《Vienna's Game》Chapter 15


I opened my eyes; my vision was blurry. The light reflecting off the moon shined into the dimly lit room. When my vision returned to normal, I noticed that no one was with me. I looked around the room. It was large and well kept.

I looked down at my blanket, it was made of a soft material that stayed cool to the touch. I lifted the blanket to see that someone put on clothing for me. The supposed nightwear was made of smooth silk that was breathable.

I threw the blanket off and maneuvered out of bed. When my feet touched the floor, I felt a shock coming to my toes.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch.”

I whispered as I lifted my foot off before putting my feet back onto the floor. The shocking sensation did not come back this time. When both of my feet were on the floor, I stood up. The floor slightly creaked as I stood up, by the time I was fully standing up I heard a sound coming from outside my window.

I rushed over to the window to see that outside several men were fighting each other with wooden swords outside. They were in what looked like a makeshift fighting pit surrounded by large wooden torches. The fire from the torches shined onto their bare chest. The men did not seem too bad looking.

It seemed like I was on the 3rd or 4th floor of the house judging from how far the men seemed to be from me. I watched the two gracefully move, dodging each other’s attack while slashing every time there was an opening.

One of the men had purple hair. He seemed tall and slim. His body was basically the ideal type back in my old world. Meanwhile, his opponent was a guy with red hair. He seemed short in stature when compared to the purple hair, but he made up for it by striking with speed.


I watched the two battle for what felt like hours. In the final minutes of the battle, the purple hair man managed to trip the redhead. But the redhead managed to kick him in the shin and regain his composure. When the redhead stood up, he seemed to tense up before changing his stance.

His sword then started to glow as the flames from the torches started going crazy. The wooden sword was glowing a neon red, the man with purple hair was still recovering from being kicked in the shin. When purple hair recovered, redhead then charged at him.

The dash looked like it was straight out of a superhero show, in a flash, he struck managed to feign that he was going to strike the front of purple hair. Redhead maneuvered around purple hair and struck his back. Purple hair was knocked to the ground and seemed to lift his left arm.

Redhead then tossed his wooden sword, which had returned to its normal state, and helped purple hair back on his feet. When purple hair was back on his feet, he seemed to have said something to the redhead, which made them both laugh.

Watching the two-fight reminded me of the old fantasy anime I watched when I was a kid. When I noticed that both men were beginning to face my direction, I quickly ducked.

“I wonder if they know of my existence?” I mumbled.

After several seconds of crouching on the floor, I then stood up and glanced outside my window. The two men were now gone. I gave out a sigh before I glanced around the room.

The bed I was in seemed massive and was mostly white with some blue accents scattered. I noticed a stool that was nicely tucked next to the bed, to the opposite side where I was laying. It seemed like someone was beside me before deciding to leave.


The nightstand that was next to my bed had a silver tray next to it. On it seemed to be a large bowl with water and a blue towel. I approached the towel and placed my finger on it. The towel was still moist. I looked around the nightstand and found several droplets.

Someone was definitely here several minutes ago. It was unfortunate that they managed to miss me waking up. I walked around the room, inspecting everywhere. I tried to move silently to avoid gaining attention from anyone who was outside.

While the room appeared to be well kept, there were still specks of dust around the bookshelves. When I looked closer at the bookshelves, the words on the spine of the books appeared to be faded. I reached out my finger and dragged it down the spine to find that it was just a buildup of dust.

I looked at my finger, and with my other hand, I covered my mouth as I headed back to the towel to wipe off the dust. When I cleaned my finger, I noticed that the nightstand had drawers. I opened the drawers to find that they were completely empty.

I sighed before shutting the drawers. I tossed myself back onto the bed. The bounce was satisfying at least, and way better than the one in the previous one I had in my last life.

“This life seems comfortable for now, and from what I can remember, I definitely did die before reincarnating, so there’s no point in trying to return…” I mumbled.

I turned my head to the side and stared at the window.

“That dream too… Scythia…”

I stared at the window for several seconds thinking of the dream.

The little girl… the end of the world… stagnation… nothing about it makes no sense, but at the same time, it does make sense. Whoever this ‘God’ is, she seemed to be a malevolent one.

I sighed before closing my eyes again. How long was I knocked out for? I mean I was unconscious and time seems to be relative. Hopefully not too long, otherwise, I would have to be fighting against time.

I crawled back into my blanket and stared at the ceiling or at least, the ceiling of the bed. This world sure is scary… I hope that none of my students are encountering any hardships right now. I guess I have to have my fingers crossed that they were fortunate enough to be babies right now. I closed my eyes again and ended up falling asleep.

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