《Divine Arts》Chapter 8 - Basic Magic: Alchemist Cauldron
Basic Magic: Alchemist Cauldron
The next day, the sun rose early in the morning. I did not get to much sleep through the night. I was thinking about what to do next. What was my path from now on? Should I follow the path of all the people before me and just hide away as a healer just like Master had done and his ancestors before him? Or, should I follow a new path? I did not know what to do.
I walked down the path toward Sappon. The first thing I must do is to go back to Sappon. Even if it’s in shambles, I still wanted to see it. I wanted to see the last place the master and I had spent together.
The journey toward Sappon was quiet. I met no one and saw no one. As I approached the gates of Sappon, I saw the walls to the city charred and in runes. Some parts of it had already collapsed. Men walked around clearing the fallen debris. They all looked dejected and lost. You could see the sadness in their faces. My heart hurt. This was in part my fault. All these people displaced because the mage was looking for the master and me. I felt an anger growing inside. The organization that sent the mage, I promise I will destroy them one day.
I approached the gate. The men by the gate saw me. “Who goes there?” one of the men asked. "Sappon is closed for rebuilding” he said blocking my path.
“I’m from Sappon.” I said, showing him I meant no harm.
One of the young man looked at me and he seemed to recognize me. I recognized him to. He was once a patient of masters. If I remember correctly his ailment was really smelly feet. Master fixed it in no time. He even did it without giving the young man a major side effect. The young man only had sweaty hands for a few weeks.
“Oh, you’re the old healers apprentice. Where have you been?” he asked pushing the other guard aside.
“The master and I went out to collect some herbs” I lied. I couldn't exactly tell him the truth, could I?
“Oh, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the clinic is gone. Along with half the town.” He said sadly showing me the fallen walls.
“What!” I said acting surprised. I didn’t want to act if I knew. The towns destruction was partly our fault.
"It happened three nights ago.” He said opening the gate and allowing me inside.
The moment I walked into the town I could smell the aftermath of the fire that destroyed half the city. Houses and complexes everywhere were either burnt to the ground or charred beyond recognition. There was not much that didn’t get caught in the fire. My heart hurt. These people did not deserve this. They were victims of a far greater power at work. Master was not at fault either. He to was a victim. It was that mage. It was his fault. He and his organization.
“The fire started in the night. We don’t know how it started, but suddenly buildings inside the city started to catch on fire. Some witnesses say it may have started at the healers' society, but no one knows for sure.” He said sadly shaking his head.
“How are the towns people?” I asked genuinely concerned. The people should not have had to go through this.
“Many have died. Most of the healers have also perished. Those that remain have been working tirelessly healing the injured. I’m glad you came back but where is your master?” he asked looking around as if expecting master to pop out from behind us. I wanted that to happen to. I wanted it so badly.
“He went on a long journey. He won’t be back for a long time” I said. It was true, master had gone on a journey. A journey to the world beyond.
“Oh” said the young man. “Why didn’t you go with him?” he asked.
“Master said it’s time for me to learn to be independent. So, I stayed. I don’t know what to do really. Master just left and now I’m all by my self.” I said, my words true.
The young man patted me on the back. “It’s all good. A man can’t depend on their master all their lives. You're of age to be independent. How is your healing ability? Is it the same as your masters?” he asked eyeing me. I knew what he was implying. Master was known as the side effects healer. But he still healed people better than anyone around.
“I think I’ve learned most of his skills” I replied. Master had taught me many things. I had inherited a lot from him.
The young man chuckled. “Maybe you can help out at the temporary healers' society across town.” He suggested pointing toward the south end of the city where the damage was less severe.
“Maybe,” I said. I wasn't sure if I could help or if I could even stay here.
We stopped. The clinic was just up the hill. It was so close, yet so far. I knew what to expect. I had seen it collapse a few nights ago. But I still felt nervous.
“Here we are.” the young man said. “I’m Sorry but nothing really survived the clinics collapse.” He apologized.
“It’s okay,” I swallowed, calming my heart for what was to come. Walking up the hill, the spot where the clinic once stood came into my site. My heart sank as I saw the rubbles of the clinic. This was mine and masters home for the last two years. It was also masters last home. I felt empty inside.
As I stepped in front of the collapsed clinic, a tear ran down my cheeks. Everything was gone. Nothing remained. I really lost everything. “Can you let me spend some time here alone.” I told the young man.
