《When Life Stands Still (bxb)》Chapter 26: Emma
The small round face was looking at Ash curiously. Emma was a cute little girl with soft brown hair tied into pigtails. She exuded a mature air compared to her small age of 6/7. When compared to Captain Ian, she didn't look like him at all except for the slightly tanned skin colour which they shared. Although she looked calm, Ash noticed the slightly redness in the hazel eyes that were watching him intensely. 'She must be taking after her mother' Ash concluded as he stepped forward to introduce himself.
"Hello, My name is Ash, you are Emma right?" He asked extending his hand like a formal greeting. He hadn't dealt much with people before needless to mention little kids. After observing him for another minute and deciding that he was harmless, the girl stepped forward, the previous shyness completely gone and shook his hand by clasping it with both of her tiny ones. "Yes. Emma!" She responded seriously. for some reason her serious attitude brought a smile to Ash's face.
"I will be your big brother from now on. So if you have any troubles you have to tell me." Ash said as he also covered her tiny hand with with other one. Hearing him say that, Emma gave him a sad smile and nodded her head. seeing that the two of them had introduced each other and that the girl was not against Ash, the elderly woman heaved a sigh of relief and let Ash talk with her in private in order to get to know each other better.
Ash led her outside so that they could chat in some quiet. As soon as the door closed behind them Ash heard a tiny voice say, "They say my dad has gone on a long trip and wouldn't be back any time soon." the statement made Ash stagger. "Dad would never go without telling me." she paused to emphasis that point before asking "So, brother Ash. Where is he?" As he looked down at the girl, she was watching him with gleaming eyes. Although she had asked him it as a question, it was obvious that she already knew the answer. even though she was still a small child she was very perceptive to what was happening around her. She was very smart for her age and she had long figured out that something had indeed happened to her dad that all the adults were trying to keep from her.
She also knew that there were monsters outside the gate and that her dad often went out to hunt them. No matter how hard her father tried to hide the fact or pretend that everything is okay, it just reconfirmed her belief that her previous life would never be back. Being sick from a young age she was capable of observing and reading the people around her quite well. The fear and the panic on the faces of the adults were unmissable.
Ash felt like he was being tested. He didn't exactly know how he should answer her, whether to tell her the truth or lie like everyone else. Yet he felt like if he gave the wrong answer, the girl would refuse to come with him with all her might. Realising that the girl was very smart, after debating for a while he said, "Your dad... has passed away." he didn't know how to sugar coat the words to make it hurt less.
A long silence followed his words. Both of them looked at each other and Ash saw the already reddened hazel eyes tear up. She had already guessed it but hearing it aloud made her feel like her entire world was crumpling. Not growing up with a mother, her Dad was her everything. Knowing that he was dead, she didn't know what to do now. She was smart enough to know that a lot of people here thought that she was a burden. It was only due to her father that they were respectful and didn't throw her away. Now that her support pillar was gone what would happen to her? Seeing that she was about to cry, Ash became flustered. He panicked and started fidgeting not knowing what to do. 'should I comfort her? but how do I do that. what do I say? Should i just distract her? or say something funny. Oh no nothing is coming to mind. what do I do. Ahhhhh. Someone helllpp!!!' Along with the panic came guilt. If he was strong enough or if he had a better understanding of how his power worked, then maybe he could have saved this girls father. And she wouldn't be going through this grief.
Seeing the panic and pain written all over his face, Emma couldn't help but slightly smile. She shook her head firmly to get her emotions back in check and patted Ash on his arm. "Don't worry. I am alright." She said trying to take on an indifferent tone. At that moment Ash wondered who the adult was and who the child, who the one who lost someone and who didn't. He felt ashamed that a tiny child was trying to make him feel better while she was the one suffering. Moreover seeing her tough act reminded Ash of himself during his lab days when he bit in his tears and endured without anyone to call family by his side. She then rubbed her eyes as if to hide her embarrassing moment and continued, "I am sick, So most probably I will follow him soon too."
Hearing that he could not hold back anymore and he hugged her as tears welled up in his eyes. The girl was shocked. This was the first time she had seen an adult cry in front of her. Seeing his emotions break out, Emma felt like she was finally given the 'okey' to grief and be sad over her loss. Until then she was sad that someone would find her a nuisance if she wailed and threw a tantrum. What if they threw her away? Two people cried in each other's comfort sharing pain and sorrow.
