《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 22 - Clearance


As soon as I left Seraviel, we headed to my house... which is in the Forest of South Sera...

I take everything I have... like books... I took every books in the library, then we headed to the adventure guild... Rin and Erin stay behind, to watch the carriage, while the rest of us enter the adventure guild...

Everyone looked at me with happy face...

"Yo Nicolas! Welcome back!"

"Hey the Diamond Party has return!"

"Wow... now he has more friends!"

"T-They look like nobles..."

And Nate and Nathalia looked at me in surprised

"Surprisingly, you made a lot of friends... Nisan..." Nathalia said

"Yeah, that't good for you!" Nate said

The people of Sera are very supportive toward me, unlike Auxem...

I feel like home when I arrived in this guild...

And I met Petra... and she looks sad...

"You knew?" I asked her...

And she nodded...

"From Lerrich-sama..." Petra said...

Then, seeing us looked down, the other adventurer become silent...

"Then, I will leave this city... and..." I said and take off my diamond necklace...

"I quit as an adventurer..." I said

And now everyone is still in quite...

I give the necklace to Petra's hand... and she took it....

I left the guild... but someone stopped me...

"W-What happened?!" Rick asked me...

He block my way out...

Rick then looked at Leon...

"L-Leon-sama!" Rick suddenly bow...

"Stand up please... we are about to go... tell Nico what you want to say, since we will go for quite a long time..." Leon said to Rick

And Rick faced me...

"I'm sorry Rick... but Lerrich Ezate has exiled me from the city..." I said

Rick's face looks sad...

"I-I see..." Rick said

Then both of us remain silent...

"Remember the rule... and survive!" I said while holding his shoulder...

It looks like I'm the old man giving a boy an advice, while actually I am younger than him...

But he nodded...

I left Rick and look at my carriage... and guards has surrounds my carriage, and about to drive us out from the city...

All of us enter the carriage... and the adventurer from inside the guild, including Petra, Miel and Elly come out to say farewell...

"I heard that he killed his own Dad..."

"Really? He did that?"

"Yeah, his Dad is the Archduke, it is said that he want to take the position as the head family..."

Then the carriage starts moving...

I only heard badmouthing about me... which is I don't really care...

"Nicolas! I believe that you are not that kind of person!" Miel shouted and waved her hand...

Everyone looked at her... and she then suddenly blushed...

I know that she is a shyly girl, but she shouts for me... it takes a lot of courage...

"Thank you Miel!" I shouted and waved my hand back on her from the second floor...

Then suddenly, the badmouthing people changes...

"But he is Nico... I know he won't do something like that..."

"Yeah! He always been the kindest and the strongest..."

"Byeee! We will always accept you here!" Rick shouted...

And I still waved my hand...

"All of you! Stay alive!" I shouted...

I know that adventurer is the most risky job in this world... and has a high rate of death...

All of them waved their hand on us...

At least, my last impression is not bad, after we are far enough from the guild I return to my seat on the second floor...


There are no seat but I sit on the floor...

"So... where are we going?" I asked Euclio...

"Let's head for...

Before Euclio finished his word... the carriage suddenly stops moving...

I look at what is in front of June... and it is Lerrich with his horse...

I get down from carriage and stood in front of him...

Lerrich get down from his horse and suddenly... he come closer to me... and whispered...

"When you leave the city, there will be one of my men has been waiting for you... he will ride a horse when you left and will lead you to the safe house..." Lerrich said...

Then he move further from me and ride his horse back...

I enter my carriage and told everyone about his words...

"I know it! Lerrich is not the kind of person that drive out people without knowing what's going on" Euclio said happily...

"So... we are going to follow that man's word?" Leon asked

"This could be a trap..." Ethan said...

Rin looked at me...

"What is it Rin?" I asked

And everyone looked at Rin...

"I think we can believe him... I don't feel his bad intention at all..." Rin said

Now, everyone looked surprised...

"H-How can you tell?" I asked him

"Rin has one of the best instincts in the whole Beastman Continent... so we can believe in Rin..." Erin said to help Rin...