“Of course, man. You can find me at the gate if you need me. The healers' society’s new location is written on this piece of paper. You can go over there if you want. It may help to heal others.” He suggested walking away handing the piece of paper over to me.
I held the piece of paper and placed it into my pocket. I’ll think on it later. Right now, I wanted to see if there was anything I could salvage from the collapsed clinic. There could be things I could salvage. Plus, the masters secret chamber might still be intact.
Walking over the rubles, I took in a deep breath. “Wow. Is this your home?" asked Carter appearing by my side.
I jumped. Surprised by Carter’s sudden appearance. He floated in front of me. This time he was no longer the giant dragon of before. He appeared to me as a tiny palm sized dragon. He was almost cute.
“What are you doing? People will see you.” I said trying to block him with my hands but realized to late he was a spirit. My hands ran right through him.
“Don’t worry. No one but you can see me. Only those who have my heart and have made a blood bond with me can see and hear me. Normal people will just think you are talking to yourself. Like a crazy person that you are.” He said laughing. He twirled in the air finally landing on my shoulder.
I rolled my eyes. This thing was going to be a pain in the butt. Why the heck did I make an oath with it. I sighed, taking in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “Why are you out of your heart?” I asked.
“I just wanted to see your house. Plus, I did agree to help you create your wind orb. Can’t do that if I stay inside my heart all the time, can I?” he said blowing out wind from his nose. It was like a light breeze touched me.
“I don’t want to do it here.” I said. This was no place to create my second magic orb. There could be enemies here.
“It’s okay, we can schedule a time that fits you. So, what happened here?” he asked eyeing the rubles of the clinic. His expression curious.
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. But right now, I need to clear some of this rubble.” I said. Bending done and lifting a broken piece of beam from the rubble. It was heavy.
“Why are you lifting it like a normal chap. You’re a mage for god’s sake. Use magic.” Laughed Carter zooming from beam to beam.
“I don’t know what to use. I can only use enhancing magic and none of them can help me lift these beams.” I said. If I could use something useful, you think I wouldn't. I thought to myself.
Carter sighed. “Didn’t anyone teach you about basic uses of magic?” he asked.
“No. I learned magic from a book.” I replied. It was true. Master never taught me about magic. He only taught me healing, herbology, and perhaps the Divine Arts.
Carter gawked at me. “A book. What book?” he asked.
I looked around making sure no one was around. Then summoned the book from the cauldron. “This one” I said carefully opening up the book of Divine.
Carter leaned over to see the book. The moment he saw the book he screamed. “Holy mother dragon! This…. This is the Sacris Magicae. A copy anyways. How…how could have such a thing!”
I sighed, “Yes, yes, I don’t know what Sacris Magicae is, but this is the one and only book of Divine. It also contains the Divine Arts.” I said rolling my eyes. Was it that surprising? You already saw it last night. You even tried to grab it.
Carter breathed rapidly. “I can’t believe you have a copy of the Sacris Magicae. No wonder you can use the Luisurandum est Magicae. So you humans call it Divine Arts now. The Sacris Magicae is said to contain the 99 spells of a god. It is a legendary set of magic. Legends have it that if one can master the Sacris Magicae they will have the right to walk the path of a Godhood.” He said jealously.
“Oh I see, so the Divine Arts previous name is the Sacris Magicae.” I said. So, the dragon race knew of the Divine Arts before hand too.
“Logan, can I have a glimpse of the Sacris Magicae.” Carter pleaded.
“Why?” I questioned getting a little protective holding the book away from him.
“The Fifth set in the Sacris Magicae is the Holy Dragon's Breath. It is a very ancient dragon magic. If I can learn it. I would be able to awaken some of my dragon inheritance. With it. I can advance and farther evolve.” He said dreamily.
“Sorry, the Divine Arts is not to be shared.” I said putting it back into the cauldron.
“Wait, I can teach you. I can teach you all about magic and the works. Please let me see the Sacris Magicae. Remember we have an oath together." he pleaded getting on his knees.
“I don’t think so. Unless…” I said raising my eye brow.
“Unless what. I’ll do anything.” Carter pleaded.
“We can set up the partnership contract now. Then perhaps.” I said.
“What, no I can’t do that” he refused, getting off his knees and floating back in front of me.