"He left you in my care. That was his last wish. And I am going to fulfil that and look after you." Ash said between his sobs.
After they both calmed down, Ash bid the elderly lady goodby. She looked quite relieved that he was taking her with him. Ash raised Emma into his arms and grabbed her few belongings in the other, before carrying her to her new home.
On the way Emma asked him about the details surrounding her dad's death and Ash responded as honestly as he could. When she found out that he had died trying to get her medications, her eyes reddened again and it looked like she might cry ones more. But she just nodded and accepted it as it was burying the pain in her heart.
"That is why you have to live no matter what!" Ash proclaimed trying to bring back the will to live in the girl. "I will make sure that you do" Ash promised. Once they had settled down he was planing to give her a check with his power to see if he could cure her. If he could then Emma would never have to suffer from this disease again. Her chances of survival will go up just by that. As long as he was alive, Ash was willing to spend his energy and power to keep this girl safe. It was the first time that Ash had someone to look after. Not knowing his family his whole life, a sudden urge to protect what he got now, overcame him. He clenched his hands and swore that he would look after this girl as if she is his own family.
"You, are you sick as well?" Emma's soft voice rang close to his ear as he was filled with all those overwhelming emotions. She sat up in his arms and looked him in the eyes as he carried her. Having been sick all her life she could easily tell if someone else was also not in their top form.
"What do you mean. I am completely healthy." He laughed. With his powers there was no way that he was unhealthy. Even if he was he would recover quickly. Seeing her look at him in disbelief, Ash shook his head and decided she must be feeling that he wasn't at his top form since he hadn't completely recovered from his energy drain from the last time he used his power.
Seeing that he was lying, Emma smartly decided not to ask further and just laid her head back down. Ash silently carried her in his arms and started walking towards his tent. The girl also quiet as she watched the scenery of the camp with her head placed on Ash's shoulder and her arms hugged him around his neck. At that moment They looked like a real brother and sister creating a harmonious image.
They soon got close to Ash's tent which was a bit far away from the rest if his comrades from the Tesco. He had intentionally moved further off since he didn't really feel like he belonged there. Also he was desperately trying to avoid certain people. With the distance between them, they wouldn't have to run into each other so often and that would give him peace of mind. But to his surprise he saw several people already standing in front of the tent as if waiting for him. At the very side he could see James squatting down next to the opening as he munched on a blade of grass. Next to him was Anne with an arm supported on his shoulder as she tossed a ball to James as if she was bored of waiting. As Ash looked further, he then spotted Biyu Chen and Mrs Nolan sitting on a stump as they chatted excitedly about something or other. Then his eyed darted to the tall figure who was laughing with Angelica and her brother. It looks like while he was comatose, the boy recovered from his illness with the meds that they brought. As Ash stood rooted in spot not knowing wether to proceed or retreat, blue eyes spotted him easily and the owner rushed over to help him carry the stuff.
Soon he stood surrounded by a group of fussy people. They were patting him and checking that he was alright. Everyone started complaining about his disappearance and made him uncomfortable with guilt. He had never had so many people show interest in his wellbeing before so he hadn't thought much when he left the clinic without notice.
"Where did you wander off to? Why did you pass out for so long. Its a bit unnatural" Mrs Nolan said with tears in her eyes as she pulled Ash into a tight hug pushing everyone else away. Worry was clearly visible in her eyes. Angelica had been quick witted to take Emma from him before he got squished in her embrace. After flattened Ash for a while in her embrace, Mrs Nolan then noticed Emma and her eyes brightened at once. "Is this the captain's daughter? She is so cute. I feel like I finally got a granddaughter." She completely forgot about Ash as all her focus fell onto the new member of the 'family.'
"Maybe its due to shock of what happened at the hospital. I checked through all his Data and they were normal" Biyu Chen muttered as she pranced around Ash after Mrs Nolan stepped away, to check if he was okey. "....Well the data from the limited equipments that we have here." She then fell into contemplation and then finally said, "Ash come for a check up once in a while. If you feel the slightest discomfort you have to tell me." He had been a constant patient at Biyu Chen's place since they met. So it was no wonder that they had become close.
