《The Soul Saga》Book 1, Chapter 16: The Assault
Chapter 16
The Assault
“What is that?!”
“What are those things?!”
“In the Metropolis? This is impossible!”
“Did anyone feel that shaking earlier?”
Confused cries split the air, overpowering the screeches of the monsters that were in the sky. There was a further rumbling throughout the city, like the thundering of hooves across a large plain. Pebbles of stone flaked off of the buildings, dusting the heads of the citizens that had stopped to stare. Some had already begun to run, trying to get far away from the descending fliers.
Meredith shut her eyes, refocusing her brain on what mattered. The pulsing and the buzzing had gone away, along with the voice that had intruded on her consciousness. When she opened her eyes, she snapped her blade off her belt and safely placed the harmless, broken sword there. The antique salesman was already gathering his things up, no doubt wanting to get as far away from the site of attack as quickly as he could. Vivian had changed her bow into a sword and was holding it close.
“Monsters…where the hell did they come from?!” she demanded. Vivian’s eyes were sharp, focused on her surroundings, and Meredith knew she couldn’t hesitate any longer. “I thought they mostly gathered near magic cores.”
“The Beastmaster is here,” Meredith said. There was no other answer. The black, almost smoky, form of the monsters proved beyond a doubt that this was the assault that the man named Caleb had mentioned. One creature dove into the alleyway, opening its maw to let loose a stream of fire that burned the wooden stands. The citizens were already fleeing, but their livelihood went up in flames. With a beat of its wings, both Meredith and Vivian’s hair flew outwards.
“But why? What would attacking the Metropolis like this do?” There was no condescension, and Meredith realized how seriously Vivian was taking this situation. She decided she had to as well, and opened her blade.
“Maybe those weapons…or maybe…the Corps?” The very mention of that as a possibility drew both of the girls’ eyes to the towering skyscraper. It was enveloped in the circling black creatures. Blasts of magic were popping in the air, but no guns from the walls were firing. Hardly a dent was being made in the force of creatures. Another screech, this one down low, as a three-horned boar came rampaging down the line. It was joined by four others, filling the whole street. “Incoming!”
Vivian switched her body around, now side by side with Meredith as the first of the boars reached them. They both slashed downwards, their blades rebounding off of the tusks. The boar bellowed and then chucked its head upward, pushing the both of them back. Vivian held a hand out. “Offensive Enchantment, Dual-fortis.”
Vivian’s blade glowed a bright red, and she brought it swinging outward. This time, she was able to damage the boar. It squealed with smoke trailing from its wound. Locked in place, Meredith took her own advantage of the wound to rend the creature in two with a swift stroke.
The other four quickly took its place.
“We’ll be here forever if we try to fight everything that comes our way,” Meredith said, drawing closer to Vivian with a scowl. The blonde mirrored the look. “I hate to do any of this with you, but…”
“Yes, running seems to be the best option. I’d rather live to fight another day,” Vivian concurred swiftly. With a press of a button, her sword changed itself back into a bow. She didn’t miss a beat to take aim and fire into the road, churning it up and obscuring the duo with dust. The boars halted. Seeing it as their only chance, Vivian and Meredith turned around to flee back the way they’d arrived.
“Why now…?” Meredith asked. Vivian didn’t care to offer an answer, pulling ahead of Meredith to get into the wider street. Meredith stopped at the very edge, looking back to see that three people had engaged the boars, driving blades and spears, or firing guns into the creatures that disappeared in a wisp of black smoke. They weren’t the only ones in the city that could fight.
“No…” Vivian’s gasp of a statement pulled Meredith’s attention away from those helping out to what was a better representation of the city at large.
Chaos had set in from the time the monsters first appeared to now. People were running pell-mell, scattered about the place. A number had tripped, but were being pursued by winged creatures, or smaller versions of the mantis that Meredith had fought. Cars had crashed or were left abandoned while their owners ran. A number of people were taking refuge in stores, though the monsters were smart enough to realize that, one of them ramming through a glass storefront.
“Are you going to stand there gawking or play the role of trial candidate?” The voice, familiar and harsh, made Meredith turn in time to see the three that had been fighting earlier come running through. Their tanned skin and haggard expressions confused Vivian, who recoiled, but Meredith remembered them right away. She hadn’t imagined Rico; the Renegades were in the city.
“You’re…What are you doing here?” Meredith asked. The one Meredith now recognized as James spun his guns around, aiming them forward and shooting a bear-like creature.
