《Forever Online - Wanderer》Announcement - Now with a link!


Hey everyone!

So I am going to be putting this fiction on hiatus for a while so that I can participate in the RoyalRoad NaNoWriMo challenge. Once the fiction is all set up I will link it here.

Here it is https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21354/an-ent-like-existence

However, My Loyal Followers, I have been given some amazing advice by authors much greater than I. So once I return to this story, and I will return, it will be reborn Greater and more Readable than ever. So if you must put me on the dreaded Read Later shelf in order to remember that this fiction exists, please do so, and come back to enjoy the adventures of The Wanderer.

Alright, Thanks everyone, and Goodbye for now.

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