“Why not? You were going to do it eventually anyways. Why not now?” I pressured. Thinking, if I could do the partnership contract now. It should make my creating the wind orb much easier. Plus, I could access his magic. That would help tremendously.
“Because if I do it now. The contract would be bound by soul. If that happens I will be contracted with you even if I reincarnated. That is a very cruel fate. I can never get away from you. You…You cruel human.” He said pointing his claws at me, his eyes full of fury.
“Oh, that is a problem. No worries I will unbind your contract with me if you happen to die. Isn't that enough?” I asked.
“I… I can’t trust you on this one.” He said keeping his distance.
“Then I can’t help you either.” I said, lifting another beam from the rubles. I could faintly see a cellar door. That was where master's secret room was.
Carter sighed. “Alright, if you swear you would release me if I die. Then I agree.” He said dejected.
“Alright, so teach me how to use this basic magic of yours.” I said, I couldn’t let him browse through the book here. Who knows who could be watching?
“Life magic like all magic requires the formation of a magic orb for it to function properly. This part you have already done. I am curious, how did you create it with only reading from a book and without an actual guide either.” He asked.
“I don’t know. I just followed the instructions in the book” I said. "It looked simple enough."
“Huh,” he said. “Never mind, an orb once formed will continuously take in magic. But what happens if you don’t use it. It all gets released back into the air. Right?” He asked.
“I see” I said understanding finally why I continuously sucked in magic, but the orb never gets full. So, this was how it was. The divine book only explains things in simple terms. It is more of a spell book than anything.
“So, how do we get it to work differently? We must compartmentalize the magic orbs. Then we can compress magic and purify it. That way more magic can be stored. With stored magic, one could use magic in places where there is no magic at all. That is one of the basics of magic theory. After that, veins can be developed within the orb to allow magic to flow. This way magic will not just flow out when it is not needed. Also, the more adapted you are at magic. The more magic can be stored at once. The rest will continue to flow out, but greater spells can be used if your magic storage is greater and spells can be performed at a much faster rate. Like for instance the legendary swords of Solomon can be summoned with just a thought if enough magic was available.” He said watching my reaction. I gave him none.
“Okay, Great. What does this have to do with me lifting all these ruble?” I said pointing at the collapsed clinic.
“It has everything to do with it. With stored magic, you can use magic more efficiently. Also, magic vines can be used. Magic vines can only be formed through purified magic.” He said.
“Okay, how do I do this?" I asked interested.
“Right now, you haven’t compressed your magic yet. You can feel the raw particles of life magic around you right?” Carter asked.
“Yes. I can feel it from the air and all the life forms in the city. It's the magic I can use.” I said.
“Those particles are raw magic. Most magicians and commoners use them and only them for magic. Even some mages use them in their original form. That is the wrong way to use magic. Raw magic first needs to be refined and thoroughly purified for it to be used. First these raw particles are to be taken into your magic orb, then Purified through a process called Purification. After that magic can be compressed. All compressed magic once used is ten times stronger than raw magic.” Carter explained.
“So, in the end I still need to create sections in my magic orb.” I said rolling my eyes. This guy, after explaining all this and we are still stick back to square one.
“Yes, that is basic magic, but as you don't have the proficiency to compress or purify magic I can help you with that.” He said placing his paw over my right palm.
An ancient rune appeared. The moment it appeared, I could feel the magic inside my life orb reacting. Soon all the life particles hurried through my veins and passed through the rune on my palm. Then returned to my life orb. I felt flabbergasted. What just happened?
“What is this thing” I said waving my palm. It just did something to the life particles inside my life orb.
“This my boy is a compression, refining and purifying rune. It’s called the Nei. It’s very ancient, we dragons use it for training newborn dragons who can’t control their magic well. You can use it to purify, refine and compress magic. It works just like the method I mentioned before. But it does have its limits. It can’t store magic, but the compressed magic can be stored inside your life orb.” He explained.
“Really" I said. "How do I use it?” I asked even though it seems to have already activated by itself already.
“Very simple, guide the raw magic particles into the rune. Then it will simply refine, purify and compress your magic. Then simply just store them away. Oh yeah it would be better if you create a magic link between your orb and the Nei." He said.
“How do I make a magic link?” I asked unsure what to do.
Carter grunted in disbelief. “Wow you really don’t know anything.” He complained.
