《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 20 - Crisis


We left the circle, which is the duel arena and sit back on the chairs that they had provided for us...

Lerrich is still inside the circle, and open the field for anyone who wants to challenge him...

But no one dare to challenge him...

"Hey Nico... go and challenge him..." Euclio said

"W-What? Why me?" I said in panicked

Why not Euclio himself?

"Because you are the only one that can win against him..." Euclio said

Erin looked at me seriously... also Rin...

He looks really sad...

Should I jump into the battle?

"Anyone?" Lerrich shouted to the crowd...

But then the crowd shouted my name...


"Nicolas can do it!"

Now I feel really uncomfortable

Especially when Lerrich looked at me after the people shouted my name...

And now, the audience is in rimes...

"Nicolas! Nicolas! Nicolas!" they shouted my name...

I looked at Euclio and he smiled back...

He didn't plan this right?

"N-No... I can't..." I said

"Please win the duel..." Rin said to me with sad face...


Stop the puppy face...

"Fine..." I said

"I do it only because of you guys..." I said

"Yeah! Use your ultimate skill at once! And he won't be able to dodge... trust me!" Euclio said to me...

I looked back at him...

"Are you sure he won't be able to dodge it?" I asked

And Euclio nodded...

"Okay, if he could dodge it, you owe me..." I said and step forward...

I heard Euclio agrees and I faced Lerrich

Seeing me walking to the circle, the crowds become loud again...

And Lerrich looked at me with surprised...

Also sad face...

"I should have charge the audience more money if you are the opponent..." Lerrich said with sad face...

H-He thinks about money?!

"Hehe, I never thought about fighting against you in a duel..." I said

"No problem... but I think I have a bad feeling about this match..." Lerrich said

"But I won't back down, since I am the one that open the challenge..." Lerrich said and he prepared his stance... a spear is on his right hand...

Petra become the judge...

"Both sides ready?" Petra asked...

I prepare my distance... also I unsheathed my sword...

Everyone looked at the sword of mine...

"H-He is a swordsman?!"

"I thought he is a High Elementalist..."

"Hey, the sword is pretty..."

"It looks like Euclio's sword..."

Some adventurer has discussion...

I nodded to Petra means I am ready...

Also Lerrich...

"Then, it will begin in 3......2......1..... now!" Petra said

Lerrich in an instant rush toward me... but the distance is quite far, which mean I can cast my magic...

'Create Elements!'

And in an instant, the five spherical spheres were activated...

Everyone looked surprised and the cheers are getting louder...

I read a book in my library, and apparently, you can summon all of the spheres that you can control at once...

I wonder, who left such precious book in our house...

I prepare my fusion magic and...

I wait for a close range battle...

My wood magic would be much accurate when I use it in close range...

And when he is close enough, I use the fusion magic...

The blue and brown sphere shines ever brighter...

Realizing that Lerrich made a mistake, Lerrich close his eyes to prepare the impact...

I hit the ground with my sword and transfer my magic to the sword....the wood was summoned

The root spread really fast and hit Lerrich... Lerrich was pushed back


He tried to hold but the branches and roots spread through his body...

Yes... I created a tree... and Lerrich hands and feet are bind with the tree...

Everyone is in silence at once...

The loud place of colosseum become quite in a second...

I created a giant tree in the circle, using a fusion magic... that is the rarest among all type of magic... even compared to Elemental Fighting Magic...

Petra looked at Lerrich, and Lerrich can't even move an inch... so Lerrich smile at Petra...

"T-The winner is Nicolas!" Petra announced...

"UWOOOOAAHAHHHHHHHHH" the loudest sound I have heard in my entire life...

I absorb the wood back to my sword... I don't even know where does it come from...

And now Lerrich is able to move...

I come toward him and...

"Sorry..." I said while offering my hand to help him stood up

I said that, since I know that he feels embarrassed after losing to a 15 years old boy in front of his people, it must be really hard... and also, in a hit...

"HAHAHAHAHA" Lerrich laughed...

"What is that sorry for? We are doing sport... and there is always a win and a lose..." Lerrich said while smiling...

He then took my hand...

H-He didn't really take the duel seriously...

That is a good thing...

"You are powerful! But, there are a lot of more terrifying people out there... so never let your guard down... always aim to be stronger..." Lerrich said to me...

