《After Life》Arc 2: Revelations - Chapter 19: The Enlightened Ones
Chapter 19: The Enlightened Ones
Cole meets The Enlightened Ones. They prepare him to unlock what’s hiding inside him.
“Pleasure to meet you.” says Cole.
“No, the pleasure is all mine. I see you’ve already met one of my children, Justice.” replies Ghyia.
“Justice is your daughter?!”
“It’s not in the literal sense. She’s more of my spiritual mother.” says Justice.
“Yes I have two other daughters. Fate, and Journey. We’re all so excited you’ve finally arrived. Come come, follow me to the camp.” says Ghyia beckoning them to follow.
The collection of banyan trees are so thick now that their umbrella canopies make it feel as though they’ve entered inside a building with a roof made of plants. The vegetation starts to annoy Cole. The vines act as frenzied fans reaching out to Cole just to touch him, treating him like he’s a celebrity in the making.
Well as long as these plants aren’t trying to attack me I can deal with this.
“Hey, why aren’t the plants molesting you guys?” asks Cole.
“I guess they are just excited for a new commer.” giggles Justice.
The trail opens up to a large circle clearing allowing the sky to shine through. Cole is somewhat surprised walking into camp. He discovers no buildings, or even teepee’s like he was sure he’d find. What he does find is a vast variety of Ultrasapiens. Some of them, hard at work gathering firewood or crafting baskets, others simply lounging using large plant leaves as hammocks. With the arrival of Cole the Ultras spring to the action.
Cole questions, “No buildings? No tents? How do you guys live here?”
“We have no need for shelter. We live with the forest. Everything we could need is provided by it.” replies Ghyia. “Now, let's get you introduced to everyone.”
Ghyia calls to the group, requesting they come meet Cole. The first person to greet Cole is a young beautiful girl in her mid twenties. At first impression, she reminds Cole of pocahontas. She has long black hair and dressed similarly to Ghyia with her turquoise jewels.
“This is Journey.” says Ghyia.
“Welcome traveler. I can tell it has taken you a long time to get to us.” says Journey with a slight bow.
“It wasn’t that bad really. I mean we had to spend the night sleeping on Mojo but that was actually kinda nice.” replies Cole.
“I’m not talking about your trip through the forest. I’m talking about your spiritual travels.” she says with a smirk.
Her eyes mesmerize Cole. It’s a similar experience to Justice, or even Gaze. He senses wisdom, or a hidden power hidden deep in her dark brown irises. She embraces Cole in a deep long lasting hug, just as Ghyia had done.
Ok we’ve been hugging for like forty five seconds now. What’s the deal with these people?
“Journey has the ability to help guide Ultras to their inner power.” says Ghyia.
Next Ghyia introduces yet another young beautiful girl who appears to be in her mid twenties. Although she is a stark contrast from Journey. She has red hair and green eyes. “This is my other daughter, Fate. She has the ability to show you your final moments. Though you might not want to know it.” says Ghyia.
Again, now Fate embraces in the long lasting hug ritual.
This is going to take forever at this rate.
The next succession of introductions go much faster as Ghyia calls their names and explains their powers. There were Ultras who had exciting powers who could conjure energy purification balls, or nullify even powers. This process follows all the way down to simple powers like making plants grow, talking to animals, or simply detecting lies. All of them each with their own appearances just as bizarre as the next. Cole greets them and hugs them as seems the tradition. Finally Cole reaches two who he recognizes. Ghyia speaks, “I believe you have met Pappa and Clio already. Pappa here is the gatekeeper between the spirit worlds, and Clio can see the future.”
“No simple powers there.” he says.
“Aaann I see your aura is still blazin uncontrollably. Perhaps that will change today.” says Pappa in his mysterious Jamaican accent.
Cole’s attention is captured by a very strange sight. A woman with antlers growing out of her head wearing scantily clad clothing made of plants. Shado punches Cole in the arm.
“Caught you looking.” says Shado jokingly. “Here I wanted you to meet the guys I was telling you about. This is Em, and Brody.”
Em interjects questioning Cole, “Have you spoken with Arch recently?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve seen the guy, but it was only for a passing moment in the base.” replies Cole.
“Well that’s good, at least I know he’s still alive. I haven’t left the forest forever. I miss technology…”
Cole takes the opportunity to greet Brody avoiding what seemed like an awkward conversation pit, “Brody! You can fly!”
