《Sorority Cultivation: Zeta Tau Alph, In The Hous....Sect???》Chapter four
Chapter four.
The rest of the day past and it was boring. I just sat and laid resting. The sex between the two had only lasted for thirty minutes or so, but that was too long in my book. The night came slowly and I slept lightly. It rained once again; this time harder. My shelter had done nicely and even the ground level was completely dry.
The sun was fully over the horizon now and I lazily stretched as I got out of my tent. I took care of business and then headed down to the beach to have my morning sand and salt water scrub down. When I walked out on the beach, I noticed that some of the girls where up and looked cold and tired. They frowned when they saw my naked ass head to the water, towel over my shoulder.
I couldn’t have cared less. The girls all looked like wet and bedraggled animals. I felt bad for them, but I know some of them had seen the shelter I had made, but none of them barely looked at me. The truth was I made it for them, kind of. I had the gut feeling that Graham was becoming more and more unhinged. That was going to led to a confrontation, I just hoped that none of the girls got hurt or killed.
I walked back into my camp from scrubbing my body with sand and ocean water. I got my clothes on and waited. Today I was going to try this thing called cultivating. I was going to try and actively pull the energy in the air into me. The problem was is that from all of my readings back on earth this could be dangerous. I did not know the exact kind of energy I was dealing with. The fact the marble in side of me seemed to naturally gather it helped me feel more confident about actively cultivating it.
I sat and closed my eyes focusing on my Dantian. The small trickle of energy flowed into the pearl with every breath. I watched the energy and could not determine where it flowed from. So, on the next inhale I focused my will and told the energy to pull more toward it. It felt like I got punched in the gut as all the breath left me.
“Ow.” I said as I leaned over and panted. “That didn’t fucking work.”
More precisely it did work; it just all impacted me at once. I closed my eyes once more and watched. ‘Fucking dumb ass, don’t do it from inside you, look outward.’ I thought scolding myself.
I pushed my focus out of my body and was surprised I was able to see the world around me almost as well as I could with my eyes open. The world looked different and everything had a slight glow. Some things were bright like the trees while other things like the sand and air were soft. It was all gold, silver and white. Everything looked like it was floating in a clear jelly, just like the energy in my core.
It was a world of colored energy trapped in this jelly. I could feel my core feeding on the clear energy every time I took a breath. It wanted more of it and then to use it to change the world. It wasn’t alive more like the base nature of what it was, it was change and will.
On my next inhale I focused on pulling more of the clear stuff into me. That worked, as the air filled my lungs, I felt the resistance like I was slurping up jelly into my lungs. The energy rushed into me and a flood of it washed into the pearl; spiraling down as it was being absorbed. It felt amazing, pure and powerful.
Now I know from cultivation books that I have read; that there’s this thing called corruption and you really don’t want to absorb any of that shit. But as I watched my core, I could only see the clear like jelly energy. I focused back on the outside and tried to absorb the hues of different colors and though the energy would rush toward me it would stop at my skin, never entering me.
I kept taking focused breaths in, forcing the clear jelly into me. It felt amazing. I switched views on every breath watching my core. Nothing changed about it. It stayed the same size though I could feel it taking in more energy. The clear energy flowed through my meridians like water invigorating everything. Every cell drank the energy eagerly.
This was defiantly some kind of cultivating magic energy. But was it Qi, I didn’t think so? It was similar in description but the way it moved in my body was different from the chines medicine books I had read. It also harbored that world changing drive that mana is described as having. It must be a mix.
I was worried I would have what is described in cultivation as a black day, but no matter what I did no corruption came from me. It was like I was able to drink water for the first time and the only kind my body would absorb was pure.
I focused outward again and stepped from my body. I turned around and looked at myself. All I could see was a condensed mass of the clear jelly where my body was. I moved lightly and quickly flowing through the world. I sped to the beach where I saw some of the girls still sitting. They were bright different colors and I could see the energy flow to them. The energy moved slowly to them and each attracted a different color.
