《Harbinger Of Chaos》Beast of Shadows


It opened it's eyes in a strange place, the world before it wasn't the darkness it remembered. It wasn't cold. The creature of shadows was surprised. It was confused. It never knew the existence of light. Yet here it was, surrounded by strange creatures, the creatures of light.

It could see the one before it. The creature of light, picked it and left the bright place. He was quite, yet it could feel it, the surges of something different. Something it never felt before.


The silent creature of light moved to a more bright place. Different surges of emotions could be felt from it.

It was confused. It didn't know how to react to something like that. It didn't detect any hostility. It was a feeling of warmth.

It was always alone in that cold dark place. This place was the opposite. It made the creature of shadows curious. It wanted to know, to follow, to feel that warmth of this creature of light again and again. It could see a thin, strange and bright thread of fate connecting it to the creature of light.

The curious beast of shadows started following the creature of light.

It fought for the creature of light.

Craved for it's warmth.

It's praise when it won over countless opponents.

It's attention.

It's sadness when it was hurt.

It came to understand this world of light.

It was vast, wide and spread all over the horizon.

Much different from the shadows it crawled from.

The creature of light was one of the species which inhabit this vast world.

A Human.

It's master was a Human. The warm and quite child of light.

It's master knew more about the creature than itself, his wisdom was far beyond than anyone else in this world.

It was proud to have such magnificent being as his master.

It followed his lead, to reach the top of the world.

His master wanted it to be stronger.

And it will follow it's master's wishes.

They made their way by challenging every creature, gaining different experiences, making comrades and defeating the evils. They journeyed, to the edges of Horizon, crossing countless lands, lakes, oceans and mountains.


It's master's knowledge and power was unparalleled.

They fought, sometimes skillfully, sometimes by tricking their opponents and sometimes with brute force.

Master read the opponents like a open book.

Then the time came.

The doorway to the world of shadows opened once again.

A creature.

A being similar to itself, made it's appearance.

A dark hole, darker than abyss itself, a roaring dimension of ominous energy made it's appearance above a great mountain.

It could feel the feelings of hopelessness and darkness taking over the every creature's mind.

Yet, it's master was calm. Like a calm lake, without even a ripple.

It quickly discarded every thought and decided to trust the wise one.

Without any hesitation, he leaped in the pitch black darkness.

The similar feeling took over the beast of the shadows.

The coldness.

The memories of being lonely, wandering around here and there in this never ending darkness shook it's heart.

Presence of a powerful being.

It was scared.

It never wanted to come here again.


It wasn't alone.

A feeling of warmth.

It was just a tingle but it could feel it.

It was Master.

Maybe he could feel it.

He knew about it's origins, he understood it, he cared for it.

Every emotion which directed towards it made it's cold heart beat faster.

The feeling of being scared turned,

Turned into something else.

Another alien emotion took over it's mind.


A journey to it's homeland with Master.

It was excited.

Excited to see what it's wise master will do in this dark world of shadows.

And he did.

Moved with elegance across the illusions of stygian forest of darkness and reached to the being in the core of this realm.

The ruler of darkness.

Looking down on Master with florid red flamboyant eyes.

The great serpent of shadows was a being similar to itself. Its wings are shaped like tentacles with the red thorn-like appendages sticking out at the end. Its mouth is behind the two appendages in front of its face. The majestic golden horns on its head and five rows of golden spikes protruding out of the torso and near the tail. Five gray and red stripes are partially overlapped by these spikes.


A being similar to itself, yet different at the same time.

Yet, it's master wasn't surprised. A godlike being is exerting it's pressure and yet there are no ripples in his calm consciousness.

Indeed, there was no one in this world who could compare to it's master.

They fought with the ruler of the shadows. Under it's master's wise commands, they overpowered the beast with ease. It was defeated.

A red ray of light burst out from a red and white sphere and engulfed the beast and devoured it whole.

It has seen it for a multitudinous amounts of times by now. It's master saved yet another lost soul. Under the guidance of it's Master, they'll be reborn into a different being, made to serve the great one.

At first, it wasn't sure, it thought that it was due to it's incompetence that Master has to choose someone else to fill in the gaps. But it washed away as quickly as it came.

Seeing the wise one guiding the lost souls to the path of greatness filled it's heart with pride.

They never stopped.

They moved.

They fought.

And finally after defeating the most powerful being in the world, they reigned on the top.

Guiding several lost souls to the path of light, the path of greatness.

A feeling of fulfillment of a great purpose.

A purpose of the great one.

A feeling of a great accomplishment.

A giant surge of emotions took over the great one.

It could feel it.

The ripples in the calm lake.






A feeling of reaching the end.


Great one was tired.

It's saviour and master was tired.

After reaching an near impossible goal and discovering the origins of this world, the wise one fell into a deep slumber.

The bright thread of fate crumbled.


He never woke up again.

It was left.

Left alone again.

The feeling of coldness returned.

It's master vanished, the world vanished, every being guided by the great one vanished.

Shadows overtook it again, it tried to resist but it was no help.

The same place.

The cold world.

The same reality.

It wandered in the same boundless place for endless amounts of time.

It had no sense of time but it sensed something. There was no interruption in the dark world but.

But something was different.

It was slow.

Yet, it could see it.

The crumbled thread of fate.

One that once connected it to it's master.

It was reforming.

Bit by bit.

Slowly, nearly negligible, but it was there.

Hope filled it's cold heart. The taste of warmth shook it's insides.

Master is here.

It wandered endlessly in the dark world with vexation.

The thread was now building at a rapid pace. Then the creature of the shadows felt yet another thing it was familiar with.


In the same direction it's Master was.

It was dark.

The thread of fate was leading to a blue sphere of light.

Surrounding the sphere was a similar being.

The ruler of darkness itself, one which they fought and defeated, is trying to consume the blue sphere of light.

It can never let it happen.

It was enraged.

Watching it's own master being erased, it's rage reached it's very peak.

It collected every bit of it's power and dissolved itself shadows.


The ruler of darkness detected the shadows shifting widened it's blazing red eyes and started to dissolve itself in darkness.

But it was too late.

Darkness itself glared at The ruler.

It widened it's eyes in bewilderment.

Just then, a jet black shadow struck it with a unfathomable force.

The whole dimension shook.

The ruler roared in pain.

A large slash in dimension appeared and sucked the blue sphere away.

The thread of fate tightened and started pulling it.

It didn't resist and followed it's master outside the world of shadows.

The tingling feeling of warmth returned, it's cold heart started pounding again.

How long had it craved for it?

It silently stared at it's master's consciousness,

The calm lake with no ripples.

A feeling of nostalgia surged and a bright red light took over it's consciousness.

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