《Divine Arts》Chapter 4 - Life Magic
Life Magic
The night felt cool and breezy inside the forest. I looked up toward the canopy. The trees did not block the moonlight from shinning down on to the forest floor. The moon was full tonight. I remembered the last time I had seen the full moon. Master was still with me. We had sat in the gazebo in the garden admiring the silver moon light. I really missed him.
Remembering master made me remember his teachings. I remembered all the times he had urged me to master potions, all the times he made me memorize the steps in casting. It was a tedious task. But in the end, I had done it and it was something that I could never forget.
The memory of Master that night came back to me. He'd said the casting runes were actually something called the Divine Arts and it was a very powerful set of magic. The 9 needles were actually the swords of Solomon. I placed my hand over the cauldron pendant around my neck. The book was inside. I took the necklace off. Holding up the necklace I examined it under the moonlight. No matter how you look at it, the pendant looked just like a normal pendant. It did not show any signs of being magic. It did not seem like anything out of the ordinary. If I did not have a connection with it I wouldn't believe it to be a medium at all, but I knew this was a medium and it was the cauldron. There was no denying it.
Taking in a deep breath I felt the inner workings of the cauldron. My mind broke from my body and entered the cauldron. It was a simple thing to do. The instruction passed on by the cauldron showed me just how to do it. The pendant started to glow. Slowly it drifted into the air. Moments later the cauldron was life size once again. It glistened brightly in the night, shimmering as it landed on the ground.
Tracing my fingers against the crystal lid, I reminiscence the memories of the time spent with Master Kohl. They were hard but also the best times of my life. Master was like the father I could not remember. He was the one who raised me and the one to hug me when I had a nightmare as a kid. He did everything a father would do and I was grateful to be raised by him.
Slowly I lifted the lid off the cauldron. An old leather bond book laid in the center. It had a single ancient rune inscribed in the middle of the book. I recognized the symbol, it was the rune used to start off the chain of runes used for most of the casting spells. It was one of the first runes I'd ever learnt.
I lifted the book from the cauldron. It was light for such a thick book. The cauldron shrank back into a pendant when the book left the cauldron. I placed the pendant back around my neck. I opened the book, it was written in the old language of the healers. A language the master had said was rarely used theses days. Now that I think about it, out of all the healers that I'd met in my life, none of them could read the old healer language. Was this really just an old healer language or was it a language so old that none except the master and a few could read. I did not know this for sure but now that I knew the truth about the master. I can't stop thinking that some of the things he had taught me was more than just common knowledge. Master knew so much more things than I could ever imagine.
The book was divided into 5 sections. The first section marked the history of the world. It had dates marking as far back as before the Great Collapse. That was truly extraordinary. To the extent of my knowledge nowhere in the world except the great library of Grandlin is there even a remote record of the Great Collapse. The Great Collapse described by the book of Divine is said to have happened 5000 years ago. Before that the world was divided into 5 kingdoms, each had the ability to travel beyond our world and out toward the stars. The stars described by the book are all giant sun's in the far far distance unreachable by normal means. I froze. Toward the stars? Was there worlds beyond ours? I looked up a the night sky. There were so many stars. Were they really all sun's? If that was so, were there truly different worlds out there? This was amazing.
I continued reading. The 5 kingdoms each had a mastery of one of the five elements. The kingdom of Aquarius were true Masters of water magic type spells. While the other 4 kingdoms each had mastery's over fire, earth, wind, and life magic.
I stopped, life magic what was that? I had never heard of a fifth element before. So there actually was a fifth element. Everyone in the world only knows of the four elements, water, fire earth and wind. Could life magic be involved in healing? I wondered. Was that what the white particles were? Did I have the potential to use life magic? I started to get really excited.
As the world became more and more advanced. A great war broke out between the Kingdoms. The war saw the rise and fall and many great mages. At the peak of the war they came. The demons. The demons were a race of entirely different beings. They had magic that the world had never seen before. They had knowledge of our world that we did not even know. They came to our world from the outside and was set to conquer our world. Wherever they went death followed. The demons presented more danger than the five kingdoms combined.
During this time, the five kingdoms realized they could no longer be divided. Their enemy was not each other, but the demons that came to our world from the outside. The five kingdoms gathered together all their forces and started fighting the demons. At first they were able to drive the demons back a bit. Unfortunately, the demons had more up their sleeves than anyone could have imagined. The entire mage army got decimated. The five kingdom was in a bind. The army they sent was destroyed. If they did not come up with a new plan the next army they send would also be destroyed. The demons were just to strong.
