《A Demon Between Worlds》Chapter Sixteen: Uncertain Times
Once Becca and Sara left, I took a quick shower and headed out myself. Walking down the streets alone was a nice change for once, and although I did miss my secretary's usual liveliness, sometimes the best thing I could ask for was a moment of silence. The last few days have been rough on everyone, and I needed the alone time.
I wandered the town without a goal in mind, just enjoying the bustling of life beneath the dim, ambient street lights, for what seemed like hours. Sometimes, I'd just sit on a bench and watch the people walk by, doing their own little thing. It makes you wonder what kind of life all those nameless faces have been living all these years. It helps me take my mind off things when I just wanted the day to end. Times when I just wanted to start over. Today was one of those days, and I found myself sitting lifelessly on a cold, metal bench. The view was nice. Peaceful.
But I guess I won't be able to enjoy this kind of view for a lot longer. After all, I still had no idea what I can possibly do to get myself out of this situation. In truth, making my way into the Sprawl was just an excuse; a pointless goal to achieve so that I even had a goal at all. A lie to keep me going, so I wouldn't crawl into a hole and just end it all. It was a false promise of salvation so that everyone around me wouldn't fall into despair. But I was just buying time until the inevitable. It's just a matter of time until I get everyone I know killed.
I sighed.
“Enjoying the view, Mr. Mark Bastion?” A familiar voice asked. I didn't notice her approach, but judging by who it was, I wasn't particularly surprised. Being a goddess of death, she can pretty much go wherever she wanted.
“Yeah.” I answered simply, still gazing into the crowd of people.
“An interesting hobby, observing the living.” Lady Hel continued, “Not something that I normally indulge in though.”
“I wouldn't imagine so.”
“My, you're awfully gloomy today.”
“Things on my mind,” I muttered, “You wouldn't understand.”
“Perhaps not.” She answered, “I do not pretend to know things that are outside my boundaries. But, Mr. Mark Bastion, perhaps you want to share what is plaguing your mind? I believe that is what friends do.”
I finally turned to face Hel. She was smiling at me, her ruby lips curved in a teasing smile. She was wearing a simple black summer dress today, unlike the weird robe she had on the previously. Her hair was styled to one side, covering half of her face – the side that people would consider the “ugly” one. But she wore her hair like that purely for style, since she was nice enough to hide the side of her body that would drive people insane under a slight glamour.
“Is something on my face?” She asked teasingly, knowing full well that there wasn't.
“No.” I answered, “I'm just surprised that you would consider me a friend.”
“Well, what else are we if not friends?”
“Of course not!” She answered, feigning exasperation, “You are much too interesting to be considered a mere acquaintance! And by the way, I saw your little battle back in Frankenstein's place. It was quite a treat!”
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
“And that form...” She whispered into my ear, “So enthralling.”
“Uh...” I swallowed, a little taken back by how close she was to me, “Thanks.”
“Well, since we are friends, you and I, Mr. Mark Bastion, why don't you tell me what is on your mind.”
I looked at her, at that goddess of death and decay. I stared into her deep, obsidian eyes, and wondered if I should trust her with all the worries and the frustrations that I have built up over all the years. I felt like I could tell her everything, and that she would not judge; that she will keep the information safe.
I felt this, but it didn't make sense. I barely knew the woman, and I certainly don't trust her. Yet when I look at her, when I feel her presence near me, I find myself feeling at ease. I saw someone that could understand what I've gone through. A kindred soul, as they say.
And so I told her. I told her everything; I told her the fuck ups I've done, how screwed I was, how I was desperately afraid about what the future held. I told her about the fact that I didn't belong anywhere, that I was an outcast no matter where I went. Hell, I even told her things that I didn't even know I could tell – things that I should have forgotten. And during all of that, Hel simply listened. She listened without making a single comment, but her gaze told me that she was talking every word I said to heart.
When I had finished, she embraced me, and whispered into my ear one single sentence. That was it, but it made all the difference.
Hel stood up, and held a hand to me. After a tentative moment, I placed my hand onto hers, and she pulled me up from that cold, metal bench.
“Come.” She said, “Let us enjoy the city together. I believe that from your story, you are not in any real rush, so why not enjoy your time?”
I forced a smile, and said, “Sure, might as well.”
“Good! I am not sure about you, but I am famished!” Hel said with a smile. She linked her arms onto mine, and continued, “I believe that with situations like these, it is the gentleman's part to appease my wants.”
“Of course, my lady Hel.” I answered, smiling for real this time.
