《When Life Stands Still (bxb)》Chapter 18: Choosing Sides
Ash was called out. The messenger didn't fail to imply that the one who requested for him was the new leader. Hearing the news Jule jumped up as well. He had been keeping him company for the past days. Ash didn't really know why he was sticking so close to him, maybe he just had a need to take care of anyone pitiful. Anyway, Ash wasn't complaining. He enjoyed Jule's company. He felt completely safe in his presence. He was determined to keep this friendship afloat no matter what. Even if it meant speaking more to Josh. He sniffed his nose in annoyance. 'well first step first, try to get through the predicament that he was facing at the moment.'
Soon he was standing in front of a middle-aged man with greying hair. The man had a sharp look in his eyes which Ash didn't really like. But other than the look he got, the man was all smiles and teeth. A group of people were gathered around him like a flock of birds gathering around to eat crumbs, but as soon as Ash arrived, he shooed everyone away. Ash could already really sense the difference in the atmosphere. Before his duel, people were huddled together in smaller groups. Divided but still under the big umbrella that was called Kyle. You couldn't really tell who was from which group since everyone was interacting with each other. They only showed their fangs when someone came into their personal territory. But at this moment, Ash could clearly see the clear line drawn between the two groups that were remaining. One group was freely moving around, going about doing this and that, while the other group was relaxing in a corner as if this entire business had nothing to do with them.
When Ash looked over at the carefree bunch with an amused look on his face, he immediately spotted a pair of eyes shooting daggers at him. He felt uncomfortable under the intense look and turned away to reduce the brunt of the attack. Even with his back turned, he could still feel the stare drilling into him.
"Ash, I am Peter Barns." He introduced snapping his attention back to the man. "As of a few days ago I have the right over what to do with you."
Ash gulped nervously. He just had the bad luck of being the only criminal while the management changed. "I see. So, what are you going to do with me? Throw me out?"
Peter looked at him for a long moment and then chuckled. "I haven't really decided yet. But I do need to do something with you. We can't just keep feeding you for nothing." He glanced around the hall and then turned back after seeing all the curious onlookers from afar. "Since you already took a beating, there is only two things to be done. Either kick you out or pardon you." It didn't really make any sense as throwing him out would be like giving him double punishment. But then again, he couldn't argue since the one in power had all the say. Ash gave him a nervous glance " Of course it all depends on how smart you are." He said it low enough so that only Ash would hear it. Jule looked at their exchange in suspicion.
Without giving Ash a definite answer, he puffed up his chest and then called everyone over. Soon a crowd gathered around were they were standing. Ash noticed that Kyle's team had also gathered to watch what was going on.
"I think everyone should know Ash. He was recently punished for a 'crime' that he did." The listening crowd was silent as they didn't know where this was going. "But why exactly was he given a beating?" Peter paused for dramatic effects. After a short silence he dropped the bomb "for no particular reason at all."
A confused murmur broke out within the group. But he gave no heed to it and continued. "I tell you that the judgement passed on him was completely unjust and biased. Now, now let me explain my reason. Most of you saw that he did indeed push Rhys and thus condemned him. But no one mentions the merits he has done. From what I heard, he saved both James and his group on the day they first met, and he helped out during the raid." Not everyone was agreeing to what Peter's words and Ash was also eyeing him doubtfully as if trying to figure out what he was up to. Ash saw Jule narrow his eyes trying to make head and tail of what Peter was planning with his words.
"Of course, it doesn't make his mistake any less bad, but wasn't the punishment too harsh for something were no casualty occurred? Just take some time and think. If he had done it to someone else than Rhys would they have reacted to the same extent? It is very doubtful" Ash really didn't know where the man got the guts from as he pointed straight at Rhys and accused them of improper punishment. But since he was speaking up for him, it didn't feel right to butt in.
"Even if no one speaks about it, I know you all thinking the same thing I am. The previous rules were bullshit and They twist justice in their favour." He was addressing especially those who were still standing firmly on Kyle's side. " I don't want us to be divided. Lets forget the past and come together once more. Turn over a new leaf and stop fighting amidst ourselves. I promise safety and security."
