《When Life Stands Still (bxb)》Chapter 21: Departed
A car pulled up in front of a scorched-out building. A man stepped out of the vehicle and looked at the scenery before him. nothing much remained of the building he once called home. The walls were crumpling and charred black. Glass was shattered all over the floor and the man carefully threaded over them as he made his way through the mess. The scent of burnt wood invaded his nose and he frowned in displeasure. Smoke and dust still hung in the air as if engulfing the skeletal frame in a gloomy blanket of burnt memories. The man swiped a gloved hand over the melted plastic that was once his furniture and on retrieval found the white cloth blackened with ash and soot. He sighed. Someone had clearly been here after the apocalypse started. The burnt corpses of zombies littered around the floor was evidence enough that the door had been opened. All the provisions he had saved up before hand were gone. He had expected to bring back a big haul back to the camp on his return but those were just wishful thinking now.
"No matter." He stepped over another piece of twisted metal and started searching "My main objective is something else after all."
"I heard there is a group of survivors living somewhere styling this area." One of the heavily armed men said as he saw the man look at the ruins with a forlorn expression. "Should we go and take a look?"
"Hmm i don't think they would be stupid enough to stick around for long. If they have half a brain, they would have already noticed the approaching horde from the distance." Another armed person responded to his suggestion.
"Yes, they should be making their way towards our camp on their own. After all it is broadcasted 24/7 for any survivors."
Hearing their conversation the man to whom the house belonged grinned childishly. "It wouldn't hurt to go take a look. Maybe I would find a good sample." He then turned back to the burned down place and said with a sigh, "First thing first. Lets finish what we came for."
Soon he stopped in front of a certain spot near the fireplace and pressed on a hidden lever inside. with what sounded like a painful groan, a hidden door opened up on the floor with a flight of stairs leading underground. The few people who were with him gawked at this display with open mouths. The man ignored them and entered the passage without hesitation. He walked down the familiar path until his feet touched lever ground. He then took the key around his neck and opened the door that was blocking entrance to his secret space. No one had ever been here before except him. He was a bit reluctant to share his secret paradise with others but when he thought about it, there was hardly a chance that he would return here again, so it didn't matter if others knew or not.
A private lab met their gaze as the door swung open. Inside were all kinds of machinery, test tubes and beakers. The lab was lit up by the backup generator bringing all the secrets to light. Ignoring the amazed looks his fellow men were shooting his workspace, the man walked through the familiar lab and opened a locker. Cold air drifted out from inside. He grabbed into the refrigerated cabinet and picked up several airtight glass containers with clear liquid in them. He smiled at the samples that had survived both the electricity failure and the arson and placed them at once into portable cold boxes. These are more valuable than food for a scientist. This could contain the answer to a cure for the apocalypse. This was the place he had conducted the research which his superior forbade him of doing. It is never right to stop a curious mind.
After his initial purpose was finished, he went ahead and stuffed several more test tubes and liquids into their bags before turning towards the team that was silently following his every move. "I am done. Although we couldn't get the food, this trip was still worthwhile." He swung the bag over his shoulder carefully. "We should head back; I have lot to research." He turned around and headed back up the flight of stairs they came. The man stood for a moment outside basking in the sun. He looked up at the sky and grinned. "My dear friend, when you said you were working on something that can change the world, I never knew this was what you had in mind." His eyes started sparking. "Not that I am complaining. My boring life is finally starting to become interesting."
Rhys was standing in front of the Tesco with his arms crossed across his chest. It had been a few days since Ash left with the others on the raid. he wondered if they were able to find anything or if they encountered any problem. He suddenly frowned at his thoughts. He had already decided not to associate with that boy anymore and with today he would never have to see Ash again. The boy was trouble and suspicious. Rhys was not willing to risk his trust on someone like that. 'So then why am I feeling like this' he slapped his hand across his face and sighed.
While he was lost in thought Kyle came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure about this?"
"Yes. It is time to leave."
