《Kingdom's Gates》Chapter Fifteen


Hearing "lord" being hollered from the wall, one of the warrior points to the south. Jason waves the panels away as he turns, gives Keith a rolling eye look, and runs to the gate. Upon reaching the gate, he could see Linda and Cindy sporting black eyes and torn clothes, carrying backpacks, and holding a club. They ran up to the gate, looking surprised at the fort. The thoughts on the kingdom mission about marrying Edith fell to the back burner as a protective feeling rose to the forefront upon seeing both girls hurt. Calling them girls is an understatement. Linda is three years older than him, and Cindy is a year younger than him. Linda serves in the Air force before meeting Cindy and coming to the area. Other than that, he knows nothing about them except that Linda is an excellent horse handler. Seeing them both looking all bruised and scratched up makes him want to protect them.

"Ladies, everything okay?" staring at their ripped clothes after opening the gate to let them in.

Linda shakes her head, and Cindy stares behind her, looking panicky. "Hicks and his men kill Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick. They have his daughter in the house, and she screams. I think they have been raping her. I don't know if her son and daughter are alive or not. We kill our attackers at the bunkhouse." She looks at the log walls that look like a fort, "Can we stay here? Hicks is leading the men. Saying that they are now the bosses of the ranch, and we are their bitches."

"Shit." mutters under his breath as he hears, "Riders coming!"

"Let the ladies through, and I will lock the gate."

Both girls ran through the second gate as he closed the double gates and slammed the two iron locks. He is looking at the two, four by four boards next to the blockhouses and deciding that the bolts will work for now. After closing the second set of gates, he ran into the warrior barracks and then into the log blockhouse. Peering right and seeing a large trap door that goes into the basement of the building, and to the left is a ladder leading up into the next floor of the blockhouse. The twenty by twenty room has some crates and barrels full of arrows and rocks. In the corner is several small barrel mark oil to heat up and drop down on troops below. Climbing up to the second floor, he can see a large basket and rope above him that can be dropped down to the floor below to be loaded and bring supplies up. There are two doors on this floor. One goes east to the crosswalk above the gate and the other to the wall walkway to the west. Jason crosses over to the next ladder. He climbs up into the house of the blockhouse. Its size is thirty by thirty feet. A square stone fire ring is in the middle of the room to heat the room and cook food or heat oil. There is five double bunk for troops to sleep and rest. Each of the four arrow holes in the house has a barrel of arrows sitting between two arrow holes. Moving over, he looks out.


[x2 range of sight +2 to attacks and 20% distance are enabled, +20% damage to ranged weapons.]

[+2 to the defense of troops]

Seeing four riders heading their way, coming from Hendrick's place a mile away. Jason turns and drops down to the second floor. He went out the door onto the platform above the gate to see who was coming.

[+2 defense, attacks, and damage to all ranged weapons are enabled.]

Keith glances at the ladies and remembers that they work for the Hendricks. They are a couple that Hendrick hired a year or so at his Hendrick's wife's word. Hendrick doesn't like pussy eaters, as he calls them. Both girls are hard workers. He has seen them out working the men and heard them grumbling about not getting into their pants from a few men at the bar in town.

Jason rushes onto the gate's crossway above the gate. It is protected by logs lying sideways, allowing him to look over it while being protected. He sees Hendrick's house off in the distance and four men on horses riding hard toward them and handing the extra crossbow to the construct next to him and showing him how to load it.

"Don't use it unless you have to. You might hurt the horses. Just give it to me and load the other when I hand it to you. You have a name?"

"No name, my lord." Looking at the young man that looks about eighteen and is built like a linebacker. They all of do. The man before him has blond hair cut short and is clean-shaven with two dimples on his square Jaw.

"Okay, I will call you Henry." Ding sounded in his head.

[Name Constructs is now human. The personality of the soul is permanently imprinted and has been integrated into itself. Territory memories have been uploaded. Human has no previous memories of themselves. +100 experience for being the first to summons humans. +100 honor +10,000 Kingdom points.]

Henry blinks his eyes as they grow clearer. "I will not fire unless you tell me too, my lord."

"Can you fire a crossbow since you are a warrior?"

"Yes, my lord, just not as good as one that has practiced and is crossbowmen." Shaking his head.

Jason looks over Henry's stats.




Level 2

Sword (2)

Shield (1)

Crossbow (0)

That looking at the other construct that arrives on the gate with a bow.

Construct Two.


Level 2

Sword (1)

Shortbow (2)

"Hey, I'm going to call you Bob." Seeing Construct Two name turn into Bob. "Keep watch for any other problems and holler if you see something and keep down and not let them see you unless they attack."