That’s when I saw Graham on the beach. He was a roiling mass of red, black, green and yellow. He felt wrong, he felt like madness. Then down the beach I saw it, a shadow. A mass of black at the far end of the bay moving quickly towards the group on the beach.
I sent my mind slamming back into my body. After I swayed for a second, I leapt to my feet. I rushed down to the beach grabbing my spear along the way. That’s when I heard him.
“You better do what I say you filthy fucking slut. Don’t and I’ll beat you black and blue! I’ll fuck your ass so hard you bleed for a week you worthless whore!” Graham screamed. He sounded half crazed, like he had lost all touch with reality.
I was shocked at his voice and tone. I had never heard something so cruel sounding, it was unnatural. I did not know if I wanted to save him now. But it was almost too late and without thinking I ran. The shadow beast ran toward Graham and leapt. I was only about ten yards away having moved blindingly fast. Graham saw me and his eyes went wide as I drew back the spear and sent it speeding toward him.
I had intuitively infused some of the strange energy into the spear and commanded it to hit the shadow thing dead in the chest. The spear impacted and plunged through its body and then out it’s back. The spear had nearly gone all the way threw it. The shadow beast slammed lifelessly into the ground right behind Graham.
Graham spun and grabbed the spear without a moment’s hesitation. He whirled to face me as the auburn-haired girl crouched on the ground crying.
“It’s mine now, you fuck!” Graham screamed at me.
I stopped just outside his reach with the spear. “No, as I told you before. My shit, not yours.” I said pointing at the spear then myself. I knew it would not matter, he looked completely insane.
He glared at me and I flinched forward as if I was going to dash at him. That’s all it took for him to charge me thrusting the spear out. He worked it back and forth trying to stab me. I dodged easily, to easily. The voices of the rest of the girls on the beach filtered into my mind screaming for Graham to stop.
“Stop Graham no!”
“No, stop it Graham!”
“Graham, NO!”
He couldn’t hear them through the haze of his anger. Finally, I had him wear I wanted. He thrust forward awkwardly and I caught the spear just below the spear head with my left hand. I twisted my body hard and slammed my right hand in to the spear haft, ripping it from his hands. I flowed through the rotation sending my left foot slamming into his chest, in a side kick.
The impact sent him back words on to his ass. “It’s over Graham, stop.” I said. I knew it wouldn’t matter.
He sprang to his feet and reached behind him and pulled out a knife. My knife, my chef’s knife from my cooking set. ‘Mother fucker’ I thought.
Then the Auburn-haired girl sprang up and wrapped her hands around the back of him. screaming, “No Graham he’s not worth it.”
Graham spun and slashed the girl from the top of her left shoulder, down her breast and onto her stomach. Then he yanked her in front of him self and held the knife to her throat. “Give me the spear or she dies!” Graham yelled.
The screaming on the beach stopped. I was only five or six feet away and saw the blood pouring from the girl.
“Okay…Okay…Alright.” I said as I turned and made like I was going to set the spear down on my right. My left hand met the under side of the pole and I struck. Like a coiled snake I thrust the spear with my right hand and guided it with my left. The head pierced Grahams right eye and exploded out the back of his head.
Both him and the girl dropped to the ground, one dead and the other dyeing.
I dropped the end of the spear and rushed to the girl. Blood was pooling up from her chest and she didn’t have long to live. I scooped her up in my arms and ran as hard as I could back to my camp. The girls on the beach rushed toward me but I was quicker than them and they ran behind me.
I laid her gently on the ground by the fire and tore through my bags. I pulled one of my trauma kits out and knelt back beside her.
“Stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me.” I said over and over, as I opened the combat grade blood clotting powder. I started dumping the large bag over her whole chest. Her left breast was torn open and blood coated her whole naked upper chest and belly. Once the large bag had been emptied it was stopping the blood loss. I ripped open pads of gauze and pressed them along the wound; holding them down and applying a firm pressure to help stop the bleeding.