* * *
I'm not sure how long I spent with Hel, but it must have been a good few hours. We parted ways a while after eating, and I was back with the old predicament. Although I didn't know what exactly it was that I had to do, I did know that I had to do something. And so, I decided to just go with my original idea of enlisting the help of the people in charge of this place. If what I'm doing is useless, then that's the fate that I'm resigned to. But that's life for you.
I’m pretty sure that simply walking up to the guys in charge won’t work, so I went on the streets and asked the locals about the people in charge and how one would get an audience with them. It seems that the place evolved into an oligarchy over the years.
“I don’t think that’s even possible.” A human looking local said when I asked, he was almost nice enough to ignore the holes in my shirt, or at least not ask about how I got them, “The ruling class don’t really care about what the locals say, so seeking an audience is basically impossible if you’re not some kind of nobility. Uh, you’re not nobility, right?”
“Sadly no.” I frowned.
“Then you’re out of luck, my friend.”
“Is there truly no way to even see them in person? Just a peek? Anyway at all?”
“Well, if you only want to see them then I guess there’s a way…” the man said, thinking, “You could technically “see” them if you’re arrested here and taken to the courthouse, but I don’t suggest that idea. I’ve never seen anyone back after getting arrested; they’re pretty keen on keeping trouble makers out, that’s why there’s virtually no crime around me.”
Well, guess there’s no other way around this. I thanked the man before punching him in square in the face, but not hard enough for him to pass out. I kept throttling him until enough noise was made and someone called the city guards to take me away, I didn’t struggle, but they were still pretty physical in the whole detaining process. Ah well, some sacrifices had to be made.
“You’re crazy man!” the bleeding guy said, “I hope you get send to the fucking pit!”
I just smiled back and waved goodbye as I was dragged away by the guards. As I saw the bewildered and frightened faces of the crowd gathering around me, I wondered if I really made the right choice after all… Well, if things got too rough I always had the Contract to fall back on. I just hope Becca and Sara didn’t mind me being gone for a longer period of time than what I had hoped for.
After a short walk (for the one guard that got stuck with the duty of seeing me off at least; I was dragged) the guys stuck me in some kind of detention area, stripped me of all my stuff - not that I had anything in the first place, and threw me in a dim cell. I made sure that the guards didn’t take away my weapon (the couldn’t even see it, but the can certainly feel the thing if they probed my sides too much) and palmed the necklace I got from Uriel before fastening it around my neck, and thankfully they didn't take away Lucifer's ring either. I’m not sure how I felt about wearing a holy relic, but seeing how I’m not bursting into flames by touching it means that it’s better than just sticking it in a pocket like I’ve been doing before. After I was detained the majority of the guards left and I was alone with a rather ugly individual.
“So,” I asked with a smile, moving closer to the metal bars of my cell “when’s my trial?”
My answer was a violent kick to my shins. Man, there’s only so much abuse I could take, and I was starting to get really irritated. I was already in a pretty bad moud before, so I decided to vent my frusterations out on that bloke. Before I could get smacked again, I destroyed the door of my cell, reached out and violently grabbed the guard by the arm, borrowing strength from Lucifer’s ring. The guard - a pretty large ogre - tried to fight back but I simply increased my strength and squeezed harder. He could probably overpower me if he tried, even with my renewed strength, but not before I crushed his arm into a pulp. He stared at me in disbelief but that look changed into a howl when I heard his bones start to grind beneath my hand.
“Now then, Mr. Guard.” I said, coldly staring into his ugly face, “I asked when I would be having my trail, and if you are even half way intelligent you should reply with an “immediately, sir”. Is that understood?.”
I could tell that he was going to protest, so before he could get a chance to bitch some more I produced a small amount of Hellfire into the hand gripping his wrist, which lead to another howl of pain. Yuck, the smell of burnt troll won’t leave me for a while.
“Your response?”
“I-Immediately, sir.”
Whew, even his voice was disgusting, and don‘t even get me started on the smell of his breath. But still, I think this guy got the message. I loosened my grip and willed the Hellfire away, and immediately the guard backed off, rubbing his wounded left arm.
“Good! I’ll be waiting in my cell,” I said in a jolly voice, before sitting back down in my busted cell, “and if I were you I’d start reporting this to my superiors. Remember that trial!”
I doubt he would do it simply because I asked him to, and he probably doesn’t have the power to even if he wanted to, but if he reported the situation then I’ll be getting what I wanted in the end. There’s no way they’ll allow me to remain here after what I’d done.
And true his word, I was taken away within the hour by no less than 8 fully armed guards of various races. I did a quick scan and saw that the first guard wasn’t with these guys; I guess I really rattled him back there. I remained docile as they escorted me out of my prison, and heck, they were even gentle about it. True I was blindfolded and chained up, but I at least got to walk, and I have no idea what that ogre told his buddies but they seemed pretty frightened when they approached me.