And I nodded...

He then patted my head and he announce to the audiences...

"This is the end of the duel... and I have a reward for Nicolas..." Lerrich said in loud voice...

Lerrich called his guard by using his hand... and two guards come with a big chest...

Both of them opened the chest and...

"I present, Nicolas a twenty thousand gold!" Lerrich announced...

And the battle cry could be heard really loud...

Even Rin looks really happy now...

Is he a materialistic boy now? I am afraid so...

Maybe I should preach him later

Euclio just smiled at me... while Erin give me an applauses...

"And also, for the very first time in the history of Sera... I grant you..." Lerrich said half of his sentence...

Everyone is waiting for the next words he is going to say...

Including me, and then Lerrich give me a wink...

I wonder what is that...

"A Diamond Rank Adventurer...." Lerrich said

Petra looked at Lerrich with her unbelievable face, including Erin and Euclio...

Rin just keep jumping around...

"I am here to grant Nicolas, as the first Diamond Adventurer in Sera!" Lerrich announced...

The crowd is now unbelievable... a lot of people cheers on me...

Rin run toward me and hugged me...

He pushed me really hard till I fell down...

Also Euclio and Erin hugged me as well while lying down on the field...

"You never stop surprising us..." Erin said to Nico...

"Of course! He is Nico!" Euclio said with big grin...

I am happy... as long as I am stay with them, that is enough... I hope Nate and Ed come here soon...

Nathalia as well... we have a plenty of room in our new house...

After the duel between us, we are a sudden billionaires... that is what I feels.

The next day, we received a lot of message from the citizen of South Sera... and they congratulated me for my promotion to Diamond Rank...

We are the only Diamond Rank Party in the guild, which means we have almost the same level of authority with the Guild Master, which is Petra, for the the South Guild...


I can kick out an adventurer, also promote a party.

Petra asked me to choose a right hand... and the only party I acknowledged is Rick's party...

But maybe, I will wait for next year... and wait for Nate...

Several month has passed and my party still do the Platinum Quest, Diamond Quest is a rare mission and also, we need to travel far away.

But the reward is... super...

It has around 1000 golds reward if you finished a Diamond Quest...

South Guild has become a lot busier these days, the number of adventurer are increasing significantly, since I am promoted to Diamond Adventurer...

Previously, there are around 200 adventurer, but currently, there are around 900 adventurer... which makes the guild really full...

Rick's party has been promoted to Gold Rank recently... so they invited us to the steak restaurant, and this time, they treat us...

Rick learn a lot from me in swordsmanship...

He said to me that he is interested in using Maxim Style... so he asked me to teach him... and so I did, and he is now on the same level as mine...

Rick is a diligent boy, and he is only 3 years older than me...

He has reached the Advance Swordsmanship Tier with Maxim Style...

Waiting for Nate is not a wise thing to do... I believe that Rick's party suit more than Nate...

Rick's party has tried their best to ranked up as fast as they could so they could become my right hand...

So, I talk to Euclio about this as well, and he approved me for choosing Rick over Nate...

And so I talked with Petra and told her that Rick's party will be my right hand...

Petra looks really happy when I told my right hand...

"Finally, you decided one..." something like that was showed on her face...

And several days after deciding our right hand, we received a phenomenal news...

I heard the news from the guild...

It is when I enter the guild... and as usual, everyone calls me and we have a talk...

"Hey Nico! Have you heard a news about Sky Kingdom?" A random adventurer asked me...

Sky Kingdom?

Hmmm I think I have heard somewhere... but I forget

I shook my head...

"What's that?" I asked...

"I heard that it is patrolling around human continent, and also, they has their own king..." another adventurer said

"R-Really? I heard that it is made by Reudora Kingdom, and they might plan for a war..."

So... that is only a rumor


"Nico!" Euclio looked at me seriously...

He is like saying that, I should think harder..

"Sky Kingdom... I think I ever heard about it..." I said it while think really hard

Yes! It is my real Dad's Kingdom... and it is not only a rumor if there are people still talks about it...

So, what Keito-sensei has told us is true!

"What is wrong with Sky Kingdom?" I asked the adventurer that start the talks...

"Yeah, I heard that the sky kingdom helped King Ethen..." he said

K-King Ethen?!

"W-What do you mean?" another curious adventure asked...