The girls were standing around me when I heard one of them say, “Don’t you hurt her or I’ll stick this in you and murder you just like you did Graham.” The voice was tinged with panic.
I turned to see it was the hazel haired girl who had been helping the now bloody auburn-haired girl suck Graham off the other day. “I’m saving her life.” I said coldly. I found Serena in the crowd of girls and tilted my head at the one now wielding my spear.
Serena got up and went over to her. I focused on my tasked and was surprised to see she was still alive and awake. She was making soft whimpering noises and tears fell from her eyes.
“It hurts, owww…owww… make it stop.” She whimpered.
“The pain will fade some, but I don’t have anything for it. At least nothing that won’t thin your blood and maybe kill you.” I said. Not like an aspirin was going to really help with this kind of pain.
I sat back and watched her for a bit. The bandages I had placed weren’t soaking up blood and she looked to be stable for the moment.
“Alright all of you make sure she does not move at all. I mean at all, if that cut opens up again, she’s going to bleed to death.” I said looking at all the girls.
“Okay, right.” They all said,
“One of the girls asked, what are you going to do?”
“I have to build a caught for her to lay on. We need to get her off the ground.” I said as I got up and grabbed a few tools.
I went over to the small pile of bamboo I had left from building the shelter and started working. I quickly had a passable caught built that sat three feet off the ground.
I looked the girl over again before I motioned for the others to help move her. I had set the caught right next to her and we only had to lift her a little. I held her feet. The blood stained the sides of her panties and I could also see they were soaked threw with piss and shit. She must have lost control as she blead out.
She saw me at her feet and she knew I saw her mess. She turned her eyes in embarrassment as me and two of the other girls lifted her. We softly got her on the caught and I was glad nothing started gushing blood.
Once she was on the caught, I went to my kitchen supplies and grabbed a sponge and soap. I walked up to the girls with a few bottles of the airplane water I had scavenged and handed the lot over to them.
“Why don’t some of you get her cleaned up. Don’t touch her chest, just clean her…lower half.” I said trying not to sound disgusted.
“um…Okay.” The few girls I handed the things to said.
“I’m going to go get my self clean, and my clothes, and toss the bodies into the ocean.” I said letting a little strain creep into my voice.
I left them and went to the beach. I moved Grahams body into the water hoping the waves would take it away. Then I moved to the shadow thing. It was a cat but had four tails and what looked like two sleek pincers grew from its upper back.
I poked the thing a few times and when it did not move, well I had to check. Did it have some kind of magical core like in the books I had read? I hacked in to the scull and threw thee brain. There in the center of its brain was a round black sphere. I poked it with a finger. Nothing. Right, I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. Then I hacked into its chest, where its heart was, I found another black stone. I found the same in its guts. I stashed them all.
I dragged its considerable wight into the small waves of the bay. Letting the ocean clean away the carcass.
I then walked down the beach and began cleaning the piss, shit and blood from myself. It took about an hour till I was clean enough and my clothes that I was happy. I figured the girls would be done, and seeing as I did not hear any screaming, I figured they were all Okay. Or they were all dead. But most likely they were okay.
I walked back into my camp and all the girls were standing around the woman on the caught. She was moaning in pain and I did feel bad, wishing I had something I could give to her.
“Are you all finished?” I asked.
The group turned to me and Stella spoke, “Yeah, we got her all cleaned up. You…you saved her life.”
“Yeah, he also murdered Graham.” The hazel haired girl spat.
“Shut up Anna, no he didn’t. Look what that ass hole did to Lily.” A girl with light brown hair said. It was braided over one shoulder and she was tone. She had nice curves that weren’t to exaggerated but held her shape well.
“Yeah, fuck that guy, Anna. I’m glad he’s dead.” A dark blond girl said. She was the shortest and had a petite body. Her voice carried a hard tone full of adventure and fun.
“How can you say that about Graham you bitch!” The hazel haired girl, called Anna, spat.