“Uhh, yes?”
“For my ability I can control the wind. Or maybe it’s the air? Can you teach me how to fly!?”
“I can try! Though, it’s not that I’m using the wind to carry myself, it’s more like the energy comes from within me.”
“From within…” says Cole looking up to the sky.
“Let me think for a moment. Why don’t you show me how far you can get off the ground and we’ll go from there.”
Cole takes a stance of going super saiyan. He summons a huge rush of wind pushing Cole into the air with the force of a jet engine. However it’s not graceful. The most he can manage is a bit of levitation similar to an indoor skydiving tunnel. He flips back and forth awkwardly in the air before ending his experiment, completely out of breath.
“That was the best, I can do.” he says panting.
“Well the power is there.” says Brody stroking his chin in thought. “What you need is something to utilize that massive force. It’s too hard to concentrate the pressure to control your body properly. You need stabilizers. You need wings!”
“But I don’t have wings.” says Cole slightly disappointed.
“We can make something like a kite! Something you can hold on to while using your power to keep you in the air.”
“Hey you know what?! I think that just might work!”
Cole looks down deep in thought thinking about how he can create this flying contraption, though his thought is interrupted by Justice tugging at his arm.
“Here’s the Ultra I told you about Cole. His name is Ktroll.” she says.
Ktroll is a mysterious looking Ultra. He appears younger, small, though he has all grey hair with a long grey beard. He’s wearing a grey cloak with a brown belt giving him the appearance of a wizard. He shakes Cole’s hand, “Justice here says there’s something hidden deep within your psyche. If she’s right we are the ones who will be able to help you.”
“How is that possible?”
“My ability allows me to enter into your dreams. Your subconscious is much easier to access through the dream realm. You see, I have full control in your dreams.”
“Dreams are so abstract though. I don’t see how that could have any effect on the waking world.” replies Cole truly confused and with no ill intent.
“You’d be surprised how powerful a dream master can be. Especially for an Ultrasapien. Using the dream realm I can read your mind, heal you from vast distances, or cause you such terror you never sleep again.”
This guy is intense!
Cole feels shivers go up his spine just as Ghyia touches his shoulder giving him a slight startle.
“What do you think? Are you starting to get to know everyone?” she asks.
“It’s been interesting meeting everyone to say the least, but what I still don’t understand is I was brought here for a purpose, or something? It was prophesied?”
“It’s true we have known of your arrival, though we didn’t think it would take this long.”
“It’s just, well, Justice was saying something about this is the heart of the revolution. I don’t know anything. I’m just a guy. How can I be involved in this already? I mean aren’t you guys scared that Death will find you here? Aren’t you scared that by bringing me here your cover will get blown? I’m just trying to figure out why I’m really here.”
Ghyia’s voice sounds especially wise and sweet, “Someone once said, before you start looking for an answer, make sure you are asking the right question. Yes it’s true we have been taking precautions. We still are not fully aware of Death’s powers, his grip on the NGP, or what Cain is planning. Darkness surrounds this plot clouding our vision. It seems our plan has accelerated now. However I assure you, tonight we are perfectly safe under the protection of the mountain. As for why you are here you ask? We will do our best to explain it, but it’s really something you’re going to have to learn for yourself. We can only show you the door, you must be the one to walk through it.”
“That’s about as mysterious an answer I’d expect from the head of the group called The Enlightened Ones.”
Shado gives Cole a nuggie lecturing him, “You have to have more reverence than that. These are The Enlightened Ones!”
Ghyia laughs lightheartedly, “Be nice Shado, there’s no ill intent here.”
Oh thank goodness he didn’t punch me in the arm.
“No really, why are you guys called The Enlightened Ones? Who are you guys?” questions Cole.
“You wish to know who we are? Most of the members here have been around for hundreds of years, long before the ascension, or The Event as you young ones like to call it. Though The Enlightened Ones in general are men and women of knowledge. Our existence started so many thousands of years ago that even I don’t know the origin. It started with a gathering of masters, teachers, and students. We were scientists and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient ones. You see, the ancient ones were fully aware of the non physical world, and understood that everything is energy, and matter is a mere illusion of perception. Over the millennia The Enlightened Ones were forced to conceal the ancestral wisdom and maintain its existence in obscurity. Rampant misuse of personal power by a few of the apprentices made it necessary to shield the knowledge from those who were not prepared to use it wisely or who intentionally misused it for personal gain. The knowledge was successfully passed down through the generations. To us. Though it remained veiled in secrecy for thousands of years, ancient prophecies foretold the coming of an age when it would be necessary to return the wisdom to the world. That time is now.”
