《After Life》Chapter 22.3 The Calm Before The Storm


High in the air on his bowstaff kite, Cole arrives at the NGP. He circles for a moment taking in the destruction. Ultras and are humans scrambling around in a panic. The many small buildings have collapsed, some even on fire. The fence, in pieces, completely torn out of the ground. The only thing that seems to have not been touched is the black pirates flag and the granite military base. Cole makes a beeline straight for the bunker’s entrance. He lands aggressively fast just as he did with Blazer. The doors automatic scanner emits lasers verifying entry before opening the large vault door.

He steps inside to be greeted by Magi’s voice, “Cole?! You’re back! Are you ok?!”

“Hi Magi, I’m fine.”

“We thought you were one of the ones taken!”

“Nope, and Justice is fine too. She was with me.”

“Oh thank goodness. Where were you?!”

“We went to The Enlightened Ones, but we don’t have time for that right now. Magi, it’s time.”

“Time for what?”

Cole replies while climbing into the speeding cart, “I’m pretty sure I can trust you. I’m pretty sure you’re on our side. We have to spread the word. It’s time for the revolution against Death.”

The cart speeds off through the long tunnel pausing the conversation. Cole notices each time he takes this cart the trip seems to get shorter and shorter. Quickly his thought is interrupted by his screeching halt in front of the glass doors. Magi exclaims while materializing at the entrance, “What are you talking about Cole!?”

Cole rapidly jumps out of the cart into the dome, “I think you already know. It’s ok, I don’t blame you for claiming ignorance. Magi, Death’s plan has been revealed. We no longer need to hide ourselves. The time to act is now. Send the word to everyone. We need everyone’s help.”


“Wait I need to talk to you Cole!”

Cole continues to charge past Magi, “I have to grab something, I don’t have time to explain all the details. Everyone is counting on me!”

“Wait Cole I need to talk to you, it's important!”

“Not now!”

“Yes now!”

Cole was not going to be told what to do, if he could have charged away from Magi he would have, but he was physically stopped. The large robotic arms of Cake blocked his path through the hallway.

“Huh? Cake? What are you doing?” questions Cole.

“You need to take a second to talk to us.” says Cake with his robotic voice.

“I already know we were under attack. They are Blood Hunters sent by Death to steal our powers! This has all been orchestrated by Cain!”

Arch calls from down the hall replying to Cole’s discoveries, “Very interesting. But now that I think of it, that would make perfect sense.”

“Guys what are you doing?! Why are you getting in my way? I need to grab some black crystals from my room to fight Death. They are empty so they will help drain his power don’t you see!”

“I understand Cole but please stop and listen to us!” says Cake using his massive size to stop Cole.

“Fine you guys want to play hard ball?? Get out of my way.”

With the command Cake and Arch move out of Cole’s way. They stand at attention, Arch with a confused expression, and Cake with a multitude of extra lights blinking probably signalling the same. Cole marches past them to the entrance of his room. At first the door doesn’t open but then Cole calls aloud, “Magi??” In response it slides open.

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