are all afraid of?" shouted Graine to the men.

Several men turned their attention to the group, standing up.

"You have no honour to lose, boy." grunted a hunter, "I remember your upbringing- just a slave boy turned farmer clinging to the weakest of royalty to hide your past. You aren't Asla'ati. You are not bound to honour! We do not hunt with the honourless. Your kind are a distrustful, band of thieves."

The angered hunter sat back down, grunting and muttering to the hunters beside him.

Graine hung his head down low.

Two demon hunters walked over from their bench near the hunter's fire and bowed to Corrin.

"I am Barkon, and this is Che," spoke the hunter, introducing his friend, "We will travel alongside you, if it is what our Princess asks of us."


Barkon was lean, dark and tall, with shaggy dark hair lined in grey, and a stern pale face. In his hands was a helmet made of hide, leather and the skull of an antlered demon. His armour was crafted of the same materials, topped with a faded cloak that brushed the dirt below his feet.

Che was a short man, just slightly taller than Corrin. A similar bone helmet covered his face, masking his appearance. A long red scarf hung from loose around his neck, while a short skirt of red cloth hung tied to his belt at this waist.

True to all demon hunters, both men carried an Aurana over their shoulders, with a shorter sword sheathed at their waists called an Ajora.

"Thank you all," bowed Corrin, "We will leave for the Sunless Lands in the morning."

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