Kyle looked at the group that was standing behind them. There were 13 people there. The number had greatly reduced from what they had in the beginning. The 14-day trial was for the residents to realise that sticking with them was the best course of action, but Peter was very crafty. He was able to sway their minds without much effort. Kyle let them go as he didn't want anyone fickle in their team anyway. In the end this was the team that was leaving the Tesco in search of a new place. "do you not want to wait for the people who left for the raid to return?" He couldn't count the number of times the others had come over towards him asking similar questions. They all wanted to know why they weren't waiting for Ash to return. Complaints, objections and persuasions always followed after they heard his decision. How many people has he already seduced to have such a supportive following? Rhys was a bit unhappy.
Rhys fell into a long silence. A certain face kept slithering in front of his mind constantly. He knew that Kyle was asking him this because of just Ash. The rest of the people were very loyal to Peter. Rhys shook his head harshly. The boy was going to bring forth the death of his comrades. He didn't want to risk it. The storage incident did happen and from what he observed, the boy did in fact have fast healing abilities. The fact that Rhys didn't know the order of incidents and the affected person, made him worried about the future. And he didn't want to put in the effort to bring someone who despised him. The conversations overheard on that day still rang in his ears. Rhys had gone over to the storage seeing the people gather there as it had seemed similar to the vision he had. Ash himself agreed that he didn't like him. Not that he could blame him. He had after all beaten the boy to a pulp even if it had its reason.
"Alright I think we should inform them and be on our way. We don't have daylight to waste." Before anyone could take action, a crowd formed in front of them. They all looked like they all came over to confirm their suspicion. 'Well this saves time.'
Kyle took the initiative to step up and address the group. "As some of you might have already guessed, we are leaving Tesco. Leaving for good." A loud shocked murmur broke out. Several people voiced their protest.
"Where will you be going?" Someone asked from the crowd.
Before Kyle could answer someone else spoke up. "Most probably to the refugee camp we all heard about. Its is said to be someone in the north." The military had been constantly sending out messages through the radio in order to locate and inform civilians about camps that have been set up throughout certain areas.
"Indeed. We plan on checking the place out" Kyle nodded at the person. The information that Ash gave seemed more like a wild guess than a fact. So even if they wanted to find the place, they would have to first find a secure place to scout out and see the situation. The propagated refugee camp was a good place for that and if the situation was favourable in the camp then there was no need to search for the academy. So, plan A was refugee camp and plan B was the military academy.
The crowd started talking between each other again. Rhys spotted Peter in the crowd with a ghastly expression on his face. Peter's plan had not worked, and the group was indeed leaving even without Ash being present here. He gritted his teeth and glared at them. He needed them or more specifically he needed their weapons.
Rhys smirked at him and then addressed the crowd. "We will be departing immediately if anyone wishes to join us feel free to do so. But be warned you are responsible for your own safety. There are zombies crawling around everywhere outside. You will have to fight them. No exceptions."
Several different thoughts flashed through their mind as they heard this. They did want but to go to the refugee camps as it was government protected and thus safe. Maybe they wouldn't have to struggle with food shortage anymore. But then the trip there might cost them their lives. Even when Rhys went out on raids not all members always return bed safe and sound. Some were injured while others were lost. This trip would be a much longer but less strategised journey. Those who he never ventured outside would find the experience too hard to bear. There was a high chance that they would die before they reach the destination. So, the question was whether to risk it all or to remain here and continue living. After all it wasn't too bad here. After the raid team returned, they would have enough food again. Life was comfortable at the Tesco.
In the end only 3 others decided to join them. Everyone else remained. Without wasting any more time persuading the rest, the team decided to set off. Although they didn't get along, they all had been living under the same roof for a while now, so Kyle decided to leave behind half their stock of guns and ammo. This brightened up Peter's mood considerably and he didn't interfere with their departure anymore. As soon as they hit the road, they were very careful to avoid any heavily zombie infested areas. When ever the situation got bad, they changed direction and detoured.
After spending a whole day on the road Kyle realised something. "Aren't we drifting a bit too much off course?" He was seated next to Rhys who had taken up driver duty and three other vehicles were following behind them.
"Are we?" Rhys looked around and then groaned. He stopped the car and banged his head on the steering wheel. 'I must be losing my mind.' Just when Kyle was about to ask him what was wrong, he heard the sound of vehicles in the distance. curious he looked out and saw two large vans approach. It looked so beat up that it was almost unrecognisable. But when he looked closer, he realised that those where the vans that they used at the Tesco.
