《Making magic, Forging fame.》Talk of healing.


My senses slowly return. I can't feel my left arm.

"Nnnwond yooa nnsume that, you are a fool." The lady is shouting.

"Forgive me lady sapphire, i did not think.." that voice for some reason annoys me.

"No, you didn't. Your lucky that that you came or your time here would be over." Interupted the lady.

"I understand."

I open my eyes and try to sit up, groaning in effort. The lady stares at me.

"You are full of surprises." The emotion in her voice has disappeared sending chills down my already cold spine. She turns her head to the man bowing before her. "You may go." He nods and leaves.

"I should go too." I say standing up.

"Stay." Her concealing tone wavered slightly. I stopped, uncertain of what would happen next, and we stood in silence.

"I am sorry for what i have done." Although older, stronger, scarier, her voice came out hesitating and uncertain. "I thought you were a spy."

I stay silent.

She looks down at my arm. "You should go see temple about your arm." I nod, not even looking at it. Then turn. Then leave, quickly.

I enter the hall of medicine, which in the absence of sunlight is lit by jars of different coloured flames scattered across the room.

Temple is at his desk both hands grasping a small cauldron, into which he is staring intently. A puff of pink smoke pours from top. He looks up. "I wasn't expecting anyone. You injure yourself?"

I lift my arm up and place it on the table, it was covered in a lacework of dark cracks and splodges of bright red on a pale blue of a arm.

"What have i told people about not touching strange looking objects." He grabbed a jar of purple fire and poured it out onto my arm. It burned for a few seconds before extinguishing. He raised an eyebrow staring at me. "Just because there are many kinds of wolves doesn't mean you have to pick a fight with all of them." He goes to a shelf picks up a bright red needle and places it in a jar of soft orange flames. "Why pick a fight with little sapphire anyway."


"She thought i was a spy." I said.

Temple froze. "Why you?"

"I appeared here, with no memories."

Temple dropped a small flower in the jar. "Oh, that's you. Still you're a little young to be a spy." He waked back to me. "Hold still." And jabbed the needle into my arm. I feel nothing, he removes the needle and places it back into the jar, once the needle is hot enough he jabs it back into my arm for a few seconds then repeats.

"Isn't this meant to hurt?" I ask.

"Don't worry you'll be able to feel something in that arm in a few days." Temple seems unconcerned.

"You shouldn't blame sapph... The lady of the castle about accusing you, it is possible to remove certain memories of a person and send them to infiltrate your enemies."

"Then why does she think i'm not a spy."

"Removing all memories is both difficult and inconvenient, the longer you forget the less impact revealing your memories has on you, and your aptitudes are too good risk as a spy And you act so stupidly for someone with any memory."

"Couldn't i have removed my own memories."

"Then your memory won't be coming back for a while." He places the jar of fire on the table. "Done."

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