《Divine Arts》Chapter 14 - Spirits
The hotel was old with a pungent smell that revealed its age. There weren’t much people in the lounge area. Several people sat by the chairs gossiping about the daily events of the city. A few even mentioned the Sappon incident. But once we entered the room they all went silent and looked up at us while pretending to read their papers.
I walked up to the counter carrying Riley on my back. He was fast a sleep. Although I had only met him a few days ago, I felt a connection to him. Somehow, I felt like he was like my little brother. He wasn’t lucky like me. He had no master to save him when he was younger. Instead he had been trapped as a slave in a household that only wanted to take his magic when his phoenix blood awakened. I felt sorry for him. He needed someone to care for him. I felt like that someone could be me.
He was eighteen years old, but he looked and acted like a ten-year-old. He really still had a child’s heart. I wanted to take him in and hug him and tell him 'from now on it will all be better'.
I stopped in front of the counter. An old lady sat behind the counter looking down seriously at a recent news print. I saw in big words 'Sappon destroyed by natural disaster'. But she was not looking at that, she had the news print folded up. She was looking at the cross-word puzzle. She bit the top of her pencil and frowned. You could tell she was stuck on the last question. She looked frustrated.
I leaned my head over and read the question. It read ‘out of the four-mythic beast which one was called the earth beast?’ it asked.
I almost chuckled at the question. I knew the answer. I had read through the divine book recently and learned of the four-great beast of old. Of course, the four-great beast was really the four-ancient race, but these days, they are only stuff of legends. The first was the great dragon. I looked to my side and Carter yawned while curled up sleeping. Here was a real dragon by my side.
The second was the undying bird Phoenix. Well they definitely were not undying or else why would all of them be dead. I glanced over my shoulder at Riley. He was sleeping soundly on my back. I guess I also have a Phoenix by my side. What a coincidence.
The third was Genbu, the turtle with a snake for a tail. It was one of the gentler beast of legends.
The last, of course, was the earth snake Basilisk. Legends say the earth snake can transform any living being to stone with just its stare. It was truly one of the more frightening beast of legend. Mages feared fighting it because there was no way to fight it. Its single glare was enough to petrify a person. Only those skilled in earth magic stood a chance against a Basilisk.
“The answer is Basilisk" I pointed out.
The old lady raised her head and frowned at me. “Young man I would have gotten it eventually. You did not need to interfere. I guess you must know your legends pretty well huh?” She said scribbling Basilisk on the paper.
“Now, how may I help you? Young man.” She asked leaning back on her chair and staring up at me. She raised her eye brows when she saw Riley on my back.
“He’s my little brother. He’s very tired” I explained.
“I never said anything.” She said tapping her pencil on her knees.
I coughed. “Mistress…." I said until I found her name on the plank on the counter. “Mistress Hodge, I need a room” I said.
“That’s what we are here for.” She said opening a drawer and taking out a log book.
“How many rooms would you like?” she asked.
“One room with two beds” I replied.
“A double room then. We have a few of those left.” She said looking at her almost blank log. I raised my eye brows. There looked to be more than enough left. Your log book is almost blank.
“Okay, I just need to register you. What is your name?” she asked.
“My names Peter Parkside” I answered.
“Peter… Parkside” she repeated writing the name down on the log book slowly. “Good. One double room will cost one hundred copper coins per day. If you book your days in advance. We can give you a discount. Otherwise it is one hundred copper coins each day. So how long will you be staying with us?” she asked.
“I’m not sure.” I said. “Book me in for seven days for now.”
“Sure, booking for seven days will be six hundred and thirty copper coins with the discount.” She said placing a bowl on the counter. “All rooms must be prepaid in advance” She said sternly.
I pretended to search inside a poach I had prepared earlier and took out seven silver coins from my ring. I placed it into the bowl.
Mistress Hodge took the bowl and poured the coins into her hands. “Seven silver coins. That’s good. That makes for way less of a mess in counting." She said taking out 70 copper coins from inside the drawer. “Here is your change. Just remember this, on the seventh day if you need to stay longer. We will need more money." she said handing over an old key. With a number 309 on it. “This is your room number” she said returning her attention back to the puzzle.
“Thank you” I said taking the key and climbing up the stairs to the third level. The stairs creaked as I stepped on them. This place was so old. If it wasn’t because of Riley I would never have come here.
Finally reaching room 309, I used the key and unlocked the door. The door creaked as I pushed it open.
The room was simple with two wide beds on the side. A small table leaned against the opposite wall. There was a white door that lead into the washing room.