The other group had also spotted them and came to a stop in front. The door opened and out piled a group of familiar faces. Among the group a pair of blue exhausted eyes scanned them with surprise. Astonished, Kyle shot Rhys a look, but he had still his head on the wheel. 'that was one heck of a detour. But I guess he was going in the right direction after all.' A small smile spread across his lips as he watched his brother lift up his head and glance at the group with a shocked expression on his face. 'Seems like he did it subconsciously but then again he did know where the raid team was going to since he was the one who gave them the map. Was he feeling guilty about not asking them to join us before we left?'
Rhys pinpointed Ash's face from the crowd without much trouble. 'What the hell am I doing. We should be on the way to the refugee camp and here we are wasting time.' He quickly looked the boy up and down. 'Seems like he is not injured. But he looks pale and tired.' He was holding onto the van with a strong grip and his eyes looked a bit hazy. He blinked several times as if to clear his mind. Their eyes locked for a moment and Ash staggered on his feet. As if agreeing to Rhys's thoughts. Ash turned around and went back into the van with heavy shuffling feet to wait out the end of the reunion. He had already heard that they were leaving the Tesco behind form the conversation so far and he understood that they had decided to leave there before the raid team returned because they didn't want him in the group. So, there was no purpose in sticking around to see them off and he was finding it harder and harder to keep his eyes open. It looked like he was forcing himself to stay awake.
Rhys stepped out of the car as well and walked over to were Kyle was talking with the others. It seems like they lost quite a few people on the mission and several others were injured. It was only due to Ash's suggestion that they managed to escape total annihilation. Rhys secretly glanced over in his direction and saw him leaned against the seat with his head thrown back. He had a heavy frown on his face as if he was in pain. Without knowing why, Rhys found his steps leading towards that defenceless figure. Ash looked at him as he felt him stop before him.
"What are you doing here alone?" Rhys asked watching the blue orbs flicker with different emotions. But they had a far away look as if he wasn't registering anything that was being said. Instead of answering Ash closed his eyes and turned away. He was in a terrible mood. A lot more people had died this time than before. He had tried to save them all, but he couldn't. He was completely drained. Even last time's raid didn't take such a big toll on him. His mind was feeling foggy and his muscles ached as if he had done heavy exercise the previous day.
As Rhys was about to ask again, he noticed a figure sitting in the front seat who hadn't even bothered to get out of the vehicle even when he saw familiar faces. "He had been feeling unwell since yesterday. Let him rest. When he gets in that state he doesn't register anything that happens around him." Tom's voice drifted over and answered in his stead. Hearing this Rhys frowned decided to check his temperature. He was a bit worried as Ash tended to fall ill easily.
Ash felt cold hands on his forehead and sighed. It felt really good over his burning skin. He leaned into the touch unconsciously. Seeing Ash respond to him Rhys froze and stood motionless. The hand that was about to withdraw stayed in place. They remained like that for a bit. Tom saw this and shook his head in annoyance before asking him. "So you are leaving."
"And the rest?" Tom asked again falling into thought.
"They decided to stay behind." Hearing this Tom nodded in understanding. He eyed the hand still on Ash's forehead and mocked, "I guess that means we will never see you again." Rhys remained silent. The possibility of meeting again was very slim indeed. "Why pay so much attention to someone you are leaving behind?" Rhys didn't know what he was doing either. He quickly removed the hand and clenched them into fists at his sides.
"Well even if you wanted to bring Ash along, I think he will stay behind since he was feeling very guilty about the lost rations." Tom went on talking not minding the unresponsive audience at all. "Even if that wasn't the case, I doubt he wants to be in the same group as his assaulter. So you don't need to feel bad about leaving us behind." By now Rhys had already realised that Tom was trying to emotionally blackmail him. Although he knew that, he still felt like he was hit with every word that was being said.
"Oh but I wonder how Peter is going to react. He had after all kept Ash around in order to control you people since you guys are all chummy chummy. Maybe he will be worked to his bone or maybe send out on raids until one day he dies just like the others in this team or maybe he will be thrown out of the Tesco to save rations." With every scenario that was said, Rhys's face turned darker and darker. It looked like if Peter was there at this very moment he would he torn to shreds just from the anger in Rhys's eyes. Tom was enjoying himself. He was a smart person and he knew that he needed to rile Rhys while holding Ash as a shield if he wanted to catch a ride with these people. From his deep understanding of people, Tom had already summarised that Rhys had a soft spot, that even the man himself hasn't realised yet, towards Ash. But he also knew that for some unknown reason he was determined to keep his distance from the boy. So Rhys was indeed planing to leave without Ash and thus to be unbiased he wouldn't ask any of the rest of them to join them either.
