《The Adventures Of Nighthawk》Who's the baddest spy in town....
Washington D.C.
10:40 am
You would think that the world’s largest spy organization and not to mention Hydra’s secret headquarters would have better security. I know Meta’s aren’t really a thing yet but this is ridiculous. I was able to make it all the way to Fury’s office without anybody ever catching a whiff of me. Simple invisibility should not let waltz around SHIELD without a care. When I got to Fury’s office all I had to do is wait until some aide came out and then I was able to walk right in after him. (SMH) I will give Fury his credit though. He picked up on me right away, even if he didn’t show it outwardly. He kept on reading his reports pretending that nothing was wrong but all the while he was slowly reaching for his hidden gun or a panic button.
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary Director, after all, I do have an appointment.” I said as I dropped my invisibility. He eyed me for a good minute. “Nighthawk, right? DO you really think it was a good idea to pull a stunt like that?” He leaned back in his chair while he crossed his fingers. “Probably not but it will help me prove a point later.” I shut the door with TK and sat in the chair in front of his desk. “You’re a hard man to track down, Nighthawk so what did you want to talk about?” Fury asked. “I would like to discuss a partnership with the government but more importantly one with you personally and specifically. And no, I’m not talking about the boyband you’re putting together. Although I’ll probably end up helping out with that sometimes anyway.” You could tell he was curious to where I was going with this but the only outward expression he showed was an eyebrow raise. I knew his office was bugged and not just by him so I raised an EMP shield that would protect us from all monitoring devices. “Before I begin explaining myself, I want you to know that we are now in a complete monitor proof bubble so anything further said between us stays between us.” He doubted that because he still thinks SHIELD has all the best toys. He then pulled out a little black box and pressed a couple of buttons on it.
After a few seconds later, green lights lit up on the box and he was shocked for a second. He then nodded for me to go ahead. “I guess I should start with me and where I come from. I was born on Earth just like you, just not this one. Yeah, but no I’m not like your friends from up there in space that like to pop in from time to time, I’m something different. To explain, this universe is just one out of an infinite multiverse and in the universe, in the one, I come from we have mastered the technology to view them all at our leisure. Which is how I know all your secrets and pretty much everything that’s going to happen in the future.” His jaw dropped in surprise. Then after thinking about it, his eye narrowed and he asked me. “You don’t expect me to just take your word for all this do you?” I smirked. “Nope, but it will become apparent soon enough that what I say is true. Say help me settle a bet, do you carry Carol’s pager on you all the time or do you have it stashed away somewhere for emergencies?”
He actually flinched at that. To his knowledge, only he and Carol knows about that pager. “Also, where is Goose anyway?” Nicholas J Fury actually shivered when I asked him that. He glared at me and said. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “Hey, hey it’s cool…” I waved my hands in surrender. “Just wondering cuz we didn’t see him pop back up in this universe after your adventure together. Anyway, getting back on topic. Your next big question is probably why, if I know everything that’s going to happen, why don’t I just stop all the bad things like going down a list of things to solve right? Well, it doesn’t work like that, foreknowledge is a double edge sword. Every time you change something in the present you change something in the future which nulls your knowledge of said future event. Unless you’re one of the few to have the tech or power to constantly see the future, which I no longer have and can’t get right now.
Take yesterday for example. Even though you guys couldn’t or wouldn’t shut down the Expo I could have still done so by calling in a bomb threat or something and got it shut down at least temporarily. But all that would have done is changed up Ivan’s timing to who knows when or where putting more people in danger. History showed that a lot of people were injured and killed yesterday and the Expo was bombed into a parking lot. The reason why it doesn’t anymore is that I knew exactly when and where to place my people to do the most good at the right time and you see the results.” I gave him a min to digest that and he eventually nodded in deep thought. “So, from here on out just know that any big bad thing that happens could have or would have been a whole lot worse than what it is. Oh, and don’t forget Mr. Murphy, he always gets a say.” Fury chuckled at the dark humor. “Alright, I can see how even with those constraints your help would be extremely valuable. What is it you want exactly and how do you see this… Partnership working?”
