《Divine Arts》Chapter 2 - Divine Arts
Divine Arts
Master Kohl usually stays up late drinking tea in a gazebo overlooking the garden pond. The garden is located behind the clinic. Master had it built 2 years ago when we arrived here in Sappon. Where the master got the money from is beyond me. The master always causes trouble. We would always end up being chased out of towns, so we never get any compensation for the buildings we abandon. Naturally we should be broke right? WRONG. Somehow the master has an endless supply of coins. He never has to worry about money. He never worries about the amount of patients he gets either.
I had always wondered where the master gets his money from. Unfortunately, whenever I ask him, he always says the same thing, 'children should focus on learning the art of healing and not ponder about useless things. Money is not your problem.' Then he would hit me over the head and tell me to go back to the potions room.
Stepping into the garden I could clearly see master Kohl gazing into the pond with a tea cup in hand. He gazed into the pond as if something really exciting was happening beneath the waters. The master had these very sorrowful eyes whenever he stares too long into the pond. I had often thought perhaps the pond reminded him of old memories. Memories that bring him grief and pain. He does this almost every chance he gets.
I walked up the path brushing pass some Storm flowers, which happens to be a great remedy for allergies. I stopped and approached the master. He was still looking lost to the world. Curious I peeked over his shoulder and investigated the pond. I did not see anything special. It was still the same old pond we had built 2 years ago. A school of carp swam pass, a turtle bass on the rock over the side of the pond. A small snail slowly drifted downwards toward the bottom of the pond. Nothing else was going on with the pond. Nothing extraordinary anyways.
"Logan have you completed the casting?" asked master Kohl taking a sip from his cup.
I cleared my throat. "Yes master, I have done it and within the time limit to" I responded handing over the vial.
He took the vial and uncorked it. Placing the vial under his nose he sniffed. "Not bad. It's a little burnt and some of the medicine got lost before the casting. An ounce to much of morning flower was added. A pinch short of the Porc leaves and half a pinch to much of the grounded Pombo seeds. But all in all, its complete. This pill can be used to treat minor to medium grade coughs. Your skills are slowly improving but still need much greater precision. Work on that more starting tomorrow onward." He said corking the vial back up and handing it back to me.
"Thank you Master, I will work on it" I said, thinking how did he get all that information from just one sniff of the pill? That is truly a powerful nose. "Um master?"
"Yes" he said.
"Master it's getting late. Shouldn't you go to bed?" I asked concerned. Although we have been together for 15 years, he still keeps many secrets from me. He rarely talks about his past. The only time his past comes up is when he talks about learning about the path of a healer. All I know is the master comes from a long line of healers. His healing art is only passed down through a single line of students, meaning he is only to pass his art of healing down to one student. The student is to do the same. He calls his healing art the Divine healing. It's supposed to be a very prestigious healing school of art.
"Don't worry about me. Just go to bed. You have a lot more to learn tomorrow. Your master will be fine" he said urging me to leave.
"Ah... okay master" I said walking away back toward my room. I looked back at him one last time as I entered the clinic. He still sat by the pond, staring longingly, but this time he was staring up into the sky.
I slept for a few hours before a loud bang and the house shaking woke me up.
"What the?" I said as I fell from my bed. The clinic was shaking uncontrollably. Everything on my desk was scattered all over the floor. My bookshelf across the room unhinged from the wall and fell toward my bed. I quickly rolled out of the way avoiding the bookshelf as it slammed against my bed, breaking it in half.
"Holy mother of God!" I yelled, goosebumps popping up all over my body. That was close. The room shook like crazy. What in the world was happening? Is it an earth quake? I quickly found my way to the door. It suddenly swung open, knocking me over the head. I fell back, crashing to the ground.
"Ouch" I said looking up toward the doorway. Master Kohl stood there with his old staff in hand, the one he would usually carry around when we go on long journeys. A small medicinal pouch was strapped over his left shoulder hanging down to his side.
