《Not A Fairy Tale》Arc 1 - Chapter 9


Breakfast seemed more like a feast than anything to me these days. A lot was eaten in the morning since most people were hunting for so long that they had no time for lunch. My mother and father sat with me at the table. There was freshly cooked meat, there was bread, which tasted a little different from the bread I remembered. It took a lot longer to become sweet and even then it was a very faint sweetness. There were some veggies and most importantly... there was cheese. Something I never had in my past life because it was too expensive. I also had a cup of deer milk, which was a bit weird when I thought about it but it tasted delicious.

"So... mom, dad, I want to quit school," I said, carefully.

"What!?" My mother slammed both her hands on the table.

I jumped a little at the sudden loud noise. My father put a hand on her shoulder.

"Why do you want to quit school?" he asked, calmly.

For a few seconds, I thought about what to say.





"Because there's nothing I can learn anymore, I want to gather new experiences. That's why I want to go hunting," I said, more carefully than before.

My mother's eyes and lips tightened as she looked at me with her stern, motherly look.

"What about your general combat classes?" she asked, sounding more serious than I had ever heard her be before.

"I... I can't do it," I said, sounding more defeated than I wanted to.

"What do you mean you can't do it?" my mother asked, still serious.

"I don't know... I just can't. When I saw someone attack me the second mark activated teleporting me away... it was embarrassing... I can't fight. What good are all these skills, what good is my talent if I can't even use it?" Tears began forming in my eyes.


All the sternness disappeared from my mother face, it was replaced by concern and worry. She ran over to me and pulled me closer into a hug. She was warm.

"I don't know what to do... I worked hard, mastered everything... and... and it was all for nothing... I can't do what I wanted to do," I said, although it was barely audible over my sobbing. I don't know why I suddenly got so emotional, must have been the eight-year-old in me taking over.

"It's alright..." my mother said, stroking my head, going through my hair with her fingers, slowly.

It was comforting, reminding me of what I never had in my old life. At that moment I felt something strange. My mind was immediately taken away from my old life. It didn't feel strange even though I consciously noticed it, but I slowly stopped caring about it until... What was I thinking about?

"Listen, I know this might be difficult but... but I don't know if it's really for the best if you go out hunting, especially at your age." My mother sounded very sincere.

"But," I began.

"No buts, I know how this feels for you but you won't get over this if you don't face it," she said.

"I know that myself... but, I just want to do something. Not just run away every time. And my friends would do it with me so I wouldn't even be alone," I said, still sobbing a little.

"Aurelia, why don't we let the boy do this, at least for a little while, I could even go with him and his friends, you know, watch over him a little," my father suddenly said, shifting my mother's attention from me to himself.

"Are you supporting his decision?" she asked my father.


"Of course I'm also worried about him but... I think it might be better for him to learn that way. He is clearly above the others in terms of ability. So maybe it would be better for him to get some real-world experience with this, and it might even help him with his problem." My father's words seemed to have an effect on my mother.

She got up and walked around the room for a little while before she turned back to me and crouched down in front of me.

"Alright, fine. But only if your dad watches over you for a little while before you go off alone with your friends," she said, sounding more concerned than before.

"Of course," I responded.

She now pulled me into a hug again.

"And please stay safe, I don't want anything happening to you," she said.

"Of course," I responded again.

"I love you, Altair," my mother said, with her caring, motherly voice.

"I love you too mom."

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