《Fiona's Tale - the fourth and final chronicle of the Children of the Bear》14. Tryst


The man somehow managed to grin wider at Fenrin's scowl and then his sharp eyes trained on Fiona in an instant, not leaving even as he answered, "Course not, Captain. Gotta know the lay of the land. So when my little Libby said our lovable captain had taken in a stray, I had to come see for myself."

Fenrin's body language was amicable despite his scowl and he waved a hand.

"Fiona, why don't you and Vai go study history or what not out by the river. It's a nice day."

Fiona hopped off her seat, a bit embarrassed by the man's staring. She really wanted to ask him about her new friend, but obediently fetched her books as the new man and Fenrin sat at the table. Vai shuffled her out the door.

The minute it shut, Fenrin pointed an accusing finger at the man. "Alright, spill your thoughts, Tryst, before I spill them for you."

Tryst was still smiling but his tone grew deadly serious. "She's not some nobody is she?"

Fenrin leaned back. "Noble brat. No one left but her and her Aryi tutor."

The two stared each other down. After a minute, Tryst looked away from those cold grey eyes and leaned back. "Alright, alright, but you know I can't help but theorize and if what I think is going on, is going on, I think I've got a right to know."

Fenrin snorted. "A right? In what world are you living?"

Tryst put an offended hand over his heart. "In a world where I am a loving father who is worried for his helpless daughter's safety."

Fenrin snorted even louder. "And in what world is Liberty helpless?"

"The real world. Outside this little valley where a big bad wolf keeps all the evil out." Tryst met Fenrin's eyes again. "She was born here, Captain. She's not like Anwen, she has no idea what goes on beyond those mountains."


"So what's the problem?"

Tryst's eyes flashed and Fenrin raised an eyebrow. It wasn't often Tryst lost his temper. He was a master of controlling situations beyond his control. The look left though and Tryst shrugged.

"Nothing if she's a nobody, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who will have a hard time believing you decided to take in a random girl, not to mention asking her to call you 'Uncle'. No offense but you're not really the uncle type."

Fenrin slammed a hand on the table and Tryst jumped. Fenrin tried to ignore how much he enjoyed the momentary fear in Tryst's eye. The man was a coward generally, threats weren't his usual methods. He was truly scared.

"Enough." Fenrin's voice was low and growling. "Yes, she's Lyra's daughter. As far as I can tell, the girl herself is harmless, but I've got my eye on her. I don't want anyone else making the connection. You make sure that happens and I'll do my job and make sure no one in this valley gets hurt. Including you and your girls."

Tryst stood up. "I'll hold you to that, Captain."

Fenrin waved a hand tiredly. "Oh there's something else you should know, but I'll warn you, it means keeping secrets from Echa."

With a flourish, Tryst sat back down. "Oh, a chance to outwit my clever wife. No need for bribery, Captain, I already agree."

"The islander that was with the girl, he's not her tutor."

Tryst lost his smile. "Oh, dear."

"He's Lyra's personal sex slave."

Wincing, Tryst rubbed his neck. "Thought he was a bit too pretty for a scholar, even for a princess’s tutor. Yeah, best keep that from the missus. Things would get ugly fast. Thanks for telling me. He's not uh....in commission?" He looked down and grinned. Fenrin scowled.


"Of course not!" He stood up and Tryst half-fell, half-jumped out of his seat again, taking a step back with his hands up.

"Easy, Captain. Just joking. You have to admit you do look like you just had a rumble on the forest floor. And the—ahem—tutor in question looked a bit rough for wear."

Fenrin looked down and brushed more dirt off his knees. "Opposite problem. I can't stand the man."

"So you can't keep your hands off him." Fenrin took a threatening step closer, and Tryst danced to the door. "Alright. Alright. Whatchu mean?"

"I get so angry around him. Brings back bad memories." Fenrin kicked the ground. It was still hard, being open. He focused on the floor.

"Ah. You told Matias and Jayln that?"

"Not that specifically. There's not much for it. The two are a matched set. I've got to watch both of them or no deal."

A hand touched his shoulder and Fenrin looked up.

"Tell them. And hey, I'll get him figured out, give me some time. I'll work out what makes him tick and what ticks you off." Tryst winked. "Besides, the way the girls hit it off, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of each other.”

Fenrin faked a last groan and Tryst laughed. "I'll send Matius up your way. He should be free right now."

"Thanks, Tryst."

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