《Guild Wars: Brutality》18


Dante left the capsule to see the apartment in utter chaos. Containers of food, clothes, and computer parts had turned his previously spacious living quarters into a junkyard.

“Kristina!” Dante yelled, looking around. Hearing the shower turn on in the bathroom gave her away. “What did I tell you about clothes, and how they’re supposed to go into a wardrobe?”

Dante didn't expect to get a response. He spent the next 20 minutes of his break organizing her mess. He threw away the expired food that was for some reason also brought back from her place, and tossed all her miscellaneous objects in one corner for her to sort through.

Meanwhile, Kristina had still not left the bathroom. “Fucking hell girl, I finished cleaning your mess!”

Almost immediately an already dried Kristina threw the door open. She looked around, nodding. “Oh Dante, I would have helped if you let me know!”

“Shut it,” Dante said, picking up Feisty. He placed her on the counter as he poured some snacks on a plate for her.

“What’s for dinner, moth—I mean Dante,” she said, smiling brightly at him.

Dante got another bowl. He poured more snacks and slide it towards her.

She looked at the Cat food and back at Dante, unfazed. “I’ll tease Sai for you.”

“Very well,” Dante said, getting to work. Maybe that will give her the excuse to make a move on that doofus. “Eggs with sauteed tomatoes and mushrooms?”

“Boy do I miss that. Put more salt, please.”

“It’s not good for you,” Dante said as he fetched the ingredients. He could hear Kristina playing with Feisty behind him.

Fifteen minutes later, moments before the microwave finished heating the bread, Sai left the capsule. He sprinted into the kitchen duel wielding a spoon and fork. Dante didn’t ask where he got those from—he placed down the plates, placed the pan in the middle of the table, and got to devouring the entire thing. It didn’t take more than a few minutes to finish everything.

The last twenty minutes of their break was used to mulch on fruits and discussing strategy. Sai was drumming on his laptop as he spoke. “Good progress, I would say,” he said. “We established our selves, granted the tribe some unity, and got a good amount of information.”

“Right. When did you guys plan that? When I was out?” Dante asked, making the two of them turn towards him with tilted heads. “Nevermind,” he said, sighing. Of course they didn’t plan anything. Things just naturally fall into place for them.


“What goods do you have for us,” Kristina asked, poking over his shoulders with Fiesty in her hands. After a single glance she jumped back into her seat, gasping. “Seriously Sai? Milf porn right after we ate?”

Sai narrowed his eyes at her. “Nice try, I’m more into the younger side.”

Kristina looked at Dante for confirmation.

“It’s true,” Dante said, sighing. He would have added brunette, petite, and dense if she had asked for more information.

“Oh,” she said, scratching Feisty’s ears. “I see.”

No you don’t. It wasn’t just that Sai liked Kristina—it was that Kristina also liked Sai, but neither of those geniuses could figure it out. He told them, explicitly and as clearly as the English language allowed him to. But no, this is Dante. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about!

“Check this out,” Sai said, turning his laptop towards them. "This is the stuff that we don't know that I've confirmed so far. The layout of the forest and bestiality are in progress.

Sai's Superb Report Of The Day

Strength: Raw power+Speed

Constitution: Defenses, resistances, and endurance

Agility: Flexibly, reaction skills, general hand to eye coordination, slight boost to Speed.

Soul: Raw power, control, and amount of Ki.

Each level up grants 1 stat point in all stats plus 4 points to allocate.

Numbers: There are 4 tribes with each approximately 100 players. NPC numbers are equal to that. Each tribe has a village and a camp. Players spawn in the camp, and upon fulfilling the daily quota they can enter the village. Healers, blacksmiths, tailors, and items are for barter. The rest of the player base is split evenly between Humans, Elves, and Beasts.

Forest Of Giants: The Forest has the shape of a half pizza. Each tribe holds a slice, all conjugating in the middle. The very edges of the forest falls off to an endless sky. Considering only 5 thousand players populate this game the world itself is small and flat.

"It's nice to finally know the basics," Kristina said. "I've played some hardcore games, but Broken Realms takes the no tutorial philosophy to a whole new level."

"So this isn't the norm for games?" Dante asked.