I rolled my eyes at him. “If I knew what to do. Would I be asking you?” This really exhaust my patience.
Carter took in a deep breath. “Okay, a link can be formed through connecting raw magic together and then using the runes for enhancing and tubing. I know you probably don’t know this either. Here.” He said drawing the runes in the air.
The runes were simple runes. I actually used them before. They were the connection runes used to join the runes together in a chain. “Oh, I know these runes. I didn’t know that they can be used to form a magic link.” I said. Drawing in raw life magic particles. The particles grouped together into a long line forming a connection between my life orb and the Nei. As the two started to piece together, I imprinted the connection runes on the surface of the life magic particles. The moment the rune was finished, the particles bubbled and started to merge with each other. Soon it became a tiny thread that connected the life orb and the Nei together.
“It’s done.” I said excitedly.
“Good. Now draw the life particles into the Nei.” Carter suggested.
I did what he told me. Life particles slowly drifted into the Nei. As soon as the life particles went into the Nei, I felt a cool sensation. I looked inside my self with my magic senses. I saw little strings of thread flowing through the connection thread and into my life orb. As it reached my life orb the thread curled up and started to twine together. As more and more thread came into my life orb. The original balls of thread shrunk down allowing more thread in.
“So, this is refined and purified magic.” I said summoning a piece of threaded magic out.
“Yes. For the purpose of magic vines. That piece is enough.” Carter said.
“What, this small amount. How is this enough to perform magic” I asked not believing him.
“It’s enough. Now use this rune.” He started drawing another rune into the air.
I followed him and used the small thread to draw the rune. The moment I started to use the thread I felt the thread bending to my every will without me even lifting my finger. It shaped itself into the rune with just my thought alone. When the thread formed into the rune. Smooth rays of magic flowed down into the rubles. Suddenly beams started giving way and an entrance formed from the rubles.
“This…” I said disbelieving how easy it was. I didn’t even need to do anything. The magic just followed my thoughts. I wanted to clear a path into the cellar and it did. This was amazing.
“Yeah that is the difference between purified magic verses raw magic. Completely different levels of control.” He said flying down the entrance toward the cellar door. I followed.
At the bottom, the cellar door stood roughed up, but otherwise unharmed. I knelt down placing a key into the lock and pulled the door up, opening the cellar door. It creaked, and dust floated upwards. I coughed. Carter zoomed through the door and down into the cellar. I promptly followed.
The cellar was where master's secret room was. It was a place I rarely visited but master kept some very important herbs down there. Masters potions room was also down there. I had only ever been in this place once. As I walked down the dark stairs of the cellar I wondered if master had time to take his items from the cellar. There weren’t any herbs in his bag. Just some simple necessities. It was clear master too was caught by surprise this time. Usually when we leave a place. Master would always be prepared, even if we were to be chased out. But this time was different.
“It’s so dark down here. Don’t you have a flint or something” asked Carter flying back toward me, landing on my shoulder.
I thought for a second. Then felt around until I found a table located on the left side of the cellar. Rummaging across the surface of the table I found the flint jar. Opening up the jar I broke the flint in half and a fire ignited. I shone the flint up looking around the room. It was a mess, books scattered everywhere. Dishes shattered on the ground. But the room was still intact. That was good. It meant perhaps masters things still could be recovered.
“So why are we here?" asked Carter.
“I wanted to see if Master left anything behind.” I said. Looking around the room.
“Your master? Was he your magic teacher? If so, I don’t think he did a very good job.” He said clawing at his ear.
“No, he was my healer teacher. He never really taught me magic. Well not the kind you know anyways.” I said remembering master stern words when I first started learning potions mastery. He was a strict teacher. But he really never taught me magic, at least not the basic type anyways. He had taught me the Divine Arts disguised as the healing arts. I sighed, master really had me fooled.
“What did he teach you then?” asked Carter flying away to play with a broken vase.
“Healing Arts” I answered.
“Oh, so your master was a healer. Not a bad profession, but how did you come across a copy of the Sacris Magicae?” he asked running his claws through the vase.
“Master passed it on to me” I said without thinking. I was at the door. I took in a deep breath and pushed the door open.
“He gave you what?” Carter yelled.