“Right… well let me see how she’s doing?” I said as the girls moved for me and I got a look at the auburn-haired girl named Lily.
She was whimpering softly and it looked like they had gotten her a fresh pair of booty shorts to wear. Her chest was still bare and bloody. The blood had dried and no knew blood had formed.
“I don’t suppose you have any of the alcohol left?” I asked.
“I think so, just a few minnie bottles we hid from him. I’ll go get it.” a brown-haired girl answered, and then ran off.
“Right well… my name is Ash. Who are all of you?” I said as I pulled up a log next to Lily. I was going to try and clean her chest but I had to do that with alcohols. I grabbed thick gauze and got ready to wipe her off.
“Right, well…I’m Melissa.” The short strait blond haired petite girl said.
“Um… I’m Heather.” The light brown-haired girl said.
“Naomi is the one who ran off. I’m Stella just in case you forgot.” Stella said her tone hour glass shape looking wonderful in the fading light.
“This bitch right her is Anna.” Serena said indicating the Hazel haired girl who had called me a murderer.
“Bitch, please…yes I’m Anna and thank you for saving my sister.” Anna said.
“Right… your welcome…sister?” I said confused.
Naomi ran back then with her arms full of the small bottles. She set them neatly by me and I grabbed one and began to carefully clean Lily’s whimpering body. She eyed me but did not have the strength to stare me in the eye or say anything.
“yeah, thanks for saving our sister.” Some of the other girls echoed.
“sister?” I asked again. As I wiped the blood from around the bandages.
“Yeah, not the blood kind but the college kind.” Serena offered.
“Oh…OH…I get it now. So how did you know Graham?” I asked.
“He was going on the summer trip our two houses had planned. He was the Head of his fraternity.” Stella answered.
“Okay then. So, want to explain what all the bitchy glances on the plain where for? And for that matter why you’ve all just been a bunch of…well…really offal people to me?” I said holding back some of the more colorful words that came to mind.
I stared at the girls while I kept cleaning Lily. They all had bruises on there body’s and some had fat lips. They were beautiful, like a bunch of super models, black and blue super models, but super models non the less. Heat rose in all their faces and they looked down at the ground.
“It was my fault.” Lily choked out between whimpers.
“She really shouldn’t talk, one of you explain. Anna?” I said.
Anna went over to Lily and whispered in her ear then pulled back and said, “If that’s what you want.” She turned to me and said, “You look like her boyfriend of three years who broke her heart. So, when she saw you in the airport, she told us she wanted to treat you bad; because it would make her feel better. She can’t take it out on the X’s cause he up and left. Then we got here, and you went off alone and you and Graham didn’t get along and then he started beating any of us he thought were looking at you. Some of us just stayed out of camp after that.”
The rush of Anna’s words made little to no since to me, but whatever. “So, are you all over being…bitc…mean to me then?” I asked, sounding quite confused.
“Yes.” Heather said.
“Yeah totally.” Melissa said.
“Your good in my book.” Naomi added.
The rest all nodded their heads. “Well nice…that’s just fan fucking tastic…” I said letting all the anger and stress out in one breath. The girls all recoiled a little bit at it then I said, “Okay I’m good. No problem, lets just move on then.” They all looked wide eyed at me like they expected me to go off on them like Graham did and when I didn’t, they got confused.
“so, your good with us?” Stella asked nervously.
“Yeah, Were fine.” I said again. I finished with Lily and she looked up at me with a pained smile. “Yes, even you, now don’t move at all. Like none. You got to piss or shit, do it in your pants again. We don’t want you to bleed out, OK?”
Lily’s face flushed and she nodded her head slightly. I cleaned up the mess and cleaned my hand also. The girls all looked beat, both physically and mentally. The four days we had been here had really driven them to rock bottom. They all sat around the fire; which was dead from the rain the night before. They all had forlorn looks darkening their faces.