I gently put Riley down on the first bed and covered him up with the blanket. Then I walked over to the window and opened it. Dust flew into the air as the window slid open. I coughed. This room was clearly not cleaned as often as it should have been. Why the hell did I choose this place? Master left me with plenty of coins. I could stay at a much better place. I sighed.
“Are you sure there is something here that is attracting Riley?” I asked. Using a small breeze to clear the dust out of the room. Wind magic was becoming really easy to use now. It was so much easier to use than life magic. The connection with Carter really helped a lot.
“Logan I'm certain about it. I've had a fair bit of encounters with Phoenixes in my time. That was a clear sign of his blood reacting to something. Plus, this place isn't bad.” he said cozying up on Riley's bed.
"When will Riley enter rebirth?" I asked him.
"Don't know." He replied.
"I thought you said he was nearing it?" I questioned.
"He is, but there is no way of telling. It could be tomorrow, or it could be next year. Its hard to tell." He replied. He curled up in bed and started to snore.
I rolled my eyes at him. This stupid dragon. What good was he if he could not even answer my questions.
I washed up and went to bed. I really needed rest. These days resting was so hard to come by.
The Rustic sword once again appeared. This time I was no longer drifting above it. I was standing not far from it.
I could see the sword more clearly now. It was actually lying on a rock this time around. The rock was black and white, splitting up into two at the middle. It resembled a Ying Yang. The symbol that was very widely used in healing arts.
As I moved closer, I realized the black and white rock was actually a crystal with a black and white liquid moving inside.
The five elements still protected the sword, but this time wind was not feeling so foreign. I could clearly get pass through the wind. The white liquid also looked welcoming. The other four elements still blocked my path. But I could not put my mind on what the silver element was.
The sword was less rustic this time. The old feel to it was still there, but the sword had a glow to it. The clear gem hanging off the pommel was glowing faintly. It was the gem representing wind. A new symbol also appeared on the sword hilt. It was a Ying yang. The white part was lit up, while the black part seemed to be waiting to pounce.
I walked closer to the sword. The four elements started to attack me, so did the black liquid within the rocks. I backed away, then faded back into the mist.
I sat up in bed cold sweat dripping from my face. The early morning light was shining through the window. The singing of birds filled the air. A cool breeze blew in through the window. I had left the window open last night.
I got off the bed and walked up to the window. The sun was just coming up the horizon. The amber hue of the sun’s ray lit up the sky, the morning sparrows soared high in the horizon.
Breathing in the fresh morning air, I thought about the weeks events. So much had happened. Life was getting more and more complicated. I wanted my old life back, but it was gone with the wind now.
A voice groaned in the background. I turned around, Riley rose from his bed. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned. He blinked sleepily and looked over at me. He smiled and jumped off the bed and ran over to me.
“Good morning Logan Sir. I feel refreshed today. Should I assist you in getting ready for the day” he said.
“There’s no need for that” I said. Riley had been serving people for to long. I needed to wane him off from this habit
He was a free person now. He needs to be more independent.
“You can wash up first.” I suggested.
“Me wash up, no sir I can’t. I" he stuttered.
I smiled at him “Riley you are a free person now. After we go out today. We will unseal that seal of yours. You can start being yourself again. Don’t belittle yourself. You had the courage to run away. Why not have the courage to live on bravely and proudly." The moment those words came out of my mouth I couldn’t believe myself. Was this actually me speaking. I sounded so mature.
“Okay Logan sir. I will do what you say” he said running into the washing room and closing the door.
The sound of rushing water came from the washing room. Riley started to sing. He sounded pretty good. I smiled.
Carter got off the bed and jumped onto my lap. “You know if we are unsealing him we need to be prepared. Maybe set up a barrier around here. I have several barriers that are pretty good.” he suggested.
I eyed him. This fella was getting more comfortable around me. I sighed. It was about time to allow him to see the book. I didn't need to guard from him no more.
I summoned the book from the cauldron. The instant the book appeared Carter’s eyes glowed. He could not believe his eyes. He did not expect this at all.
I opened the book to the section with the Divine Arts. The second section of the divine Arts suddenly clicked and unsealed. I almost jumped. Then even more unexpectantly the fifth section unsealed itself. My jaw dropped. How did this happen. I thought they were supposed to unseal in order?
Carter started to breath hard. I rolled my eyes. This dragon was anxious to read the section on the holy dragon's breath. I flipped to the page with the unsealed holy dragon's breath.
“Carter you can have a look” I said.