"There is an attempt of murder toward King Ethen, but the sky kingdom strikes a lightning from the sky... and it made a really loud voice... and killed the assassins..." the adventurer that start the story said

Wow... that is very cool... but I wonder when can I met him...

Also, an attempt of murder?

King Ethen is loved by his people... I wonder if it was an attempt from other kingdom...

When I realize, everyone has looked at me...

"What?" I asked

And Rick say

"Thunder magic... it is one of the Fusion Magic right?" he asked me...

Everyone is waiting as well...

I nodded...

"Can you use it?" Rick asked...

"Of course no! I don't know the combination... also I have to train it first..." I said

It would be really cool if I can control thunder... but in fact, I haven't tried it...

And a few months later after the rumor of sky kingdom... it is almost Euclio's birthday...

Hmmm another sword I guess...

Previously, I gave him Ocean Protector...

Ocean Protector, is the sturdiest blade I have seen... and I guess it is not a mistake to give a sturdy sword... since a dual sword wielder always clashes their sword against their enemy's

I will bought him another blue sword, since it fits him so much...

Euclio is now known as the blade breaker... Euclio the Blade Breaker... which is kinda a cool name...

While I am known as a sage... Nicolas the Sage...

I am sure that Euclio's name is 10x cooler than mine...

He is known to break every his opponent's sword or spear he duel with

The next day, I was planning to visit the blacksmith...

Before I went to the blacksmith, my daily routine is to check the guild... so I visit the guild before visiting the blacksmith


"Clement Maxwell went missing!" an adventurer said to me in panicked...

Everyone become quite at once...

Including me...

"W-What do you mean?" Euclio asked instead of me...

"I heard a news that Auxem is in crisis..." the adventurer said...

"What crisis?" I asked while approaching him...

"I-I don't know for sure, but there might be a betrayal inside the Kingdom..." The adventurer continues...

I looked at Euclio... and he looked at me as well...

Rin and Erin looks worry as well...

"I think we should check it out..." Euclio said

And I nodded...

"I want to join..." Rin said


"Yes, we are a family here..." Erin said with cold face as usual...

I let a sigh...

"Okay, okay..." I said

And both looks happy...

The four of us run and went straight to June...

But before I left the guild, I shout...

"I will not be back for a while..." I shouted...

The four of us enter the carriage... and we asked June to left the city...

She understood and moved really fast...

I guess she knows that we are in hurry...

The journey itself took 3 days... and we have not prepared anything to eat or drink...

We stopped in the market to buy some supplies... and after 5 minutes we have return to the carriage...

I was waiting inside the carriage with Euclio while Erin and Rin bought some food and drinks

When people see us, they looked like they see their idol...

Some of them keep staring at us from the outside windows of the carriage... that is creepy...

When everything is ready, we continue our travels...

"June... it is an important thing I must do, something bad has happened in my city..." I told June and she neighed...

"she said that she knew already" Rin translated...

And June used his fastest speed....

She knows where we want to go... so I took a rest...

Tousan... don't you dare to leave me...

I have only one Tousan... and it is Clement... I don't know this Jeremiel, and I never met him once... which is I don't really care... but Tousan is the one that taught me everything... and protects me from dangerous...

Without realizing, I have fall asleep...



"Nicooo!!" I hear a shout...

I wake up and...

The sun is almost set...

"We have arrived..." Euclio said


I looked at the direction we are heading... and I can see the wall of Auxem City...

Then, I looked at June...

S-She didn't take a rest...

"Are you okay June?" I asked June and she neighed...

"I used to travels thousands of miles everyday.... Don't underestimate me... she said..." Rin translated...

I looked at Rin... and patted his head as a thank for translating for me...

"Nico!" Euclio called me from the 2nd floor of the carriage...

Our carriage is a two deck carriage... so we have more spaces...

I went to the second floor and see Euclio...

"What?" I asked him

And he pointed out his hand...

I looks soldiers are preparing for something...

The torch on the wall are not usual...

"Are you preparing for war?" Euclio asked...

"Hey! I am with you 24/7" I said

When the soldiers see June... all of them are on guard...

"Stop!" the gatekeeper shouted from the top of the wall...

June stop running now...

I then looked at the gatekeeper from the 2nd deck of the carriage... which is an open deck

So that he can see me...

When he looked at me... he looks surprised...