“Didn’t Rico tell you, little girl? We came to kill the Beastmaster! Now if you won’t fight, move. We don’t need the Corps slowing us down.” His words held no deception, the man and his two companions charging down the street without another thought, slaughtering the monsters that littered it left and right.
Vivian continued staring at the ensuing carnage around them. Some citizens were slumped against the sides of buildings, bleeding, while others didn’t move. Meredith wondered if the girl had shut down, yet her trembling fist around her bow proved otherwise. “That bastard will pay…”
Groooaaaar! The sight of a particularly nasty monster, a giant tiger of sorts, was tearing down the street, uncaring of what was in its way. If anything, its sights were set on the two girls, eyes gleaming red. Meredith turned her body, seeing the smoke rising from the Presidential Office at her back, but focusing more on the similar state of the Metro Regiment behind the tiger. In the creature’s wake, a number of citizens attempted to cross the street into one of the intact buildings.
“I don’t care what you creatures are here for! You’re trash, so go away! Offensive Enchantment, Octa-strike!”
“Wait a second!” Meredith shouted, seeing where the strike was headed. Vivian, as per usual, didn’t listen. She loaded her bow and fired in ten searing strikes of energy. They soared through the air. The tiger kept barreling forward, a number of the projectiles missing it and exploding on the road, making more citizens scream. A couple others found their mark, right as the tiger leapt up for them. “Ugh, you’re such a pain!”
Planting her foot in the ground, Meredith brought her sword jabbing upwards, right at the same time Vivian changed hers back. They impaled the beast through its skull, fleshy as it was, and kept on until the head was separated from the body, soon disappearing. Meredith rounded on Vivian.
“There are people here! You can’t go destroying more of the city and put more of them in danger!” she yelled at the blonde. Vivian scowled at her.
“This is a battlefield. No time for being dainty. We have to win this battle or those monsters will keep coming!” Meredith wanted to keep arguing, wanted to insist that she was wrong because the people came first, but the roars that reverberated around the Metropolis told her there was no time to argue. “If you want to protect people, do it on your own! I’m taking down the bastard that made this happen!”
“Ugh, you’re impossible!” Neither girl offered further conversation. Both did, however, turn in the direction of Guardian Tower, where fire was rising. In midair, skyships were being assaulted, one of them crashing down into the Presidential Plaza behind them. Smaller monsters, little imp-like creatures, were still present around the area, guarding the way to the skyscraper, and both Meredith and Vivian tensed.
Like sprinters, ready to set off from that mark, their bodies coiled, blades bared with the intent to destroy all that was in their paths. The Beastmaster was likely ahead, and more than one person was gunning for them. Yet with so many monsters in the air, they would need all the help they could get, as would the citizens. Meredith steeled herself.
Seconds later, they were off, dashing down the street for the little imps that barred their way. No words were spoken, just the flash of shining blades as they cut through the enemy in front of them. The intersection in front of Guardian Tower, now devoid of moving cars, was fast approaching. A nearby imp jumped to the side of a building and gave off a chittering laugh before leaping for Meredith. She twirled her blade and stabbed it through the eye before it reached her.
Woooooo! Woooooo!
The alarm began to ring through the city, late to the moment, but still doing its job in announcing that there was a major crisis for the city on hand. Perhaps, Meredith thought, the assault hadn’t spread through the entirety of the city and was merely centered around the blocks that surrounded the Corps and the Presidential Office.
“Citizens of the Metropolis,” a voice boomed out from those screens that weren’t damaged, “the city is currently under attack from forces unknown, centering around Guardian Tower and the Presidential Office. If you are near to these sites, take cover in nearby buildings as best you can. Finding a Guardian or solider of the Home Guard will help direct you to safety. For those of you outside the current range of attack, please remain where you are and do not panic. The Corps will have the issue resolved soon.”
Meredith doubted that to be the truth when they arrived at the intersection, and she looked down the small road to the plaza outside the skyscraper. It was no longer defended by any Guardians, who were all rushing for, but making no progress on securing, the building. She looked up at the roof, covered in the swirling darkness of the monsters.
“H-help us…” The sudden whimpers of pain pricked Meredith’s ears, and even Vivian looked to the edge of the street where a chunk of building had landed on a woman’s leg while she clutched to her son. A pair of Guardians were running past while she reached for them. “Please…”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but there’s no time! Our base is under attack!” They rushed on without another word. The woman held her son tighter.