Beastman Race unique skill...

It is called as instinct... of course, human do have instinct, but Beastman Race's instinct is in the different level...

Erin told me that, the young Beastman race could reach until Master Tier with a short time, because they use their instinct in fighting...

Like Rin, and he is said that he reached Master Tier only in a year....

While I am stuck in Advance Tier for 5 years already...

Now everyone looked at me...

Why it should be me who decide?

I looked at Euclio... and he nodded...

I let a sigh

"Okay, let's follow what Lerrich said, but we need to stay alert..." I said

So, we decided to follow RIn's instinct...

When we see the wall, the gatekeeper lifted up the gate and let us pass through...

And it is true...

We see a man riding horse after we passed the gate...

"June... follow him..." Euclio said to June...

And June neighed...

We follow the man, and he bring us around the perimeter of the wall... and, there is a gate that is made of the same material of the wall... which is making hard to see, like a camouflage...

The gate opened and there is a path inside the wall...

The man on the horse come inside the gate, and we followed him...

"This is sketchy..." Nate said

He has readied his spear...

For around 5 minutes, it's been only single path, and some torches to light up the way... until finally we see a light....

The man that guided us stopped in front of the light

Before we left the long corridor, we stop behind the man...

The light that I saw before is covered by water...

The man that guided us come to our carriage...

I get down from the carriage and he spoke...

"I am Lieve, one of the Knight of Sera, which is the special unit that created by Lerrich-sama..." he said to me...

I have heard about the Knight of Sera, it is said that they are ten times stronger than normal soldier, and it is believed that they are almost on the same level with Lerrich himself... the twenty Knight of Sera


"What is your number?" I asked to the man in armor...

"I am number twelve..." he said

"Okay so, where are we?" Euclio changes the topic...

Lieve looked at Euclio which is inside the carriage...

"We are inside the waterfall, the waterfall that lead to the river next to your house..." Lieve said...

A voice inside the carriage...

"I-Inside the waterfall?!" Leon sounds amazed...

"Wow! That's cool!" Nate said

And I face back to Lieve...

"So, why Lerrich-dono want me to stay in Sera?" I asked him

He looked back at me...

"It is to distract the attention of Navroth, and to make this city safe..." Lieve said

"So, there are spies from Maxwell in Sera?" Euclio asked

And Lieve nodded...

"That is a sharp thought, and it is true..." Lieve smiled on Euclio...

Lieve is around in his 30s, and he looked reliable...

"Then, what should we do now?" I asked Lieve...

"I believe Lerrich-sama is waiting for you inside your house, please use this..."

Lieve then get back to his horse and take tens of black cloak...

"Please wear this, to hide your identity, but it should be clear already, just for precaution..." Lieve said

I nodded...

And I take the whole cloak and distribute it to the other...

"And one last thing..." Lieve said

Then he looked at June...

"June?" I asked

And he nodded...

"You must leave June..." Lieve said

"W-What?!" I said and about to refuse...

"Yes, you can leave her or set her free for a while... I believe you can speak to her right?" Lieve asked...


Then someone hold my shoulder...

"Euclio..." I said with low voice

"Don't worry, June is smart... she can find us anywhere we go..." Euclio said with optimism...

I look at June... and she knew already that we are about to leave her...

I come toward June and put my hand on her face...

"June... I am sorry, but you have to leave us..." I said to her sadly...

She neighed...

"She said, why are you so sad? She will be watching us from the sky! Like she always did!" Rin translated...

I then patted her...

"Thanks..." I said

Then we decided to let her free...

I release her from the mount and she flapped her wings...

"W-Wow!" Leon said

I just remembered that he is one of the Tensei Sect...

Then she neighed once more before she left...

"She said that I will be back!" Rin translated...

And she jumped and fly passing the water flow of the waterfall...

"Bye June..." I said in low voice...

"Don't worry!" Euclio said while put his arm around my shoulder...

