《When Life Stands Still (bxb)》Chapter 7: Rules and punishment
Once he found the spot that Mrs Nolan mentioned, Tom plopped down beside him and made himself comfortable. Seeing this behaviour Ash just shook his head in defeat and found a place to lay down the coat that he was given. It looked like the place was occupied by 5 or six people including Mrs Nolan. They were all a bit elderly, so they didn't have anything to fight with the younger generation. As soon as Ash mentioned that Mrs Nolan send him over, everyone started smiling and talking to him as if they already knew him forever. Since Tom came with him, they didn't make things difficult for him either and let them both stay.
After an hour or so James came around looking for everyone. Although he was a bit surprised seeing them in Mrs Nolan's turf, he refrained from commenting and led them away. It was time to meet Kyle.
They were led around the crowd until they came to a stop in front of a group of 3. Luke and Rhys were among them. The third one was a black, African man with a bald head. he was in his early forties. He looked fierce and imposing. Yet when he laughed as he was doing then, he looked more like a strong reliable pillar. He was half a head shorter than Rhys. other than their familiarity with each other there were no similarities between the two. 'How are they brothers?' Ash wondered. Unless their parents were from different ethnicity. but even then, there was not even a trace of similarity between them. neither in the way they talked or acted.
"Boss I brought the newcomers." James announced which made all eyes turn to them. Ash could feel a pair of eyes burning holes at him. He looked in the direction and first spotted Luke. Seeing that he noticed, Luke quickly winked and sent him a flying kiss. Ash shuddered uneasily. Then he followed his senses and spotted another set of eyes on him. Rhys had a slight frown on his face as he observed him. He didn't even look ashamed having been caught staring at someone. Just like before, Ash couldn't tear his eyes away from this man. Although his instincts told him that he was dangerous but still be was equally captivating. He could only free himself from that spell when Kyle started talking. After some quick greetings they jumped straight into business.
"Since you have been already led around, you must know how the situation here is." Kyle started talking. "Before we begin, I would like to say that if you think we are good men you are truly mistaken. We were nothing good before the apocalypse and we won't turn into saints just because you might need a helping hand."
"Okay so now that is out of the way let's get this over with. Everyone here is expected to follow few rules and those who violate them are punished. So, I suggest you listen carefully and follow them to the letter." Kyle started pacing in front of them as he laid out the rules in front of them.
"First thing first, No fighting. No hogging all the food for yourself, everyone gets a rationed-out share unless you dare to venture outside and find your own meal. That means that people who are willing to go on raids experience more benefits which if fitting I think since they are facing all the risks. Everyone else has to do their part inside the camp or the share you receive will be only according to your performance." Without wasting any moment, he jumped straight to the point. Laying down the rules one after the other. "Mrs Nolan whom you have already met I believe, will be in charge of taking note of your work. I trust her impartial nature, so you won't be able to bribe her or use any other kind of tricks."
"You will be all taught basic self-defence. After you have mastered it a bit you will be asked to take part in the protection of the camp. Right now, we are a bit short manned so the men on duty are not getting any real free time and it is wearing them down. So, you might be asked sooner than later to pick up weapons. Also, as some of you might have noticed, this is not the most secure place so sooner rather later we would have to move to a better place. So be always ready to pack up and be on the move."
The three of them were listening attentively when he suddenly came to a stop and said "Lastly, although we all live under the same roof no one will jump in to save your sorry ass in case something happens. Although people are coexisting for the moment but once they face with danger, there is no guarantee how they will behave. So, know that your life is your own and protect it with your own capabilities. Understood?" Ash nodded vigorously agreeing to it without question. He already understood that. Having watched Tom sacrifice one of his own colleagues, he knew that human nature was ugly.
Seeing that all of them understood the overall picture, Kyle continued "Now let's talk about punishments. Anyone who violates the above-mentioned stuff will be punished regardless of the position they hold. This can vary from just simple detention to letting the justified person vent out their anger to being kicked out of camp. It depends on the seriousness of the crime that you have committed. For example, if you steal some food and get caught then you will be put into detention without food for a few days. If you initiate a fight, then a round of beating will be added to the detention. If both parties have disagreements, you will be allowed to fight it out under the other's supervision. This doesn't have to be physical fights; they can compete in anything. Whoever wins takes gets the say." Hearing this Beth flinched visibly, and Ash subconsciously made a vow to stay out of trouble as much as possible. "If you think that it is unfair, then sorry to inform you but there is no longer any police or law to stand up for you. The strong have the say. It's the rule of the wild here." He paused shortly and then continued "If you commit a grave crime like betray your fellow comrade on the battleground or withhold important information or let in a Zombie into the camp, regardless of whether it was an accident or not you will be kicked out of here. If you resist..." suddenly he trailed of and an evil grin stretched across his face "Just know that Zombies aren't the only things that can kill."