"With that I would like to state that I am no monster who rules over you and dictates how you should live. I am just another cohabitant that you can freely talk to, like a brother, a son or a father. As such I announce that Ash is completely pardoned of his mistake. And just like him all of you under me, would not be condemned as long as you repent and will be given a second chance for any mistakes you might make." Some people cheered while others grumbled. Some were scoffing while others were actually considering his words. Ash's eyes were wide as eggs. As he realised the implications behind the pardon that was given to him. Peter was indirectly telling him to support him. 'So, this is what he meant by being smart. Peter was indeed a good politician. He knew how to grasp at weaknesses and turn the favour. Although he was beaten to a pulp, everyone knew that Ash's friends and colleagues were all people on Kyle's side. He had befriended quite a few of them during the raid. So if he now chose Peter it would have the desired effect that Peter was aiming for. He was sly in first telling him the two possible outcomes that he could have, then acting generous and making him indebted to him. It was all a play on the mind, and it was quite effective. Ash didn't know what to do. Jule placed a hand on his shoulder reassuring him that he was by his side.
"We will manage this camp together. This is still a democracy. If you have any suggestions on how we should move forward, don't hesitate to come find me. I will always have time for you." Several happy chatters filled the air. Peter shot Kyle a smug look and then turned around to leave. Before he left, he placed a hand on Ash's shoulder and said loud enough for most of them close by to hear "you don't have to be scared anymore. Come with me and have a drink. I will make sure nothing happens to you." Then he turned his head towards the crowd and shouted. "Tonight, we celebrate." And walked away with a background full of hearty and joyous cheer.
With those words Ash was now certain without the slightest doubt that Peter was asking him to join his side and abandon the few friendly faces he knew in Kyle's group. Ash was torn. He looked over towards that group and spotted everyone he knew; James, Josh, Jule, Kyle, Noah, Beth, Mrs Nolan, Anne, Biyu Chen and the kids. Every single one of them were on that side. They were giving him expectant glances asking him to go over towards them rather than stick with this sly snake. And then there was Rhys. Ash looked at him guiltily. Ever since that push it was like something was weighing down on his heart every-time he looked at Rhys. He still had the murderous expression in his eyes when he looks at Ash. The anger was very obvious. 'I guess he is not happy that I was let out of detention so soon.' Ash flinched slightly as he noticed the man take a step towards him with his hands curled into tight fists.
'He is dangerous. Stay as far away as possible' these words kept ringing in his head. Every fibre in his body kept telling him to run as soon as that man was in the vicinity. When he saw him take another step towards him as if wanting to give him yet another beating, his body just reacted on its own. Without hearing what Jule was saying to him, he turned around and ran after Peter who had been observing him from far away. At that moment fear was all that was in his mind. He forgot about his comrades and companions. He just wanted to avoid more pain. And thus, he chose his side.
Rhys was furious for some reason. It was very visible on his face. People knowingly avoided crossing his path. He would be spotted constantly glaring in some direction. Kyle had wanted to talk with Rhys about his plan but seeing that the mood was not right, he smartly pushed it back a few days to let him cool down. But seeing that there was no change in his temper even after 3 days, Kyle decided to enquire the matter. "What's bothering you?"
"Nothing." He replied stiffly.
"Is it because Peter used up a huge portion of the food and drink reserves during his 'Party?'" Kyle asked again, this time taking the liberty to try to guess his thoughts. He himself was fuming. They had stored it away for a reason. And now that fool had just waltzed in and destroyed their hard word just so that the people would look at him favourably. The ignorant people obviously don't know how much food reserves they had. Most probably they must be thinking that there is a huge amount in stock and Kyle had been stingily keeping it to himself after witnessing the grandiose of the party thrown by Peter.
Rhys was also livid about the incident. But he had stayed unusually quiet as if this entire thing had nothing to do with him. Now that Kyle brought it up, his eyes darkened dangerously but yet again he just took a few deep breaths and calmed himself. Instead getting provoked he just shook his head as an answer to Kyle's question.
"Then what is it?" he asked again unwilling to back down.
"Nothing!" He almost shouted. Although his mouth said one thing, his eyes wandered through the Tesco and fixated in a spot. Kyle followed the trail of his gaze and at the end of it spotted Peter standing there with an arm thrown around Ash. They were deep in discussion. As if sensing their combined stare, Ash looked over. At once as if regretting it, he turned red and swiped his head away. Peter also noticed their intensive looks and a smirk adorned his lips. He even had the cheek to wink at them before pulling the boy closer to whisper something into his ear.
Kyle sighed and grabbed Rhys by the chin to turn his face away from them. "Stop that." He finally managed to get his attention. "We need to talk." Seeing that Rhys was not responding but was listening to him, Kyle continued. "What are your plans after the three weeks?"
"We are moving." Rhys responded emotionless. "The Tesco can certainly not hold another attack anymore. We would be sitting ducks if we stay here. The scent of blood and living bodies are too high here right now. It would just be a matter of time before we are swarmed."