"Logan, we need to go." He said with urgency. His voice showing a hint of distress.
"Master what's going on?" I asked confused. Master was always calm, even in the most dire of circumstances. But he was clearly not himself right now. This was wrong.
"No time to explain. We need to get out of town immediately." He said pulling me to my feet.
"Is the whole town going down?" I asked in fright. Was the earthquake that bad? Where would we even go in such a situation?
"No, we must leave now. Follow me." He commanded tugging me out of my room, down the hall and out of the house. The moment we left the house I realized that the town was not shaking. It was only our clinic that was shaking. I looked on in shock as the clinic shook from left to right. Finally, after a few minutes of shaking the entire building collapsed. My heart stopped. "Our clinic!" I screamed. This had been our home for the last two years.
"Hurry up" master Kohl ordered running down the hill. Our clinic was located in one of the hillier parts of Sappon.
I looked back at the collapsed clinic and then at Master Kohl in confusion. How was it possible for an earthquake to only focus on our clinic alone? Was this really an earthquake? My head started to hurt. This was all so confusing. What was going on?
"Master where are we going?" I asked running after him.
"Far." He replied strapping his staff to his back.
"Are we being chased out of town again?" I asked dejected. I was just getting use to this place. Sappon was a nice place to live in. I had grown fond of it. We had stayed here the longest. For a while I was beginning to think we had finally found a place where we could finally settle down in.
"Stop asking questions we don't have time. We need to get out before they find us" he said increasing his pace.
"They? Whose they?" I asked confused. Did the towns people really dislike us that much? Were we really causing so much trouble? I didn't really think so. Master had toned down so much already. He was almost normal and that was saying something.
Bang! An explosion erupted in the distance. Master grabbed my hand and pulled us away from the explosion. I glanced back at the explosion. It was at the healer's council house. What was going on? Why was the town exploding? Seconds later more explosions erupted throughout the city. The master smoothly avoided them all.
We arrived at the city gate almost half an hour later, by that time nearly half the city was burning. I was getting very scared by then. What was happening? I had no clue what in the world was going on. Was this some sort attack on Sappon? Was the kingdom under attack?
"Logan, get on my back. This is to slow." Master Kohl ordered.
I looked at him in disbelief, my jaw dropped, and my throat was making a weird gawking noise. My master wanted to carry me? He who made me carry everything throughout my life, wanted to carry me. I looked at him and his frail build. He was not a very strong looking man. It would make more sense if he had asked me to carry him. He was getting old while I was still in my prime. I had only recently turned 20. "Master I don't think I...." I tried to argue.
He cut me off, "Oh for God's sake boy. This is no time to be gallant. Just get on my back!" he commanded lifting me off the ground and throwing me onto his back. I was utterly dumbfounded. Where did master get his strength from?
Suddenly we were leaping into the air. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. He was leaping up the walls of the city in quick succession. We were up and over the wall in no time. I couldn't believe my eyes; my weak master was a skilled martial artist. Nothing could explain how he leaped over the city wall like that and don't get me started on his strength. I stared down at the Master. Was this still the same master I had served for over 15 years?
We glided out of town and into the forest in no time. My master carrying me on his back, leaped from tree to tree traveling deeper and deeper into the forest. What in the world was going on? Not only was my master a very skilled healer, he was now also very skilled martial artist. What's next? Is he going to be an extremely powerful mage? That thought made me laugh inside. There was no way that could come true.
The forest ahead of us suddenly cleared and we entered a giant field. In the middle of the field stood a man. His eyes locked with my masters. Master Kohl stopped and dropped to the ground. He started to back away, but unfortunately the forest behind us went ablaze. A huge wall of fire blocked us from leaving. Holy Crap! I cried inside. This was clearly the work of a mage. Why was there a mage here? What the heck is happening?