So far so good, now’s the time to show him the stick. “There are several wars coming Director, I’ve seen them, but most of them could be avoided or stopped if we deal with the one thing, they all have in common…Metahumans.” He set back in his chair. “I’ve seen your PR but don’t you really mean Mutants?” “No, they are a part of the issue but I mean all metahumans. Look I know you have standing orders to continue looking for the Capcicle passed all the way down from Stark and Agent Carter and really soon you’re going to make some progress in that. But some time down the line after that, Cap and Iron man are going to come down on different sides of the Humans with powers debate and what should be done about them.”
“Due to certain events you and your… counterparts? Are never there to put your two cents in and keep things steady on the right track behind the scenes. It got real bad, real quick and because the heroes were divided they didn’t stand together when an even bigger threat to Earth arrived. That’s not including the whole Mutant issue which hasn’t blown up yet. That has the potential to become the new civil rights issue with all the included baggage if not handled carefully.”
“So, my first plan is to label all humans with powers as Metahumans regardless of where those powers came from. One of the greatest hypocrites of this universe is how the same people who hate Mutants that they have never even met or where good neighbors with for years could turn right around and love Captain America and the other non-mutant powered heroes that are going to come along. If I didn’t know humans better, I would swear there was some cosmic begin out there controlling us with lines from a script.” He shooked his head. “I agree man is smart and people are stupid, and your idea could help long term but it isn’t a cure-all. What else you got?”
“Going back, the problem between Cap and Iron Man started over collateral damage and snowballed from there. Turns out people love it when heroes go about saving the day but also absolutely hate the after-effects of said save, who knew? It varies universe to universe but the kick-off event usually goes like this: A super team goes in to save a group of people and the bad guys snap do something unexpected and the whole operation goes pear shape fatally and usually on a massive scale. Afterward, there’s a massive public outcry, fingers get pointed, politicians get involved, and next thing you know all Metas are beginning rounded up for camps. Whether they want to be heroes or not its “for the good of the people”. But that’s the condensed version, and hopefully, our changes will negate any of this from even happening.”
I don’t think these bombshells are what he had in mind for our initial meeting but…. You could tell he was giving what I said some serious thought. “So, this is what you really need me for huh? To pave the way with the government?” I chuckled and said. “Yeah, not gonna lie, you will have to carry most of the water for this next part. Before the fallout, there will be an “Age of Heroes” that will begin in a couple of years to combat the rise of supervillainy that’s going to start at the same time. My main goal is to train all these future heroes and get them legal. I’m thinking we open up a new branch of Homeland or the Marshals and put them there. The heroes can then be assigned to cities or regions to either patrol them or get called in like SWAT.” That definitely raised his eyebrows. “That’s not all. I also want to build an academy to train them all in the right procedures on how to go about saving the day. I figure doing this will not only put them under government scrutiny it will also put them under its shield. You and I both know that things happen out in the field at least this way when the public starts crying and fingers get to waving, we can say things were done by the book because there actually is one and not a hundred-odd different supes out there doing their own thing.”
“Not to mention that they would also get insurance, benefits, healthcare, and all that jazz. Plus, as a bonus to you, since SHIELD will be the unofficial sponsor, they will always get first pick at the personnel and tech that comes out of the academy.” He gave me a wry smile at my used car salesman impression. “I gotta admit you have me intrigued but why should we, as in the government, go through all the trouble?” “Well, it goes back to the feud and the stupid stuff the government did. Before the government got to the internment camps, they had the idea to force heroes to registrar under their real identities. Which rang all kinds of bells with Captain America.”
“Iron Man feeling the weight and guilt of his actions as a hero felt it would be a good thing to have all Metas registered and trained. He thought it would bring legitimacy to their works and they could come out of the shadows. Cap felt that that was a betrayal of their rights and civil liberties and that most heroes had a secret identity for a reason. Sides were chosen and running battles were fought in the middle of cities. It got bad quick. Long-standing friendships were destroyed, families were spilt, brother turn against brother, which is why this conflict is mainly called the superhero Civil War in every universe.” “That’s the hero side of things, you can just imagine how bad it was for the “villains” if the heroes were being hunted down. Let’s just say that the nice young man down the street with the way to big ears that never bothered no one suddenly became public enemy #1 and was thrown into a camp.