"We will meet her soon... I believe that!" Euclio continues...

And I nodded...

"Then, let's go..." Lieve said

We use the cloak and prepare ourselves...

We followed Lieve and after we passed the water, we are inside the forest... the forest where I live...

"Wow... this is so cool..." Nate said

After around ten minutes, we can see our house...

The house is guarded by the Knight of Sera...

Knight has different armor than normal soldier, they use white armor...

"Welcome... Lerrich-sama is waiting..." one of the Knight said

And I nodded...

We walk toward the house and enter...

I can see Lerrich lying on the sofa...

"Ah! Finally!" Lerrich said after hearing the door has been open...

"L-Lerrich-dono!" I said

He stood up and hugged me...

"I am sorry for my rude action previously..." Lerrich said

"N-No don't worry, I believe that you are not that kind of person as well..." I said

"I am grateful to have earn your trust..." Lerrich said

All of us sit on the sofa, and some of us sit on the stairs... since the sofa is full...

"You see, about Navroth..." Lerrich opened the conversation...

All of us listened to him carefully...

"I believe in you..." Lerrich said

And everyone let a sigh... we are relieved a bit...

"T-Thanks you..." I said

"And about Clement-dono..." Lerrich continues...

And all of us showed a sad reaction...

"W-Wait... don't get down easily... it is good news..." Lerrich said

Now, all of us stared at him... and he looked a bit nervous...

"His body hasn't been found yet... so it means, that there is a chance of him of being alive..." Lerrich explained

Nate and Nathalia looked relieved...

"T-Thank you for your information Lerrich-dono... I can't thank you more..." I said with respectful...

"Please, I owe a lot to you... since you came to this city, people keep coming... and stayed in South Sera... now the city is livelier than ever..." Lerrich said with a smile...

D-Did I bring a really big impact?

"But also, you should be staying here for a while... I can't let you leave this house until the order from the King..." Lerrich said whie looking at Ethan...

"I-I see... we have sent a letter to King Ethen when we left Auxem... I believe he will be arrived in this place in one or two weeks..." I said

And he looked surprised...

"Wow... you sure think fast for a kid..." Lerrich said while laughing...

"Then... it will be my job to see what happened in Auxem..." Lerrich stood up...

Now, I feel really bad for forgetting Fredrich... Lerrich's son...

"I-I am sor-"

Before I finished my sentence, he raised his hand

"No... it's not your fault... I know that you are in a great loss as well... I will find the truth about this case, all of you will stay here... and wait for King Ethen..." Lerrich said and left the room...

After a while, I hear a carriage sounds and then gone...

"So... this Lerrich seems to be a good man..." Leon evaluated...

And Ethan let a sigh...

"He is the Grand Duke, I guess he is indeed reliable... unlike the other Grand Duke..." Ethan said

In Perius Kingdom, there is only one Archduke, which is my Dad... two Grand Duke, which is lower than Archduke, Lerrich Ezate and Mikhael Klorze...

The Klorze Family owns Pantea, which is a city on the east... while Ezate family owns Sera...

Sera is one of the closest cities to Auxem, while the closest one is Haven...

But of course, I never went to Haven...

"Nico... what can we do here?" Ed asked me...

"Call me with 'Ni-san'" I said while acting like a boss...

His face turns red in an instant...

And everyone laughed...

"N-Nisan..." Ed said shyly

"Everything you want! This house is pretty big! I have thought about this place could fit with all of you!" I said

Euclio nodded as well...

"Can we practice?" Nate asked...

Ah, I should have asked permission from Lerrich...

I look through the door's window and I see Lieve is guarding the door...

I knock the door and he looked at me...

Since I don't want to open the door immediately and makes him panic...

Then I slowly open the door...

"What is it Nicolas-sama?" Lieve asked...

"Oh, you can call me Nicolas..." I said

And I lift my hand...

He then lift his hand...

"Call me Lieve..." he said

"Can we practice on our yard?" I asked

He then give a thought...

