《Westward Soul: Duskwood Online》Chapter 6 - On the Road


Kai raced along the packed dirt road. She didn't seem bothered by the extra weight on her back. The world around them was blurry dust. Carson Bridge was a spot of life in a stretch of desert. Kai took them on a path that ran perpendicular to the train tracks. The sparse scrub vegetation there was thinned out the further they got from the town.

Sam'uel had his head tucked against the raptors thickly feathered neck. It didn't allow him to get a good look at things, but it helped to cut down on the grit that got in his eyes. Riding on the raptors back was smoother than he had expected. Her steps flowed together causing only the slightest dip as she ran. He had no frame of reference to judge how long the trip was supposed to take.

Kai slowed to a trot, allowing Sam to relax his grip on the feathered neck. They were still on the road. He scanned the area, but the town was out of sight and he didn't see any sort of indication of a ranch. Kai chirped twice at him as she adjusted her speed to a brisk walk.

"Something wrong, girl?" He asked.

Kai chirped again in reply. She clicked her teeth and scanned the area ahead of them. The road had led them into a ravine. Naturally formed stone walls made it the perfect spot for an ambush. The tops were obscured with a few clusters of sagebrush and chunks of rock. An enterprising criminal could easily setup a blockade to stage a holdup. Sam'uel slid his revolver from the holster.

Peacemaker – 6/6 Condition – 20/20 Damage – 18 Range – Close to Medium

The faint shape of a crosshair appeared in the air ahead of him. It rested in the center of his vision. Sam raised the Peacemaker, the crosshair adjusted to follow the movement. It returned to the center of his vision when he lowered the revolver.


Further experimentation was interrupted as a human man stepped out along the path. He was dressed in a sweat stained woven shirt and dusty pair of trousers that were a size too big. Even more concerning that the quality his clothes was the double-barrel shotgun in his hands.

"Well look here," their voice had a slight whistle to it. The man smiled, displaying multiple missing teeth along the front of their mouth. "Don't get to see many elves around these parts."

"I've heard that," Sam'uel said. "Could I get you to let me pass?"

"Sure," the man said. "No skin off my nose. Just drop that satchel there and you can be on your way."

Sam looked down at the man. A smart crook would have backup for something like this. It was a two person job, at least, one to provide cover and the other to do the talking. Three would be better, but it could be done with a duo.

"Can't do that," Sam said. "It's a delivery, but not yours."

The man cocked the hammers back on the shotgun.

"Are you sure about that answer?" The man asked.

Sam'uel snapped his revolver up. The crosshair turned red as it drifted over the hold-up man. A shot hit the man in the shoulder, sending him stumbling back and causing the shotgun to drop to the ground. Kai screeched and hopped back. The center of the crosshair had doubled in size. Sam adjusted his aim and fired once more. The man pitched backward, sprawling onto the ground. His body splintered and faded away leaving a ring in its place.

+25 XP

"It's okay, girl," Sam'uel whispered. He stroked Kai's neck. "It's okay."

Kai squawked at him a couple of times.


"I know," Sam cooed. "That was loud. I'm sorry."

The raptor huffed.

"Was that it?" He asked. "Is there anything else out here making you nervous?"

Kai didn't seem bothered. He slid out of the saddle and approached where the man had fallen. The shotgun was still on the ground. Sam kept his revolver at the ready. Kai wasn't on edge, but he didn't know how safe that made them.

"Loot is loot," he muttered.

Sam scooped the shotgun up with his free hand as he passed. He lifted it up to take a better look. The barrel was scuffed and the wood stock needed to be replaced. It snapped to his back once it was close enough. There hadn't been a holster there before, but picking it up had caused one to form. Sam made a conscious effort not to think about it.

Worn Double Barrel – 2/2 Condition – 5/7 Range – Close

The ring rested in the center of a human shaped outline in the dirt. It gave off a faint green glow. Sam studied it for a moment. An item description appeared in the air above it.

Minor Bounty Ring

Sam picked up the ring and dropped it into his coat pocket. Kai chirped at him and clicked her teeth. The raptor lowered itself to grant him access to the saddle. Sam loaded in two fresh rounds as he walked over to her. Kai didn't look impressed.

"I'm coming," he said.

She hopped back to her feet once he was settled. Sam shifted forward, resuming his position pressed against her feathered neck.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Sam said.

Kai huffed. She looked back at him; her eyes had a fresh spark.

"Kai?" Sam asked. "What are-?"

His words were cut off as she burst into motion. Sam swore the raptor laughed. Before, she had moved at a steady pace that was fast, but now she was sprinting. Gone was the smooth motion. Each stride bounced him in the saddle. Sam tried to steal a look at their progress and was rewarded with a face full of dirt.

The ravine faded into the distance behind them. Ahead of them a tall log fence appeared on the horizon. The road led up to a closed gate that was flanked by a set of guard towers. There was an arch above the gate with something written on them. Sam couldn't make the words out, but he had a hunch this was the Bar-T Ranch.

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