“Wooow, now that is hard to wrap your head around. You’re telling me you guys have been around before all of this?!”
“Indeed, and unfortunately today we are pressed for time. For today we are going to help you along your path. We are going to open your mind. We are going to unlock your inner potential. We are going to take you on a journey to your soul, but we are going to have to throw the metaphoric esoteric kitchen sink at you. We will use all of the enlightening powers that the Ultras here have to offer at the same time. Normally this type of enlightenment takes years, but we are going to have to do it in a day.”
Oh no is this going to hurt like a sink is being thrown at me?
Ghyia guides Cole deeper into the camp while continuing to speak, “We know there’s something more inside you. You have much hidden potential, and we will help you tap into it. We will guide you on your vision quest. You will find the answers you seek, and you will discover they have always resided within you.”
They arrive at a great stone firepit. “We are going to need a lot of firewood for tonight. Can you help gather some?” she says. Ghyia calls for a few helpers to start preparing a bonfire. “We’re going to need a big one tonight.” she says.
Cole sets out on the task of collecting wood. After collecting a few bundles he stops by the pit next to a peculiar Ultra who has skin the color of blue. Cole questions him, “Man is everyone around here so mysterious? What’s your name?”
“My name is Gin.”
“You’re an Enlightened One too? I bet your power is pretty crazy.”
“Let’s put it this way. You practice one thing, I practice everything, and it has taken me a lifetime of practice to be out of my mind.”
Yep everyone…
“I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I’m not sure you realize what you heard is not what I meant.”
“Dude I’m not high enough for this.”
“You will be.”
“Sorry, let me start again. I’m a genie. I will grant you one wish.”
“Like for real? You have a bottle?”
“No bottle. It’s a bit complicated, but basically I can enter into a meditative state allowing me to enter into a land where I rule all the laws of physics. I get to keep my experiences when I wake in this land. As a side effect of being omnipotent I can grant wishes and use magic. It’s pretty dope.”
“That is so intriguing! You have to tell me more!”
“Ok, let me break it down to you like this. Let’s suppose that you were able to dream any dream you wanted. Every night. Each night you could dream an entire lifetime's worth of life. As you begin this adventure of dreams you would be lucky enough to fulfill all your wishes. You would experience every kind of pleasure you could conceive. After countless nights of pleasure you would start to become bored. Where’s the excitement? Where’s the reward? Then you would want to start dreaming a dream which isn’t under control. You would want to experience something where you didn’t know what was going to happen, and you would enjoy it. Eventually you would become more adventurous and start creating more exciting gambles out of what you should dream. You would continue this process until you would finally dream, where you are now. You would be dreaming the dream of living the life that you are actually living today. You would find reality is actually within the infinite multiplicity of choices you have. With this realization you begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental. You find that you are the fabric and structure of existence itself. Then for me, I awoke as an Ultra. Just as deep into the infinities as I have ever been.”
“Just like that huh.”
“Just like that.”
“Hold on. I have to absorb everything you just said. How do you know this isn’t the dream?”
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. There’s really not too much difference once you start comparing the infinity of realities. Maybe you are the dream character. Do you feel real?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m real.”
“Eh, then I guess this is reality.”
Cole looks as though he’s about to have an aneurysm. Luckily Shado arrives carrying a basket.
“Is that what I think it is?” asks Gin.
“Enough for the whole village. Here, eat this.” says Shado taking out a couple mushrooms tossing one to each of them. The mushroom caps are red with blue polka dots.
“Fun fact. These glow at night.” says Shado.
Cole examines the mushroom wearily, “What is this, are these magic mushrooms?” he asks.
“Oh no no no nothing like that. These are super Ultrasapien nuclear afterlife magic mushrooms. These were specially picked by mountain man Craig. This is going to start the process of your vision quest.” says Shado.
Cole hesitates but ultimately decides to eat it after watching Shado and Gin devour them quickly.
“Wow this tastes like a cinnabon!” exclaims Cole.
“Is that what you taste? They taste different for everyone.” says Gin grinning.
Shado hands Cole what appears to be a hemp based loincloth, “Here, take off all your clothes and put this on.”