"Sure... but maybe starts from tomorrow..." Lieve said

"Great! That is not a problem... thanks Lieve!" I said

"Tell me if you have more request!" Lieve said with a smile...

I give a thumb and close the door...

"We could do it for tomorrow..." I said

And everyone showed their happy face...

I showed them the room for each of them...

Euclio and I will sleep on a room on the second floor, also with Rin and Erin but different room....

On the third floor, we have a single room for Nathalia and a double room for Nate and Leon... still, as close as ever...

And on the fourth floor, we got a big room for Ethan alone...

Ed said that he wants to sleep on the sofa on the fourth floor...

Which is the sofa near the library...

The library is actually pretty comfy... there are 3 big shelves... and three big sofas... the ceiling is a bit low but that's make you feel secure...

We got our food delivered by the Knight...

I ordered some steak from the steak restaurant... and it still taste good...

"I miss Monica..." is what comes out from Rin's mouth when he eats the steak...

When it times to practice... Nate always paired up with Leon, while Ed and Ethan,

Rin practices with Euclio, both have the same strength, if Euclio uses his dual sword technique...

And of course... no [Elemental Fighting Magic]...

While I practice with Erin and Nathalia... with Nathalia being our teacher... since she is in the higher level...

These routines keep continues...

I sometimes read some books in the library, and accompanied by Ed...

Ed loves reading as well...

And sometimes I enter Nathalia's room and have some chit chat about the previous world...

"I miss curry!" is what Nathalia always said...

Unfortunately, no curry in this world... or maybe we haven't found it yet...

Every day, I read the newspaper with Ed... The knight delivers it to us daily...

"Maxwell family has no successor... Nicolas Maxwell went missing!" Ed read the news...

And I let a sigh...

"Any news about Clement Maxwell?" I asked and he shook his head...

"But there is a news about Sky Kingdom..." Ed looked interested...

"You are interested with that?" I asked him

And he nodded

"Have you ever heard anything about our Tousan?" I asked Ed... and then he shook his head again...

"I just, don't like our Dad..." I said

Then Ed looked confuse...

"Why?" he asked with unsatisfied face...

If Tousan were there! Clement-tousan will be here with us now!

"N-Nisan... you might break the book..." Edmund said to me...

"Ah... sorry..." I said

And I put the book back to its place, which is on the shelf...

"It is just... he didn't help us back in the mansion..." I said

"But he might be busy somewhere else right?" Ed defended Tousan...

"Y-Yeah... you are right..." I said uninterestedly

And Ed looked confused...

"You know something about Tousan right?" Ed asked me with his troubled face...

"Tell me!" Ed said to me in serious face...

Should I told him about Tousan's whereabouts

Tousan is controlling the sky...

He sees everything...

"You see... he is actually..." I said hanging my story...

Ed looked at me seriously...

"He is the King of a new Kingdom..." I said

And he looked at me with troubled face...

"You are joking right?" he asked me with unsatisfied face

"That is true..." I said while searching for other books to read...

"Then! Which Kingdom? Reudora? Or Elven? Or Dwarven?" Ed asked me...

I let a sigh...

"Sky Kingdom..." I said

Then he remains silent...

That is like a dream isn't it...

For Ed, it is like a dream...

He thought that he is a bodyguard, but then he is actually a son of a noble... and when he found out about it... his father is not a normal noble... but a king... and not an ordinary king... but the king of Sky Kingdom...

"Y-You okay?!" I asked Ed in worried...

He remains silent too long...

"N-No... since I met you, everything comes in surprise..." Ed said

I think everyone keep saying that...

He looks quite satisfied with my answer...

I let a sigh...

"Let's sleep..." I said

"H-Huh? It's 2 PM?!" Ed looked surprised...

"Is it? Then let's take a nap..." I said and I sleep on the sofa...

I really have nothing to do... and I really want to meet with Rick and even Petra... or maybe the kind receptionist... who is it? Miel I think...

Also... Monica... and more people...

Time passes by and finally... after two weeks...

We were on our living room...