“Vivian, watch the street,” Meredith said, rolling up her sleeves, but still holding to her blade. Vivian sent a dirty look her way, but aimed her bow in every direction she could, waiting for any more enemies to appear. A loud crash down one of the other streets was followed with screams, but Meredith focused on reaching the family, smiling down at them. “Don’t worry. It’ll be okay.”
“Miss…?” Meredith gave them a great grin, the little boy grinning back at her. She reached down for the rock and began to lift. It was a tough haul, but she finally lifted it just enough for the woman to move her leg out, bloody though it was.
“Here, I’ll help you find shel-”
“Move it!” Vivian yelled. Meredith, halfway to helping the woman up, looked wildly in the direction of where the crash had come from. Another bear was rampaging, tossing its head into buildings without the slightest bit of concern. Citizens were fleeing from it as the glass and bricks came falling down. Vivian took aim, her energy bow rippling with further strength from her magic before it fired. People dove out of the way, not wanting to be hit by the blonde’s indiscriminate attack. Said attack sliced along the bear’s hide. “Damn it.”
“Kind lady!” the young boy called out. His voice was trembling as the bear stumbled into one of the buildings nearby and sent a huge stone hurling at them. Meredith held her blade up with one hand as she supported the woman. The bear roared, red eyes shining with further malevolence.
“Gravity Suspend!” The shout of the spell brought a smile to Meredith’s face as the rock stopped just short of hitting them. She wasted no more time in dragging the woman and her son away from the site of impact before Emil let the stone fall, causing a shudder. “Well, guess you weren’t wrong.”
“Wish I was,” Meredith said as Emil touched to the ground. His blades weren’t out, and Vivian took aim at the bear again, missing this time. It was getting closer, with Vivian showing no sign of slowing it down. “Emil, can you take these two? I don’t know where anywhere safe is, and carrying them all the way there…”
“Yeah, I got it. Where do you want to meet up in this madness?” Meredith paused. More sounds were behind her as monsters of smoke began to form themselves, smaller than the nearby bear that Vivian continued to struggle with. She glanced towards the skyscraper.
“If not here, then right in that plaza. We need to tell the Corps who to find,” she responded. Emil nodded, and he took the hands of the mother and child, lifting them off the ground to carry them to safety. Once he was clear, more of the imps from earlier had finished forming and leapt at her. “Not today!”
“Wish I could say the same. This thing just won’t die!” As Meredith’s blade slashed clean through her opponents, Vivian’s shot only tore up the ground, causing the bear to stumble for just a moment. “If I hit it, it regenerates. That’s if I hit it! Even with a couple stacked offensive enhancements, I can’t put a dent in it, and I refuse to use my maximum enchantments on this trash.”
“I doubt I’d be able to make one, either.”
“Of course not.” Meredith ignored the jab, bringing her back up against her rival. They may not have been a team, but at least they were on the same side.
“So, let’s bring them to an area where a lot of people can.” Vivian’s head turned just a fraction, looking towards the very same plaza. “If we lead it away from the citizens, that’s a bonus for us.”
“I hate it when you sound smart.” The feeling was mutual. The words still served as acknowledgement of the general plan, even if they didn’t agree on the specifics.
Meredith turned first, swiping her sword to cut through the imps that were barring their path, and she began to run. The people still in the bear’s path dove to the side, the creature rampaging into the center of the intersection and swiping aside a car as Vivian cleared the area. She fired, grazing the bear’s side.
Groooah! The bear stomped on the ground, facing the two girls and preparing to charge them. They didn’t stop for anything. When the creature started moving, it didn’t slow for a single second, picking up speed the closer they ran to the plaza. Vivian kept firing, but Meredith just focused on sprinting with the lack of smaller enemies directly in her path. The attacks served to do nothing but anger the bear.
“It’s catching up. Some plan of yours!”
“Not my fault you suck! Why don’t you cast a defensive spell?” Meredith said. The bear was upon them and swiped down. Both girls turned, blocking the paw together with their blades. They barely held on, the weight of the claw coming to crush them. The ground broke beneath their feet. Just behind them, the Corps was fighting off the other monsters surrounding their tower.
“I’m…running low enough as it is…If I use a defensive spell on both of us, I won’t be able to do much else. Just how dumb are you about magic?”
“Oh, shut up, Vivian!”
As if annoyed with their conversation, the bear growled, its hot breath cascading over their bodies, weakening their muscles for just a moment. It was the only moment provided before the claw’s force sent them sprawling backwards onto the street. It retracted for a moment, scraping up the ground, before going on the assault again.