“What why can’t I just wear what I have on? I don’t want to wear that it looks like a diaper!” cries Cole.
“I can’t promise you won’t shit yourself during the process so it’s probably better to not be wearing your clothes tonight.”
“Whaaat the hell! I swear if this is a joke...”
Shado puts his arm on Cole’s shoulder, “Some advice. Just don’t fight it. If you try to understand with a logical mind you’ll go crazy. Just go with the flow. Go for the journey. Remember, the journey is what’s important, not the destination.”
Cole wanders a short way in the forest finding a secluded place to change into his loincloth. He continues collecting firewood until he feels slightly lightheaded deciding to go back to the fire pit. The vines seem to be calling to him. He feels as though he can almost speak to them. He moves close enough to let the vines touch him. They gently pull him into them allowing him to use them as a hammock. It’s a very relaxing sensation as they rock him back and forth.
Cole can tell the drug is taking an effect. The day appears to be passing quickly as the sun moves across the sky, yet everything in the forest seems to be moving slow. He watches as Ultras join in on the activities. Each of them partake of the mushrooms or some sacred drink. They decorate each other with sacred geometry using various bright colored paints and ceremonial clothing. One design in particular is a common theme of circles upon circles. It entrances him as the circles begin to dance. To his surprise Ghyia and her daughters have joined him relaxing in the vines. Though when they arrived he couldn’t tell you. They begin to paint the designs on his body.
“What is this symbol you are painting?” he asks them.
“It’s the flower of life symbol. The creation pattern of everything in existence.” replies Fate.
Soon the sun starts to set. The roaring fire is lit. It’s strong and powerful, captivating Cole.
How much time has passed? The sun is already gone...
With the fire roaring Ultras start to dance. Some of them excitedly igniting their fire staff or fire poi. The fire dancers create intense tracers. Round and round they dance in sync, creating a rhythm. They invite Cole to come dance but he refuses.
Cole asks Ghyia, “Why are they dancing without music? No drums? Is this all part of the process, or are they just being silly?”
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music. Just relax, and listen.” she replies.
Cole does as she asks. He lets the events unfold as a watcher. He feels the effects of the drug intensify in waves. It’s strange, he’s starting to see colors he didn’t know existed. Greens darker and more vibrant than he’s ever seen before. With that he begins to hear the rhythm, the drums.
I can hear it! Where is it coming from? From the forest? No, it's closer. Is that my heart beat? But I heard drums!
Cole soon finds he wants to dance. He has a sense of oneness with the forest. The forest is dancing with him. The Ultras are dancing with him.
“I see you discovered the music now.” says Ghyia. “That’s good, that means you’re starting to open up. I’d like you to meet Enkil, our witch doctor.”
She beckons the new Ultra whom Cole hasn’t met before. He has darker skin and black braided hair. He’s wearing clothes made out of feathers and plants found in the jungle. He presents the sacred drink to Cole reverently.
“Uhh I’ve already had the mushroom. Are you sure I need this?” questions Cole.
Enkil speaks in an especially mysterious voice, almost a whisper, “Yes yes I am here to help you access your inner abilities. Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you can come to your senses. This is a special mixture designed to unlock your full potential. You must drink the whole thing. It’s time for your vision quest.”
Cole drinks the concoction making a face after finding it bitter and terrible. Enkil laughs before saying, “Welcome traveler.”
Cole questions Ghyia trying to take his mind off the after taste, “Why am I here? What are Ultrasapiens? What is our purpose?”
“You ask the fun questions. The questions everyone craves. That’s good. I think you’re ready for the answers.” she says.
Cole’s trance continues to intensify. The glowing vines of the trees reach down cradling him. Cole notices the Ultras have started chanting while tossing some sort of plant leaves onto the fire. He finds the smoke they produce intoxifying. The drumming and music is increasing even though he can’t tell where it's coming from. The activating glow of the forest enhances the entire experience. Ghyia rings a bell before speaking to Cole, “I’m going to start with some third eye openers. We have to stretch your mind before we do the heavy lifting.”
Again she rings a bell that seems to last forever between each short phrase.
“Total surrender of the ego, only then can ultimate power be unleashed.”
“Space and time are illusions of perception.”
“Our true consciousness does not exist in our brains, or our bodies.”
“The substance of the universe is consciousness.”
“Consciousness shapes our reality. Our reality is malleable and guided by intent.”