Master Kohl sighed, "All these years of running and yet they have finally found me" he mumbled under his breath. "Logan get off and stand back." He said dropping me from his back.
"Master..." I started to say as my feet hit the ground.
"Logan, take my bag." He said handing me his medicinal poach. Then he took off his necklace from around his neck and placed it into my palm. "Keep this safe for me. This is the cauldron" he said.
I looked at the pendant in my hand, it was an exact replica of the cauldron, but I was confused. How is this the cauldron? Yes, it did resemble it, but the cauldron was back in the collapsed clinic. Master was not making sense.
Master Kohl smiled sadly. "This is not a replica. It is the cauldron itself. It's a medium. A relic from ages far gone. It can be activated with your blood. I have already enacted the spell of passing. It just needs your blood for it to become yours." He said using a pin to prick my finger. A drop of my blood dripped onto the surface of the pendant. A medium? Had I just heard the right thing. Mediums are very special things. Only mages could own them. They are what we normal folks refer to as magic items. They can range from magic swords to magic pencils. Mediums almost never ever appear in a normal person's possession. They are very expensive items. The lowest of them can fetch a hefty price.
The moment my blood touched the pendant it started to glow. I felt a connection with the pendant instantly. Suddenly knowledge of how to use it came rushing into my head. I looked up at the master in confusion. Why was he giving this to me? This was a very important item.
"Logan you are an excellent pupil and I have enjoyed every moment we have spent together. You are more than a student to me. You are my family. So, I leave my clans blessing to you." He said walking away.
"Master!" I shouted trying to run after him, but suddenly I found myself unable to move. I was confined. Something was blocking me from moving. Something invisible stood before me and Master Kohl. What is this? Was this some sort of magic? Did the mage do this?
"Logan remember my teachings. They are your inheritance from me. All the runes that I have taught you are more than just spells for creating potions and casting pills. I will show you today what they truly are used for" he said biting his thumb and drawing blood. Ripping off his left sleeve, he drew the runes for the nine needles on his left arm. The runes stretched from his elbow down to the back of his hand.
"So, I have finally found you. Last survivor of the Life Clan. Give me the book of Divine Arts and I may spare you and that boy from a gruesome death." The man standing in the middle of the field said. Fire suddenly started to erupt around him.
This man was a fire mage. I started to panic. Master run I wanted to say but I found no words could come out of my mouth. The presence that the mage exhibited made me unable to speak. This was the so-called mage pressure, a pressure that strong mages have. It is usually used to shock other lesser mages into obedience or to kill those lesser than them. It is a very useful art. I wanted to cry. How was the master supposed to fight a mage? Master run, please run I cried inside.
"Logan don't worry. Your master is no simple fella. This crappy mage will not be able to scratch me. Just watch how the runes truly work." He said holding up his left hand. "This spell's true name is not the nine needles but the first spell in the first set of spells in the Holy Divine Arts. The first set of spells in the Holy Divine Arts is called the swords of Solomon. It consists of 10 spells. The first spell is called Iustitia." He explained drawing the same runes in the air. "First sword of Solomon, heed my call and come forth. Your lowly servant asks for your help." He chanted.
Lights started to gather around him. The blood from his left hand started to mix with the light. Soon the blood all vanished, in its place a glowing stream of runes was tattooed over his left arm.
"First Sword of Solomon, Iustitia!" he shouted. A brilliant sword made of light formed in front of him. It radiated a brilliant white light. It glowed as bright as the sun in the night sky. Master Kohl grabbed the sword by the hilt and leaped into the air, heading straight toward the fire mage.
The fire mage chuckled "You think using the first sword of Solomon can help you in this situation. What a joke." He said raising his right hand. "Fires of the abyss swallow." He chanted. The red flames around him started to flicker and move. It twisted, then shot toward Master Kohl.
Master Kohl dodged in mid air. Then he brought his sword slashing down cutting the flames in half. The flames streamed pass him merging back together behind him. It shot at the master once again. Flames heated up the night air.