“He passed on the Divine book to me” I said. The room was a mess too. Herbs were all over the floor. I picked up some rare Thicknesse stems and Succubus flowers. Then some Wyvern grass. These were all useful herbs that can be used to heal different illnesses. As I collected more and more herbs soon my hands were full. I wanted to put them into the cauldron but wasn’t sure if they would all fit. I summoned the cauldron and it landed in the middle of the room.
“Your master had the Sacris Magicae and he passed it onto you?” Carter asked again still stuck on the question.
“Yes, I’ll tell you about it later.” I said walking up to the cauldron.
“Wait I want you to tell me now” Carter said flying up to the cauldron. The instant he got near the cauldron he hissed and fell back hiding behind me. “What is that?!” he hissed.
“My cauldron” I said looking at him weirdly. Has he never seen a cauldron?
“That… that is not a normal cauldron” he whispered under his breath.
“Yeah I know. It’s a medium." I said. Trying to put some herbs into the cauldron. But as soon as I placed them into the cauldron the herbs dissolved.
“What the.” I shouted, quickly dropping the herbs on the floor and tried to catch the liquefied herbs before they touched the book of Divine. But it was not needed. The herbs floated in the middle of the cauldron, not even touching the book or the contents at the bottom. “This is strange.” I said reaching in to touch the liquefied herbs. It was cool and sticky. What just happened?
“This has never happened before.” I said confused and mystified. I had used the cauldron many times before, it never did this before.
“That is no mere medium” Carter said. “Don’t put any thing with life energy in there. Or else they would all be turned to liquid and be made into potions.” Carter said keeping his distance from the thing.
“What do you mean?" I asked confused. What is going on now?
“That cauldron, if I’m not mistaken is the alchemist Cauldron. An ancient spirit ware from the age of great magic” Carter said.
“What time period is that?”
“The time of great magic falls back to after the dawn of time, when all things were created. When the Gods created the world. They left the ancient races relics created by them. There are thousands of these items, but no one has ever been able to make these items. The closest people got was creating mediums. But mediums can’t even compare to these relics. Through time these relics became lost as the ancient worlds changed. Most of these relics are thought to be sealed away after the fall of the time of great magic.” He explained.
"We dragons owned quite a few of these relics during our time. But during the fall of our race, these items were lost once again." He said sadly.
“It seems history keeps repeating itself.” I said.
"It does, doesn't it? Kingdoms fall. That is a fact. No kingdom can last forever. No race can either. You humans may also one day face the end" he said sadly.
I ignored his words. I did not want to think about the human race falling. "What happened to the dragons anyways. The Book of Divine doesn't have records of what happened" I asked.
"I don't want to mention it. Maybe one day" he said. looking at the cauldron he sighed. “This alchemist cauldron is a perfect protector for the book. I see why your master passed it onto you. If you ever find it impossible to pass the book on. Then seal the book inside the cauldron. It will keep all life away. I don’t know why no one has done that yet.” He said eyeing the cauldron warily.
“How do you do that?” I asked.
“Simple,” he started to say. “Wait the cauldron is not whole. It is sealed somehow. With a very powerful seal. I see.” He said. “So that’s why your master can’t seal the book inside.” He said.
“What. What did you discover?” I asked confused. Why was the cauldron suddenly something far greater than a medium. Mediums were rare enough already. Spirit ware? I've never even once heard of such a thing.
“The cauldron is not at its full power. You see these seven spots.” He pointed to the seven dents on the side of the cauldron. .
“Yes” I nodded looking at the dents. They did seem to have once held something.
“There use to be seven gems here. Those gems represented the cauldron spirit. With it the cauldron can think and even manifest itself. But without it the spirit is lost. Without its spirit it’s full power cannot be used. So sealing it is not possible. It also seems that it has not been truly used as an alchemist cauldron for tens of thousands of years. I don’t think your master or the ones that had it before really knew what they had.” Carter said. “What do you guys use this thing for?” he asked.
“It’s our potions cauldron” I answered.
Carter’s jaw dropped. “That’s all you use it for?” he asked in disbelief.
I nodded my head. Of course, that’s what we use it for. What else would we use it for. Was it really as special as he described? I looked at the old thing. I felt my connection with it, but it still felt like the cauldron can only be used as a storage device and as a cauldron.
“This is the alchemist cauldron. Using it for simple potions is like using a fork to eat soup. It can be done but not at all effective at all.” He said a gleam in his eyes growing. “This ancient relic can be used to make elixirs, forge magical weapons, make dimensional rings, create mediums, combine elements together, the works. This is a gold mine and you just use it for making simple everyday potions” he shouted in outrage.