There was a long silence as Kyle stopped speaking. He was letting everyone digest what he had just now said. It looked like he still had something to say but he was holding back for a few minutes. Ash got the feeling that whatever it was, it would be something big. And he was right Kyle did not disappoint.
"Now that you have heard all that is to know about how this camp works, let's get down to the real business. I heard what happened on the way here." Ash's eyes automatically sneaked back to those stormy dark ones and sure enough he was wearing a wicked grin on his face. Then he quickly snapped his head to look at Tom who was next to him and saw that Beth had done the same thing. Their eyes communicated silently and then watched Tom with sympathy. It looked like the main figures in the camp were already aware of Tom's transgressions and from the severity of the crime the punishment would change. So, for what Tom had done the appropriate sentence was expulsion.
Kyle's black eyes rested on Tom for a moment in silence and then he asked, "Do you have anything to say Tom?"
Tom's eyes widened in horror when he heard what they said. He started shaking his head in denial. "It was an accident" He broke into tears. When he heard this, Ash scoffed quietly. 'Accident my ass'. No one believed him. He had had no guilt when he pushed off Ashley that day.
"Anything else you want to add?"
He was silent for a long time "If not her, then it would have been me" saying this he suddenly started laughing like a maniac. "This is bullshit. Who gives you the right to make rules and give out punishments? As far as I know there is no leader in this camp. Just because you are a head bigger than me doesn't mean that I am scared of you." He started laughing harder. "I want to see how you would have reacted if you were in my shoes." He glared at Kyle "You would have done nothing different. Admit it you would also have pushed her down if that's what it cost to live. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, RIGHT?" THE RULES OF THE WILD, RIGHT?" he shouted before huffing in deep breaths as he took a defensive stance. This outburst was attracting several spectators. By the end of this meeting there would be no one who didn't know what had transpired.
"Well you will never know since I won't be stupid enough to be in that situation in the first place" Kyle replied calmly. The other two behind him grinned mockingly. "As for questioning my authority to uphold the peace here, I am in charge until someone better comes along." saying this his eyes unconsciously drifted to Rhys. If this brat hadn't been so stubborn then no one would have acted up. He will come up with all the ideas, make the rules and suggest the punishments but he wouldn't plop his ass down on that seat. So, Kyle had no choice but to act as the figure head until that brat came around. "No one else has a problem with the rules I laid down so far. After all it has kept them alive. If you have some issues prove yourself worthy and take up that position before you come and question me. But of course, there are a few others who would like to challenge you for the seat" he looked around at the crowd that had gathered and there were several people who gave him hostile looks. That seemed to shut him up. 'Challenge my ass. Other than Rhys, no one even had the qualifications to be a leader.' Kyle scoffed in his head, but his face didn't give away any of his inner thoughts. "Like I said before the punishment for killing a comrade is expulsion." Several loud cheers came from within the crowd. humans can be so blood thirsty. It hasn't even been that long since everything went down, yet they were already starting to show their animal nature.
"What do the two of you think about this punishment?" Kyle asked Ash and Beth for their opinion. After all they were the ones who were directly involved in the situation. A big smile stretched on Beth's face. She was finally getting the revenge for the friend that she lost so she nodded her head vigorously and agreed. Ash on the other hand felt conflicted. What was the difference in what Tom did and what they were doing? He wouldn't be able to survive outside alone. Ash was no saint, but his mind shuddered as if the sentence was directed at him. As if he had experienced what Tom was experiencing now. Furthermore, his instincts told him that Tom had another important role yet to play.
"I think the punishment is unreasonable" Ash finally said after a long internal debate. Several eyes snapped towards him. Some were surprised, some curious but the majority were angry. Rhys on the other hand, looked at him calmly and a hint of a smile played on his lips.
"Oh? Why do you say that?" Kyle asked as he walked over and stood imposingly in front of Ash. Tom's looked at him like he saw his saviour and moved a few steps closer to him.
"The accident happened when he was still not part of the camp. So, the rules you have set out shouldn't yet apply to him." Beth looked at Ash in surprise and then her gaze turned hostile.
"Ash!" She shouted at him in warningly. He quickly glanced at her apologetically and then ignored her.
"So, you are suggesting that we ignore the entire thing and let him stay?" Luke pitched in wanting to understand what absurdity was going through Ash's head. Ash Stayed silent, thinking for a solution but before he could come up with an answer Rhys spoke up as well.