Master Kohl fought with swift quick moves, using jabs here and there. Then blocking and slicing with the next move. He fought tirelessly against the flames. Unfortunately, the flames were endless. It kept reforming just as master Kohl slices them in half.
The master stepped back. Wiping sweats from his forehead. The fire mage laughed. "It's useless. My flame is of a higher class than the first sword of Solomon. You can't win" he smirked moving closer to master Kohl.
Master Kohl breathed out a sad sigh. "I guess relying on only Iustitia isn't enough. Logan, watch carefully. Your master is about to show you how to use the other techniques. The Divine Arts have 9 sets of spells and 1 sub set of connection spells. Each set consist of ten spells except for the second set. The the nine Pillars of Purgatory only has nine spells. With each spell increase the harder it is to control and use. Your master at max can only summon up to the second sword of Solomon." He explained drawing a second casting rune onto his left arm. "Come forth second sword of Solomon 'Tenete'" he shouted.
A blazing Yellow sword made of light appeared and started circling him. Master Kohl released the sword in his left hand. It joined the second sword. Both swords flew in an orbit around the master creating a field of sword light that surrounded him.
The mage raised his eye brows. "The second sword of Solomon. That's impressive, but it is still not enough. Let's just end this already. I'm tired of playing around. Let's increase the stakes in this fight. The Organization has grown tired of chasing you and your predecessors around. Their patients has waned through these many millenniums of playing cat and mouse. It is very tiring work chasing you guys." He said drawing runes in the air. "Let's make this more fun and end it once and for all." He chuckled. "Gate open!" he shouted. A giant black gate appeared in mid air.
The moment the gate appeared in the air, master Kohl's face darkened. "You scum. You made a contract with the demons. How dare you betray the human race!" he shouted in anger. He clenched his fist together tightly, shaking from the anger brewing inside him.
The fire mage laughed menacingly. "Don't make me laugh. The demons are going to rule this world sooner or later. Why not become their servant now before the true gate opens. That way I can live when they get released, while all of you righteous idiots get eaten up and killed. It's a great deal really" he laughed making magical signs with his hands.
"You're a sorry excuse for a human!" master Kohl spat on the ground.
"Ha ha ha ha ha" laughed the fire mage.
A deep roar came from within the gate as it slowly opened. Thousands of eyes glowed from behind the gate.
"Damn it!" cursed master Kohl. He quickly backed away and returned to my side. I looked over at him and I mouthed the word "leave" to him. Go without me. I screamed inside. The mages pressure was still holding strong. I still couldn't move nor talk. But the situation was getting worst.
"Logan, I think I really have to go all out today. Inside the cauldron there is a book. You must protect that book at all cost. It is the most important item in the world. Learn everything you can from it. Everything you need is written in there. The history of the world. The way of the sword. The arts of healing and most importantly the Holy Divine Arts is listed in there. All 99 spells. Guard it at all cost. I'm sorry master had to give you this task, but I have no other choice. I wanted you to ease into this role, but circumstances are not allowing this to happen. But know this I truly regard you as my family. I love you my Logan" he finished pushing me back. He drew more runes into the air.
"First pillar of purgatory come forth" he shouted. A crimson column descended from the sky and dropped directly behind me. I crashed into it. The moment my body touched the column I felt the mages pressure vanish and I regained all of my body functions again. I was ecstatic, finally I was free. I needed to get master out of here fast.
"Master!" I shouted out preparing to launch myself at him and take him running with me away from here.
"Logan stay close to the pillar." He said running toward the gate. I stopped unable to stop him.
"You can cast the second set of the divine arts?" the fire mage shouted out in surprise. He looked genuinely shocked.
Master Kohl chuckled bitterly, "That is not all I can do. Come forth first chain of sainthood hood and bind this gate from opening." He shouted. Black chains appeared around the gate and wrapped around it. The gate stopped opening but some of the demons had already gotten out. Hundreds of them flooded into the air crackling and screeching as they greedily breathed in the air of freedom.
