《Westward Soul: Duskwood Online》Announcement


*watches a tumbleweed roll by*

Or whoever is left by now. I am going to restart this story. The chapters will be posted as a continuation. I hope you enjoy the new path.

To post this it needs to be a minimum of five hundred characters. You can find me on

Twitter @ScottMcCoskey

And Wordpress (which I haven't updated since 2018) https://undefinedscott.wordpress.com/

And DeviantArt deviantart.com/undefinedscott

That still isn't five hundred characters. Time to bust out some posts from tilthat.tumblr.com

TIL that Simon Beck created giant ‘crop circles’ in the snow by walking for up to 10 hours at a time. Problems in his feet prevented him from running, so he initially started walking in these intricate patterns for the exercise.

TIL: There is a latitude referred to as the “Ham Belt” that is renowned for producing excellent hams, due to their climates being ideal temperatures to cure hams.

TIL Diet Coke cans float and regular Coke cans don’t, due to a difference in sweetener density

TIL NASA’s plan to dispose of corpses in space is to freeze them in the airlock and then violently shake the body with a robotic arm until it turns to space dust.

TIL A King in China died because he kept crying wolf. He would light signal flairs for his Army to come help and when they did, he would laugh at them. He did this to make his consort laugh. When he needed help no one showed up.

That should be enough

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