At this time one of the younger elders of the Life Kingdom came out and suggested a plan. She suggested to reveal the secret scriptures of each kingdom to each other so they could attempt to reassemble the ancient spells of the Divine Arts. The Divine Arts was the single most powerful set of magic in the entire world. But it had been scattered since times even before the five Kingdoms. But over the centuries the five kingdoms had each found parts and pieces of the Divine Arts and secretly been trying to decipher them. Of course none of them were ever able to succeed. The five Kingdoms were shocked at the suggestion. The scripture they kept were all top secret and most definitely not to be shared with mages outside their kingdom. The mage elders of the five kingdoms argued endlessly unable to come to a decision. They locked themselves up in room until they could come up with a solution.
The elders stayed in a long heated discussion while the outside world continued to fall to the demons. At this time 5 young elders sneaked away from the meeting and gathered together for a meeting of their own. These five elders were Clarissa of the Water, Issac of the Flames, Noah of the Earth, Laura of the Wind and Byul of the Life. They met in the dark of the night and each brought with them the secret scriptures of their kingdoms. Together they studied the scriptures and finally on the tenth night they unraveled the first set of scriptures which happened to be the swords of Solomon. Then the next night they deciphered the second set the pillars of Purgatory. Then followed the Chains of Sainthood, Scripture, Holy dragons breath, Phoenix inferno, Genbu's Wrath, the eyes of Basilisk, and finally on the twentieth night they deciphered the final set of spells the cycles of Reincarnation. They also discovered a sub set of connection spells that was called the Judgments of void. That completed the 99 spells of the Divine Arts.
They then set out together to fight the demons. Together the five young elders brought with them their most trusted followers. When the elder council found out about this, they went into a rage. Each of the five kingdoms sent an army to try and stop these five idiotic mages. But when the armies finally found the five mages they were already in a heated battle with the demons.
At first the elders who lead the army's to stop the five young elders watched from the side line as the young elders fought off the demons. The five young elders did pretty well fighting and fending off the demon army. But then the stronger demons started to join the fight and the fight became fierce and one sided. The demons were winning once again. The older elders decided then to join the fight but what happened next surprised the hell out of them. The five young elders performed magic they had never before witnessed before. These spells broke through the demon army like knife through butter. In less then an one hour the demon army was completely destroyed.
The older elders were dumbfounded by the sudden change. Then a thought broke into their minds, these new spells must be the Divine Arts. They could not believe it. The young elders actually deciphered the ancient spells said to be the most powerful spells on the face of the planet. The elders and all of the different armies gathered and were about to patronize the young elders when the sky grew black and a single demon draped in darkness came through a rift in the sky. The demon looked down at the mage armies and raised his right hand. Black fire appeared out of no where and descended down toward the army.
The elders all started to panic. They knew who this demon was. He was the demon king. He had never once joined in the battles but they knew he was strong. But they did not know he was this strong. The black flames swallowed up the armies and within seconds three quarters of the mages had all been turned to dust. Everyone started to run. Even the elders shifted from their spots and raced out of there with their feet's scampering at full pace.
Only five mages did not run from the flames. Together the five chanted an ancient spell. The spell was the 96th spell of the Divine Arts. It was also the 6th spell in the cycle of Reincarnation, called Tarterrus. Soon the black flames were blocked out by an brilliant white light that descended from the heavens. Wherever the white light touched, nothing remained, not even the black flames could escape the white lights purification. The demon king fought the white light with all his might but in the end even he was purified by the light. With a death scream the demon king vowed he would rise again and destroy the world. Soon the white light went through the rift and sealed off all of the demons in the world.
Sadly, after the spell was completed four of the young elders died instantly and the remaining elder had all her magic stripped away from her. The only surviving elder was Byul of the Life kingdom. She laid there on the barren battle grounds for days. When she woke she found even the armies that the older elders had brought were purified by Tarterrus. She realized then that the Divine Arts were actually to dangerous to be used. So she gathered the deciphered spells and hid.
Unfortunately her actions and the news of the revival of the Divine Arts spread throughout the world. Soon mages from all nooks of the world started searching for her. When they could not find her, the world turned on her kingdom. Within a decade the Life kingdom was completed wiped off the face of the planet. No life mage survived the decimation of the kingdom. To hide the truth behind the destruction of the life kingdom, life magic was abolished from all books and records. Soon the world forgot all about Life magic.
The world continued to search for Byul but she hid so well that no one could find even a trace of her until her death. Byul died in a small town of the edge of the water kingdom. When the mages looking for her found her on her dying bed, they tried their best to get information from her but she died shortly after they found her. No one knew where she had hidden the revised Divine Arts but the world knew it was somewhere out there.
The truth was that Byul took in a orphan apprentice and taught him the way of life magic during her time hiding away in the small secluded town of Organ. When she was about to die she sent him away and with him the Divine Arts. She made him promise never to reveal his magic to the world as long as he had the Divine Arts under his guard. She told him never to allow the Divine Arts to fall into the wrong hands, for if it did the world would end because the Divine Arts was to powerful. Throughout her life she had created a way to mask the divine arts and taught it to her student. The way to mask the Divine Arts was to implement it into healing.