Until it stopped, claw raised in midair.
The two girls backed up, and soon the claw fell harmlessly, the bear’s body going with it. Red eyes turned to black, and then it burst into black wisps on the air. Meredith watched with a raised eyebrow as whatever individual had killed it came walking through the smoke. When his face became visible, Meredith frowned, matching the countenance of his own face.
“So, I hear you know where the Beastmaster is, do you?” Rico spoke. In his hands was the same spear from the desert, gleaming with a power that easily dispatched the foe they’d had trouble with. He approached, offering a stern hand to them. His fellow Renegades gathered behind him, and Meredith knew where he’d gotten his information from as Emil walked out from within their ranks. “Your friend here was in a pickle and mentioned so. Tell me, Miss Trial Candidate, how do you know?”
“Because those monsters are surrounding that tower,” Meredith answered, taking the hand to be pulled up. Vivian refused the help. “So, where else do you think their creator would be?”
“I know,” Rico said. He twirled his spear in the air and it broke apart into two scimitars. A feral grin stretched his face. “We’ve wanted this. All of us.”
“All of you? What are you babbling about?” Vivian demanded. She stepped forward, but Rico didn’t care. He was staring well beyond her, to a target each of them was trying to reach. “Hey, answer me!”
A sudden tremor resonated through the area, and Meredith’s eyes widened involuntarily. She clutched to her chest, and Rico did the same. The rocking sent those who didn’t stumbling. It felt so far off and distant, like there were so many cries piercing the air; a death knell of sorts. Meredith gasped and fell forward, her hand grabbing Rico’s arm. Vivian did the same while she was off balance.
There was a pause.
Then, for all of a second, the world vanished into a void of white, three wisps of light floating in front of her. A resonance passed between them, like a conversation, and Meredith could feel energy, magical power, flowing. It coalesced in that single spot, akin to a beacon, and far in the distance was a different one. Yet that felt darker, more malevolent. Blackness spiked in Meredith’s mind from far away…and closer. There was a growl.
“Good job, Cario…you’ve found them…”
The voice, so familiar and threatening, caused Meredith to come back to reality, the lights fading away. She could still sense them there, but her mind focused on the man now standing before them. Monsters continued to swirl around the skyscraper, and yet Caleb had descended from a monster of his own making, licking his lips. His vicious dog was on the ground snarling around Meredith, Vivian and Rico.
“Imagine my surprise…I thought there would be at least one in the city, or it would at least gather here, but when it became obvious there were more thanks to Cario’s sudden reaction,” the Beastmaster spoke, his freckles almost popping off his face, “well, I knew the time was now. And here you’ve all gathered for me, with the very things I’m looking for.”
Rico’s face tightened, teeth bared as he growled towards the man before them. He took a step forward, and Meredith felt energy flowing off his body…or flowing in. She couldn’t be sure. The man held both his blades out and used them to shield Meredith and Vivian from Caleb. “And what are you here for, murderer?”
“That’s not very nice! Even if it is true,” Caleb said. “Here I arranged everything so perfectly for them, only to be insulted…oh well…
“I’ll be taking your weapon now.”
“Over my dead body.”
“I’m glad you grasp the general idea!” The Beastmaster spread his arms out, black particles floating upwards from his body and forming into the shapes of unrecognizable creatures. One looked like a spined skeleton, while another was a giant bird, wings as large as the street they were standing on.
“James, take the others and go!” Rico shouted. “These monsters are not meant for normal men to contend with. I’ll meet you outside the city. You know the rendezvous point.”
“Rico!” Meredith looked back towards the gathered, fidgeting Renegades, all those who had gathered to take a swipe at the Beastmaster. Emil was glancing between them, his own blades now out. Rico, however, looked back and grinned.
“You know the reason we came here, brother. I’ll see to it we end this stain, dregs as we are,” Rico told them. Caleb continued licking his lips for a moment, and then snapped his fingers. The spiny creature gave a roar and stampeded along the streets. Meredith and Vivian stepped forward, weapons to bear, but Rico kicked out. The wind rippled, sending them back without touching them, and the leader of the Renegades ran forward. “For Lovelia, and all those with lost loved ones, I shall see you expunged, and everything exposed!”
The Beastmaster cackled as the creature reached Rico, taking a swipe at him. He dove under, slicing upwards with a combat roll. The legs were cut clean off with the scimitar, bringing the beast down. The sword on Meredith’s waist quivered, the energy that Rico was using washing over in waves. Vivian’s sword arm was shaking, as well. Rico gave another slice upwards, and his bony opponent disappeared.