A carriage... the royalty carriage...

I then see the Perius's Family emblem... Shape of a horse...

"They are here!" I said

I was the one that checked it out... since I am the most bored one here...

Everyone prepared themselves...

The door then opened by Lieve...

I see King Ethen come...

"Tousan!" Ethan shouted and jumped toward him...

King Ethen catched him and...

"Woah! My son! I am grateful that you are okay!" King Ethen said while hugging him...

Then after a few moment... King Ethen put Ethan back on the floor... and come toward us...

He sit on the sofa...

I also see Lerrich come inside...

"How's your son?" I asked Lerrich

And he gives a smile...

"He is okay, and now he is safe in Seraviel... thanks for worrying..." Lerrich said

"I-I see..." I said

Lerrich enter and he sit on the sofa as well...

Ethan sit next to King Ethen... while I sit on a chair...

Next to me, is Euclio...

It is the chair I took from the kitchen...

This place is a bit small for all of us... but King Ethen don't mind it...

"So... about Auxem..." King Ethen started the conversation...

"We haven't received any news about your grandpa, dad nor Rueger..." King Ethen said

And all of us looked downward...

"How about Auxem's activity?" Euclio asked...

"They have Nicole to maintain Auxem..." King Ethen said...

Nicole... Okasan....

"And did Navroth make any significant move?" Nate asked

Nate looks... angry....

He didn't call her by Kasan anymore... but using the tyrant name...

"Is she really Navroth?"

Someone asked...

We looked at him...

It is Lerrich...

He still doesn't believe it...

"King Ethen, maybe you can lend him your halberd..." Euclio said

And King Ethen nodded...

He gave the halberd to Lerrich...

And Lerrich looked confused...

"Hold this for me..." King Ethen said

Lerrich hold the Legendary Halberd... and close his eyes...

Then he suddenly remains silent...

And he gripped the halberd realy strong...

After a while he opened his eyes... and looked at me...

"Y-You are Jeremiel's son!" Lerrich said

And I am confused...

"You knew?" I asked

Lerrich nodded...

"Yes, I was on my way toward Auxem that day... I was invited by Jeremiel for your birth... but then suddenly I forgot about my purpose..." Lerrich said then he faced downward...

Lerrich then looked at King Ethen...

"E-Ethen-sama... just what have happened?" Lerrich asked King Ethen...

"You were being manipulated..." King Ethen said

King Ethen then explained everything that has happened...

He found everyone is acting weird when people saw Jeremiel is not allowed to enter the caste in Epius... like no one recognized him...

But Jeremiel told King Ethen about what is happening...

About Nicole... being Navroth...

But King Ethen didn't trust that... since Nicole is a kind woman...

But King Ethen told Tousan... during the day I thought Tousan was missing... King Ethen was actually telling Tousan the truth... and told him about Nicole was suspected by Jeremiel as Navroth...

"Then, there is a chance that your Tousan is telling your Kasan about it... and that is why your mansion was attacked..." King Ethen said in conclusion...

Euclio nodded and looks agreed...

All of us remains quite...

"Reudora activity is really high... they were in preparation of war..." King Ethen said

"Then... I will prepa-"

Before Lerrich finished his sentences...

"No... you will keep watching Auxem's movement... let Klorze and Avom family help me with Reudora Kingdom..." King Ethen said

Lerrich nodded...

Klorze is the other Grand Duke, and Avom is Noc Avom's family... my senior... the one that can use up to three elements...

"Reudora Kingdom have less than 2 million soldiers... while Perius Kingdom has almost 5 million power..." King Ethen said

"B-By the way, I heard Navroth said that she received help from Reudora Kingdom..." Nathalia said

King Ethen and Lerrich heard Nathalia and give a thought...

"Then, you shouldn't count your army in Auxem, since it is in the hand of Nicole... and also the army in Sera..." Euclio said to King Ethen

The military of Sera will be used to watch Auxem's movement...

King Ethen nodded in agreement...