Ash just nodded in agreement. Before he could catch a breath two faces popped up in front of him grinning widely. "Man, I thought you were dead. They were going to shoot you saying you are infected after seeing the wound on your arm. But my brother here threw a tantrum for the first time in his life refusing to let anyone near you. Seeing that you are still human after the quarantine period, it means he was right." James patted him heavily on the back as he recounted. Anne was just oddly smiling brightly as she nodded her her in agreement. "Its good that you are okey or Jule might have turned the place upside down. So scary." She said pulling him into another bone crushing hug as she said.
He turned to look at Jule when he heard this. He was smiling awkwardly by his side while glaring daggers at his brother and Anne. Ash felt an unknown feeling swell up in his heart. He had never had anyone defend him before. Happiness and joy filled him. 'Thank you' he mouthed at Jule.
"So what's your secret." James asked
"How are you not infected after being bitten" Anne popped in with confusion in her eyes.
"Rhys is fine as well. It's so strange" James followed up after her statement.
"Maybe people are starting to get immune to the darn thing" Anne said hopefully.
'When did these two get so close?' Ash wondered watching James and Anne suspiciously. They were weirdly in sync with each other. He decided to ignoring the both of them as he didn't know how to answer their questions. Jule came to his rescue and dragged towards a table where they had prepared a feast for him. Well by feast it was mostly bread and canned soup but still it was a lot. The group pushed him onto a seat and piled a plate to the brim before passing it over. Ash looked around and saw that Emma was smiling happily while she ate sitting on Mrs. Nolan's lap. 'It seems like they became fond of each other easily. That's good. She will need someone to look after her if he was forced to go on missions again. He nodded in satisfaction before turning to his soup with a spoon in his hand. Unknown to him his eyes filled up. He could hear the loud chatter and laughter of the people around him. People who showed him kindness and even made sure he was safe while he was comatose. Their kindness really touched him deeply. 'This must be what it feels like to have a family.' Ash thought as he desperately tried to hold back his tears of happiness.
"Why do I feel like you are worse than a child when it comes to holding back your tears." Jule whispered by his side as he must have noticed Ash's chocked up expression. Hearing his words Ash coughed out a laugh and agreed readily.
"It seems like it. Thank you for guarding me while I was out." Ash whispered back to him. Jule just gave his usual kind smile and stuffed a bread into his mouth.
"Eat. You are too weak. You cannot pass out like that next time." He said as he watched Ash struggle to swallow the large piece he stuffed in his mouth. "Also don't run off somewhere without telling us. We were worried when we wouldn't find you. More people have been going missing lately. So everyones worry is understandable."
"They haven't found the reason?" Ash asked curiously as this was a task that he had given to Kyle to look into in order to help Zuri find her brother.
"No. I don't really know the details so its best if you meet up with Kyle later." Jule responded with a grim expression. "Your friend should be with him as well."
Ash fell into a short daze as he digested the news then he looked up and asked, "H-How is Rhys?" He almost stuttered as he said the name.
"Ah. I just remembered something important I had to tell you." Jule suddenly said widening his eyes as he remembered something when Ash brought up Rhys. "You have to always stick close to someone you know Ash." His voice fell into a small whisper as he continued. "Ever since we returned with all our wounds we have been treated like animals in the zoo." He looked around to make sure that no one was listening in on them and continued, "It was fine for me since I wasn't injured. But Rhys.... he was kept under lock and key until few days ago. I heard they have been questioning him ceaselessly. If it had been anyone else but Rhys, those crazy scientists would have already dissected him to figure out how he is still fine."
Hearing this Ash shuddered uncontrollably. He felt fear creep into his heart. His experience as a lab-rat once was enough to know that scientists were all loons. There was very little they wouldn't do to find what they wanted. "So Rhys is...?" Ash asked fearfully.
"No need to worry. He was let go after confirming that he showed no signs of turning. I think they took several blood and tissue samples from him to try to see if they can find the cure." Jule slowly said with a fake smile as he pretended to be eating and joking with Ash as he shared the information he knew. "I was also called in to submit my samples. I think they already took yours while you were in the clinic. So be extra careful and always stick around someone. Okey."