Tom had already known that there was no future in the Tesco. But he didn't have the best relationship with Kyle's group. The first impression they had of him was already bad unlike Ash who was easily forgiven for a similar crime. So all he could hope was to hold on to Ash and make Rhys want to bring them along. As he had hoped all the provocations worked.
Rhys was burning with rage at the thought of Ash being thrown out or dying during a raid. He looked at the softly breathing figure and grimaced. Sometime between their talk, Ash had given in to the exhaustion and fallen asleep. Rhys heard footsteps approach from behind. Luke and James had walked over seeing that he was not returning to drive off.
"Rhys we should g-" the words got stuck in their mouths as the sight that met them shocked them to the spot. Rhys had lifted up the unconscious figure and was carrying him unashamed.
Rhys had acted on impulse. Before he could hold back, he had already swooped up the boy into his arms. He noticed that Ash was quite light for his physique. And warm. The warmth swept into his skin in waves and ridiculously enough it felt very comfortable and enjoyable. A thought of never putting him down crossed his mind and subconsciously his arms tightened around the figure at the thought. He ignored the gawking friends and completely shot down Luke's attempt to relieve him off the boy.
"Anyone who wished to join us can come along with us now." He announced before heading towards their vehicles with Ash still in his arms. Without waiting for further instruction Tom also hopped out of the van and rushed over to the other side to secure his spot. There was no way he would miss this chance after working so hard to rile up Rhys.
The other members of the raid were hesitant. They had to return with supplies to the camp. Their friends and family were still there. Seeing that none of the others were budging, Rhys handed Ash over to Noah before turning around to address them. "Let Peter know that I took these two. Also the supplies he had hidden away that day should last you all for awhile along with the food you brought today." The words and meaning rang clear in their heads. Rhys had confirmed that Peter was the thief who stole from the storage area. Moreover he had let someone else take the blame.
Seeing that Rhys had decided to expose the truth, Kyle added his own piece of advice, "The Tesco wont hold out much longer. Be smart and gather your people. Find a better place to survive. Know the people you are placing your trust in."
"Luke hand them that over." Rhys instructed as he slid back into the drivers seat. As per his instruction Luke gave them a map that market out the location of both the said refugee camp and the military academy. "We will be heading to the refugee camp. If it doesn't work out for some reason then this is our next destination." Luke pointed at the two markings respectively. He then patted the man heavily on the shoulder before getting into the car. "If fate lets us, let us meet again." The words got imprinted deeply in their minds even long after the group left.
They were on the road for several hours before Ash flickered back to consciousness. He looked around him disoriented and confused. A smiling face popped up in front of him startling him immensely. "Jule, why are you here."
"Well we are on a trip of survival together. Where else would I be." He answered jokingly.
"Emm... with Kyle, Luke and the rest?" It was more of a question than a statement.
"Of course. They are all right here." Jule filled him in on what happened as Ash realised that he had been abducted. He also felt very angry when he was told that Peter was the one who messed with the food. It lifted the guilt off his shoulder about his abandonment.
For the next several days of the trip, Ash was very quiet. He only stuck closer to Jule and refrained from interacting more than necessary with the others. He was just feeling very overwhelmed and Jule was the only one who had a calming effect on him. Not to forget to mention that the toll of using his power this time around was heavier on his body than usual. His body was painful for several hours a day and he could feel every bump and jump off the vehicle as it made its way towards their destination.
During their travel Ash became quite close with Jule. He realised that Jule was a very loyal person and he adored his brothers. He was the kind who would lay down his life to safe his loved ones. As they started swapping life stories Jule mentioned his girlfriend, Jess, who was as far as he knew at the central military base set up by the government. His personality was the type were he stuck with one partner for his whole life. That is how seriously he took relationships. Ash listened to all this quietly. The other didn't mind that his conversation companion was spending more time listening than talking. He was happy enough to talk for both of them.