“We are enlarging the possibility and are partaking in something that is cosmic. We partake in something larger than ourselves, and by embracing our inner powers, we are actually part of the greater story.”
Now Journey takes the lead on the lesson, clasping Cole’s hand, “Close your eyes Cole. We are going on a vision quest. We are going to have to inject quite a large amount of esoteric knowledge into you in a short time. I’ll be guiding you the whole time even if you don’t know I’m there. Now, do you know why we have a subconscious?”
“What a hard question. Especially right now… Uhh, is it for instinct? Intuition?”
“Very good, let me expand on that. It’s a protective mechanism shielding you from the infinity of the universes. Our subconscious allows us to tap into the higher levels of consciousness. It provides us with protection. You could say it is spiritual technology. Without it your mind is exposed to the direct informational download beaming from the higher dimensions, which in long doses would drive you mad. The subconscious catches the spiritual enlightenment frequencies, then slowly transforms it into something you can ingest.”
“What you’re saying is, my unconscious is where the universe can communicate with me indirectly?”
“Yes Cole. I’m surprised you absorbed that so quickly. You see what we’re doing now is breaking down that barrier of your subconscious. You have ingested some powerful other worldly hallucinogens. While taking these drugs you are going to see fractals. You are going to align yourself with the source. You are going to experience beautiful sacred geometries. These sacred geometries are going to create a bridge straight to your subconscious. Once in this state the images are going to help you understand the information that has been hidden from the world. You will be able to tap into your inner self. You will be guided to your inner understandings of the universe. Here you will be able to find your purpose, your will, your destiny. Once you gain this understanding it will help your spiritual self evolve. Now this process requires an open mind. It requires you to embrace a change in your world view.”
Ghyia stands in front of the blazing flame taking over, “You, are a being of the spiritual world. We all are. We are going to teach you spirituality and the wonders of your Ultrasapien potential. There’s some problems in your thinking that you inherit by growing up with modern day science. You learn two deeply unquestioned things that are completely untrue. First, is that science knows how the universe works. Second, is that matter doesn’t have consciousness. This leaves science wondering how matter came into existence. This is where all their problems come from. Unfortunately reality doesn’t like to conform itself to the way we are taught. Did you know reality has multiple dimensions?
“I’ve been told as much, and, well I think I feel what you’re talking about. I know that sounds strange. It’s like an itch I can’t quite reach.”
“It has already been mathematically proven, yet it seems so hard for people to accept. Those dimensions have a reality outside of our physical understanding. The spiritual world is somewhat different than what you would expect. It’s not just full of ghosts or apparitions like you’d think. We’re in it. We’re living it. It’s a much more robust, active, and dynamic place than the physical world. As you can see this land is very similar to the world we once knew. That’s because the old world you once knew, is derived from the spiritual world. Think of it as a dimensional shadow cast down to the lower levels. This world is now your true home.”
“Is that how it works for the dimension that Shado talked about?”
“A very similar concept as it is of a lower nature, but of course each dimension has its own properties. In this land, an Ultra is someone who manifests into matter from the spiritual world energies. They are someone who pulled themselves into existence from their will. Ultras are not so different from humans, they just have a higher energy frequency. They exist in a temporary matrix of energy and matter.”
“My body is in a transitional complex of energy and matter? This is so hard to understand...”
“You don’t see it yet? Think it so confusing? You think you can touch things? You can feel yes? These are just illusions. Matter does not exist in the way you think. If your atoms in your body actually touched you would explode. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds the most minute solar system of the atom together. We are all nothing but energy passing through energy. Once you understand that everything is energy, then you’ll start to see the larger vibrational picture. Behind this force, the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. All physical matter, everything we see around us, is the results of a frequency. If you change the frequency, the structure of the matter will change. In the beginning there was just one word. The word was God. The term ‘word’ is symbolic for sound frequency. Once you fully come to terms with this you’ll be able to tap into your full power.”
Again Journey stands in front of the fire redirecting the lesson, “Before The Event, people around the planet were waking to the reality that humanity and the earth were entering a heightened phase. It was going through changes, both physically and energetically. This acceleration was marked by the increasing intensity of global events. By the rising temperature of all the planets in our solar system. Collectively we could feel the sense of time itself speeding up. The simplest explanation behind this was that our planet’s vibrational frequency was rising. More accurately our universe, our dimension. It’s all synonymous.”
