《Lil ko's heart》When you go gay together, you stick (it) together...


Lil ko POV: In a dark room where the only illumination is tiny Ray's of sunlight from a rusty half closed window, there I lay on the cold ground, my clothing covered with dust as the stench of mold Threatened to make me at multiple occasions sneeze,yet I was unable to because my mouth was gagged, it was an unpleasant feeling and I wished if I can just get up and leave, yet was unable to because of the ropes tying my entire body. Yes you did not read wrongly, I am currently the most vulnerable and cheated I 've ever felt in my life. Male 01:" so... Guys does any of you know what this is about?"asked a plain looking guy with confusion all over his face. Male 02:" don't look at me I'm just as confused as any of you"replied another one as he shook his head Male 03:" what so none of you did this?, tied up cute girl's don't just fall out of the sky you know" said a guy with glasses Male 01:" well, let's just free her first and she will naturally tell us"said the man as they started making their way towards me. "Mn..mn" although I was upset that they through I was a girl, the thought of freedom made me so happy I started making noises. The men suddenly stopped, their faces flushing a bit as audible gulping noises can be heard coming from their throat's. "Mn...?"realising their weird look's I made a noise in confusion, a horrible premonition making it's way to my mind. Male 03:" wow she is much cuter up close" said the glasses guy as the other two repeatedly nodded. Male 01 and male 02: " yeah..." The moment those words got out they immediately lapsed into silence, I can hear their heartbeats accelerate at a crazy pace, their breathing getting ragged, and tent's started to rise on their trousers . "!!!!!" a look of horror was plastered on my face the moment I realized the situation I was in. I have to let them know I'm a man or I'll... I can't even say it. But how do I make them realise it? My features are feminine, my voice is high pitched and etherel , and my mouth was gagged so how do I ..... I GOT It. Males:"hmm?" Astonishment flashed in their eyes as they saw I was parting my legs before they can even say anything, they must be thinking that I'm an easy slut but this is the only way. Males:"whaaaaa" at the beginning they looked exited, feasting their eyes with greed, however, three seconds is all it took for them to realise the existence of something foreign between my slender hairless thighs, the men who wore looks of expectation where now pale faced with obviously horrified expressions, as if they won the lottery only to have their money stolen the next day, but as I was sighing in relief internally, the glasses guy regained his lewd look as he said"I'll pretend I didn't see that" "Pretend my ass, are you THAT desperate" I internally shrieked Male 01:"dude don't , i know it's tempting but you may never be able to recover afterwords" he looked hesitant as he said this, it seems he considered it too..... Male 02:" no I disagree, a donger is only 2,27% of his body which mean he is 97,73% female, this is as straight as it can get" "WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT LOGIC?" I was really angry at this point, and started struggling to loosing up the rope. Male 03:" guys how about it, we've known each other since childhood, something like this can only make our friendships stronger and teamwork better, so what do you say"said the glasses guy with a poetic tone as he continued" will you do it for our FRIENDSHIP" Male 01:" friendship..." Male 02:" teamwork..." The two idiot's eyes started tearing up as they they nodded their heads vigorously as they said"FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP" "BULLSHIT, what kind of friendship's do you people have" is what I would've of said if I wasn't gagged... Males 01/02/03: let the party Begin!! " they said as they started coming closer. *FREEZE FRAME* I took the rubber ball out of my mouth as I looked at the 4th wall and said " now you might be wondering how I got myself in this situation, well its a long story so get ready for a bumpy ride." Fin

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