"Gods no," Kristina said in disgust. "Games are meant to be fun. This one isn't made for that."

Sai shrugged. "Makes me useful, at least."

It made Sai too useful. The fact the game provided absolutely no type of direction, did not explain its mechanics, and had an unfair difficulty setting meant they needed all the information they can get.


"Most people are just as lost as us. They were eager to talk," Sai said. "I didn't even know much--I was just trading information I got from the previous person. It was too easy."

Kristina lifted Fiesty up, letting her stand on her two hind legs. “You sure it’s a good idea to behave like that? We are competing for resources here.” Fiesty fell against Kristina’s stomach and slipped down to her lap. She jumped under the table. A few seconds later Dante felt her scratching at his feet. He picked her up with a victory grin. "I don't mind the information, but the no PK thing is...unfavorable to us."

“Considering the style of the game, I wouldn’t be surprised if monsters were limited in number, but frankly, unless your hunting for specific ingredients—”

“Which we will,” Kristina said, cutting in. “We already are with the boars. Conflict makes for a great showing--I'm sure they developers will keep tossing rewards at us for fighting."

“You’re not wrong” Sai said. “But remember, the forest is a half pizza. The deeper we go in, the more likely we are to meet other tribes. That's where the true prize is."

“I realize, and I'm saying we should take every opportunity to get stronger, even if it means PKing others."

“Why not both?” Dante said. “Why not take every opportunity to get stronger that does not include killing others?"

"Dante, that's just playing the game normally," Kristina responded.

"Oh," he said, going quiet. Maybe talking wasn't a good idea.

“Right. I don’t there we’ll be able to find iron mines and the sort—I don’t think this is that type of game. Hunting monsters for experience, making weapons and armor out of them, and then hunting their extended family with it is likely the game design here.”

“Killing other players and taking their stuff will save us a lot of time, though,” Kristina said.

“You can’t just kill everyone and take their stuff, Kristina.”

“Yes I can?”

“Okay but you shouldn’t.”

Dante clicked his tongue. Sai and Kristina, and even Fiesty, turned their heads towards him. “Don’t you know, Sai? Ever since Kristina was a kid, her dream is to become the greatest hoka-ah!” Dante whelped as Kristina kicked his shin. It didn’t hurt, but it certainly surprised him.

Kristina’s face was red. She clenched her teeth as she glared at Dante, her breath slow and stained.

“S-Sorry, it was just a joke,” Dante said, caught off-guard. It was cringy, sure, but he didn’t think she would be this upset.

Kristina slowly lowered her head to the table, groaning. “It hurts,” she said, sniffling.

Sai rubbed her back. “There there there there. What made you think kicking him was a good idea?”

“I forgot…” she said, holding her foot with teary eyes. “I thought I was Stiens…”

“Sorry Kristina,” Dante said, worried. She seemed to be in too much pain for it to be funny.

“Why are you apologizing for being hit, Dante?” Sai said, shaking his head. “I guess that settles that—don’t kill our fellow Graymays too much. They might be useful later on, ay?"

“I’m down with that,” Dante said, setting Feisty on the table. He stood up and got an ice pack from the fridge. “Here you go, Kristina, it will help.”

“It’s fine,” she said, though she neither looked nor sounded it. “Let’s dive back in. Too much talking, too little killing monsters.”

Goodness. That would have sounded really cool if she wasn’t wiping tears from her eyes. “You sure? It might get sore.”

“Let me suffer quietly,” she said, limping all the way to the capsule. “No bandage or ice can heal the damage done to my pride as a warrior.”

Dante tried not to smile as he followed her. Even without romantic feelings the desire to cuddle her was irresistible. Dante could only imagine what agony Sai felt. “Wake up, Bin. The hunt continues.” On his command all three coffins stood up. “See you guys in a bit?”

“Try not to get in another fight before I get there,” Sai said.

“Don’t get lost—just stand where you are love,” Kristina said.

Dante was glad their capsules were turned away from each other. The giddy smile on his face would have been embarrassing to show. “I’ll try my best,” Dante said, closing his eyes as the capsule fell into resting position. He was so excited that it took a good 5 seconds before it was able to send him to sleep.

For real now. Let's kill stuff.

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