"Open the gate! It is Nicolas-sama!" the gatekeeper said

Then the gate were opened from the inside...

We passed the gate and went straight to the mansion...

People looked surprised after seeing a Pegasus running around the city with a carriage...

We ignored them, and not even 5 minutes, we have arrived in front of the mansion...

The four of us get down from the carriage and went inside the mansion... some servant recognized me and told me the whereabouts of my mother...

I went inside the meeting room without knocking...

"Kasan!" I shouted and run toward her...

"Nico!" she looked surprised and stood up...

I hugged her...

And she hugged me back...

She was in the middle of a meeting...

When I release her, I asked her...

"Where is Tousan?" I asked her...

And she didn't answer... but only facing downward...

Then, someone from the meeting table stood up...

"He is missing..." he said...

He is Rueger...

I am so mad now...

I was about to cry... but Kasan hugged me back...

And I realize that it is harder even for Kasan...

Then another soldier come...

"Nicole-sama, we received a word from Clement-sama..." the servant said

Mom released the hug and looked confused...

Not only mom... but also the other meeting attendance...

"Clement-sama is currently on an emergency meeting... and yesterday, he is in a meeting with King Ethen, but suddenly both got ambushed... and both fleed to the direction of Epius the Capital City of Perius Kingdom. They said that Clemenet-sama is on his way back now..." the soldier report

Kasan let a sigh...

And so do I...

Not only both of us, but the entire meeting attendances which is mostly the commander of Auxem city...

"Let's have a dinner with your friends..." Mom said to me...

I then looked at Euclio, Rin and Erin...

The three of them is waiting for me...

"Hmmm okay..." I said

And mom called one of the servant, and said to prepared a dinner...

Before dinner, I give a tour to Rin and Erin...

"Woahh you are so cool Nico!" Rin praised me...

"T-This is not my house... this is my Tousan and Kasan's work result..." I said humbly

Erin and Euclio smiled when I said that...

We look around the mansion, also, I showed them the throne chamber, and also my armor where I get it from the Dwarven King... and I never used it...

"That is made of adamantine..." Euclio told Rin and Erin...

"R-Really?! It is a pure adamantine?!" Erin looks interested...

And I nodded...

Adamantine is the hardest material can be found in nature... also, the most expensive one...

It was really expensive, but lately, the price is going down... since the trade from Staviel Kingdom...

It is Daigo's hard work...

I haven't heard any news about him anymore...

We were currently in the lobby, where I showed Rin and Erin the armor... then suddenly a carriage come... with the flag of an eagle on the top of the carriage... which is Maxwell's emblem

A soldier open the carriage's door... and...

"T-Tousan?" I called him

He looks really tired...

"N-Nico?" he said in surprised

I come and hug him...

"W-What happened?" I asked...

Then I see his hand bleed...

"N-Nicolas-sama... we should bring Clement-sama to the medical room!" A soldier reminded me

"Wait! Hold him tight..." I said

And two soldiers carries Tousan...

"Holy Magic...." I said

And a white spherical light appeared...


And the same effect happened, a light shine upon Tousan's body... and a sparkling of light shines around his body...

The wound on his hand close...

Tousan then wake up...

But he still looks tired...

"Thankss Nico..." he said and he closed his eyes...

"C-Clement-sama!" a soldier said in panicked...

"Don't worry... he is sleeping..." I said to the panicked soldier...

Then we can hear him snores...

Just who did this to him...

After an hour, I hear another carriage arrived in this mansion...

In this mansion, when a carriage enter, the soldier announced about the incoming carriage...

"Nate-sama and Nathalia-sama has arrived!" the soldier shouted...

I immediately run to the lobby...

And a carriage stop moving in the lobby...

A soldier open the door of the carriage and Nate and Nathalia comes down from the carriage...

And I guess they didn't expecting me to be here...

"N-Nisan?" Nathalia said while looking at me...

"Hmm what?" Nate looked at Nathalia...

Seeing Nathalia not facing him, Nate direct his view to me...

"O-Onisan?!" Nate said in surprised...

I just smiled to both of them, but...

Nathalian run hugged me...

Then Nate as well...

The three of us hugging to each other, and when I release their hug... I spotted another person...

"E-Ed?" I said

"Y-Yeah, Ethan-sama asked me to guard Nate and Nathalia... since Leon and Ethan-sama is in a meeting with the student council..." Ed said...