Master Kohl broke into a battle cry as he leaped into the air. "Scripture seal them within the premises." He shouted. Blue runes fill the sky forming into a ring around the plain. The demons tried to get pass the ring but soon found themselves unable to cross the ring of runes. Blue azure light blocked the demons from escaping.
The two swords of Solomon started to zoom into the air at Master Kohl's command. It sliced through several of the smaller demons. Then circled around and started attacking the larger demons. The demons were no match for the swords. They sliced through them like a knife through butter.
"No!" screamed the fire mage who was unable to move from his spot because he was holding the gate open with his endless casting of runes.
Master Kohl stopped in midair and unstrapped his staff from his back. The staff started to glow as soon as master Kohl held it in his hand. Ancient runes started to appear on the staff.
"I call to you mighty dragon of the wind. I call to you Phoenix of the flames. I call to you Genbu of the waters, and I also call to you earth serpent basilisk. Come help me in this dire time of need. I offer my essence and all of my being as sacrifice for your help. Come forth the four judgement of void." He chanted drawing rapidly in the air with his staff. Endless amounts of runes shot into the air.
Soon raging hot flames shot down from the heavens, torrential streams of water gushed up from the ground. Rings of condensed wind sliced through the plain and pillars of earth erupted from the ground.
"How is this possible!" screamed the fire mage in shock. "You... you can use the connection spells and almost every first spell of the Divine Arts. That's impossible! No one can learn that many of the Divine Arts!" he screamed in outrage.
"You're wrong. The Divine arts are not impossible to learn. They are just near impossible to truly master. I can only use the first spells of most of the Divine arts. But that is enough to end this fight today." Master Kohl said coughing up blood. He looked like death.
"Master!" I shouted getting really worried. The master was hurt somehow. These spells must be hurting him. I tried to move away from the pillar but found a chain wrapped around my legs that prevented me from getting away from the pillar. I cursed. What was this stupid thing. Why was I trapped again? Master! I needed to get to the master.
"Logan, stay where you are!" commanded master Kohl.
"But Master you...." I cried unable to hold back my tears. Master was using his all to fight this mage. I wanted desperately to help.
"This is my fate and I have known it since the day I found you. Long ago a seer told me that one day I would have to chose to protect or to abandon. If I chose to protect then I would die. But if I chose to abandon then what my clan has protected will truly come to an end. She said when I meet my pupil that is when I must choose my path. If I save him then I choose the path of protection, but if I choose abandonment than my clans destiny will end when I die of old age because I won't have anyone to pass on my inheritance to. I chose to take you on as my pupil that day at the beach and this is the path I chose. I don't regret it. You are a blessing in my life. Logan Remember this, your master must protect and so must you." He whispered under his breath. Somehow his voice traveled to me. Was this some form of magic to?
He raised his staff. The four elements combined as one and shot toward the gate. The gate exploded and vanished in an instant. The mage coughed up blood and fell backwards, landing back on the spot he originally stood. He looked up at Master Kohl and cursed. His eyes showed endless hatred.
"Damn lowly human, how dare you! You will suffer for this!" he screamed in rage. Getting back on his feet he leaped into air. A maelstrom of fire formed into a crimson sword on his right hand. He slashed at the master.
Master blocked it with his staff. An explosion erupted when they collided with each other pushing them both back. Master Kohl landed on the ground stepping back several steps before he could steady himself. The fire mage landed on the ground but unlike master Kohl he was far more skilled. He quickly regained his composure and leaped at master Kohl once again.
Master Kohl did his best to block off the mages attacks, but the mages attack grew stronger and stronger. Finally, master Kohl's staff cracked in two and the mage cut the master on the side. Master Kohl leaped backwards holding the side of his left abdomen, blood dripped from the wound tainting his clothes.
