《Making magic, Forging fame.》To draw blood.


My arms ache, my arms are heavy, my arms don't move.

Yesterday evening the trio returned drunk and singing. Although The old man was kind enough to let them stay for the night, on the floor of the forge, and woke us all up with the loud striking of the hammer on the anvil. "Wolf go get juniper before she wonders off looking for you. Boar if you're to hung over to walk get a carriage. Fox get your swords, they're done. Lore go with wolf, make sure he gets there." He striked the anvil again. "Now" and we left.

We come to a bakery. "Let's go inside. Don't get the wrong idea juniper's father is a baker. Oh and juniper is my wife, or will be." Wolf spoke and enters the shop. Following him and the smell of fresh bread i enter. The enterior is filled with a few chairs, some tables with fresh bread and a large bread oven that appears lit. Sitting on one of those chairs is juniper looking down deep in thought. Wolf slowly approaches her. "Hi." He says.

She turns her head towards the sound of his voice suddenly as if surprised. "Hi." She says back.They face each other with the hesitating expectation and uncertainty that reveals their feelings, changing the atmosphere of the room to that of their own world.

I cough. Loudly. Twice.

Wolf says: "oh, lore this is juniper, juniper this is lore."

I say: "we've met."

Juniper says: "shall we go?"

Wolf carries her bag. We leave. I feel less awkward.

The horse that boar had bought was a slow plough horse that only needed ocasional guiding and a cart that was sturdy enough to feel the shape of the road when you sat on it, So i walked. By the time the sun was approaching its zenith, we were aproaching halfway, and everyone had appeared to have entirely recovered. The peacefull and tranquill sound of the forest was interupted by the sharp howling of a wolf. Just as suddenly boar got up jumped off the cart and drew his sword. Followed by Fox and Wolf. "What is going on?" Juniper asks.


"Wolves." Boar replied.

"You see the irony of this don't you." Fox joked.

"Only because your the one about to be bitten." Wolf says back.

Several wolves burst out out of the trees. Their eyes practically glowing with the desire to kill. My heart beat faster, I feel fear and panic grasping at my lungs. They split into three go after boar, two after fox, two after wolf. The wolves lunge.

My head hurts. They took her, i'll kill them all. "Aaaaah" the pain is searing, i fall to my knees. The panic becomes loss and fear becomes anger. A wolf emerges from the trees and rushes at me. I can't breath. It's jaws open. I raise my arm to defend myself, and it's jaws bite down upon my arm. The sharp pain overrides the one in my head, bringing the world back into focus. I raise my right hand, the air shimmers, revealing a ball of fire. The wolf let's go and jumps back. The ball of fire flies after it landing on its fur, slowly singeing it. It runs off in a panic, the flames flow off and return to me, dissappearing. The remaining wolves follow the first back into the forrest.

Four dead wolves lay littered on the ground.

"Are they gone?" Juniper asks, her voice shaken.

Boar looks over at me "yeah they're gone." He approaches me kneeling down he says "Not bad for your first fight." He grabs the edge of my cloak, tears off a long strip of cloth and begins to bandage my wound.

"Yeah and don't worry about screaming when it bit you, wolf would have done the same." Fox said.

"Lore was injured? Is it bad? Will he be ok? He's not going.." juniper panicingly asks.

"Calm down he is fine." Boar spoke with reassuringly experiance as he tied the ends of my makeshift bandage. "Sit in the cart, rest your arm."

I climbed onto the cart sitting next to juniper. "You alright?" i ask her.

"Is wolf injured?"

I look at wolf draining the blood of a wolf. "He looks unharmed."

"Then i'm fine." She sighs in relief. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah its fine." I say. "Wounds heal."

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