《Nihil》Chapter 6: Completing Guild Quests
Light shines through the window as Niv is roused from his sleep. He wakes with a yawn, the blanket is pulled off of his body as he stands up giving his body a good stretch and makes his way downstairs.
Sophie and the Oji-san are already down there eating breakfast and laughing about something. "Hello" Niveus calls to them from the stairs. Both turn their eyes to him and greet him in response.
"Good morning Niveus" The oji-san calls back
"Hi" Sophie responds politely
The oji-san suddenly asks "Do you want any breakfast?"
"No, I am okay, I will just eat something from one of the stalls." Niveus responds carrying himself towards the door and opening it.
"Going out so early?" Oji-san asks with a puzzled look on his face. Sophie has the same look painted on her face, both wondering why he was leaving so early.
Seeing their faces he responds "I have 2 quests from the Adventurers guild that I want to complete and I am hoping to be back before night" They both show a worried face as he finishes his explanation.
"Don't worry it is just some goblins, I just have to fight more of them" He lies trying to ease their worries.
They visibly calm down some as the oji-san tells him to come back safely. He nods at them as the door closes with him exiting the house.
Niveus replaces the mask onto his face as he strolls through the market looking for something that can be eaten as breakfast. He finds nothing other than the same skewers. In the end he buys 2 of them and eats them while making his way back to the forest.
As he grabbed the two quests from the guild yesterday he decided that today he would complete them. Completing the quests gives a reward of money, completing the wolf hunt would give 10 silver whilst the goblin hunt would give 5.
So once again Niveus is taking a stroll through the damp forest as he hopes he will find goblins or wolves soon. His prayers are answered as he comes upon a group of goblins with their numbers being 10, much smaller than yesterday.
Niveus begins the attack by pulling out the sword that hung at his waist whilst activating skill Charge launching him towards the goblin that walked at the back of the group. When he was within arms reach from the goblin his sword cleaves down separating the goblins shoulder from its body. The sound of the goblin screaming alerts the ones in front as they turn around.
You have gained 50 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
1 Strength
1 Agility
1 Vitality
1 Intelligence
1 Luck
Niveus is then greeted by several shrieks causing his strength to drop 18 points. Double Strike is activated as two quick slashes are sent flying to the goblin closest to him. The first strike manages to strike the chest splitting the skin apart but the second hit slams against the claw that was raised in defense.
A claw cuts into his leg as he was focusing on the one goblin. He turns to and kicks the goblin that cut his leg sending it up in the air. Blood comes out of the broken skin while the leg is wobbling a bit making it harder to stand.
His attention is taken by the goblin he cut across the chest as he swings his sword at it once again. The goblin does not have enough strength to block it this time as the sword cuts into the neck ending it.
+2.50 Auto HP Regen
A notification rings out as Niveus is healed because of his skill. After stepping forward his sword is sent down at the next goblin who screams and greets the sword with his claw. The sword launches the arm back without losing momentum as it buries itself into the goblins face killing it immediately. The shriek seems to have lost its effect, it lasted about one minute and this is noted by Niveus.
You have gained 50 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
1 Strength
1 Agility
1 Vitality
1 Wisdom
1 Luck
A grin shows on his face as Niveus knows how much easier it is to kill them now. Each swing of the sword ends the life of a goblin and soon the remaining 7 lie on the ground dead.
You have gained 350 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
6 Strength
6 Agility
5 Vitality
6 Intelligence
6 Wisdom
6 Luck
After confirming the blue screen he moves on and continues to search the forest in order to find another group. After moving through the forest for 10 minutes without finding anything he discovers a single goblin marching through the forest. Instead of acting out and killing it his body crouches down and attempts to follow the goblin without alerting it.
The goblin leads him to a medium sized camp that holds around 46 goblins 45 normal and 1 goblin chief. A couple of goblins are sitting around a fire with a mess of animal bodies sitting nearby. Instead of charging in there Niveus waits and watches. He waits for a group to leave the camp as they scout the surrounding area, around the same time another goblin group returns as the two groups trade places.