I scratched my head, that was quite the list. Was this cauldron really that special? Did the master really not know any of this? I wasn’t sure. He kept to many secrets from me. I could not tell anymore.
“Never mind that, if I can’t put the herbs inside the cauldron. How am I supposed to get them out of here? There is a lot of them.” I said worried about the herbs. I was still a healer first. Herbs were my life.
“Is this even a question.” Said Carter rolling his eyes. He flew over to a corner of the room where an old ring laid buried in Yukon Mushrooms. He blew a breath and the Mushrooms flew away. The ring shimmered in the dark. “This here is a dimensional ring. Not a very good one but should suffice with your needs for now.” He said lifting the ring up with his wind magic and placing it in my hand.
“This ring” I croaked, tears welling up in my eyes again. I remembered this ring. Master usually wears it on his right-hand ring finger. So that night, he did not have it with him. I thought it had perished with him. But it was here. A tear ran down my cheeks.
“You are so sentimental.” Carter teased. “It’s just a dimensional ring. A very low grade. No, below low-grade level dimensional ring. It can’t store to much stuff.” He sighed disappointed.
I wiped away my tears. “It’s my masters ring. It’s precious to me.” I sniffed. “Wait what did you say this was?” I asked.
“It’s a below low grade dimensional ring” he said.
“A dimensional ring?” I gasped. Those were things of legend. No one I’ve ever seen, not even the riches of people have these things. It was said to be a very rare kind of medium.
“Don’t get to excited about it. That thing is beyond low grade. It can maybe store all these herbs with a little more room left. Possibly for a few more items. Nothing more really.” He said.
I was excited. That’s a lot of storage compacted into a small thing like this already. “How do I use it?” I asked excited. This was even better than finding out the cauldron was magic.
“That’s easy. Put a speck of magic into the center there” he pointed at a rune etched in the center of the ring. “Any magic will do. Don’t waste purified magic. Raw magic will do.” He said yawning.
I snatched a magical particle from the air and forced it into the ring. The moment the magic touched the ring. It glowed and a picture of the inside of the ring showed up inside my head. I was so surprised at what I saw. Inside the ring was a closet size space. It was filled with gems and metals of all sorts. It also had a lot of coins and I mean a lot. So that’s where master stores his coins. No wonder he never needed to worry about money. He had a hell lot of platinum coins, gold coins and silver coins. There were a few pieces of copper coins too. I guess he did not need to much copper coins. Copper coins was worth way less than silver coins. 100 copper coins makes one silver coin. While 100 silver coins make one gold coin and 100 gold coins make 1 platinum coin. I took in a breath of stale air trying to calm myself, instead I made myself cough.
“The ring is already full” I said dejected and happy at the same time. I was happy I suddenly came across so much money, but I was sad because I couldn’t take the herbs with me.
“Full, what with?” asked Carter. I passed the ring over to him and he looked inside.
“Mother of dragon!" he shouted.
“Hey stop yelling.” I yelled back at him. He was going make me death always screaming in my ear like that.
“Sorry, he said. But I am surprised at the gems and metals your master has collected. That black metal in there is boron steel, a very rare kind of metal. If mixed properly with that red metal which is called blood copper can make a very strong weapon. If you add those gems in and you can create a magic sword that is at least a medium, maybe even high grade magic item. Your master has some good stuff. Wait, is that Star Titanium? Wow with that we can upgrade this piece of trash of a dimensional ring.” He said flying in a circle.
“Hey, this ring is very precious to me. Don’t call it names." I said sternly.
“Whatever” said Carter dumping all the contents of the ring onto the ground.
“What are you doing.” I said displeased. Why was he taking all the contents of the ring out. It’s not safe to have all that stiff out in public. Okay we were in the cellar of my collapsed clinic. No one could be down here except me and Carter. But I was still upset.
“I said you can upgrade this ring.” He said pointing to the black metal on the ground. “Hurry up if you want to take these herbs with you.” He said.
“How?” I asked. Taking the piece of metal and my masters ring into my hands. The moment the black metal got into my hands I almost dropped it because it was so heavy. For such a tiny thing, it was heavy as hell. It was just a little bigger than masters ring.
“Use the alchemist cauldron of course. Use these runes he drew a few complicated runes in the air.