The mage howled in delight and pounced at Master Kohl once again. Master formed a quick sign with his hands and the two swords of Solomon returned from attacking the demons. They slammed against the mages fire sword forcing the mage to step backwards.
Master Kohl breathed in rapid breathes, taking in as much air as he could. He coughed up more blood. The demons from the sky started to zoom down toward him. Quickly master Kohl directed the swords at the demons once again. Blood sprayed everywhere as more and more demons was slain by the two swords of Solomon.
The fire mage changed his fire sword into a whip and lashed it at master Kohl. Master Kohl tried his hardest to dodge but the whip hit him several times over the shoulders. His shoulder got burnt badly, his left leg got hit next. Then the whip caught his left hand where the tattoo for the swords of Solomon stood.
The moment the runes got burnt, the sword Tenete started to fade. The mage bellowed in excitement. "So that's how I can get rid of those swords" He raised his fire whip up for his next move.
"Master!" I yelled like a fool. I really wanted to help him, but I was chained, and I did not know mage magic. The master said those runes were the runes for the Divine Arts but still I did not know how to use them. I tried to do what the master had done, but all that happened was my left arm being smothered in blood and my thumb bleeding profusely.
"Logan, it's no use, as long as I live the seal I placed upon you will not be broken. You can't use the true Divine Arts yet. You can't fight right now. Don't worry your master will not lose" he said his voice traveling into my ears once again. I cried. This was all just a bad dream. It had to be. This is not happening. I tried to convince myself.
"Logan, watch as your master summons the third sword of Solomon for the first time. I know I can do it now." He said in my ears.
With quick precision master Kohl drew another rune onto his arm while retracing the damaged runes at the same time. "Third sword of Solomon come Forth 'Concursus'!" he shouted. A hot red blade appeared and flew toward the whip and met in mid air.
A huge explosion occurred as the flame whip and the red sword collided. The fire mage went flying from the impact. A full mouth of blood came gushing out from his mouth spewing all over the place. He landed on the other side of the plain. Master Kohl flew back and landed next to the pillar. I tried to reach him, but the chains grew tighter making it impossible for me to move.
"Master Kohl" I screamed out. "Please release me from this chain. I can't watch you die!" I screamed tears running down my cheeks.
He looked up at me and smiled sadly. "I'm Sorry Logan but you must stay safe. Let's end this with a spectacle shall me" he said sitting up. "I don't think I can stand anymore" he sighed looking at his legs that were riddled with wounds. They were wrecked from the explosion. "I'm a healer but unfortunately, even if I can heal these wounds I can't restore the life energy I used to force the summoning of the four Judgements of void. Those spells were truly not spells I could use. Same with the one I'm about to use" he sighed. Digging into his pocket, he took out a yellow vial. He uncooked it and poured out one single blue pill. Clouds of blue mist gushed around it. It was the single most stunning pill I have ever seen. It was a work of mastery. It had to be at a level I did not even know existed.
"I didn't think I would ever use this, but I guess fates fate. No stopping it. I do hope that you can fight it better than me." He smiled bitterly looking at me. He popped the pill into his mouth.
The moment the pill entered his mouth blue smoke gushed up from every pore in his body. Instantly all his wounds vanished, and he was back to normal once again. He stood up and tossed the vial over to me. "Never use these pills. But if one day you do find you must use them make sure it really is the last resort. These pills are called 'The final-destination'. They were created long ago. No one knows how to make them, and no one knows if there is even a cure for them. But once they are used, they grant the user immeasurable powers and heals all their wounds in an instant. Unfortunately, the side effects are dire. Once used, the user will die within 7 days. That is if he doesn't do something stupid like I'm about to do." He said walking away from me.
I stared at him in bleak confusion. What did the master say? My eyes and ears stopped when he became all healed again. This was an amazing pill. I never dreamed anything like it could exist in the world. It was like the elixirs of legend. Then his words came to me. What was the master about to do? What did he mean?