‘Right can’t have that out here’ I thought as I moved into action. I gathered kindling and started the fire. When the larger logs where on and going I saw a little light fill their eyes. They all still sat quietly listening to the whimpers of Lily.
I grabbed the net bag and went into the jungle and gathered a variety of fruits, stuffing the bag full. I walk back to camp and then tossed the girls each an orange. It was well into the afternoon and I picked up my fishing spear as I dumped the fruit out by my cooking supplies.
I went down to the water and waded in. I waited for a while; then decided I would try something. Sending the energy from my core to my palm I placed my hand on the water. I thought of the fish I had caught earlier and imagined a group of them swimming up to me.
The energy left my palm in a rush and a ripple rolled out into the bay carrying my power on it. Within a minuet dozen of the fish came swimming up to me. I thrust my spear in the water over and over, sliding the impaled fish into the net bag. I couldn’t have been in the water for more than thirty minutes by the time I had caught nine of the large tuna like fish.
I felt quite proud walking back into my camp with a net bag full of fish. The girls were still sitting by the fire arms around their knees. It looked like they were thinking deeply. So, I went about gutting and flaying the fish. I pealed oranges and lemons and limes and thru them in a pot with a little bit of sea water and fresh water.
I then moved to the fire and started cooking up the sauce and fish. “Do you guys have anything to eat off of or with?” I asked.
“yeah, I’ll go get it.” Serena said smiling at me.
It took me 30 minutes to get everything ready and soon I was serving the girls two large fillets of fish with an orange citrus sauce. The truth was I was a pretty shitty cook and I felt worse that they were going to eat what I made, but I figured it was the gesture that counted.
Soon all the girls had an airplane tray in front of them with plastic forks and knifes. They all stared at me as if I was some weird alien life form, they had just come in contact with. Heather and Melissa had tears in their eyes as they began to eat. Serena just smiled at me and Stella elbowed Madeline whispering to her.
“Okay…this is now officially creepy as fuck. What gives?” I said as I took a seat after I cleared the fire and put more wood on.
“Um…you fished for us?” Anna asked.
“And cooked?” Heather asked.
“After we acted like that?” Melissa asked.
I looked at Serena and tilted my head. “you…we…” she said not quite getting out what she wanted to say.
“Um…right, yes I did. Is there a problem. Do you all not eat fish. I guess I should have asked, but you all seemed pretty lost in thought.”
“No…no…it’s not that. It’s just. I don’t think I’ve had anyone cook for me except my parents and sisters sometimes. Never a guy. And Graham said that if we wanted him to fish for us or do anything really; then we would have to pay him with our body’s.” Anna said.
“Me neither.” Stella added.
“Yeah same.” Madeline said.
“It’s wonderfully done, Ash, thank you.” Serena said smiling at me.
“Okay, well I hope you enjoy it. I know I’m a shit cook.” I spoke out loud. ‘What the fuck was going on…really… They all seemed so shocked; like it was something they had been wanting for days… That must be it… I bet they have been wanting fish since I caught that one fish on the first day.’ I thought to my self-watching the girls begin to eat.
They all dug in. Soon the sound of chewing and little moans “mmm…mmmm’s” filled the air.
I could see how the girls fell in to Grahams abuses. He was someone they knew well and trusted. Then throw in the shock of the crash landing and the realization you might not get rescued. Then the guy you thought you could trust starts acting like an ass, you tell your self its just from the stress. Then by the time he’s beaten some of you, you don’t know what to do. There’s no one to call, nowhere to go and the only other person on the island is some stranger you don’t know at all.
I didn’t think the girls were weak or anything. Honestly, I bet in any other situation they would have all kicked his ass. It was just the events that got the better of them this time. From drunken beach sex party to raging abusive asshole in a few days. Now though as I ate, I could see a little life return and shy happy smiles crossed their faces as they ate.
“I thought some real food might cheer you all up.” I said.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve been dyeing for some of this ever since I saw you walk out of the water, all manly like, with a fish on your spear. Fucking shit was hot.” Naomi said.