"Then we only have 3 million power..." King Ethen said

"Have you asked for help from Qiteron Kingdom?" Euclio asked...

And King Ethen nodded...

"We just send them a letter... it would probably take a whole week..." King Ethen said

"If you got the help from my Tousan, then it will help you a lot..." Euclio said

King Ethen nodded...

Qiteron Kingdom... the current strongest kingdom... they have around 6 million troops...

"Also, Aerios Kingdom?" Leon asked

And King Ethen nodded as well...

"Yep, but it will take longer... maybe around two weeks for the letter to reach your Tousan..." King Ethen said

Aerios Kingdom... or the Dragon Kingdom... they have 5 million troops... also they have the best fleet in the entire world...

If Dragon Kingdom help us, it will be easier for us...

"How about Staviel Kingdom?" Nathalia asked...

Then all of us looked at her...

King Ethen looked surprised with her thought...

"N-Not yet... but that is a good idea..." King Ethen said and praised her...

All of us surprised with her... but I am not... I know that Nathalia is a smart girl... even from the previous world she always better than me in education...

Staviel Kingdom is not that powerful but they have around 3 million powers...

Then King Ethen write it on his note...

King Ethen then looked at all of us...

After observing he decided...

"We will declare war on Navroth at once... I will announce that the current Maxwell family is Nicole, the one that kill Clement!" King Ethen said while gripping his hand...

All of us remains silent...

"Is it a good thing?" Ed asked...

Everyone now looked at Ed...

"Ummm I mean, we have to take Auxem... which mean, we have to kill innocent people too..." Ed said

That is true! How about the people inside the school... like Santa...

King Ethen give a thought...

"How about just a small elite team?" Euclio suggested

Elite team?

"So, you mean we surround the mansion only?" Lerrich asked

"Yeah, it is an assassination..." Euclio said while thinking

Everyone remains silent...

But Nate breaks it...

"But she is too strong... I mean, even with fourth and tenth... also Tousan... they lost..." Nate said it with sad face...

Of course... Kasan is really strong... That is why Rueger told me that she is stronger than him... Okasan is the first... while Rueger is tenth...

"Then, we have to find Rueger, Zerotus and your Tousan back..." King Ethen said and stood up...

Nate and Nathalia immediately stood up

Both of them looked at King Ethen seriously...

"Y-You mean?"

"All of them are still alive... but for sure, tenth and fourth are still alive..." King Ethen said

He looked so sure...

"How do you know?" Nate asked

Every single eye are on King Ethen...

"It's easy... if you look at the monument of strongest people... you will see their name is still written on it..." King Ethen explained...

"But... Tousan?" Nathalia asked...

And King Ethen shook his head...

"There is no guarantee that Clement is still alive... but all I know is that his Dad won't leave him... so if Zerotus alive... I believe Clement is alive..." King Ethen said

And Lerrich nodded...

There is no guarantee but that is enough to make Nathalia and Nate stronger....

They were down for this whole week, but hearing about the news that there is a possibility that Tousan is alive... now they are back...

"Then, I will send my man to search for your Dad... Tenth, and Fourth..." King Ethen said while leaving...

King Ethen was about to leave with Lerrich and Ethan...

"W-Wait!" I shouted...

I hold his cape...

Then he looked back at me...

"Y-You! T-That is impo-"

"What is it?" King Ethen asked while smiling...

King Ethen cut Lerrich's word...

And I immediately release my grip on his cape...

"C-Can I join the rescue team?" I asked King Ethen...

King Ethen still keep his smile...

"I know that you are going to say that..." King Ethen said

"S-So you mean I can join?" I asked back

But King Ethen shook his head...

"I'm sorry, but all of you are an important person... I can't risk you all..." King Ethen said

"Don't treat us like a child!" Nate said and stood up

He looks mad...

King Ethen look surprised with Nate...

Everyone looks surprised... not only King Ethen....

"N-Nate... calm down..." I said

"Nisan! He is not your real dad! So you won't understand!" Nate said to me in angry tone...

T-That's not true...