Eventually I heard some doors opening, along with some muttering which I can only assume means that I’ve arrived at the courthouse. I heard some rattling of chains, probably the guards locking me up a secure place, before they lifted up my blindfold and quietly made their way towards the exit.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the sudden light, but it was sure worth the wait, because what I saw was the depth of beauty that only a master architect can achieve. The large hall I was in was made of beautifully polished marble, with huge granite pillars supporting the building itself. The walls were draped in exquisite tapestry, and on the ceiling was a huge mural depicting the building of the Sprawl (I knew ’cause I was actually there). I guess the huge 16 foot sculpture that sat as the centrepiece with the plaque reading “founder” would be me, although it looked more like some kind Roman God than any demon I‘ve seen.
I looked around and saw that there was a pretty sizeable audience, all of whom were non-humans, here in this halls. I’ve no idea how they got here on sure short notice, or even if they are here to see me; but hey, I’m never one to complain about an audience. At the very least they seemed to be pretty interested in the idiot who rushed to his own trial. Sitting on the far back, surrounded by a council of old, robe wearing people were the head of the ruling class, the oligarchy. If my memory serves then the three individuals at the very centre there would represent their three main races.
To my left was a beautiful elven individual with perfect, flowing golden hair and a regal appearance. It appears that she would be the one who represented the fae. She was only wearing a silk gown that showed off her perfect body, but instead of a sense of lust upon seeing her figure, only a feeling of awe arose. Although the women didn’t look like she could be more than 25, her piercing emerald eyes told me that she was the oldest one here, which is strange since she wasn’t present when I first created the Sprawl all those years ago. She had to have been much older than that, so how did she get here and what happened to the last leader?
Next to her was a dark, rugged looking man who looked like he was in his late 30’s. He was wearing something a lot more modest in comparison to the lady beside him, a comfortable looking leather jacket and jeans, but there is no mistaking the power he held. If I remember correctly this would be Vladimir, the first of the vampires and the King of the undead.
Lastly there is the massive hulk of a being that looked to be a mix of everything huge and menacing. He easily towered over even the tallest of giants, and his beard alone could probably span the length of my torso, and it barely went past his chest. He wore nothing but a low covering white robe and his body could have been made from pure granite for all I could tell. His biceps were the size of my whole body, but as deadly as he appears I would fear the other two far more. Like the lady before him, I did not recognize this individual either, but I can only assume that he‘s in charge of the Earthly creatures.
“You are foolish indeed to seek an audience with us,” it was Vladimir who addressed me first, “I have been informed of your little adventures, stranger. Tell me why you have attacked our guards, and with pyromancy no less; what manor of creature are you?”
Huh, I guess the old vampire didn’t recognize me in my new guise. I could have probably invoked the Contract right now and forced these guys to obey and help me, but I wanted to see how the two strangers handled themselves. Anytime there’s a split in absolute power there’s always friction between the various rulers, and I’d bet a leg that this is no different. It’s best to play things out for a while and see what the situation is like within the ruling class.
I remained silent and allowed Vladimir to continue, “I see that you are unwilling to communicate with us, all the better. I find it best to use more… direct methods of getting. Igor, since it was one of your people who was wounded, would you like to do the honours of helping our guest… loosen his tongue?”
The living mountain beside Vladimir laughed and quickly agreed to his invitation, his voice rocking the very foundations of the place. The whatever-it-is-he-is got up from his seat and started to approach me, and I was milliseconds away from deploying the full powers of the Contract before a gentle voice interrupted.
“Please, sir Igor, waste not your energy and allow me to handle this situation.”
It seems that the mysterious lady in silk decided to speak up. This Igor fellow looked back at the speaker and grunted, which I can take as an reluctant “ok”, and sat back down. Not only that, but Vladimir didn’t talk back to lady either. There seems to be an interesting hierarchy of power here.
“Guards, take the prisoner to my quarters. I have something to discuss with him in private.”
“M’lady,” Vladimir interrupted, “you can not be thinking of doing something so absurd! This man is a criminal and should be executed on the spot.”
“This man will play a key role in the survival of our kingdom, Sir Vladimir, I have foreseen it.” she answered calmly, “As such, I will be wanting a private chat with him, and if I deem him dangerous than I shall dispose of him myself, or are you doubting my ability?”
“Of course not, m’lady.”
“Good.” the Elven woman said, “Now if you will excuse me, Sir Vladimir, Sir Igor, I shall be taking my leave.”
I was dragged away once again, but this time I was lead up the stairs of the impressive building and into a modest sized bedroom instead of some dungeon. The guards unchained me by the command of their master, and I made myself comfortable on one of the lounge chairs by the side.
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