“Aha!” Caleb called, his eyes wide with madness. He looked…amused. One of his prized creatures had fallen, yet he didn’t look perturbed in the least. “How brilliant! How graceful! The true power of a legendary weapon! Though, in the hands of an amateur, I’m afraid…nothing at all like its purpose…”
“Is that why you’ve sparked this chaos?! Is that why you killed them? Burned their homes?” Rico roared. His scimitars snapped together to become a spear again. He held it aloft, and with a heave, sent it hurling forward for their enemy.
“Yes. I wanted them in my hands.” Cario leapt outwards, teeth sinking into the shaft of the spear. It landed nimbly, holding to the weapon with a pleased expression. Caleb held a finger to his lips. “For her will…and their ideals.”
“I don’t give a crap for your ideals then, murderer! I’ll see you put in the ground!” Rico ran at the man, kicking Cario in the side when he got close. The dog let go of the spear, tossing it high enough for Rico to grab it and jab it straight for Caleb’s side.
The assault didn’t make it very far, and Meredith watched in horror as Caleb grabbed the shaft, himself, the grin splitting his face and distorting his freckles, bowl cut jiggling.
“Oh, I’m sure you will, but not today,” he said. Rico tried to move, but couldn’t. “You see, I have many more plans. The Metropolis…well, you can think of it as a test. A test to see the precious Guardian Corps crumble. Of course, you can still have your shot at me someday, but for today, you’re little more than an amateurish nuisance with a power in your hands that you can’t understand. A power I want.
“But a power I’ll let you keep for now. It’s too troublesome to attain it from you at present. Too much effort, when I can get one with less.”
“What?” Rico’s question was cut short when Caleb’s fist soared out to sock Rico in the stomach. He leaned forward, as well.
“I look forward to the day we meet again, when I pry that weapon from your cold, dead hands. Do give me another chance, unlike your time in the desert. How many more of your friends’ lives will I take in the meantime?” Rico’s pupils shrunk with rage.
“You’ll do no such thing! I’ll end you!” However, Meredith could feel it: Rico’s anger was no match for Caleb’s calculations. The whole air quivered, multiplied by how much she realized Caleb knew.
And just how frightening he could be.
With a snap of his fingers, and in an abrupt fashion, the bird above them soared down, grabbing hold of Rico with its talons and dragging him away from the site of battle. Meredith turned in that direction, along with Emil, watching the bird sail over the city at top speeds. At some point, it disappeared, though whether from being defeated or just getting far enough away, she couldn’t tell. What she could tell was the threat before her, amplified by Caleb sighing and ruffling his bowl cut.
“A pity to let such a prize go, but he served his purpose, isn’t that right, Cario?” Cario barked, and Meredith saw it was now near Vivian’s feet, growling. “Yes…having two in one place provided an excellent beacon. I thought I’d hit pay dirt in the desert, but this works out so much better! Easier, too! Less…troublesome.”
“Back off, creep!” Vivian snapped, kicking into the dog and sending it away. She held her bow out, the energy rippling on the drawstring. Cario recovered, slinking back to its master’s side. The black particles began to float upwards again, more numerous than before.
A heartbeat sounded in Meredith’s ears, and before she knew it, she was walking forward to stand in front of Vivian. She held her blade up and her pack slipped from her shoulders to the ground. Caleb quirked an eyebrow before the recognition set in, and he looked ready to laugh. Meredith stood straighter. “You won’t.”
The Beastmaster didn’t respond, more black particles coalescing to create a larger shape than any Meredith had seen thus far. He waved a finger. “Oh, my dear, you have no say in what I do or don’t. No one does.”
“I…I don’t care…” Meredith said, her voice wavering, her hands shaking on her blade. Her legs were trembling. “You’re hurting people for nothing but a weapon. I don’t know why, but I will not let you do it. I am going to become a Guardian, and that…that means stopping you…even if others can’t. You won’t destroy the Guardian Corps. And you won’t hurt anyone else, even Vivian.”
The particles stopped, and Caleb looked at her curiously, tilting his head to the side. He surveyed her for a moment, even while the invisible sounds of the occupied Guardians ahead continued to make themselves present. She hoped he would stand down.
Instead, he smiled and said, “You’re very interesting. But I didn’t draw those weapon users out just to go back empty-handed. Blonde girl, I think it’s yours that I want after all.”