Ash nodded with fear visible in his eyes. He didn't want to go back to the days were he suffered alone in a lab. Even if the world was a mess right now it was better than being experimented on and locked up. This was also one of the reasons why Ash had tried to desperately keep his secret. But circumstances forced him to act. He was not hard hearted to let someone die right in front of his eyes when he could do something to help. It seems like the rest of them were not yet aware of Ash's powers or a crowd would have already formed to drag him away. But Ash knew that it was just a matter of time before it becomes common knowledge. He looked around at the people around him. Whether these eyes will look at him with the same unadulterated affection or if the fangs of human nature will be revealed was yet to be known. He had to be more careful in the future.
"Also why are you so far away from the rest. Move closer tomorrow so that I can keep an eye on you." Jule said his voice going back to his normal volume. Everyone heard his statement and agreed. Urging Ash to move closer as soon as dawn breaks. Although he was a bit against the idea he had to take his and now even Emma's safety into consideration as such he said he would think about it.
The rest of the dinner past by without much incident. Everyone laughed and enjoyed until finally they bid farewell to go to their own tents. Mrs. Nolan took the lively Emma with her saying that she will give her a bath and have her bring her beddings afterwards. Soon the hustle and bustle quietened down until only Ash was left sitting there deep in thought.
Unknown to him someone watched him from afar for several minutes before stepping forward. "Where were you today morning?" A deep voice asked with a hint of anger in it. Ash was startled by the voice and turned around to face its owner. Rhys stood a few feet away from him with his hands clenched into tight fists. Although Ash thought he had detected anger in his voice, Rhys's face was completely expressionless at that moment.
"Yes???" Ash asked confused as he was shocked by Rhys's presence and thus couldn't focus on what he asked. He saw Rhys narrow his eyes dangerously which made him gulp uneasily. Rhys took in the boy's form with an unknown expression in his eyes. His shirt was messed up as if he had just returned from an intense make out session. His fluffy looking hair was tied up into small untidy coconut trees. No one had bothered to point it out to Ash as they all thought it looked good on him. 'cute' Rhys's eyes lingered on them for a minute longer as he thought in his mind. Faded and smudged traces of paint was still visible on the delicate features of his face. His eyes wandered from the top of his head, down to Ash's mesmerising blue eyes under perfectly arched eyebrows and stoped at soft looking pink lips.
Rhys frowned slightly and shook his head then repeated what he asked. His voice was tinted with anger again as he remembered his intentions for coming here. He had rushed over to the clinic as soon as he was freed from the countless questions because he was worried. His experience with those crazy scientists were not pleasant. They have been constantly loitering around him asking questions and wanting samples. This was the case for the patient so Rhys was worried that they would do once they find out that Ash was the one who cured him. He might be lock away to be experiment on. Imagine him going there in his worried state only to find the boy missing. He had run around looking for him ever since only to find him by his tent having a feast with the rest of them.
"I went to pick up Emma." Ash replied in a small voice, for some reason he felt like he did something wrong under the glaring eyes of the other.
"Oh!" Rhys paused for a moment not knowing what to say to that. Both of them fell into an awkward silence for a moment and then Rhys continued. "We need to talk."
Having a guess what the conversation will be about, Ash was not very eager to talk with him. "Ah! I just remembered that I have something important to do. How about another time." As he tried to jump up and escape he felt a quick looming figure hovering over him, blocking his escape. Ash laughed nervously and slowly sat back down and said, "...or we can talk now."
"You are able to destroy the virus?" Rhys didn't waste any time and went right to the point.
"N-no. I can't destroy it. O-Only flush it out." Ash answered nervously. The man already knew he was capable of healing so there was no longer a point in hiding the fact.
"What is this power you have? How did you get it? You seem very familiar with using it." Rhys asked again. This time curiosity was visible on his face.
"I....I don't know how I got it. I have had it since I can remember. I-I just figured since I heal very fast if I reverse it, it should heal others." Rhys noticed that the last part was a lie but he decided not to pursue it for the time being. He still had a few things to ask the boy.
"Can you turn back a zombified person?" Rhys continued to interrogate him.
