《Nihil》Prologue: After Death



Yes Darkness.

My eyes?

They are not there

I died?






Who are you? Where are you?


Where is here?

You don't need to know.

Who are you then?

I am a God.

What about your name?

I don't need a name.

A name would be convenient. I will just call you Umbra.

Umbra... Very well, it is suitable for me.

If I am dead why am I here? Are you my judge?

No, you are here because I found you interesting. You do not fear me yet you do not know me. You give me a name knowing I am a god. You are calm although you are surrounded in darkness. Why?

What reason is there to fear you when you have not hurt me? Why should I fear the darkness if I have no eyes?

Fear is something humans are born with, it is innate and yet you do not have fear. That is why you are here.

I have a question: did you find the life you lived boring?

Yes that life was boring, it was meaningless. Going to work each day earning money and spending money, all for what? To live a little longer, live with a little more comfort? What reason is there to continue with that kind of existence?

Yes I knew you thought that way. All those humans were boring continuing their existence without thinking about change, but you, you were different. You were special. I will give you another chance, another world, another life. I only ask that you make that life interesting.

Choose: Live again to entertain me or die as you are now.

Is that world interesting?


Then bring me there.

I knew you would say yes. I will send you to that world, as for now pick your new body.


As this was said there was a blaring light that filled the darkness. All around there were projections and each projection was a different body. Thousands of bodies lined the space and each had its own features. Some gave off a noble aura belonging to a king, others gave off a wild fierce aura like an animal, the bodies went from the dirtiest slave to the noblest emperor. As each body was focused on it would take the place in front then move off as another was selected.

Among the thousands of bodies that there was to choose from there was one that shined brighter than any other. It was more noble than any other, contained a grace that no other can hold and had an appearance that nothing could compare to. White hair cascaded down from the top of the head to the hips, it had the appearance of silk, the light shining through each strand gave off an immortal feeling. The skin did not have a single fault, it was pristine. The body that held the head contained no fat although there was a lack of muscle. This gave off a feeling that a single touch could cause it to shatter. Everything from the shoulders to the feet was sculpted to perfection even the important part was majestic. The face held two amber eyes with two brows of white that lined them. The nose was streamlined and ended at the mouth. The mouth had a slight grin with the two tender lips slightly parted to reveal the jade white teeth within.

This body held no faults and trapped all gazes. His eyes could not move from the figure until there was an interruption. Umbra was calling. He regained his focus as Umbra's words poured into his mind.

You like that body? Then that will be your appearance. I believe it is now time, I should send you off and not keep you here any longer. When you come to again you will be a resident of that world. I will give you something to help. Good luck and don't die, that would be very boring.

Light faded once again into black as he joins the other world.

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