"What he says is true" all eyes turned to him surprised. Ash was as shocked as well as Rhys was the last person, he thought would say that. He couldn't understand why he was taking his side "but... that doesn't mean that the camp has the obligation to take in someone like him." Hearing this everyone cheered. Rhys looked at Ash and continued "He wasn't part of the camp as you said but unless we accept him, he will still not be part of the camp" Ash realised that instead of helping him, he had found a loophole and was pitching it against him. His eyebrows dipped in annoyance as he glared back at Rhys. "So, he can walk out of the camp himself I believe. He should know the way to the gate" A smirk adorned his lips as he said the last sentence.
"What's the difference between that and kicking him out of the camp?" Ash voiced.
"Of course, the difference is that this is not a punishment but a rejection" Rhys smiled wider. Mocking him. Seeing them engage in a war of wits Kyle looked amused. 'What's gotten into that brat? He usually is not interested in these kinds of things.' His black eyes then moved to the boy in his twenties and beamed. 'Seems like things will start getting interesting.'
Seeing that the starring competition would go on if nothing is done, Kyle finally stepped back in. "We are very few left so it is better to let the man stay. There is strength in numbers" Hearing this Rhys looked at him in surprise but since Kyle had spoken, he decided not to say anything more and Ash sneered at Rhys triumphantly. "but he will be punished. Ash, since you argued for him, you have the responsibility to decide on his punishment."
Ash nodded as he had already come up with a solution "I know what to do. According to your camps rules, if two people have a disagreement then they can fight it out right? So, let Beth and Tom have a competition. If Tom wins the matter will be done and forgotten, if Beth wins, she can hand out the appropriate punishment."
"I accept" Beth said without hesitation. Hearing this Tom who saw him as his saviour until now glared at him instead. But this was already better than being thrown out of the camp, so he stayed silent.
Kyle laughed as he heard this and nodded as well "It shall be so then" he looked at Beth and asked, "what do you want to compete in?"
Beth was happy. Suddenly the hostility in her eyes vanished. 'this was good for her too as she would be able to vent out her anger directly. Just looking at Tom it was obvious that he was no fighter. He also hadn't displayed any extraordinary feet while they were on the run together. The fight was already her win. All she had to do was come up with a punishment.' "fistfight" she answered
"Good! You will fight in the afternoon" He then looked at someone in the crowd and instructed. "Go prepare" then he turned to the people involved and said, "You guys go rest".
"Everyone dismissed"
Everyone was excited. After the rules had been established, except for one verbal disagreement that had happened before, this was the first time someone with a real grudge was fighting.
In the afternoon a crowd had already formed outside where they had set up a small space to fight. Everyone else surrounded this circle. Soon Kyle walked out of the building and looked at everyone before saying "Alright, remember no cheering, no shouting. You will observe the fight silently. We don't want any unwanted troubles outside the gate just because everyone was having a bit too much fun." He then proceeded to address the guards "Everyone on Guard duty be extra vigilant. Since this is the first fight, we don't know how it will unfold. Have your weapons at ready." Everyone nodded in acknowledgement.
Seeing that the crowd had understood the gist of the matter Kyle nodded as well "Where are the fighters?"
Beth soon walked out of the crowd and took her place inside the circle but there was no trace of Tom. Kyle frowned. "Tom?" he questioned Luke who was once again on his side. He just shrugged and then walked away to look for that weasel. Soon he returned with a squirming Tom tightly grasped in his hands. "found him." He then threw him into the ring. He spotted Ash and walked towards him and flung an arm around the boy's shoulder.
"Who do you think will win this fight" Ash raised his eyebrows at his over familiar attitude and replied
"Who knows"
"But didn't you suggest this punishment because you already know the outcome. I don't know the two of them so I am in the dark but since you have seen them fight you should know their capabilities." One of his fingers snuck up and played with a lock of Ash's hair. Although it irritated him, Ash decided to just focus on the two in the ring.
"Tom never really fought earnestly so I have no idea how good he is" Ash said to himself and watched the man take a fighting stance.
Right then Kyle reminded everyone one last time "No fatal blows are allowed and remember to stay quiet. Okay let the fight begin"
There was a moment of silence as both sides observed each other. They were watching like hawks to notice even the slightest movement the other makes. Waves of anger and hatred could be felt washing up from Beth. Her eyes were reddening as she remembered the transgression the other had committed. Ashly was not just a random acquaintance; she had been her friend for as long as she could remember.
Suddenly without warning she moved. She was quick on her feet and her fisted hand struck out before the other knew what was happening. It connected hard on flesh and Tom staggered backwards with the force. Shocked tom covered his cheek and looked at her. Then the light in his eyes changed and it turned to fury. No longer hesitating, he charged at her ready to strike.