Ash shook his head at that. "I don't think so. I never tried so I am not certain but I have a feeling it is not possible." As paused as he saw Rhys look at him with suspicion. "I am even unable to flush out the virus if it has reached any of the vital organs like the heart or the brain. So curing a zombie would be impossible for me."
"So the virus must have reached Captain Ian's vitals, that's why you didn't cure him?" Rhys dropped a bomb which made Ash flinch. He opened and closed his mouth several times not knowing how to answer him. Rhys understood from his actions that that wasn't the case. So that must mean he either deliberately didn't heal the man or he was unable to, due to some unknown reasons. Before Ash could recover from the first wound Rhys dropped another one which made him tremble visibly, "So it must be out of your guilty conscience that you agreed to look after his sickly daughter."
"I..." Ash tried to argue against it but it was the truth. Although he has now come to like the little girl, if he hadn't known about her or if he was a normal person like the rest of them, then he wouldn't have taken the girl in. Right now it was a world which screamed every man for themselves. The strongest will survive while the weak will perish. Taking on Emma was similar to having a handicap right now. One, she was still very young. Two she was sick. Three, Ash wasn't strong enough to guarantee either of their survival. Adding these three problems, it was like Ash had given up on life and was preparing for self annihilation. Even though that wasn't his intent, Anyone who understood how the world worked now could only deduct that from his actions. Rhys was one of those people who understood this.
"Leave her. It will just hold you back in the future." Rhys said. It almost sounded like a command. "You can't even look after yourself so how are you going to take care of her. She even needs regular medication. Don't you remember what happened just trying to get some of it. Unless you have a strong and capable backing, you shouldn't take up other people's problems." Ash recalled all the dead bodies and the horrifying zombies that crowded the hospital. His body shuddered unconsciously. Although Rhys wasn't completely happy about Ash taking up a 'burden' he wasn't completely against it either. Rhys thought that he should offer his help, his protection. He was the best choice from the people Ash was familiar with. But he had too much pride to offer, as such he was hoping that Ash would ask for his help after hearing all this. As long as he asks, Rhys was willing to do this favour in return for Ash saving his life.
He saw Ash fall silent as he contemplated about something. And then as if making up his mind he finally opened his mouth. Only it wasn't what Rhys had hoped to hear. "Since I decided to look after Emma, I will fulfil this promise until I die. As for the medication, I will see if I can cure her myself. If not then you are right about needing a strong backing." Ash paused for a moment before continuing. "You don't have to worry. We won't be a burden on you or the others. I have already caused you guys enough trouble.....I know some people who might be willing to help us." Ash responded confidently.
'What!!!' Rhys was shocked at the response. It didn't go as he had expected at all. He had for a moment forgotten that their small group from Tesco was no longer alone. There were several hundred people in the refugee camp other than their small group. Ash could go to any of them asking for help as long as he could give them something in return. He had been narrow minded thinking that their team would always stick together. But then Ash didn't have the best experience from him while they were together. It was no wonder that he would think about breaking off from them. Rhys gritted his teeth together and almost shouted at the other, "who are you going to ask. Are you stupid. They will demand something illogical from you for their protection. You don't even have anything to give them. So stop talking nonsense."
Ash was silent at Rhys's outburst. For the first time since they met, Ash held Rhys's glare without fear or wavering. They glared at each other for several minutes before Rhys's eyes widened in disbelief. 'He's gotta be kidding. There is no way he would...' There were a lot of people who would look after Ash if he offered himself, his body, in return. Since the apocalypse started people were always full of fear, panic and frustration. With the dwindling population there weren't enough people to 'fuck' even if they wanted to release their frustration and seek some relief. If Ash offered himself in return, there would be no one who would turn him down. He was both beautiful and captivating. And if they new of his healing skills then there would be even people fighting with each other just to get him. He looked at Ash to see if he was joking but only saw determination in his eyes and became angry. "You mean you are going to offer..."