"Do you have a place in mind?" Kyle asked intrigued.
Rhys nodded and took out a map that he always kept with him. "A prison would be a good place to stay. But they are all half a country away from us. We would most likely be dead before we reach there." He said locating the positions of the prisons on the map. "So, another option is this place. "He pointed to a structure circled on the map as if it was important. "Ash said it was a secret military academy." His eyes unconsciously wandered back towards the blue-eyed boy. "I was planning to take a team and go check it out but now we don't have the manpower nor the time because of this mess. Even if it's not one, it would be good location to rest for a while before continuing."
"How does he know that?" Kyle asked curiously looking at the map which marked the spot as an industrial area.
"I don't know. He is very suspicious. But he seems very sure of his claim. We should keep an eye on him." Rhys grumbled as he once again started staring holes into the boy.
"Then what's the purpose of waiting for three weeks? Shouldn't we set out as soon as possible."
"With the vehicles and resources, we have, we don't really have the ability to take everyone. I mean look at them. Most of them haven't even killed one zombie so far. Every time my team and I go out on raids; I ask if anyone wants to join. But except for a few no one is interested. It was a good opportunity for people who wanted to learn to fight to try out their skills without the fear of dying. Of course, not all our raids are safe but they could have come along on some of the easier ones. They are starting to get used to the security we provide, that they don't feel the need to venture outside these walls. This is a very dangerous habit to have these days." he paused and looked around at the oblivious happy group of survivors. "We don't even know what we will encounter on route or at the destination. If they were all fighters, the trip would be easier. I don't want to carry any useless baggage that could back stab you. Especially when our own safety is questionable on this trip."
Kyle slowly nodded. "So, with letting Peter take over, you are weeding out the ones who could cause trouble in the future."
"Yes, anyone with eyes and a sense of danger would already know that the camp is not safe. At least they will come to that conclusion in the next few weeks. If you can't even sense that the roof you live under is going to collapse on you, then you will die as soon as you step foot outside. This way we will know who the real loyal people are and who are worth protecting." He looked at Kyle. "The three weeks are for those who realise this fact a bit late Of course I don't plan to leave them to die. I will give them the location we are going to and map out the safest route. If they know what is best, they will follow at their own risk." Again, his eyes wandered to Ash. The motion did not go unnoticed.
"You do know that he didn't chose that side, willingly right?" Rhys didn't respond but Kyle still continued, "I fear he won't be able to come to our side no matter how much time you give him. Peter seems to have a tight grip on him." He was met with silence again.
Rhys was feeling conflicted. He knew that the boy chose the other side because he was scared of him. He had actually wanted to go and tell him, reluctantly, to come and discuss the moving. After all the military academy was his idea. But he had run away as soon as he took one step towards him. Even if he hated him, Rhys had thought that he would still be on their side since most of his acquaintances were here. But it looks like he guessed wrong. He was still feeling anger towards Ash but that was no reason for him to abandon him. After all he got punished for what he did and nothing more. He should have had the grace to accept the punishment gracefully and then come back in full swing. At least that was the environment that Rhys grew up in. Just because you got a little beating, you don't leave sulking. It's like you run away from your family because they scolded you. Of course, no sane person does that. Kyle is right. 'I can't just place my ideals on everyone and expect them to behave the same way I would.'
'So, what should I do with him?' he already chose the other side which is similar to remaining behind while the rest leave. 'well he has 3 weeks to make up his mind. He better be smart.' Suddenly Rhys remembered the visions again and he sat up quickly. His eyes found Ash at once and he checked him over. Although he was limping and had several heavy and light bruises on his body, he seemed to be otherwise devoid of pain. 'that's strange. I am sure that Biyu Chen mentioned that some of his bones were broken. If that's the case, he shouldn't be able to walk around yet.' He examined him closer 'Is it perhaps due to the powers that was shown in the visions? If that's the case, then it would mean that all of the scenarios would come true.' His eyes narrowed menacingly, 'three of my friends are going to die because of him. that's reason enough not to let him anywhere near his group.'
'I shouldn't jump to groundless conclusions, first I need to make sure if he really has a power or if Biyu Chen just got the diagnosis wrong.' "Luke" he called, and he appeared right away. He whispered several things to him so that no prying ears would hear. Luke looked a bit shocked, but he nodded his head and left.
