《Nameless》Arash - Madness


The white arrow pierced through the wind, hurtling towards the giant golden leech. Adam's lips cracked open and a long sonorous song spilled from his lips. His body shriveled at a visible rate and a milky white mist coalesced in front of him. Adam seemed to have aged 10 years in a mere instant. The milky mist congealed together to form a thin protective film. The brilliant white arrow fiercely vibrated as it came in contact with the milky film. The protective film let out a loud shrill as thin cracks spread across it.

Adam ground his teeth as he sang with increased vigor. Another 10 years seeped out of his body and filled the crack, strengthening the shield. Adam smiled thinly as he sang in a high note. Countless more needles slowly formed around him and hurtled towards Arash.

Arash's eyes turned wide as saucers as he saw the golden swarm sailing towards him. He jumped to his left, twisted his body at an oblique angle and barely managed to avoid the burning pain. Seeing him pushed around by Adam, the bald monks chimed in with their songs. He howled in pain as the brilliant white arrow was crushed under the misty white shield. He gritted through the pain. Now was not the time! The golden swarm was on him and after what seemed like an eternity he was reduced to a bloodied mess; his limbs scratched and bleeding, and his clothes tattered. He felt the cold hard wall bite into his back and felt his breath stuck in his throat.

The monks sang shrilly while a crooked smile played on Adam's shriveled face. "See my children! He is nothing but a boy. A helpless dead boy." His youthful skin had turned into a grey blotchy mess, while his hairs thin and grey. In a single moment, he had turned from a middle-aged man to a gnarled old man.


Staring at the old man before him, Arash couldn't help but remember Saroh. Why had he gone out? He couldn't remember, but he couldn't forget the wild beast and its heart-wrenching screams and the blue mist. He looked at his arms and felt the pastel blue light on his hand. His head jerked back to shining sconce. 'Mana stone!' He jumped and reached for the stone, his fingers snatching the blue glowing globe from the mouth of the sconce. In a blink of an eye, he was back on his feet with a crushed globe. He felt the familiar coldness in his hand, he shifted his fingers and the engraved stone fell to the ground, leaving two small mana stones in his hand. He could hear startled gasps as the monks around him stared at the glowing stones in extreme horror. The golden spears disappeared into thin air, giving Arash a chance to breathe.

"What do you plan to do with it?" Adam trudged towards him, not daring to close. Arash could see the unease in his eyes, he feared the mana stones like the giants.

Arash stared at the stones in his heart and held the thoughts hidden deep beneath his calm face. For what he was about to do; it took all his might to not throw the stones away. He could already hear the whispers and felt the pain, but last time he had the willpower to contain the blue mist. He drew a deep breath and allowed himself a smile while his heart hammered in his chest; he couldn't afford to show his weakness. Not now! "I plan to get a crystallized golden leech -- Wait, it wouldn't be, but I can make do with blue," Arash said casually while his stomach twisted in a knot. He whispered through his soul-bond, calling Najwah for help.


"Crystallized leech!" Adam spat the words as if they were poison, his nose furrowed into a deep scowl. "It seems the boy is frightened out of his wits." He tried to mask his fears under threats and taunts, but the distance of 20 feet was a resounding cry of his fear.

"I can't seem to hear you. Why don't you come forward!" Arash retorted, his gaze studying the nervous monks around him. He could hear muffled curses and nervous chatter from the crowd; golden leeches frantically swimming their soul-space. He dared to take a step and promptly the crowd stepped away from him. Arash's step became surer as he pushed himself away from the wall.

"Oooh!" A loud wail pierced the momentary peace. Arash's heart stilled with fear as he threw caution to the wind and slammed the mana stone in his empty socket. The dead stone breathed to life as he heard the terrible yawning of the blue mist. He turned toward Adam, his left eye streaked with blood. The blue mist rumbled at the sight of the giant golden leech. The mist rolled out of his left eye and streaked towards Adam. The golden leech lurched out of his body and darted towards the wall. The blue mist thundered in anger and split into tiny streams that streaked towards the monks.

"What have you done?" Najwah appeared from Adam's body. "You have doomed us all! You have doomed us all!"

Arash hatefully glanced at the little snake and it shrunk away in fear. "I will deal with you later!" Arash focused on the strength runes, he snarled he broke all six of strength runes. White little globes of soul-energy drifted back to him and nourished his soul. He glanced at the wild blue mist and frozen monks, slowly turning to mana stones, their fear and pain etched onto their face for all eternity. He grimly studied the raging mist as he braced himself for the terrible murmurs of blue worms...

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