He follows after the group of 15 goblins that are circling the camp about 1 and a half football fields away from it. Niveus immediately activates charge and launches himself at the goblin in the back once again. The sword is swung and the goblin's head rolls on the ground.
You have gained 50 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
1 Strength
1 Vitality
1 Intelligence
1 Wisdom
1 Luck
Another sword is swung at the two goblins that were in front of the headless goblin, the sword cleaves through the neck of one and buries itself halfway into the neck of the other. Slight sounds of gurgling break out as the goblin loses its life.
You have gained 100 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
1 Strength
2 Agility
2 Vitality
2 Intelligence
2 Wisdom
1 Luck
It is at this point that a goblin turns around due to all the noise going on behind it. It spots the human among 3 dead and starts to let out a sound to alert the others, Niveus immediately runs at it trying to silence it before it can make a sound.
A cry breaks out as the goblin is cut down losing it's life but the others were alerted by the sound that rang out behind them causing the other 11 goblins to turn around.
You have gained 50 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
1 Strength
1 Agility
1 Vitality
1 Intelligence
1 Luck
Niveus is already among them before they can let out a noise, cleaving his way through the group, cries break out as goblin after goblin is killed. The last 6 start to run as Niveus gives chase, they make a lot of noise as they attempt to run but fail to get away, each goblin is chased down and killed.
You have gained 550 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
9 Strength
9 Agility
9 Vitality
9 Intelligence
10 Wisdom
9 Luck Due to killing 50 goblins you have gained title:
Intermediate Goblin Slayer- Do 20% more damage to goblins.
Rustling is heard as another group of 15 goblins that heard all the noise comes to investigate. Niveus makes quick work of them, as each goblin is cut down with greater efficiency. The goblins are no longer a challenge to Niveus. After the last goblin is eviscerated the screen pops up to show his gains.
You have gained 750 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
13 Strength
12 Agility
12 Vitality
12 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
12 Luck
Niveus relaxes as a smile pervades his face, he sits and leans against a tree while he decides what to do next.
10 Minutes later Niveus is in front of the Goblin camp that is swarmed with goblins, they are all cautious due to the sounds of screaming they heard coming from the scout parties. The only troops that remain with the goblins are just a tired group of 15 and what appears to be the chief. With a grin on his face he steps out from his cover in plain view of the goblins as he faces them with anticipation burning in his eye.
Ruined structures stand all around with bodies strewn about, blood is covering the floor with several puddles of the red sticky sap gathered around. In the middle of the carnage stands one man with white hair. "Chhing" rings out as sword held by the white hair comes into contact with the goblin chief.
The chief managed to leave a cut on the body of Niveus but that is all. Blood spurts out of the chieftain who is kneeling with a sword coming out of his throat. A blow for blow was exchanged with Niveus plunging his sword into the neck in exchange for a small cut. The sword is pulled out as the body slumps over.
A ring sounds out as the blue screen appears.
You have gained 950 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
15 Strength
16 Agility
16 Vitality
15 Intelligence
15 Wisdom
15 Luck
Niveus is satisfied. The goblins are far too weak now. Although that chief was very stupid, it had all the tired goblins fight and die before it even went forward. If it would have fought with them it would have done more damage to Niveus. Well... it might have just been a coward.
With all the ears collected so far he has the 50 required to complete the quest issued by the guild. Next is the wolves that he will have to find and hunt.
He stretches out his arms as a smile is formed on his mouth, he really finds this interesting, that damn Umbra was not lying. It is far more interesting to fight wolves and goblins than be on that Earth.
"Growl" Breaks the silence as his stomach uses its primitive way to ask for food. 'Food comes first' he thinks as he begins looking for something to eat.
Minutes later he is sitting by a fire with another rabbit stuck on a stick hovering over the fire browning. The smell being let off by the rabbit is far too enticing, Niveus is sitting and staring at the rabbit as every inch of it cooks... It is finally time! Niveus pulls the stick out of the spot it was settled and blows on the rabbit trying to cool it off.