Like a kite cut off from a string, both of them lost all their restraints and went all out. Blows after blows were thrown and both sides were taking damage. Each punch and kick had so much force behind it that it left the spectators gasping. Tom had been hiding his strength or maybe it was the anger and oppression he felt that made him react so strongly, but Beth was no less fierce. She had deep hate driving her forward. She really wanted him dead, but the circumstances forbade fatal blows. If she could she would have smashed him all the way back into his mother's womb.
Tom's fist sank into her stomach making her gasp in pain. Seeing the opportunity Tom grabbed a handful of her hair and slammed her onto the concreted ground. Pain filled her head and a warm liquid started flowing down her head. Without giving her the time to recover, kicks landed at her from above. One after another making it difficult to react.
Ash watched this unfold with a shocked expression. Seeing this Luke pocked at his cheeks and laughed "not what you expected hue?" the watching crowd was starting to get restless. They wanted Kyle to end the match as it looked like this was turning into a one-sided fight. But Kyle stayed quiet. He looked at the scene and slowly smiled.
Suddenly Beth gained some kind of strength and kicked hard at the one leg next to her while Tom had his other raised to deliver another kick. Shocked by the force and momentum, Tom lost his balance and fell to the ground. With sharp pain stabbing at her throughout her body, Beth climbed on top of tom and started throwing punch after punch at his face. Each time she lifter her hand, more and more blood was visible on her knuckles. Her fists were fast and merciless. Tom started retaliating and then the both of them rolled on the ground, scratching and biting. Fists full of hair was pulled out and she headbutted Tom and finally got back onto her feet. It was obvious that she was exhausted. Tom was in no better condition. He staggered to his feet, spat out a mouthful of blood and snarled at her. With a loud roar he charged at her again. Beth kicked at him before he could reach her, and he fell back to the ground. He sat there for a moment clutching his stomach and glaring at Beth before catching his breath and rose back to his feet with great difficulty.
Seeing him still unyielding and ready to fight, Beth's eyes narrowed in determination. This time when Tom ran at her, she dogged his fist, took a hold of his shirt and lifted her knee hard. As soon as the knee connected with flesh a loud piercing scream filled the air. The men in the crowd of spectators all flinched unconsciously. Tom lost all strength as unimaginable pain rushed up from his nether region. Stars seemed to flash in front of his eyes before they darkened and went black. He fell down unconscious. The victor of the fight was determined.
"Someone take him away and tend to the lady's wounds." Kyle instructed.
A small smile stretched on Ash's face and he nodded at Beth who was looking his way. Although she had taken a lot of damage, she was feeling happy and relieved. The grudge in her heart had faded somewhat. She nodded back at him and followed the girl who was supporting her back inside.
"That must have been painful" Luke said as he remembered the last attack. He was still stuck to Ash like glue. Ash just looked at him from the corner of his eyes and shook his head in amusement. Luke started chattering on about how girls were heartless and how a man's dick was his life and that Tom's must be a broken pistol right now. Then he pulled Ash closer towards him and whispered "Ash dear. Mine is perfectly functional. Wanna test it out?"
"Test what out?" A voice interrupted Luke and both of them turned in the direction. Rhys stood in front of them with an eyebrow cocked up. His eyes shifted from Ash to Luke to Ash.
Ash just stayed quiet while Luke responded "I was telling him that I would let him try out my pistol. You know teach him how to shoot" hearing the double meaning in those shameless words, Ash rolled his eyes.
"you want to learn how to shoot?" Rhys asked Ash.
Ash watched him for a moment and then felt a pinch on his arm where Luke's hand rested, so he signed and agreed. Rhys nodded as if having made up his mind "we are going on another raid in 3 days. You will come with us and I will show you the basics outside the camp." Both Luke and Ash looked at Rhys in surprise. Without waiting for a response Rhys grabbed a hold of Luke's arm and dragged him away back into the building leaving a stupefied Ash behind.
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"You may now kiss the bride." But no kiss ever came. I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me. Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help. Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible. Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way! --------------------------------------------- New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each. Additional Tags: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves Content Warning: gore, profanity, sexual content (most of it has been censored) (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human(not for the faint of heart)), traumatizing content What to expect: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot. The plot exists but it very slowly becomes relevant. Also, slow character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy. Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered. Lots of descriptive sex scenes (though most got censored here). It's treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service. A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other. Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language. Currently uploading on: Royal Road (most sexual content censored), Scribble Hub, Novel Updates Forum, Wattpad, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Nobles, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica. This story is also on Scribble Hub, Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
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