"Myself." Before he could ask Ash finished his sentence for him and confirmed his suspicion. Ash knew that taking in Emma was going to be a burden on the others so he was planing to break off with the team and become wholeheartedly a part of the refugee camp. When Rhys brought up that he didn't have the skills or the power to protect neither of them, Ash made up his mind to go to the camp's laboratory and offer his body for their experiments to help in their search for a cure. It was dangerous and scary, but he was willing to do it in order not to implicate anyone else. With him voluntarily offering himself he could demand that they protect both him and Emma. If the scientists here were similar to the ones he had experience with in the past then this step would be no different than willingly going into a cage. He just hoped they had enough humanity to fulfil their promise and protect Emma.
He had no idea that Rhys's thought process would go in a completely different direction. Even though it was a possibility to be someone's pet as well, it was something that hadn't crossed Ash's mind at all. So he just thought that Rhys understood his intentions.
"You..!!" Rhys huffed out a heavy breath. "You are insane." He was so angry that if he heard anymore of this bullshit then he would snap. Seeing that his mental state wasn't the best, Rhys decided to stop this conversation for today and try to persuade the boy tomorrow. Without saying anything else, he turned around and stormed off. 'Maybe some of the others can talk some sense into him' Rhys thought. Jule's face popped up in his head at that moment and he became even more annoyed. All along the way back to Kyle he was disturbed and kept muttering under his breath. "Why can't he just ask me to help. Which asshole is he going to be with? If he is determined to give up on his dignity why not ask someone he knows from the camp." Jule's face again popped up in his head and his anger worsened. 'Obviously anyone else than him...'he hummed in dissatisfaction. 'I am much better than that idiot...' Rhys suddenly came to a stop as he was shocked by his own thoughts. Several people saw him stand frozen outside Kyle's tent as if his soul has gone missing.
Meanwhile a freshly bathed and now spotless Emma returned in Mrs Nolan's hands. She looked happy. Her eyes were no longer red and she didn't look like as miserable. 'All of them must have been really kind to her.' Ash nodded as he watched her say good night to the returning Mrs. Nolan.
She then walked over to him with a blanket and watched him while he was lost in thought. "Brother Ash, is everything okey?" She asked waving a hand in front of his eyes.
Ash smiled faintly coming back from his thoughts and beckoned her closer. He needed to check if he could cure the girl. If he could then it could make life easier. "Can you give me your hand. I want to check something."
Without any hesitation, Emma stretched out her hand to let Ash hold it. Ash closed his eyes and concentrated as he let his power flow through her bloodstream to locate the place of issue. After several moments he frowned deeply. He was able to feel it but his power failed on him. Ash felt that recently every time he used his skill, it was less effective and it drained all his energy at an alarming rate. Seeing that he was dry before he could even prob at the disease infected area, Ash gave up and reopened his eyes. 'It must be because I am not at my best condition yet.' Ash concluded as he had only just recently woken up from his comma. 'Ah.. I am so useless.' Even though he tried to be positive, he felt miserable.
"Is everything okey?" Emma asked as she saw Ash have a pained look in his eyes. While he held her hand, she had felt something warm running through her body like a stream, at the same time she noticed Ash's face get pale like a ghost. She was scared that something would happen to him. She just recently lost her father, she didn't want to lose someone else. So, Emma was about to pull away her hand when she saw Ash reopen his eyes.
"Yes. Everything is fine." He nodded to reassure her seeing her worry and then handed her the pills that her father had given his life to obtain. "You have to take these regularly so that you don't get sick in the future." Emma nodded her head. She was already familiar with the pills as she had been taking them even before. Confirming that she hd no issues, Ash asked, "Have you met everyone? Were they nice?"
"Ah!.... Yes?" Emma said it like a question as if she wasn't really certain about the others. When she saw Ash raise an eyebrow questioningly at her she explained, "Mrs Nolan is nice, so is Angelica and her brother. The others look at me with pity and keep their distance so I don't know." She wasn't dumb enough not to realise that they were intentionally keeping away as they didn't want to form any affection or connection with her. If they had to leave one day, they would without turning back. She has already experienced several harsh words since all this started that she was familiar with the meaning behind their looks.
Ash understood their intentions as well. He sighed and reaffirmed his decision to join the scientists. There was no free meal in this world but he had been lucky enough to be looked after until now. Now he had to take matters into his own hands. Emma is his responsibility. He patted Emma on her head to reassure her. "Don't worry about it. Lets just go to sleep. Yes?" Emma nodded her head at that. For some reason she felt safe next to Ash even though they just met that day. At least his eyes were pure and didn't show any intentions of throwing her away. She smiled and closed her eyes as she lay next to her new brother.