Ash was both mentally and physically exhausted. Peter has been dragging him around and parading him like a trophy for the past two days. he knew that he was doing it to mess with the people in Kyle's group since Ash had actually gotten close to them. He would especially bring him to his acquaintances and start talking intimately to Ash as if they have known each other for a long time. Ash has been multiple times pulled to a side and asked why he was sticking with that swine. He could constantly feel their eyes on them and several times he has caught them starring at him confused. But that didn't change the fact that he was scared of Rhys and he wanted to stay away from him.
Ash could still hear the threat from Peter that kept him from giving them an answer. He could hear the smiling voice with the threatening edge in it whispering in his ear, 'Remember that I am the one in charge now. Just because you got out of this now doesn't mean that you will be safe in the future. Who knows maybe in the next few days you might make another unintentional 'mistake' which will force me to throw you out? At that time, you won't even get a chance to kneel down and beg. So, make sure you know where your loyalty lies.'
Even if he slightly goes near one of his friends, he would watch him like a hawk and within minutes send someone to call him over for some task or other. Ash has seen him try to pull a few more people to his side but was unsuccessful. The group was cooperating with him for the time being, but he heard that they have placed a time limit of 3 weeks. What will happen after, one will have to wait and see.
"Ash, come over here for a minute." Peter called for him with a wide smile. He was standing within a group of familiar yet unfamiliar people. Seeing him flinch made him happier. Without any other option, he walked over towards him with nervous steps. Each time he was asked for, it was usually to give him another warning. As usual he flung his arms around his shoulder and continued "you have been doing really well so far so as a reward I am gonna task you with something important."
Ash was confused and to be honest he didn't want to do anything more than he was in charge of now. Giving him an important task meant that Peter had more control over him and that any mistakes will be put on his head. "I don't reall-"
He was cut off before he could say anything "From today on, you will be in charge of the food storage. Keeping track and distribution will be your duty." His hand on his shoulder tightened in warning as if daring him to oppose.
Ash was shocked by what he said. 'That was indeed a very important and difficult task' he could already hear the unhappy murmurs around him. Everyone would want to be in charge of the food. That meant that they were closer to the food and they could nick some without others knowing. When food was in shortage the person who distributed it had great power. But it was also a very difficult task. People would be constantly coming over to ask for something or other. Sometimes they would even use force to get what they wanted. People would always be dissatisfied with the portions they get. So, it was actually a task meant for someone stern and proper. Not someone like Ash who didn't have the muscles to pull two people apart. The person in charge before was a woman called Isabella. She was the wife of Kyle and thus no one really dared try something with her. Without any real backing or the physique, Ash was the one of the least favourable people for that position.
"What! No! That is too big a task for me" Ash protested. Along with him several other voices raised in affirmation that such an important task should not be carelessly given to a boy. But Peter waved all protests away and just said. "I trust him. He can do a good job." His grin was so wide that Ash was sure Peter was secretly mocking him.
Since he had spoken the crowd settled down a bit. Many people saw this as an opportunity to grab some food for themselves since they boy would not be much of a challenge. Ash could see the sinister looks in their eyes as the wheels turned in their heads.
"Anyone who opposes him will be opposing me." Peter added as a warning and then patted the boy hard on the back and said, "You can start tomorrow."
Soon the entire Tesco knew that Peter has changed the person in charge of distributing and managing food. Bella was surprised but also relieved. She was constantly engaged in a war of nerves with the residents and it wasn't doing any good to her stress levels. Especially since Peter took charge, not many were willing to listen to her. She shot Ash a sympathetic look but didn't interfere further as they were on opposing sides and she had no duty to help the enemy. Confused,envious, surprised, worried, mocking, suspicious looks surrounded Ash eversince the announcement.
Ash had a feeling that tomorrow onward his life was going to be more miserable. He already knew what that position entitled. How long the food supply would last for the entire camp depended on him now. If someone tried to steal some, he would have to ensure they didn't succeed. Same with if someone tried to use violence to get the food. Ash wondered if Peter was purposefully making things difficult for him. From another person's perspective, he was a very generous and trusting leader. This would make more people willing to follow him. But for him personally, it was a task more difficult than killing Zombies. After all you couldn't just kill people just because they were hungry.
Rhys heard the news as well and instantly became alert. He didn't know what Peter was up to, but his action was very suspicious. Plus, Rhys just recently had had a vision which connected Ash to a storage room. Was that really going to happen. Or is he just overthinking it. He would have to wait and observe how it plays out. If this vision becomes true, then it can be said that the others would also come into fruition in the near future. Then Ash would be needed to keep a closer eye on. Maybe it would be best to leave him behind with the others than take a risk. After all he already chose his side.
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