Glancing around and seeing the blockhouses on both sides of the gate are maned by an archer.

[Blockhouse is one-tenth maned.]

[Blockhouse is one-tenth maned.]

As the riders came close to the walls, they rein in fifteen feet away, looking up at the wall and seeing Jason looking down. All four were hired several weeks ago and have not been introducing themselves to him yet.


One of the men moves his horse forward, holding a bow in his left hand. He shouted at the gate. "Where the sluts that came this way? They killed two of Hick's men."

"Thought you work for the Hendrick?" Jason yells down.

"A monster killed Mr. Hendrick!" he yells as his men chuckle.

Guess that the ladies were telling the truth. Thinking for a moment, this might turn ugly. He is not afraid to hurt or kill someone. He has already done it before in the army. The number he has killed to keep himself alive and keep those around him alive is not small. The only difference is the war he was fighting for the government, and here he might have to fight to protect his kingdom. It's not like he can take them to jail.


[Kill the Attackers. They have killed Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick last night, and are Hicks is raping his daughter. Rescue the daughter and her children.

Kill six men. 0/6

Kill Hicks 0/1

Repel your enemies 0/4

Rescue five people 2/5

Reward. +10 honor. +100 KP per person killed or repel. +100 KP per people rescue. 1000 Copper. 1000 KP for Hicks. Ownership of Hendrick's Place and its resources.

Failure Death]

Jason looks over the Quest and frowns. Something must have changed his thoughts since the gates have opened. The strong desire to protect what he has for some reason has risen since he created the kingdom. But keeping these assholes alive is not an option for now. If Grace is correct, half the world population is dead now and will only worsen.

Raising the crossbow over the wall and shoots the man as he laughs at him. The bolt went through the man's mouth and stuck out of his neck as he fell off and spook the horse. He is not going to let these men go just to have them hurt someone else. The other men pull back on their reins in surprise, causing their horses to step back into each other. One of the men got his horse under control as Jason gave his crossbow to Henry.

"Give me your crossbow and load this one, please." sighting down on the man turning his horse to flee as his bolt slams into the man's back. The man's arms flew up in the air as he fell off to the right with one foot still in the stirrup, scaring the horse in a run back to Hendrick's ranch. The other two men took off running on foot after being flung from their horses. Henry hands him a loaded crossbow as he hands the other to him to load. Pointing the crossbow and raise it a little, and move to pass the man that is limping badly. The bolt struck the other man in the ass knocking him forward on the ground as another arrow from the blockhouse slams into the guy and kills him. Grimacing about the spot he hit. 'Getting rusty.' Glancing at Henry and seeing him arming the other crossbow. He glances back at the second man limping and pointing toward him and mutters some words seeing a circle move around until he places it under the man. A column of fire appears below the man and engulfs him as another arrow slams into the screaming man on fire.

Jason watches as the horse drags the man toward Hendrick's Place. Looking down at the three spook horses, he grabs the crossbow that Henry loaded and places it into storage to load the one he has. The gate opens below as Keith and Alice go to capture the horses. Alice looks up at Jason and sees him frowning as he looks to the south. He heard from her son that Jason had killed quite a few men during their time there. After killing, the army would send him to talk to a therapist. Jason would get quiet for a few days. Sometimes he would be found sitting in a chapel. Her son told her that Jason's faith in any religion is not very high. After that, he would be sent out again after a clean bill of health. Alice knows that after Chet died, he has spent that time healing here at the ranch from the memories of what happened. He was starting to laugh again a few weeks ago. She wants to go to him badly, but we need to solve this problem first. She stares at the dead men on the ground.

Grace's voice appears in her head. "Don't mourn these men. They were laughing as they rode up about killing the men and raping you."

"I'm not mourning them. I am worried about Jason," she mutters.

[You have gained a skill

[You have gained a skill Ranged weapons +1]

[You have gained a skill Ranged weapons +1]

[You have gained +1 to Flame strike]

[Flame Strike


Level two.

Mana: 9

Damage 5 + level + level in damage per sec for 10 seconds. (6 damage/per seconds for ten seconds)

Range 50' + 1 foot per level away. (52')

Create a column of fire under a target

Alice holler at Keith, "get the horses and bring them in." Looking at the horses again to see what help she can do encase they get too spook."

Checking to see if the saber is in place as he heads down to the ground. Looking at Linda, Cindy seems to be a little shaken and decides to let Darla handle them since snd is fussing over them like a mother hen.

Turning, he spoke to Linda. "How many men over there?"

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