《Power of Possibility》Chapter 21


Tiny had his mouth open as he watched the steam exit from the exhaust of the engine. He curiously stretched his hand forward. A hand came from above and slapped him away. Tiny looked up and saw the face of Aleks looking down on him. His large brown eyes began tearing up as he started belching softly.

“Oi, Aleks. Stop making Tiny cry,” said Luke.

Aleks turned and gave him a withering stare. “You are aware that he would’ve gotten serious burn wounds from the steam right?”

Luke gave him a deep look full of meaning and emotion, He lifted his arm in the general direction of Tiny. “Are you aware how adorable that little bugger is?!” he shouted.

“Aye Aleks, don’t make Tiny cry,” Ikaros interjected as he shook his head.

“Now it’s you as well. Anyone else?” Aleks asked into the air.

Phillip popped his head out from the cockpit. “The best way for him to learn is to let it burn!” he said with a cackle.

Luke turned his attention to Phillip, his eyes were full of understanding and care. “Phillip. . . I’m sorry that you had to have such a tough childhood. I am here if you need to talk about it.”

Phillip pulled his head back confused. “Wait what. That is not what I meant.”

“Phillip, no need to be ashamed of your past. Come I’ll hug you.” Ikaros said as he moved closer, his arms outstretched.

The Otter backed away from the approaching embrace. “Oi, that is not what I meant!” he shouted. He closed his eyes as Ikaros moved in.

Laughter blossomed on deck as Aleks, Luke and Ikaros clapped their legs at the expense of Phillip. The usually unflappable Otter was dismayed at their amount of concern they gave him.

“We were just kidding,” Luke said through bouts of laughter.

A sharp cry of pain rang out from behind them. Turning around they found Tiny with tears in his eyes and a swollen hand.

“Well, I guess now he’s learned not to do it.” Aleks shrugged. He lifted him and patted his head, whispering comforting words before he put his hand in the river.

Winston appeared from below deck and looked at the rest. “We will be in the next town before nightfall. We’ll stay there for the night and get some real beds for a change.” he grinned at them before his expression changed to concern when he looked at Tiny. “What happened to the little one?”


“He followed the advice of Phillip and plunged his hand in the steam,” Luke said innocently.

Winston slapped Phillip over his head. “Don’t do that ye rascal.”

Winston disappeared below deck again and Phillip gave Luke the finger. Luke toothily grinned back at the Otter. On the other side of the ship, Tiny would not let go of Aleks. He could only helplessly stand as Tiny sat on his shoulders. The baby gorilla pointed at a different object and Aleks named it for him. He was especially interested in all the weapons that were on deck. Time passed as they continued down the canal and the greenery of the forest blurred by. The sun had begun its descent as the promised town came into view.

“Oi Winston!” Luke shouted. “Don’t tell me this town’s name is Second Stop.”

Winston’s head popped out from below deck. “Why would it be named that?”

Luke shrugged. “ ‘Cause you know. . . the first town was called First Stop.”

“Nah lad.” Winston began. “This one is called Middle Stop.” he grinned at him before disappearing below deck again.

A loud guffaw came from Ikaros as he watched Luke mumble about naming sense. The town of MIddle Stop was a Draconian settlement. Like most abodes of the Draconians, it was painted in the same black fire-resistant paint. Unlike most settlements though, there was no one to greet them. They arrived at an empty jetty save for a small vessel that was moored. All aboard the ship looked at the abandoned town.

“Arm yourselves men,” Horus announced.

“Aye. This is supposed to be a thriving town.” Winston said as he grabbed his trident.

Aleks took Tiny below deck and locked him in one of the rooms. “I’m sorry little one. It’s dangerous outside.”

Boots hitting wood sounded out as they disembarked onto the jetty. With weapons at the ready, they advanced into the town. Horus and Ikaros walked with arrows nocked whilst the two otters that were most familiar with the town, led them. Aleks peered at the homes they passed. They did not appear abandoned. If they were, then it was recent.

It’s almost as if everyone just left. Why would they do that?

They rounded a corner and arrived at an open square where abandoned stalls stood.

The marketplace. Wait is that someone the-


“Greetings lady,” shouted Winston at a Draconian female that was kneeling in the middle of the square. The ground beneath her was wet with tears. As they neared her sobbing became audible.

Horus and Ikaros scanned the top of the buildings for threats as they tread after their companions. Aleks and the rest fanned out over the square as Winston approached the sobbing woman. He carefully put his hand on her shoulder. Her sobbing stopped as if she was only now aware of their presence.

A loud screech filled the air and the woman screamed. “They’re back!”

A large furry object swooped down before two arrows entered its skull. With a crash, it hit one of the stalls as wood splinted against the stone walls. The two archers nocked another set of arrows and scanned the sky. The rest carefully approached with their spears and tridents. Aleks poked the monstrosity when another screech resounded in the air. Two arrows flew again, but this time it hit the centre instead of the head. The monstrosity fell painfully. It righted itself and stared balefully at them.

Winston spat. “Vampire bats.”

“Bats? This huge?” Luke asked incredulously.

“Focus,” Aleks grunted.

Horus and Ikaros had nocked another set of arrows and this time they found their mark as the large vampire bat fell face first with arrows jutting out of its head.

“That was a bit anticlimactic,” Luke said.

“Better that than dying,” Aleks replied as he walked to one of the bats. He crouched down and felt it’s fur. It’s rougher than it looks and its fangs can easily penetrate through leather armour.

The Draconian woman calmed down after seeing the vampire bats die.

“What is your name lady?” Winston gently asked.

“Al’vera,” she replied shakily.

“We want to help Al’vera. Can you tell us what happened here?” he asked her as he put his hand on her shoulder.

“The bats. . . they took everyone,” she said.

“Took, not kill?” Winston confirmed.

“Took,” she replied. “They were screaming as they were carried away.” her voice broke as tears fell.

“Are these bats common?” Aleks asked.

“They don’t come this far. They are from deeper in the forest and are usually shy around us. . .”

Horus walked up to them, his eyes still scanning the sky. “They didn’t seem shy just now. What changed?”

The woman hesitated.

“Go on, you don’t have to be scared.” Winston nudged her on.

“When the attack came I was hiding in the well. When I peeked out there was a bat larger than the rest. But that was not what pulled my attention. . .” she said and then gulped. “It had these eerie silver eyes that glowed. It felt as if the world became less with its presence in it.”

“The circlet,” Winston murmured.

“How can it be here already?” Horus asked.

“Flying animals can easily traverse the mountains. The union can only stop the ground forces at the mountain pass.” Phillip replied.

“Why would they take the people instead of killing them?” Aleks asked.

“The power works on the living. If they are dead then they can’t be affected, except if they were previously affected.” Winston somberly said.

“Then Odda is building his army?” Aleks asked as his hands tightened around the haft of his spear.

“Aye, he is. We need to stop these bats before they grow his army too much.” Winston announced.

The pitter-patter of feet hitting the street came from around the corner. As one, the companions turned. Horus and Ikaros pulled their bowstrings taut and the rest hefted their spears. The sound became louder and sweat dripped down those present. Shock crossed their faces as the source of the sound came into view.

“Tiny! How did you get out of the room?!” Aleks shouted.

Tiny grinned at them and hit his chest. He scurried to one of the bats and sniffed it. He pulled his face. He moved a bit further down the road and sniffed again before looking at his companions.

“It seems we have found our guide.” Winston grinned.

“Aye, it’s a bit dangerous for the little fellow but we have no choice. There is not much to track on the ground.” Horus replied.

“Let’s get going then, we have people to save and Circlet-empowered vampire bats to kill,” Phillip announced.

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