While both sides had some good and bad points, nobody wanted to talk and work things out so everything spiraled out of control fast. So, to combat that madness I want to get out ahead of them both and give the whole process some structure. First off anyone who wants to be a hero must be registered and tested but you don’t have to give your real identity if you don’t want to. The price for doing that though is that you won’t be a legally licensed agent and any cost and damages occurred would be applied to you instead of the government. This group wouldn’t have to go to the Academy but they would be encouraged too. This group also wouldn’t be called upon unless the threat was an all hands-on deck situation or they were the only hero in their town or city. On the other hand, all licensed agents must pass the Academy classes or a government-approved equivalent. All complaints, reports and disciplinary actions of any group would be under the review of a board of peers, a government liaison and at least one nomination from the community at large.”
“Those are the broad strokes, the details we can work out later, but what do you think so far?” Fury sat up and looked me in the eye. “I must admit I’m interested. A lot of your ideas have merit and I’m also saddened by the fact that things got so bad on the other worlds. But, regardless of what I think, I know you don’t honestly believe that the government is just going to rubber-stamp this plan just because you or I say so?” Eh time for the carrot, I guess. “No, and that’s why I come bearing gifts to help the medicine go down. A while back I happen to save this kid from a kidnapping, a real sciencey type this guy, and low and behold he just happens to have the cure for healthcare.” “What do you mean.” “This kid has created medical nanites that he claims can cure anything from a paper cut to end-stage cancer. Says he’s at the point of human trials but he knows the FDA won’t approve him with unproven tech.” “What do you think? Is he for real?” “I think the kid is on to something and evidently I’m not the only one because the goons I saved him from worked for Raxxon. But that’s not he told me something that scares the crap out of me but the government is going to love. The kid thinks he can suppress and maybe even cure Mutants.”
Man, I wish I had $10 for every time I shocked Fury today. “I know it’s a game-changer and we're going to have to be very careful with how we deal with this. Luckily we still have time because he’s not even close to that part being ready but what he does have is this super healing balm that you and the military are going to love.” Fury was very interested in that before he said. “Those are some pretty good incentives and with a strong military and intelligence backing, I think we can push most of this through and for the others, I’ll just have to call in some favors. Let me ask you though, where exactly will you fit in all of this?” “Consider me a high-level consultant. I’ll be here to help set everything up and pick the right people to help run it all. I’ll even be a reserve Avenger but mostly I’ll be either in NY or out there in space making my nudges to help keep Earth and the universe safe.”
“What’s going on in space?” I sighed; I think he was worried about Carol. “This stays between the two of us for now but there’s a big purple people eater out there that means to do the world harm. This guy is an on-going major threat so I have to be very careful in how I deal with him. There are literal “Gods” out there and this guy gives them headaches. He has destroyed countless worlds and ours is on his list. Granted it's near the bottom but still…” “Can we stop him?” “I can’t go into details but it has been done before, but at a great and terrible cost. I’m hoping that our changes will make all the difference.”
“So, what do you say Director you in?” He stood up and held out his hand for me to shake. “First off call me Fury. I don’t trust many people but something about you just rings true, plus all of your suggestions are really good ideas that can do some good. So, let’s just say I’m going to trust you but verify everything you said also.” I shooked his hand and said. “Well, you wouldn’t be Nick Fury if you didn’t. Oh yeah quick question, hypothetically what would you do if say the 10 rings had infiltrated MI6 at all levels since the end of WWII?” Again, with the pop eyes. “Say what now?”
I didn’t want to spill the beans of Hydra just yet but I did want him to get him to think along those lines because I wanted to purge them from SHIELD before we got the superhero program off and running. I ended up telling him that it happened in some other universe and I was just curious as to what he would do in that situation. (More on that later.) We spent the rest on the day roughing out plans for the Superheroes program, the Academy and its courses, rules and regulations for supers, and finally what kind of situations supers would actually get called in for. I had him call in Agents Coulson, May, and Romanoff to help bounce ideas off of. Coulson was really into it and was all but begging to run the Academy before we where trough. We were still months away from finalizing anything but I considered this was a great start. Fury said that he would lean on the FDA so I could at least start human trials and we could have something to show the president and congress. I wasn’t worried about that part though, once Hydra finds out about my nanites they are going to do everything in their power to push whoever they needed make sure they get their hands on it. I just had to make sure I got everything I want out of them before I take them down.
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