“Well, you can’t have it! This is my family’s-”
“Afraid you don’t have a choice. Titan!” Another snap resounded from Caleb’s fingers, and the black particles rushed upward like a full-reverse waterfall. It bubbled, frothed, and the air filled with such a heavy darkness that Meredith’s hands lowered a fraction. Emil came close, crossing both of his blades as the blob took form. It sprouted large arms and legs, its body bulky and looking like it could shred a building with but a single punch. “Unlike that desert pest, I don’t need to deal with you, myself. This monster…should be more than enough. And don’t think of running! Many more are waiting! As many as I can create before I run out!”
“Mera…” Emil said, an undeniable warble in his voice. He was shaking as he reached over to touch her shoulder, but Meredith shook her head. This was no time to be afraid. This was only a time to fight.
“This…is what it means to be a Guardian. Fighting to protect, no matter what! Like the Guardians over there risking their lives!” Meredith yelled. Vivian pushed her aside, weapon changing to a sword. “That’s their fight, and this is ours!”
“But he’s the-”
“I don’t care what he is! Now fight!”
“For once, I agree. Man up, Emil!” The two girls took a step forward, matched only by the giant slamming to the ground while Caleb and Cario pulled back with heavy breaths, vanishing from the site. The whole street shuddered, even drawing the attention of those Guardians fighting. None of them moved to engage it as winged wyverns moved in to combat them. They were all alone. Emil’s lips quivered, but he reached up and flicked his nose before moving to join them.
“Okay. Let’s rumble.” Meredith smirked, with Vivian mimicking her actions.
The giant bellowed loudly, sending buffeting waves from that action alone. It stomped forward, the whole block shaking. The titan raised its fist, double the size of each of them, and brought it swinging down. Emil grabbed hold of both the girls and floated upwards. Vivian loaded a shot of rippling energy into her once more bow-shaped weapon, and fired. It blasted into the Titan’s head, altering its fist’s trajectory only slightly.
The attack met with the ground, some building foundations severely damaged from that single strike alone. Emil floated sideways and let go of Meredith. She plunged down, sword aiming straight for the beast’s head. Focusing on her own attack, she stabbed downward. It barely pierced the strong, stony hide of the black creature.
The titan whipped around violently. With that single toss, Meredith was flung from the beast, hand still holding tight to her blade as she was sent careening towards one of the buildings. In its thrashing, the titan’s fist above the ground aimed for her. Emil shot forward, clearly hoping to catch her, but his speed wasn’t enough.
“Burning Arrow, Focus Shot!” Meredith closed her eyes and smiled. The arrow of fire seared the air and made contact with the titan’s face. Unlike her sword, this had some moderate effect. The titan groaned, its cry shattering windows. The fist was thrown off course, knocking next to her as glass broke and fell all around her body, cutting at some of her exposed skin. Meredith didn’t mind, soon feeling the wind buffeting her back before she fell, caught by Emil and brought to the ground. “Sorry I’m a bit late, but there were a lot of monsters out there.”
“Eddie,” Meredith breathed, turning to find her best friend had arrived, a sleeve of his shirt ripped off and his palm outstretched. Beyond that, he looked healthy, and she ran to him to offer a hug. Vivian rolled her eyes while the titan recovered. “You’re good?”
“Better than you…and this situation it seems.”
“Yeah, we’ve got a real problem on our hands,” Emil said with a chuckle. Vivian said nothing, loading another round. “But nothing we can’t handle, right?”
“Whether we can or can’t is irrelevant. We have to,” Meredith said. She looked to Vivian, who scowled but acknowledged her all the same. “Right now, we have to work together to bring this thing down. So, let’s be Guardians and kick some ass!”
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8 172 - In Serial21 Chapters
Why Dont You Love Me?
Megan is 19. Ryan is 25. Megan's just starting to realize who she is, and who she can be by running away to Tennessee. Ryan's the lead singer of a popular band called Hot Chelle Rae. Megan is utterly and desperately in love with Ryan. Ryan, on the other hand, barely knows anything about this girl until they meet. That was the day that everything changed.
8 188 - In Serial79 Chapters
Give Light to Dark Thoughts
When the heart bleeds and nothing can heal it, the only thing left to do is write. Thoughts are volatile, sometimes they are cruel and other times are kind, nevertheless both are needed. If the pain didn't exist no one would know what happiness feels like. This book of poems is the moments when just for a second dark is all that it is, so why not share and give it light, hopefully someone will feel identify with at least one poem.Not all the poem will be in a negative connotation, and the images I put will be from Pinterest.
8 150