“For reals? Thank you.” He said flying down beside the book and reading it with excitement and reverence. I looked at it at the same time.
The fifth set was complicated, more so than anything I’ve ever seen. But somehow, I could understand it. It just clicked somehow.
I read through as much as I could see. It read 'The first spell of the dragon's breath is like the newly hatched dragon weak yet full of potential. This spell is called the Dragons hatch. Runes must be formed from the inside for it to truly show its full potential. Preferably a dragon should perform this set of magic. Only through dragon calm can this spell be at its strongest.'
“Dragon calm, what is that?” I asked.
“That is the magic source of a dragon.” answered Carter. “Through our contract you can access it to.” He said, still fully immerse in reading the spells for the Holy dragon's breath.
"I see” I said. I tried to read farther but the spells ahead made no sense to me. I could not decipher farther than the first spell.
“Carter how much can you read?” I asked him.
“Only the first one, but this is amazing. With this magic I can be reborn even faster. The first spell is a hatchlings spell which can speed up my hatching day's" He said excitedly.
"But something seems odd. This spell feels incomplete" he said.
"How so?" I asked him.
"I don’t know. But I will not use it until I've fully understood it" he said. "You shouldn't try it yet either." He suggested.
I nodded my head. It was not a spell I was ready to learn anyways. Why did it unlock so fast? I wasn't ready for it yet. Maybe the wind orb has something to do with it?
Riley came out of the washing room; a towel was wrapped around his chest. I frowned. This was not where a towel on a boy should be wrapped. Only girls wrapped it around their chest. I was about to say something to him. But Riley snatched some clean clothes from the bed. I had set those there last night before I went to bed. He ran back into the washing room.
I raised my eye brows. Why was he so hung up on not letting me see him change? We were both guys. There was nothing I don't have that he doesn't have. I sighed and sat down by the table and started to write down herbs and other things I needed for my potions and Riley's barrier.
Riley came out of the washing room and his face was red. I patted him on the head and headed into the washing room to wash up.
I finished off and left our room. Carter returned to his dragon heart. The divine book was returned to the cauldron.
We walked down the hall, then stepped down the stairs. They creaked as we stepped down. The same ladies sat in the lounge. The old lady was not behind the counter today, instead a young man stood behind the counter. He smiled at us when he saw us. We walked up to the counter.
“Good morning sirs. Are you going out?” he asked politely. He was better mannered than that Miss Hodge. I read his name tag. His name was Carl.
“Yes” I replied. “I want to ask you where the best herb shop in town is?” I asked.
“Are you looking for herbs?" he asked.
I nodded my head.
"There are several herbal shops in town. The best is of course the shop owned by the healer's society. But only official healers can buy herbs from there." he said pausing to see if I happened to be a healer.
I do have a healer's license issued by the healer's society. I had gotten one last year when master said it was time I got one for myself. I’ve never officially used it for anything, but it was registered with the healer's society. Unfortunately, it was under my real name. I couldn’t exactly use it now could I. What if the mages from that mysterious organization traced its use and found me. It was not something I wanted to have happen.
“No, I don’t have such a thing” I answered, acting disappointed.
“Then sir, there are three open herb shops in town. Uryus is the most expensive one but it is the best. It is located not very far from here. The second is call Heroes. It’s located in the town center. Its prices are actually reasonable. The last, I would not recommend, it's called Divine Herbs, its located the farthest. It is all the way on the other side of town. They are actually pretty expensive and most of the time, customers complain about their services. I suggest if you could find the herbs at the first two, then not to visit the last” he recommended.
“Thank you. Can you give me all three places address?" I asked politely. "I’ll have a look at all of them. It’s the perfect chance to explore the town anyways.” I grinned.
“Of course, sir.” He said righting down the three shops name and addresses. He listed them from closest to farthest.
"Thank you” I said taking the piece of paper and putting it into my pocket.
“Oh, one more thing where can I find crystals, candles and incense?” I asked.
“Those things can all be purchased at the house of craft. Sir are you a mage?” he asked.
I chuckled. “No, do I look like one?" I laughed.
Carl furrowed his brow.
"I just like to collect these things. I dreamt of being a mage when I was a boy but found out I did not have the talent for it. As compensation I like to collect mage items every town I come across." I said chuckling.
“Oh, that’s disappointing. I was hoping to find a mage. But never mind, here is the address of the house of craft." he said, handing me another piece of paper.
I took the sheet and walked out of the hotel. A few of the ladies stared up at me. I glanced at them. I almost stumbled when I realized that I could feel some sort of magic from one of the older ladies. So, there was a mage here. Could she be a wind mage? There was no way she could be a Life mage.