Even we are not blood related I still love him as my real Dad also to Nate...

My rage is blowing up... and I punch Nate on his face...

Nate fell down...

He then looked at me confusedly...

"Although you are not my real brother! I will search for you as well even if it will risk my life!" I tell at him in front of his face...

He then faced down...

I look back at King Ethen... and he looked like an idiot...

Not only him, but everyone else...

"I will find my Tousan, I know that he is not my blood related Tousan, but he is the one that raised me until today... even he wants me to become the next head of the house... I know that he is manipulated... but I feel that his love to me is real! As a son and a father!" I said in front of King Ethen...

He then smile and look above...

"Clement... you sure have raised two good sons..." King Ethen mumble...

But Nicolas can't hear it clearly

"What?" Nicolas asked...

"Nothing! I will give you my answer later... and also, for now, we will declare war against Maxwell... but we won't attack yet... so we could give a chance for the people to leave... and also, I will clear your name from the murderer... I believe that you are a good boy..." King Ethen said while patting my head

King Ethen looks really happy...

He then left with Lerrich as well...

"B-Bye everyone" Ethan said and he left as well

Now we have to stay at this house again...

I look back and see Nate is going upstairs...

I let him go...

Then I hear a hard slam of a door...

"T-That is a bit harsh Nico..." Euclio said to me...

I did hit him really hard...

"Yeah, I guess I hit him too hard..." I said

Then Nathalia stood up...

She is going upstairs as well...

"You words are true... it's just hard for Nate-nisan to accept..." Nathalia said while moving upstairs...

I guess she enters Nate's room...

"Hmmm I guess I will accompany Nate as well..." Leon said and left...

Euclio, Ed, Erin, Rin and I left...

"I believe that is your first fight with your brother" Erin said

And I give a thought...

Can I really call it a fight?

"To be more precise, that is the first time I punch him..." I said

"But personally, what you said is the truth... I think Nate just need his own time alone..." Euclio said

"Yeah, also, your name will be cleared soon by King Ethen! We could visit the steak restaurant soon!" Rin said happily...

"I miss it too!" Euclio changed the topic

The five of us take a sit in the living room...

After several hours, Euclio, Rin and Erin sleep soundly...

Ed and I decided to read in the library...

When we reached the fourth floor, I lay myself on the sofa...

I let a sigh...

"What's wrong?" Ed asked me...

He is picking a book from the shelf and sit on the sofa opposite of my direction...

"It's just... I hope I didn't go too far..." I said

Punching him maybe is a bad move...

Ed then laughed...

"W-What's wrong?" I asked

He stopped laughing and said

"If you keep worrying, the problem won't be solved by itself..." Ed said

Then he stood up...

"Both of you should have a talk..." Ed said and left me alone...

"W-Where are you go-"

Before I finished my word, I see Nate behind my sofa...

When Ed about to leave... he was stopped by Nate...

"That's okay... It's a brother to brother talk... you can join us..." Nate said while stopping Ed...

"You sure?" Ed asked Nate

And Nate nodded...

Ed sit next to me, while Nate sit in front of me...

"So..." I said...

"I am sorry..." Nate said

"Yeah, me too... I shouldn't have hit you..." I said

"N-No... that actually makes me think clearer... I was thinking only for myself... and I am out of control... sorry..." Nate said to me...

He faced downward...

"You see, I told you right, that we are brothers! I wanted to save Tousan as well..." I said to him

Nate faced me...

"And I believe that he is alive... I will find him! I promise!" I said

"You promise?" Nate asked me

And I nodded...

"Yeah I promise..." I said

Nate looks a bit calm now...

After both of us resolve our problems, we heard a knock...

And it is Lieve...

He told us that our name has been cleared by King Ethen...

Now I am free from the accusation of murdering Tousan

Also, the King declare war on Nicole which is Navroth...

Lerrich Ezate has moved already to the border of Auxem to block the way in and out from the city...

I also got my rank as Diamond Adventurer Party back... and met peoples in the guild...

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