“Yeah, I was like, holy fuck here we are eating a few peanuts and this dude just caught a big ass fucking fish.” Heather said.
“God yes, made my pussy wet just watching it. Though it might have been the alcohol to. Guess I’ll just have to watch you do it again and find out.” Melissa said with an impish smile as she wiggled her body in feigned delight.
“Ha… could have fooled me. So, what supplies do you have over there?”
“Not much, just some fruit. We ran out of water this morning. Everything ells got eaten or drunk. Those where the last of the minnie bottles.” Stella sighed out.
“That’s fine, here drink this. I found a stream toward the other side of the island and I have a water filter.” I said grabbing one of my steel water bottles and passing it off. The girls drank and passed it down to the next.
“Shouldn’t we have been rescued by now?” Anna said consternation filling her voice.
“Um…I don’t think we are going to be rescued any time soon. I’m sure you ladies saw the two moons at night and last time I checked earth only had one moon.”
“Well…yeah…but that’s impossible.” Heather said.
“It’s crazy but I think Ash is right.” Serena said.
“Then there’s this.” I said as I held my hand out and made a small flame appear.
“What… a magic trick?” Naomi asked confused.
“I’ve got many skills but magic tricks are not one of them.”
“how?” Madeline asked dumb founded.
“Well, I think were on another planet. Maybe in the same universe or some other one. I don’t really know but I know where not on earth.”
“I agree, after seeing those two moons there’s no way where still on earth.” Stella said.
“Okay, magic trick aside; why do you have all this survival stuff? It’s kind of weird. Were you going on a T.V show or something?” Anna asked.
I thought for a second and decided I would just tell them. “No, I wasn’t going on a T.V show. I was looking for this, that is, a way to another world.”
“Wait, you wanted this to happen?” Melissa asked looking angry.
“Yes. The last three years I’ve been traveling around the world trying to find…well…have this happen.” I said.
“But why didn’t you warn some one?” Heather asked.
“Because I would just sound like a crazy person. If I had come up to you girls in the airport and told you we were going to crash land on an alien planet…” I trailed off looking at them.
“Yeah, would have just called the cops or something.” Naomi said.
“Yep, crazy.” Stella added.
“Definitely would have thought you were one over the cuckoo’s nest.” Madeline added.
“So, yeah. That’s why I have all this stuff. I thought this would happen or something like it. I mean, I didn’t really think it would happen but I did, then I didn’t, then I did. There’s a lot of stories about people just up and vanishing on earth. All over the world, from all time periods. I guess I found what I was looking for.”
“Well shit, what are we going to do?” Anna asked. “I’m not the survival type.”
“Well one person here is over prepared for this, so there’s that.” Serena said smiling at me.
“You’ll help us?” Madeline asked brightly.
“Oh yeah, I’m totally not going to help a bunch of drop-dead gorgeous women stranded on a deserted tropical island with me…” I said sarcasm lacing my voice thickly.
Serena looked up form her food and smiled broadly, “Gorgeous aye?” the question implicit.
“Ah…Yeah…I mean… You’re all Beautiful… But that’s not the point… We our all in this together now, no way around it. We will just have to help each other survive out here.” I stammered out.
“We will have to do more than that.” Melissa said playfully.
By this time the girls had finished eating and the last light of dusk was fading quickly. We wash the trays and the girls helped me clean the cooking gear, while disposing of the uneaten food. The sound of distant thunder crashed over the sound of the waves.
Once back in camp and night having fully fallen. The only light coming from the flickering camp fire I said, “Okay, I think Lily will have to sleep in the hammock tent. We can’t have her getting wet.”
The girls all agreed and helped me move the caught over to the hammock. We carefully got her settled in. Zipping my sleeping bag up to her waist and leaving her chest still exposed. “You going to be okay Lily?” I asked.
“Not… Going to sleep… Much, but I’ll… Manage.” Lily got out through clenched teeth.