I come toward him and hugged him as well...

He is cold as always! Even he knows already that he is my actual brother, but he always act like we are just friends...

When I hugged him, he hugged me back...

Then I release the hug and patted his head...

"Glad you come..." I said

"T-That is the order from Ethan-sama..." Ed said with red face...

After seeing us, Nathalia gives a comment...

"I am pretty sure that if both of you lied about being brother, I will believe it easily..."

"Yeah! Both of you sure are look alike!" Nate added...

Then Euclio, Rin and Erin came...

"Hey Nate! Nathalia! Ed!" Euclio greeted them...

"Hello..." Nate and Nathalia in unison...

While Ed just smiled...

"So... that's your brother? Both of you sure look alike..." Rin said while get closer to us...

"H-Hey Rin! My brother is Nate..." I said while pointing at Nate....

"R-Really?! But both of you look alike..." Rin said to me while looking at Ed closer...

Ed, Nate and Nathalia looked confuse...

"Ah... both of them are my team in the guild... we are in the same party... this is Rin..." I said while holding both of Rin's shoulder....

Rin waved his hand with a smile...

"And this is Erin... Rin's sister..." Euclio introduced Erin...

"Hello..." Erin said

Then, Nate and Nathalia introduced themselves...

"I am Nate, Nate Maxwell... nice to meet both of you..."

"And I am Nathalia, Nathalia Maxwell, let's get along!"

Then now everyone looked at Ed...

"M-My name is Ed..." Ed said nervously...

I think he is still blushing a bit after I hug him... you see, I just missed my brother really much...

Guess he is not used to it...

"Let's come inside... Kasan is waiting..." I said

And they nodded...

The seven of us enter the mansion...

Rin is sniffing around Ed all the time... and he keep saying...

"Both of you smells the same..." Rin said to Ed and I...

While Ed ignores Rin...

Nate talks with Erin, and as always, Nate is a very sociable person....

He interacts with other immediately

Nathalia stick with me and Euclio besides me...

We arrived at the dining room and have our dinner with Kasan...

While we are eating our dinner... the door suddenly opened...

"T-Tousan?!" the three of us in unison... Nate, Nathalia and I

And Tousan smiled...

I see his hand is okay now...

He come toward us and sit next to... Rin...

Rin... I hope you don't do anything stupid...

But then, Rin sniffed on Tousan...

"You smell like Nate and Nathalia..." Rin said

Everyone in the room looked surprised...

"R-Rin! That is not poli-"

But Tousan laughed...

"Of course! Both of them are my son and daughter!" Tousan said to Rin and patted Rin's head...

"So... who are you?" Tousan asked while eating...

"My name is Rin!" Rin said

And we remain silent... expecting him to tell him more...

"H-He is my party member in Sera..." I continued his words...

"Wow... that is cool... I hope Nico and Euclio don't give you any trouble..." Tousan said while looking at Rin...

T-Tousan... it is the reverse...

"By the way! Nico! I believe you have a new magic to tell..." Tousan said in curious way...

"You mean my Holy Magic?" I asked back

And Tousan nodded while eating...

Nate, Nathalia and Ed looked curious as well... also Kasan...

"That is an advance tier of holy magic... a healing magic" I said

The healing magic...

"W-Wow! That is great! You should change your profession and become a doctor!" Nathalia said

"D-Doctor? No... actually, it will be troublesome if a lot of people know about this... so can all of you keep quite about this?" I said

Everyone nodded except him...

"Tousan?" I called his name...

And he let a sigh...

"I was about to hold another feast... but okay..." Tousan said

A-Another feast?! He is insane!

"Oh Tousan! Tell me about the person who attacks you!" Nate said seriously this time...

Everyone is looking at Tousan now...

"Huh... you see, I think there is someone from the kingdom that want to kill both me and King Ethen..." Tousan said...

"Do you have any idea who is it?" I asked

And Tousan shook his head...

"No, we have no evidence at all..." Tousan said...

"How about the assassin's body?" Nathalia asked...

"Burned... struck by lightning..." Tousan said...

Everyone looked confused... there is only a small chance of people got struck by thunder... maybe almost impossible... but this time, Tousan survived because of it...

But I know who he is... Jeremiel... my real father...

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