The taste that filled his mouth was splendid with every bite making it taste even greater than the last. The rabbit disappeared shortly after leaving nothing other than bones with Niveus feeling far better. He stood and started his wandering through the forest while looking for wolves.
These wolves were a monster that were far stronger than a goblin, wolves had 60 in strength, 70 in agility, 40 in vitality, 20 in intelligence and 25 in wisdom. They are always in a pack and attack as a group making them difficult to kill, they are distinguishable by their pure white hairs which made it far easier for people to avoid them.
The wolves were far easier to find compared to goblins since goblins tend to hide in the forest or create a camp that they do not stray far from. Versus the wolves who go farther from their camp to look for food before returning and continuously doing this for every meal they have.
It was not very long before a pack of 7 were found by Niveus, they were following a group of deer that numbered 5. They were sneaking their way closer and closer to the unsuspecting group of deer. Once they got within 40 meters from them every wolf sprang up and sprinted at the group of deer. They were startled and each ran in a different direction.
The wolves singled out one deer that was slightly slower than the others and the pack quickly surrounded it. With every rake of the claw and bite of the jaw the deer was closer to its death. "Plop" The deer tumbled over and fell on its side, now it was time for the wolves to feast.
While the wolves were concentrating on eating, Niveus decided to get closer. He sneaked his way closer to the group of wolves that were eating the deer. With every step forward his heart grew more tense.
His worries were unfounded as he got 40 meters from them, hiding in a bush he grabs a rock and throws it at the nearest wolf thumping its head with the stone. The wolf whimpers as the stone connects causing it to sway slightly, the other wolves stop their eating to look at the injured one.
They growl towards his location before one goes forward to investigate, the wolf nears the bush that Niveus is hiding in. "Shink" A sword shoots out from the bush the moment the wolf gets near it, impaling the wolf through the chest.A howl breaks out as the sword plunges deep into the chest giving it a severe wound. The wolves charge and pounce on the bush that the sword came from with Niveus jumping back pulling the sword out of the wolf and keeping it at his side.
You have gained 125 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
2 Strength
2 Agility
2 Vitality
2 Intelligence
2 Wisdom
2 Luck
A wolf jumps at him claws out and mouth open as it attempts to bite him. Niveus side steps the wolf while blocking another bite that came towards him. Using his leg a kick sweeps out smashing into the wolf sending it back 3 meters, giving it a limp.
He turns to the left and uses Double Strike sending two quick sword strikes towards the wolf he sidestepped. Both land on the wolf as it cuts into the flesh spouting out blood, the wolf starts to bleed out as it whimpers. The other wolves are intimidated by the short time it took to dispatch the two wolves, they approach with far more caution with them circling to the left and the other to the right.
Steps are made as both wolves are charging from opposite sides. One arrives first and is greeted with a left hand smashing into its face, the other manages to get its teeth around Niveus's leg breaking through the skin and causing great pain. Cold air passes through his mouth as his brain registers the pain.
The numbers are seen as his health drops a bit.
Health continues to drop as the blood escapes his leg, there is a lot of blood pouring out while the wolf continues to hold onto the leg with its jaw. "Crack" sounds out as Niveus smashes the hilt of the sword into the front skull of the wolf. immediately the wolf lets go of the leg and falls unconscious.
+5 Auto HP Regen
Niveus steps back and holds the sword in front, waiting for what the wolves will do next. Finally the 2 normal and 2 injured wolves growl and charge forward. The sword is raised and swung down as hard as possible. A wolf perishes as the sword splits his face in two, a wolf grabs onto the right leg's thigh.
Another onto the left arm
And the last suffers a kick to the face from his left leg sending it back with a whimper. The sword is brought down on the wolf holding his left arm cutting into the neck. The one holding onto the thigh is met with a sword coming down stabbing through its throat.