Fate continues the conversation, “Many ancient cultures have prophetically termed this as the quickening, or the ascension. It’s where we collectively move from a third dimensional plane to a fifth dimensional one. In order to achieve this we would have had to increase the vibration on earth to be more pure and higher in nature. This should have been humanity's greatest opportunity, living in a time of tremendous change and revealing the pure truths of tomorrow.”
Again Ghyia speaks, “Unfortunately the apocalypse could not have arrived at a more sensitive time. It was disastrous for humanity on the cusp of transition to the higher realm. Could you think of nothing more effective at lowering the collective vibration? Though, it doesn’t matter. Ultrasapiens are slowly waking up, even to this day. Sariph kills these children before they are able to grow, to increase their vibration. The demon is trying to absorb their energy so that the higher dimensions fall into his realm. All the universes are in danger from that demon. If this should happen it would become impossibly stronger than it already is. It should not have been allowed into this realm. It’s more than just our earth, it's our universe, our dimension, our timeline. The Black Prophet took the knowledge known to The Enlightened Ones. He used words of power, and sacred rituals for his own personal gain. He could see into the future and saw how his actions changed the outcomes of the future. He is the person we are fighting even now. We don’t know where he is. We don’t know if he’s alive. But we can feel his wave of actions washing over us even now. There’s more, can you feel it? This plane's frequency is increasing. We are reviving, fighting back. It has been prophesied, just as your arrival, soon someone will join us in this dimensional fight. Someone who will be able to see into the higher dimensions just as The Black Prophet did. Someone who will have stronger abilities rivaling even his. We know he’s fighting for us even now, from the future. We call him The White Prophet.”
“Wait what? You’re saying that someone from the future is fighting this guy from the past? By changing actions somehow? Is it time travel, or through changing vibrations?” questions Cole.
“Yes.” replies Ghyia.
“Which one is it?”
“All of it. Your mind still thinks they are separate?”
“This is confusing as hell. You guys don’t even know who he is?”
“No, even Clio can’t see who it is. Perhaps this is by design? The future won’t happen if you know about it? We are here helping this process of transition. We are here to foster Ultras, to teach them of their power and their place in the universe. We are here to raise their frequency to the higher dimensions. While today we call these ascended beings Ultrasapiens, before The Event we knew them as a much more powerful version called indigo children. Just as the perspective of those born a hundred years ago had to shift to allow our present version of reality, so too will we be invited to enhance our perspectives of what’s possible. To summarize, we have been around even before The Event. We simply ascended into the spiritual world. Many thousands of years ago our group had already discovered how to tap into the nexus of the spiritual world. How to convert our bodies into pure energy. We know ancient knowledge that has been kept from the world, and now it’s time to release that information. It’s time to renew the world. It’s time to increase the dimensional vibration and ascend to the next level. The results of our spiritual practices was the ability to transform the physical form into energy. This way we could easily travel through the passage of time. Only to come back when we were needed.”
“You mean you are angels? You’ve been navigating back and forth through the spiritual realm?”
“You could call us angels, but now that you’ve seen things from a new perspective you begin to understand how your old beliefs don’t fit into your current way of thinking. We don’t think we’re mystical spirits. We don’t think we’re angels. We simply have a higher level of understanding. If you brought a cell phone back in time people would think you are performing magic. We are using magic, and yes we are magical beings. Though we always have been. Everyone has to an extent. It’s hiding in each and every one of us. We just need to be shown how to tap into it, be granted the opportunity to accept it. By your thought you could even call yourself an angel. Is this so hard to believe? Have you not heard of things happening not even in the modern world? Planes disappearing into the bermuda triangle? Ships, villages, even cities disappearing into thin air? Aliens? Is it so hard to imagine knowing that most of the universe we have no idea what it is? Dark matter and dark energy? That missing understanding of the universe is actually part of the spiritual world. Is it now so hard to believe in resurrection? To believe the stories of old? Tales of healing and parting the sea?
“It just didn’t seem like this was the afterlife. You're right though, this isn’t the afterlife, and yet it is the afterlife both at the same time. It’s just that, now I’m coming to the realization of what things are.”