Later when Jule came to check on him, he found two people, one big and one small, peacefully sleeping together. Ash had a hand hugging the girl protectively, but his face had a faint smile as he slept while Emma had her tiny hands tightly wrapped around Ash's arm as if he was her only anchor. Two people were sleeping in such harmony, completely cut off from the chaos outside. At that moment, Jule felt like the world was still at peace, that there is still hope for the future. Smiling fondly, he left the two to rest since no one knows what tomorrow holds.
Soon after he left, another shadow of a person fell over the two sleeping figures. The person stood there for several minutes fidgeting with one foot in and out of the entrance. In the end, he didn't enter, instead he kept watching from outside until deep into the night. By the time dawn came, as if awakening from a daze, he rushed off in a hurry.
- In Serial13 Chapters
Re: Naruto.
Cover image credits: Maou.X.YushaSteve, a college junior who seems to be doing quite well in life until one fateful day and he tumbled onto the Naruto Universe ending up being Naruto himself. Join him in his adventures and hardships as tries to become the Hokage.Note: Certain incidents would not happen as the manga or anime dictates and I do love the Naruto series very much and I just want you read my version. Mature tag for gore and violence and maybe sexual occurrences and no there is no harem and again a big no to NTR. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
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8 61 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Eternal Vigil
The year is 2220, a time when governments and nation-states are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, all prominent parts of human society are now organizing around the commands of three great Artificial Intelligences, owned and operated by the world's largest corporation. World peace has been achieved, and the very word 'politics' has disappeared from people's lips. Religion has largely disappeared, replaced in some parts by worshipping of the great AIs, but mostly substituted by a devotion to material goods and faith in the market. There is now a general consensus that the best form of government has been found. No, it is not democracy, nor is it autocracy or oligarchy. Instead, it is technocracy - rule by the learned, the intelligent, and the skilled. And who are more learned, intelligent, and skilled than the great AIs? Exactly, no one. The AIs will correct some market failures once in a while, but shall otherwise let the market be free. After all, the freer the market, the freer the people. Some may question how society advanced to this stage, but that is all they will do - question. Because they will not find answers, for history is no longer taught anywhere. After all, it is not a practical subject. One cannot get a decently paying job with a history degree. Society doesn't have any time for people to idly ponder about the past. No, this is a practical society of practical people: engineers, doctors, lawyers, developers, managers, bankers, soldiers, and the such. My name is Aiden Scivit and I used to be one such practical man: minding my own business, doing my job, with the faith that hard work will always be rewarded by the market...and that politics and philosophy were things thought of by idly people who leech off society. But this all changed, and here is my story, my history. Just because the stories of ages long past have been erased, does not mean that a brand new beginning cannot be created. The story is already finished but I still need to do some editing so a chapter should be released each day for a month. It is a bit political, as you can probably tell by the introduction, so there is that (it will low-key read like a philosophy dump 10% of the time, so really it's like Atlas Shrugged but liberal and worse lol). Also, I actually wrote this in grade 10 as part of my MYP Personal Project, and recently touched up on it for online publication. Finally, if you find the writing style passable and are interested in my other works, check out the one in the link below. It is a fantasy set in the Ancient Greek world, and is completed and uploaded in full: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35099/the-oresteia-modernized
8 196 - In Serial8 Chapters
Daddy's Girl?
Rated for 19+ not 18+?This story is one of my fantasies. Btw, hi I'm Cassie. I'm 19 fixing to be 20 in September. My boyfriend/baby daddy/future husband will be 21 in June. ? it sucks for him tho. I've been writing him stories like this. ?Anyways, I hope y'all like this.#ddlg #bdsm #bdsmcommunity #ddlglifestyle#daddysgirl #submissive #brat #collared #imhis #dominance #naughtygirl #goodgirl #fetish
8 128 - In Serial27 Chapters
Lucy and Wendy's pain
When Lisanna came back from the "dead" everyone has been treating Lucy and Wendy like their ghost. But something made them want to quit the guild. What will happen to the angels of Fairy Tail~DISCONTINUED~
8 144