《Different Dimension Demon》Demon Body Formation 3


Wan Bo strapped a big backpack on his back, wore a sharp dagger on his waist and held his staff on his hand, and used it as a walking stick until he got to the mission hall. There he started to look around before quickly heading to the old woman who approved his mission and asked her about the mission.

"Greetings Elder! I just wanted....

" It's them."

Without letting Wan Bo finish his words the woman pointed to a group of four people and said only one word. Wan Bo was stunned for a moment as he was confused, but he didn't question the Elder and headed towards those people with a little uneasiness. As he approached the group he noticed that two of them were young women that looked very similar to each other, with each of them being somewhat short, having long black hair, a sharp nose and holding a recurve bow. The other two were a tall, thin, short haired young man wearing baggy clothing , and the other was a buff man about 25 years old who had yellow hair and green eyes.

As Wan Bo noticed the features of the last man, his eyes widened a bit as he hadn't seen someone with that hair color, but he didn't slow his stride and stopped when he came in front of them. He cupped his hands and greeted them.

"Sorry to disturb you, brothers, sisters. I just wanted to know if you were the ones who also accepted the mission to exterminate the ghost cultivator on Sina village?"

The four of them stopped for a second as they glanced at each before the blonde haired one went forward and nonchalantly cupped his hands.

"Brother, we are indeed the ones you're looking for...and you are Wan Bo?" said the man as he smiled slightly, making Wan Bo's eyes narrow and Rey who was watching them intrigued, but not enough to intervene


"Yes that is correct brother. And you are....

The man pointed to himself and then to the other three, and started to introduce them one by one. "My name is Dai and I'm the leader of this group. The two sisters over there are Lin Huiling and Lin Mei. Lastly the tall and serious one is Tang Ping , our strategist. We had one more comrade in our midst, but he died fighting on our last mission. " said Dai with a frown.

As he heard the those words Wan Bo couldn't help but speak his mind " Ah, so that's why you are willing to accept me right? "

"That is right...." spoke slowly Dai as he furrowed his brows even more. He seemed to be thinking of something, before he snapped out of it. "But that doesn't mean that we will gladly accept you into something that can decide our lives. Are you confident in your skills?"

"Hmmm....." Wan Bo fell into thought for a moment from Dai's question as he tried to weigh the situation. ' These people are definitely a tight group and I'm clearly just a replacement for them. This means that I'm the youngest and the most likely to suffer in this mission. The way they also explained the situation is also to make them see if I'm trustworthy, but they don't seem to want to trust me in the first place.

Better draw the line right now and see if I can be accepted in this mission.'

"I see.... you are looking for a strong ally as your life may depend on his hands, but it seems that you don't consider me adequate enough. You knew my name, so you should also know that I'm at the 2nd stage of body formation, but you still didn't immediately reject me. Hmmm.... does this mean that you really want to complete this mission/are capable to complete this mission on your own, but you only lack the number requirements for the mission? Ahh.....is that why you mentioned your dead comrade?"



Someone snickered and as everyone else, Wan Bo moved his eyes to find out it was Tang Ping who did so . The tall strategist seemed to be trying to contain himself, and only did so after a while.


You seem to at least not be stupid, and know how to use your head, Wan Bo was it?" said Tang Ping as he turned to Dai " Leader, I think we can bring him along for now, and if he can't keep up with us, we can easily ditch him at a village by the way."

"Tang Ping....are you sure?" asked Dai in a serious tone as he clearly noticed the dissatisfaction of the sisters with the corner of his eye

"Sure.....nothing is sure in this world. I'm just making the best decision I can think of right now. We as humans hold our place in this world because of our numbers and ability to exchange information, so having one more pair of hands and a head on our disposal is not a bad idea."

"That...is indeed true. It's as you say, and we really don't have any more time to wait around. So, Wan Bo... welcome to the group." said Dai as he patted Wan Boss shoulder. It seemed to be a light tap, but it didn't feel like it as his shoulder ached a little.

"Uh... thanks?" was the only thing he could say as he was surprised by the quick decision, but he didn't complain. He only moved his shoulder a little bit and heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't speak any more after that and immediately headed towards the exit of the sect where they rode a carriage to Sina village.

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