"Master what are you doing!" I shouted trying to shake the chains off. I had a very bad feeling. Master was about to do something that would kill him. I had to stop him. I needed to save him.
"Logan if one day you find a woman that has a necklace cauldron like yours please tell her I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise and that I love her very much. Tell her to continue living no matter what and that even though I can't be by her side I will look after her from the beyond." He said a drop of tear sliding down his cheek. "Five elements heed my command. Embrace the world and spin. Come forth the wrath of the final arts" he chanted drawing intricate and complicated runes into a ring around himself.
"90th Divine art of reincarnation, Termination of all cycles!!" he shouted. A streak blinding light came down from the heavens and the ring around master Kohl quickly expanded. Soon it surrounded the entirety of the plains.
The mages face grew pale as he saw the ring of light "Impossible.... Impossible!" he mumbled under his breath. "How... how is this even possible. How could you use the last set of Divine Arts? The Divine Arts of the Cycles of Reincarnation can't be used. No one has been able to perform it since the Great Collapse!" He screamed in horror. Sweat dripping from every pore in his body. He started shaking uncontrollably.
"Well that's where you are wrong. Yes, what you said is true. It hasn't been used since the Great Collapse but it can be used. Under normal circumstances no one would dare use it , but the 9th set can be used if one is willing to give up all forms of a reincarnation and use it as a catalyst for the spell. Normally people aren't willing to do such a thing, but I can't let you go and I can't allow these demons from escaping from here. Also, I really hate demon spawns like you. So, let's go to the beyond together. We can both be stuck there for all of eternity. Let the world stay clean from those vermin's" He said closing his eyes.
"No!" screamed the fire mage and me at the same time. I couldn't bear with my master dying. This was an absolute nightmare.
The bright ring stopped expanding. Then everything went black. I heard the sound of flesh completely and utterly being turned to nothing. Then I heard my master whisper into my ear for the last time "Good bye Logan. My seal on you is officially broken. I also sealed your memories when I met you because it seemed to cause you immeasurable pain. With my passing the memories will slowly come back. Stay strong and always remember your master will watch over you from beyond. Even if we never meet again I will pray for your safety and happiness always. I love you my pupil" he said as his voice faded away.
I screamed and lost unconsciousness.
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8 121 - In Serial9 Chapters
Werewolf Adventure
Although it is permissible to utilize and practice magic in the Dawn Wheel Kingdom, it is strictly illegal to use black magic or magic outside of traditional religions. It has been given the title of witchcraft by the state, and anyone who engages in its practice will face the death penalty. Garvan, an alchemist, is attempting to transform into a werewolf using his witchcraft skills. The terrifying Shadow Soldiers of the state have learned about his deed. Garvan is about to go on an unusual expedition. Image Credit: "Vampire VS Werewolf. VTda.info" by vtdainfo is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
8 243 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Lost Princess (Peter Pan OUAT Fanfic)
-DISCONTINUED-Salina Nightingale was lost. Moved from foster family to foster family, Salina feels unloved and uncared for. Then one fateful night when she's about to run away Salina finds herself in Neverland.Peter Pan was lonely. The lost boys were great, but he still felt empty inside. Until he saw a young girl unconscious on the beach.
8 99 - In Serial5 Chapters
❄️My Yuki Academia(bnhaxnaruto)❄️
After the events of the reanimation jutsu during the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Haku and Zabuza had thought that their time in the land of the living is over. But then just before they ascended to the afterlife, they were met by the Sage of Six Paths and given the chance to be teleport to leave live in a new world, a world of heroes, villains and quirks as long as they take a plus one...Highest Tags:#3: Hakuyuki- August 2, 2020#6: Narutoxbnha-August 2, 2020#7: Bnhaxnaruto-August 2, 2020#8: SageofSixPaths-August 2, 2020
8 127