Ash was worried about his future position in the group. He still hadn't reconciled or gotten the forgiveness from Rhys for his mistake and now he was dragged back into their gang against his knowledge. He was certain that Rhys was still angry with him but his actions contradicted this which made him confused. Since all this thinking was giving him a headache, Ash decided to put the matter aside for now and act according to the situation.
Throughout the road trip they stopped at several placed, rested, restocked and trained. There were a few instances were they got into difficult situations with the wandering zombies. But the team was already well versed in handling them through the constant raid trips they took before so they were able to survive without any casualties so far.
After a while, signs of human life started appearing throughout the way which indicated that they were arriving at their destinations. After a few more hours a black outline of a structure became visible from the horizon. Everyone started watching the building with curious eyes. As they drew closer. The spot that was as small as an ant from a distance, showed its original appearance. Tall walls greeted their sight. Most of the sides were very recently finished. It stood out from the older parts of the wall. It looked like the wall enclosed the entire area turning it into a cage for humans. A large gate stood at the very centre with its doors tightly closed. Ash was not sure if it was the only way of entrances and exit or if there were other gates as well. He hoped there were since one entrance can be very messy if something happens from inside. Everyone would be sitting ducks in that case. Ash didn't know where that thought came from but nope it was constantly at the top of his mind.
Several people were posted on top of the walls to ensure safety and warn any approaching danger. Two men in military uniforms stood next to the gate with guns at the ready.
"Welcome to the refugee camp. Our new home." Kyle laughed and bellowed as if it was his duty to invite everyone in into 'his' home.
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Enlightened Empire
A prince sent into exile, without the means to fight back. A young man trapped in an unfair world, without the status to bring about change. Combined, they will have both means and status. Armed with advanced knowledge from a strange world, will Prince Corco be able to cut through the injustice, regain his birthright and turn the country of his ancestors into a paradise of true peace, equality and prosperity? "Okay, first step: Let's make some Brandy." ...that's a maybe then. Author's note: I love the idea of kingdom-building novels and think the genre has a lot to offer, but I don't think many authors do them very well. Here is my attempt. The novel has a strong focus on politics and kingdom building, with occasional action and a bit of humor. Have fun. Cover was made by MrZombie Updates three times a week. My discord server, come hang out: https://discord.gg/2N7qzcy
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I Need Time
An action, adventure, mystery and strategy story about a strong male lead. Author note: First time author, good amount of buffer chapters (over 50k words) so I will not drop this book anytime soon. This book will mostly be from the perspective of the MC. On average +5k words will be published per week. I have not chosen some of the genres and tags as I do not wish to give away parts of the story. I added the content warning tags as there will come a time for profanities, gore and maybe "traumatising" content. Though, in my opinion the content will be mild if not light. *****SPOILER*****SPOILER***** Synopsis: A college ICT student transmigrates to another world filled with magic and learns magic from a dragon. MC uses modern knowledge to develop magitech technology. MC starts his adventure using the technology he develops! Saving princesses, fighting hidden criminal organizations, learning how horribly medieval peasants live, reasoning with uneducated narrow minded people, investigating the nature of magic and searching for gods... Story review: A fantasy/sci-fi story filled with some common cliches yet presents somewhat original ideas and a few unexpected twists & turns here and there. This novel also explores a few of the commonly ignored topics concerning medieval fantasy like hygiene, culture, education(ignorance, narrow mindedness) and the fact that everybody is short because magical crops cost too much. Modern knowledge in such a setting can often times revolutionize the world if the protagonist is not an idiot or weak willed or thinks something stupid like he should not intervene in a society that systematically practices unequality of opportunity, slavery and other nasty things, of course sometimes the protagonist can be just unlucky by being enslaved, etc. In our case we are granted a protagonist who had an initial stroke of luck, learning magic from a dragon instead of struggling for years without it or randomly dieing. After that his luck goes down the drain. It is arguable whether the princess is a good stroke of luck or not, I digress. Anyway the challenges the protagonist must face will grow and no more luck or helping hands. After gaining enough power and security the protagonist will change the world for the better or at least give it a stronge push onto the right track. He will make a lot of lives better but things are never so simple and there is much more to this world than meets the eye... Missing genres & tags: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Magic. *****SPOILER*****SPOILER*****
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