The town of Banff was not a big town. It was two thirds smaller than Sappon. But still the walk across town was treacherous. We had visited all the shops on the list but the last one. I had purchased the candles, crystal and incense without trouble and even found most of the herbs needed. But the last herb which should have been the easiest to find was not available in neither of the stores.
Lax weed was a very common herb. Sometimes when you walk outside you would come across it. But for some reason, the entire town was out if it. Plus, there wasn’t even a trace of it growing anywhere in town. It was strange really, I actually haven’t seen it all since I left Sappon. That was really strange.
We stopped before a shabby old shop. The windows had old vines covering it. The door even had vines encasing it. I looked up at the sign, it read Divine Herbs. This was the right shop. I opened the door and entered. A bell rang on top of the door.
When we entered the shop, an old smell of Arcane incense filled the air. It was one of the oldest kind of warding's against evil spirits. I recognized it from my studies. Master had always said Arcane is most commonly used for warding off evil spirits. It had no use otherwise. But most people don’t know about this. It was actually a real thing, I even read about it in the book of divine. If used properly with warding spells Arcane can even ward off vengeful spirits.
I glanced around the room and found traces of old runes hidden in the walls. If one did not know them to be runes, then they would just have seemed like the decorations of the shop.
I searched the room some more, sure enough, close to the center of the shop a crystal ball stood embedded inside a support beam. That is definitely a warding spell. I stopped in my tracks. Why was there a warding spell inside this shop?
I eyed the shop. This was no normal place. That spell was a very strong spell to ward off evil spirits. I suddenly remembered Carter. Would this work on him? I wasn’t so sure. I quickly sent him a message through our connection. Telling him not to come out. He responded with a claw's up.
I walked up to the counter, a young lady sat behind it. She was about seventeen to eighteen. Her sleek black hair hung loose over her shoulders. A pentagon hair pin held her bangs back. She looked up at me, then returned to reading her book. It was a romance novel.
“Hi Miss, I’m looking for Lax Weed. Do you guys perhaps have any?” I asked her.
She looked up at me and shook her head.
“Oh” I said disappointed. What was with this town? How could they be out of the simplest of herbs.
Of course, I didn’t have to use Lax weed in most potions. It could be effectively replaced. But for this potion it was needed. Of course, it could be replaced too. But, at a greater cost. I would have to use 6 rare herbs to replace it this time. That was just not practical.
“Logan sir” Riley tugged at my sleeve.
"Yes, Riley" I said looking down at him.
“I feel very uneasy here" he said his voice sacred. He looked left, then right. “There’s a lot of spirits in here” he murmured under his breath.
The girl over the counter dropped her book and looked over the counter at Riley.
“Young man. Don’t say things you know nothing about. There are no way spirits can get in here” she said sternly.
Riley hid behind me and continued looking left and right, his hands were shaking. “Logan sir… the spirits… are very mad." he said his voice stuttering.
I knelt down next to him, “Are you sure? This place is very well warded” I said.
“Logan sir, the spirits are saying that something bad is going to happen if this warding doesn’t come down this instant” he said, his teeth chattering.
I took him into my arms and held him tight. He was very scared. This can't be a lie. I glanced around the shop. How was this even possible. The shop was well warded. Spirits shouldn’t be able to get in. Why was Riley saying they are trapped here?
"Stop spewing nonsense. This shop does not welcome you. Please leave.” The girl behind the counter said pointing us to the door.
I lifted Riley off the ground and carried him toward the door. I glanced back one last time. That’s when I saw it. The runes inside the crystal ball was reversed. I almost broke out in curses. This was bad.
I tried to hurry myself out of the shop, but suddenly, the door slammed close and a dark cloud of smoke blocked the exit.
“Freak 'in hell" I cursed. Why is everything happening to me?
“What's going on?!” screamed the girl behind the counter. A dark cloud had surrounded her, and she was trapped.
I sighed “Shit! This was a trap!” I said, cursing my luck. This was just perfect. Why is everything happening to me? This stupid shop had gotten the spell wrong. Instead of warding off the spirits, it trapped whatever spirits happen to be prancing through the place.
What’s worst is if Riley nor I hadn’t come here, this would not have happened. The spell reacted to our magic resonance. Even though Riley’s magic was sealed. It still released a residue from magic.
The spell got agitated by our magic and jolted the spirits into rebellion. It was nasty business.
I sighed, bitter feelings running through my body. This was yet again going to be another bad day.
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