Her pupils name was Kai. Kai continued his life acting as a healer. He traveled the world and through his lifetime understood the workings of the Divine Arts more than anyone in the world. More so than even his master Byul. He found out that if one could master all of the Divine Arts even the cycle of life and reincarnation can be broken. The strings of Fate would also be torn asunder.
As he approached the age of 90 he passed on the responsibility of protecting the Divine Arts to his son whose name was Theo. Then he vanished and was never seen again. Some say that he unraveled the true meaning of the Divine Arts and escaped the cycle of rebirth. Some say he died. But no one truly knows what really happened do him. Theo unlike his father was not that talented in the Divine Arts but he was an excellent healer. As it goes the book continued to be passed down the line of Theo's descendants until it reached its final descendant.
The world changed many times over. Kingdoms fell and kingdoms rose but the duty of the one protecting the Divine Arts remained the same. The Divine Arts must not be discovered by the world for it is to dangerous for the world to learn. It held the power to completely wipe the world clean of life if used in the wrong hands .
I skimmed through the other sections of history then closed the book. It contained many more, but I was to tired to go on. So this was how the Divine Arts came into masters hands. Now it was in mine. I felt a tightness in my chest. This was a huge responsibility. All those mages before me had managed to keep the Divine Arts secret and hidden. Could I continue the legacy?
I sighed. This remains to be seen. I took a few hours of shut eyes. When I woke up I continued on reading the book of Divine. I flipped to the next section it contained the way of healing and how life magic worked. It was very interesting. Life magic used the fifth element the life particle. Life particle existed in all life. Everything that can move and breath had life particle in them.
The book father explained life magic can only be used when the Life orb is formed within ones body inside the magic core. The life orb is a reservoir for life particles, without it life magic could not be truly used. The magic core is the human bodies central magic core. All magic must go through the magic core to be able to be used. The magic core is located in the lower abdomens but it is not a physical spot. Most people will have a magic core but without magic inside the core, it is just an unopened space that is the size of a grain of sand.
The steps in creating a life orb looked easy enough. All one needed to do was locate the magic core inside ones body with their mind and try to fill it up with life particles. Then with the life particles one must shape them into runes and cast them, similar to casting of a potion into a pill. I stopped at those instructions. It was not only similar, it was almost the exact same except I had to use different runes to do the same thing. So master had prepared me for this to. He truly did teach me so much more than I had ever thought.
I closed my eyes and attempted to find my magic core. It was hard at first because my mind kept wondering but I found it at last. My magic core was just like the book had described. It was like a grain of sand located in my lower abdomen. Slowly I pulled the white particles from the air and into my body. So these white particles really were life magic. It was beautiful. The life particles slowly injected themselves into the magic core. At first I felt a slight pain when the first particles slipped into my magic core, but soon it started to feel really good. My magic core continued to expand. It expanded until it reached the size of a large orange. Once the core stopped expanding. I did just like the book instructed and grabbed the particles with my mind. I started to shape them into the runes and started the process of casting.
Slowly I curved the runes until the edges connected. Then I made the sides connect. When everything connected with each other, I started to let life particles into the deflated rune ball. The life particles liquefied the moment it entered the rune ball. As more and more Life particles entered the rune ball, it started to inflate. Soon it became a ball. The newly inflated rune ball filled up in a few minutes and soon I did the last step in casting, binding everything together. With a tug the rune ball glowed and became a white orb. It shone brilliantly as it completed.
When the life orb was formed I felt it pulse and it spewed out life magic. The life magic slowly ran through my veins. Black smoke started oozing out from my pores. This was the so called process of magic washing. During magic washing a normal person gets cleansed of all the dark particles that has built up in their bodies through out their life. Once all the dark particles gets cleaned out. A person becomes a mage.
I opened my eyes in excitement. I had done it. It was so easy. I looked down at the last part of the instructions. 'Warning this process may be difficult. MUST TREAD WITH CARE' it read. I burrowed my brows. It was not difficult at all. It went very smoothly actually. That was odd.
Following the book I performed the first spell in life magic. Sensing life sparks around me. I closed my eyes and soon a rune within the life orb started to glow. I felt amber's of life all around me. I could sense a rabbit hopping about in the bushes. I could sense the trees breathing in and out. I could even sense a bird flying high above the canopy.
"This is amazing!" I shouted. This was the first spell I had performed that didn't require me to draw runes on a magic stone. The life orb continuously collected magic from the air without my asking it to. It was like an endless suction cup . This was riveting. So this was a what it feels like to be a mage.
"Life magic is so amazing!" I shouted into the forest.
I wanted to try more life magic but I soon realized that although the life orb continuously sucked in magic, my body could not take the pressure of using magic for to long. I felt so tired and worn. Closing the book I sealed it into the cauldron once again. This was all I can do for tonight. I looked up into the night sky and breathed in a breathe of fresh night air. This was a new step in my life. Master I wish you could have see me now.
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