“Try and rest, I’ll see if I can find something for the pain tomorrow.”
She gripped my hand and looked at me with watery eyes, “Thank you.” She said be for closing her eyes.
I got up and turned to the rest of the girls, “Right, you girls want to stay over at my place?” I said playfully.
“Mmm…Sounds nice. But we should go get our stuff and bring it over here.” Serena said, eyeing all the girls.
The girls grumbled then they all set off into the dark. They returned quickly each of them dragging two suit cases. I sat by the fire as they descended on the shelter I made. Soon I could hear quiet whispers and stifled laughs.
“Is it Okay if we put your bags on the ground floor?” I herd Serena’s chiming voice call out.
“Yeah, it’s Fine.” I called back, the floor had stayed bone dry for two nights and I wasn’t worried about my gear getting wet.
I was tired by this point and headed into our survival shack. I had given the girls sometime to get things situated and called out, “Can I come in yet?”
“Oh, you can definitely cum in.” I herd Melissa playfully call out.
The girls had placed my bags by the door for easy access and the rest of the bottom floor was stacked with suit cases along the walls, making for an impromptu closet of sorts.
I climbed up the short ladder I had made and got onto the second floor. I could not see much in the dark of the hut, but I could tell the girls were lined up along one wall all piled together. I sent the energy to my eyes to see if that would help and the shelter immediately brightened.
I could tell the girls did not know I could see them by the looks on their faces’. They had taken clothes and piled them to make a wall of pillows. They were in a row but held each other closely. Right in the middle in-between Serena and Stella was an open spot for me.
I smiled and gulped as I took my shirt off. Normally I slept in my boxers and from the sports bras and panties the girls were in; I figured it was okay. I took my canvas shorts off and climbed into the middle of the mass of girls.
I instantly felt Serena’s and Stella’s hands on me as they moved to snuggle against my chest. They wrapped there legs around me and I placed each of my arms around their heads letting them nuzzle into my chest. I felt Madeline on the end of my right arm and Melissa on the end of my left. The soft wool blankets I had were quickly pulled over all of us and the inside of the shelter warmed from the mass of body heat.
With Serena’s and Stella’s warm soft bodies pressed up against me, my cock was rock hard in seconds. The two lightly kissed my chest as they wiggled to get closer to me. I didn’t think I was going to get much sleep.
That’s when I felt two sets of hands each grip the shaft of my cock and pull it free from my boxers. They began stroking it up and down, while the other hand massaged my balls lightly. One of the girls move over to me from the far end and laid down in-between my legs.
The warm mouth that sucked me in was amazing. I had no idea who it was, but thought it might be Naomi from the darker tanned skin from what I could see in the darkness. She licked my shaft letting her tung glid over Serena’s hand. Serena’s hand soon moved from my shaft to massaging my balls and tant along with Stella. Naomi took me in her mouth and dove all the way to the base of my cock.
The walls of her throat clenched as she gaged and hummed on my cock. Serena and Stella grinded softly against my legs and I could feel their wetness soak through their panties. They kissed and lick my nipples as soft moans escaped from them.
I could feel the other girl’s attention on me as I felt Melissa and Heather move slightly from on top of my arms. Naomi took me from the tip of my hard cock to the base over and over.
It didn’t take long before I tensed and came close to cumming. When Naomi felt me get ready to burst, she drove down to the base of my cock and clenched her throat. I didn’t hold back as I released into her. She swallowed over and over, gulping down every thick ropy pulse of cum I shot into her clenching throat.
“Oh fuck… That felt Amazing.” I said in a rush of air.
“Mmm… That was delicious, just the desert I wanted.” Naomi said back.
The other girls giggled at that, “Mmm… Did she get it all down?” Stella purred next to me.
“Every drop.”
I felt Stella and Serena’s hands rubbing against each of their sex’s. it wasn’t long before quite moans escaped from them and I felt them tense against me.