“What? Will this harm masters ring?” I asked worried. This was masters ring. I didn’t want to damage any of his things.
Carter rolled his eyes. “Of course not. It would only make it better. It would still be the same old ring, but the space inside would be far bigger.” He said urging me to start.
“Ok, guide me through this process. I said.
“Of course” he said.
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8 130 - In Serial19 Chapters
The Children of Destiny
Steam punk/ high fantasy In a world where you need to get famous to get magical, a dying avenger and a naive noble merge into a whole one fateful night. The storm which brings them together is just a prelude to the gale which will blow throughout the Empire. Our protagonist Cyn Pavone must come to terms with the conflict within in order to merge with the very society that eradicated his clan and gain enough power to unleash his vengeance. Discord server World Map showing the North pole World Map showing the mortal continent Themes: Spoiler Overarching theme- revenge saga Focus- character based progress style- multiple povs action- strategic battles Rankings for noblity: Spoiler Baronet (Village head. Population- 100-400) Baron (City Mayor Population- 10,000-30,000) --- can appoint iron Knights=Baronet (1/10 of no of villages) Viscount ( District leader- ~10 cities) --- can appoint 1 copper Knight = Baron and 10 iron knights Earl (Zone- ~10 districts) --- can appoint 1 silver knight = Viscount and 10 copper and 100 iron knights Marquis (state) --- can appoint 1 gold knight = Earl and 10 100 and 1000 silver copper iron respectively 4 Dukes (7 states each)--- can appoint 1 platinum knight = Marquis and as above for the other knights King (Regiis III) --- Kingsguard. 1 Knight Command = Duke and as above for the rest Military Rankings: Spoiler Captain (10 martial warriors) = A rank mercenary = Baronet General (10 Captains) = S rank = Baron Lieutenant Commander (10 Generals) = SS rank = Viscount Commander (10 Lieutenants) = SSS rank (max)= Earl Marshal (10 Commanders) = Marquis = Guild branch leader for a nation Master of War(10 Marshals) = Duke = Guild leader of the Yohei
8 162 - In Serial46 Chapters
Hell's Angels
In the endless expanse of the universe, there is only one place that everyone, be they human or something else, will visit at least once.Hell. This place of ruin and torment is the beginning and end of countless stories throughout time. In this story, Solomon takes his turn in the bowels of Hell and it's nothing like he expected.Aside from the fire and brimstone, Hell is pretty hospitable. Every demon trapped within Hell has learnt of the existence of Karma... The hard way.And now... they will do anything to improve their Karma.Anything to get out of this Hell-Hole! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this story, the mc joins the ranks of the demonic horde and fights his way through the nine circles of Hell. When he arrives in Hell, his memories of his past life are wiped clean. And he quickly learns that he only has a year before his soul is destroyed. To avoid meeting such a morbid end. He must overcome the Trials of the Nine Circles to ascend to immortality. Each one will be harder and more dangerous than the last. Various mythological figures and gods will exist throughout the world and interact with the mc as both allies and enemies. All Chapters are between 2000-2400 words
8 199 - In Serial13 Chapters
Unfair (Haikyuu X Male!Reader)
~ DISCONTINUED ~"You know what's unfair? How charming he is, how oblivious he is, how he can make anyone fall in love with him without even trying to and lastly.. how cute he can be."___________M/N, an American boy that debuted as a Japanese speaking idol at the age of 12, will now spend his first year of high school at Karasuno high thanks to his father.Sent there to take a pause from his idol career, he is now the assistant coach for the male volleyball team.The question is.. what will happen during this year?~→ Haikyuu!Various X Male!Reader ←//Not a OneShots Book//~Am I bad at grammar or what
8 136 - In Serial26 Chapters
Legends meet the 100
DC's Legends of Tomorrow accidentally end up on Earth 100 (which is where the events of the 100 take place) right before S3 E07 and without the whole Alie problem going on. The legends are the group at the end of season 5 plus Charlie and without Mick's daughter (Zari, Nate, Charlie, Behrad, Constantine, Ava, Mick, Sara, Astra).This crossover wasn't originally my idea, but I'll try to stay true to most events and characters.
8 175 - In Serial8 Chapters
tAGs AnD wAGs!!!!????????
I have too many Tags piled up!! Gotta go and finish them!!!!! UGHHHH!!!????????????
8 197