《Westward Soul: Duskwood Online》Chapter 9 - The Grassy Gnoll


Sam followed the tracks deeper into the sparse forest. The ground sloped downward once he made it through the first cluster of trees. Scrub grass gave way to actual foliage. Sticks and roots twisted along the ground. Sam was suddenly quite appreciative of the Wood Elf skill. Moving silently meant he could stay at a decent speed.

The gentle slope turned into a drop that led to a rocky outcropping. Small structures made from branches and arranged stones formed the shape of a small village. The tracks had led him directly here, but no one was around.

A slight motion to his left caught his attention. Looking with his eyes rather than turning his head he saw the shape of a bipedal hyena. It held a stone tipped spear pointed right at him. Once he identified the shape he could make out at least a dozen more all around him.

Sam had no idea why he was still alive. They could have easily killed him before he even had a chance to figure out what was going on.

"I appreciate you not stabbing me," he said.

"It is still an option," a surprisingly smooth feminine voice replied. "Why are you here?"

"The Bar-T Ranch sent me out here to take care of some Gnolls that have been harassing them," Sam replied.

A chorus of yips and growls answered him.

"You have found the Gnolls," the voice said. "But we have done nothing beyond trying to survive. It is they who are harassing us."

Sam sighed. He was inclined to believe her, the fact that these Gnolls were living in huts while the ranch was a fortress helped their argument. Not to mention that scum bag had more than one hyena skin as decor. His previous life wasn't exactly clear but he his gut was telling him that the ranch were the bad guys here. Sure he had been on prison and apparently had died there but that didn't make him a villain. There was a difference between being a crook and being an asshole. This was a new world, that meant he didn't have to work for someone like that any more.


Still, he had taken the job and the quest was active.

"They sent me out to gather Matriarch Teeth," he continued. "If I leave they will just send someone else."

"Try to take them and die where you stand," a younger female voice yelled.

"Miss," Sam continued. "You've got me surrounded and my gun is still on my hip. Even if I wanted to fight you, how would I expect to walk away from this?"

"Hush child," the first speaker said. "Teeth you say?"

"Five of them," Sam replied.

"We will give you the teeth," she said. "You take them back. Tell them we are no longer a problem."

"That sounds good to me," Sam said. "What will you do? They might send someone to check on my work."

"They will not find us," she replied. "We have been here long before they arrived and we know the secrets of this land."

"I hope you're right," Sam said.

Something rattled on the ground by his feet. He looked down to see a leather pouch.

5/5 Matriarch Teeth Return to Bar-T Ranch

"I'll take my time getting back," he said.

Sam turned around and followed the trail back the way he had come. Now that he knew what to look for he could see a couple scouts shadowing him. Their movements still made noise but it sounded natural, like wind through the trees.

Kai was nowhere to be seen and in her place stood a trio of humans. They waited for him as he stepped out of the tree line. He had seen them patrolling the walls. Their clothes were clean and their boots were polished. The only piece of gear that had any sign of use was their gun belts.


"You boys don't look like you're here to make sure I get back safe," Sam said.

They didn't reply.

"Fine," Sam said.

He plucked a stone from the ground nearby.

"Let's do this quick," he said. "I toss this and we draw when it lands. Nice and clean."

The two on the sides looked to the human in the middle. He nodded. Sam shifted the stone to his left hand. The three humans watched as he tossed it up into the air.

Sam drew his revolver the moment they took their eyes off him. Three sharp cracks send two of them sprawling to ground. The human in the middle jerked back as the round took him high in the shoulder. Sam adjusted his aim and fired twice.

+50 XP +25 XP +100 XP

The numbers hovered over the fallen gunmen. One hundred hung above the human who had been in the middle.

"Well," Sam said. "Looks like I made the right call."

Kai sped out from the tree line. She came over to him, looked him over, and then nipped at his shoulder.

"Thanks," he said. "I'm glad I'm okay too."

He turned his attention to the woods.

"I've got some business with the Bar-T Ranch," he said loudly. "I wouldn't mind a bit of company, if you're so inclined."

Sam didn't wait for a reply. Kai stayed close to him as he walked over to the fallen gunmen. Their bodies disappeared once he touched them, leaving a small bit of loot in their place.

Minor Bounty Ring x2 Bounty Ring 30 Revolver Rounds

Respawns for NPCs were still something of a mystery. Would the trio be waiting for him when he got back to the ranch? Would they respawn at all? He needed some answers.

"First things first," he mumbled.

Kai settled down into a crouch. Sam patted her on the neck as he slid into the saddle.

"Stop a bit before the gate," he said. "It's going to get rowdy and I don't want you to get hurt."

Kai chirped in reply.

"Let's go," Sam said.

The raptor hopped up and took off back the way they came. As it stood Sam could see two possible outcomes for this quest. They would either pay him, or try to kill him. Either way, he wasn't going to be doing any further business with the Bar-T Ranch.

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