The heavy sweet scent of the girl’s bodies and arousal filled the enclosure. The smell nearly sent me into over drive, but the day had been long, too long. After a much-needed release from everyone soon we all drifted off to sleep.
- In Serial109 Chapters
The Dungeon Without a System
The unnamed main character wakes up as a Dungeon Core. Instead of being deep within the earth or in a cave, this newly-minted Dungeon Core finds himself on the beach of an uncharted and uninhabited island. Watch as he explores the uses of mana, defends himself from people trying to kill him and confuses the hell out of all the humans who attempt to understand just why he's different from the other dungeons. New chapters released Saturdays and Wednesdays, 4pm NZDT.
5 1360 - In Serial12 Chapters
A girl dies from natural causes, but reincarnates as a baby lizard! - - - Inspired by Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka? cause that series' goddamn amazing. Please let me know if I screw up on the grammar/tenses. I don't have much experience writing in first person present so please if you spot me swapping tenses point it out! Thank you! - - - Amazing fancover by FlauscheSoeckchen! Check 'em out here: https://www.deviantart.com/flauschesoeckchen
8 172 - In Serial13 Chapters
A Blighted World
Mutasm, who was transmigrated into a dark world filled with a hidden blight, found himself without the ability to grow stronger. Given weak or passive abilities, he must navigate a world that wants him dead. More so considering he decided to raise Hope through it all. He was given multiple paths towards strength, but in order to move forward in them, he must forsake who he was taught to be. He would have to accept the darkness and blight that inhibited the people of this world. How will he survive? How will he raise Hope? Will he lose everything he ever loved once again? Will he forsake everything he fought so hard to keep? Cover by MrZombie!
8 144 - In Serial15 Chapters
Breakout: What Did I Get Myself Into?
The world is normal, and I mean completely run of the mill. People do boring things all the time, like controlling wind, moving at mach speeds and becoming able to demolish a building in one punch after eating. What...that's not normal to you? This is a world where the abnormal happens every day, thanks to super powered mutants called "Pathos". Enter: Capital City: An infrastructure with constructed on the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan, the basis for a school system of which the goal was to educate the Pathos on controlling their power in a safe place while also protecting those without power from being harmed. If you graduate, you could even rule the City one day! ...Or you could just take advantage of the free student housing and perfect the art of being a shut-in... Join Reito Usodachi, a lax and jaded, but surprisingly strong 15 year old boy who's in way over his head, on his adventures in Capital City... The only problem is, he may falter a bit when he gets a grasp of how weird the people in the City actually are. Even though he's read his fair share of media and the like, no amount of reading Manga or playing games could've prepared him for this. Amateur writer here! Trying my best on my first Original English Light Novel! (On a short hiatus!)
8 119 - In Serial11 Chapters
Genso Suikoden: Worlds Collide
The story is set in the Queendom of Falena, the universe of the JRPG game Suikoden V. Though technically a monarchy, the aristocracy holds so much power within Falena that their squabbles and power-plays threaten to de-stablise the whole country. Complicating matters is the presence of the Sun Rune, an royal artifact of apocalyptic power and one of the 27 True Runes in the world of Suikoden. The main character is the Prince of Falena, Freyjadour, who is an unimportant figurehead not in line to the throne. During one of his royal inspections, he meets Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Erza who are a part of an alternate universe (Fairy Tail) and helps them find a way back to their home. Little do they know that it's not only them who came to this world… [This is basically a novelization of the game but with different twists due to the multiple crossovers. Therefore, there is no need to know any of the fandoms involved in this story. This will read like an actual novel itself. The universe and the characters are not owned by me.]
8 287 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Thousands Sons - First Cycle -
Do you love playing strategy games ? No matter the style ? I do. And I was quite good at it. World challenger and all. I even got a title! The Deceiver ! Why the past tense ? Because some class 3 civilisation judged good to use me and 5 other thousands fellow human in a deadly experiment, craving for innovation.
8 101