Ghyia now calls to everyone around the fire making an announcement, “Ultrasapiens are awakening. You see them around you now. You see the rumbling waves of consciousness, and the waves of awakening will continue, with our help. I’d like to tell you all a story. Once upon a time there were beings who wanted to create something. Something more than they were. These beings carefully guarded an aspect of consciousness, called light. The guardians of light met and worked together in the different realms of reality hatching a plan. They designed a time when their plan would go into effect. These beings are you, and that time is now. Each of you knows in the deepest portions of your being that you have come here for a purpose. You are beginning to feel what is coming. As this planet moves closer to these days of great change, each of you will be called upon to stand as pillars of light. There will be many different ways this galactic title wave of light will be experienced. So during these times you are needed. When you are aware you can tune into the different frequencies. Remember who you are and you can change the vibratory rate of this universe, and create a massive healing of consciousness, on many levels. You are magnificent beings, you all need one another. It is imperative you work in harmony. Harmony is required. To all of you who recognize the light source, that moves you to follow the silent whispers, that echo down the golden spiral to the quaradors of your own being. We honor you, we recognize you, as we are all here as the family of light.”
Cole’s hallucinogenic drugs are starting to peak. His vision is turning into colorful pulsating fractals. It must be visible on his face because Ghyia can sense that Cole is ready for the next step. She calls, “Enkil, Justice, Fate, Journey, Pappa, Ktroll! It’s time to help Cole to his next phase.”
- In Serial24 Chapters
The Violet Crown
The story follows the perspective of a logical but chaotic fire mage in a fantasy-medieval world that is entirely hostile to mages. The main character confronts memories of his past as the man who sold the world for power, all while facing similar conflicts in the present while facing off against an oppressive Elven kingdom that spans the continent, led by two identical religious leaders gifted with the ability of foresight.
8 161 - In Serial8 Chapters
Arenya Azural, a dragon-blooded farmer from a small town in the middle of nowhere, always dreamed of being a great hero, battling demons and monsters as a force of magic and power. Now her dream has a chance to become reality - she's a new student at Ba'al Cedric's Academy of Adventurers, a university for warrriors and heroes to learn to battle against the surprisingly amicable demon armies of the neighboring country in an endless war nobody really remembers the point of by now. She's also a BladeMage - an exceedingly rare and exceedingly difficult dual class that few have ever managed to succeed in, but those who have gain immense power. Arenya has a long road ahead of her, with rival students, duels with demons, and a host of benchmarks she must pass in order to keep her scholarship. Will she make it to level 100 and beyond, or die too many times and be forced to return home, tail (literally) between her legs to a life of farming and dreaming of adventure? BladeMage is a LitRPG with a lighter focus on stats. It features battles, leveling up, giant monsters, a bit of fanservice, and more. [Update: The LitRPG elements are proving themselves relatively unimportant as I continue to write. They may be dropped entirely, in which case I will change the prior chapters as well as update this description.] Content warnings: As a story featuring lots of fighting, there will be blood and death. However, since characters rarely die permanently, this will not be a hyperviolent story with extreme gore for the sake of it. Some sexual content and fanservice may be included, but this should remain firmly at the PG-13 level and there will be no sexual violence of any kind. The Cover: Someone suggested that I should have a dragon girl with a miniskirt on the cover. I can't draw and I don't know who to ask or commission, so a few minutes in the GNU Image Manipulation Program and the masterful cover above was created! Please feel free to use your imagination to see a gorgeous half-dragon with azure hair, wings, and a tail, holding a lightning-infused sword while fighting demons.
8 188 - In Serial12 Chapters
The greatest invention of the top scientists of the planet lucadium called "GOOGLES OF EVOLUTION" was sent to earth after the tragedy which occurred on them.
8 138 - In Serial41 Chapters
All I Need
get into it💕
8 168 - In Serial8 Chapters
Tony Stark's daughter❤️
Морган Старк дочь Тони СтаркаЕй 12 летОна лишилась матери, тоесть Пеппер Потс когда ей было 5 летА остальное узнаете сами❤️
8 219 - In Serial16 Chapters
The Gathering (Sky: Children of the Light)
A Sky: Children of the Light FanfictionHere is the website for it! https://thatskygame.com/I don't understand the copyright thingy down there.Book two: The RebellionBook three: The EldersCover by Learnerslibrary Darkness is creeping in on the Sky Kingdoms, and the Elders are making mysterious plans. When three Sky Children notice the mentions of shadow magic, and uncover a secret that could change everything, how do they fix the Sky Kingdoms? With magic, wits, and talent, they must save the realms from an evil lurking in the shadows.But even more, what if they are part of something bigger? Something more important, that they never even thought possible.
8 130