You have gained 250 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
4 Strength
4 Agility
4 Vitality
5 Intelligence
4 Wisdom
4 Luck Due to skill Champion of Umbra you have gained skill:
Tough Skin - Your skin hardens and turns stronger. -10% damage to skin
He can feel it, his skin hardened but still has the same look, it can take far more damage now. The last wolf goes down shortly after with a chop to the head. The one that is bleeding is put out of its misery and the unconscious one gets a sword through the skull to finish it off.
You have gained 375 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
6 Strength
6 Agility
6 Vitality
6 Intelligence
7 Wisdom
6 Luck
I sit down and lean against a tree while I wait for the throbbing to stop. The auto HP regen is slowly going to work healing the wounds that infest my body. After the wounds and damage caused by loss of blood my hp is at 339/515, that is pretty bad.
+5 Auto HP Regen
+5 Auto HP Regen
+5 Auto HP Regen...
After 36 minutes the HP regen has completely recovered my health, I stand, look around and walk in one direction, hoping that I will find more wolves soon.
30 more minutes of wandering and looking for wolves pass by without any sightings then there is a sound, a growl off to the right. Niveus's head turns to the right as he is being stared down by two wolf eyes, they pounce. The wolf is right on Niveus with its teeth gnashing together trying to bite anything.
Niveus's hands are up and he tries to wrestle the wolf off of him, he grabs a hold of the wolf in his two hands and drops it, bringing his knee up. "CRACK" is heard as the wolf's back is slammed against his knee, the wolf limps and stops moving. 'Killing the goblins were far easier and gave better exp' He grumbles in his head tossing the wolf onto the ground.
You have gained 125 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
2 Strength
2 Agility
2 Vitality
2 Intelligence
2 Wisdom
2 Luck Due to skill Champion of Umbra you have gained skill:
Sneak - You move silently and hide making it harder for others to locate you
After 10 more minutes of walking another pack of 8 is found, they meet each other head on as Niveus pulls out his sword. The blade is beginning to look ragged with the edge starting to have nicks and bends.
Charge is used and a sword is chopped resulting in a wolf having its head cleaved in two, a double strike is sent with two sword sweeps cutting an X across the back of another wolf.
Due to gaining enough experience: skill Double Strike changed into Triple Strike
Triple Strike - Strike three times with a sword, the first dealing 100% damage, the second dealing 75% damage and the third dealing 50% damage on one target.
A shriek is let out of his mouth as the skill Shriek is invoked. The wolves lose some strength, although not much any bit may help. Kicks are sent out and a blade sweeps among the group, some receive a kick and are sent flying, others receive a sword and are killed.
The 6 other wolves are killed quickly resulting in a mass of exp that roles through.
You have gained 1000 exp. As per skill Champion of Umbra your exp has turned into:
17 Strength
17 Agility
17 Vitality
16 Intelligence
16 Wisdom
17 Luck Due to killing 10 Wolves you have gained title:
Beginner Wolf Hunter - Do 10% more damage to wolves.
The sword falls to the ground as Niveus falls back and lays on the ground. His body aches not from pain but it is getting tired. At least all the wolf ears are collected and he can now go back to town.
I stand on my feet dragging my sword along with me, such a busy day and I am so very tired. I drag my body along thinking about a sweet bed that I will be able to sleep in when I return. Thoughts of nice comfy beds pervade his mind as he returns home.
Without going to the guild he immediately goes back to the house, opens the door to reveal the oji-san and Sophie. Without saying a word he marches up the stairs, opens the door and lays in the bed, the moment his head hits the pillow, he is asleep.
"He must be really tired" The oji-san explains to Sophie while running his fingers through her hair, his eye flashes with a hint of worry. "There was a lot of blood but he was not hurt" He explains trying to not only comfort Sophie but also himself.
Although Niveus is somewhat awkward he obviously means well, he and Sophie have gotten used to him in the short time he was with them and they consider him a friend.
Sophie nods to the explanations he gave her as she calms the worry that was in her heart.
"He will be able to tell us all about what he did tomorrow" He looks at Sophie "That would be fun wouldn't it?
She gives him a little smile and nods with a little "Un" as he continues rubbing her head.
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