《Children of Hameza [A Magical Fantasy Story]》23. Offers and Haggles
Selica begins recalling the tale when she first met up with Dimas. She retells the tale about how she saw them drilling through the hill and creating a cave, how Dimas mistreated a young boy, and how his ambitions in entering the city are laid out. M listens intently during their entire discussion. ”So this is the malicious person you’re talking about right? This Dimas person?” M was unnervingly serious when they were finally discussing him.
“Yes. He told me all about his stupid grandeur plans and wanting me to be his apprentice.” Selica tells her. ”I see. I’m glad you actually beat him.” M seems a bit more composed than before, shedding her jovial side for a more investigative demeanor.
“Oh wow. You’re not just pulling our sea tails right, Selica?” Gallian’s eyes showed a radiating surprise when Selica retold her battle with Dimas. “You actually defeated an old mage like him?”
“I don’t think “defeat” is the proper term I would use.” Selica pushes back the accolades being given to her. “I think the proper term is to prevent him from achieving his goals.” Even after all this time, Selica has never deluded herself to think that she won against Dimas. That’s the kind of hubris that made a lot of mages fail in the test in the first place.
“Still though, congrats.” M writes their conversation on a piece of paper. She has been writing on that same paper for the longest time without changing it out. Selica suspects it to be magical as well. She also notices that M has become less joyous and more serious during their discussion. Selica can pinpoint it changing when she mentioned “Tamageres” before.
Selica continued her story from when she defeated Dimas and the formation of their little resistance in the cave. The details surrounding how everyone finally rallied together and made their stand towards victory caught Selica a bit surprised. Now that she’s retelling it, it did sound a bit too much like the ones in fantasy books she used to read. When she realized it, she began to feel embarrassed.
“Don’t be.” M intercedes in the middle of Selica’s story. Her eyes glazed once more, but this time it took her a minute before it stopped. “Actually, you should be proud. From what I’ve gathered from the rest of the survivors, your little stunt really saved their lives.” She comes back with a positive reply.
“My...stunt?” Selica wonders which of the multiple foolish stunts is she talking about.
“I meant the shout. That very action changed the dynamic of the battlefield. From what the survivors are saying, your selfless action seemed to have made an effect on everyone who was still in panic.”
M’s eyes glazed for a bit then went back. “One survivor said that they were at their wit’s end during the test. But when they heard your voice, they were able to snap back to reality and were able to hold themselves together. You’re the hero of this test, Selica.”
Selica’s face flushes in red. Me? A hero? That was the dumbest move she could have ever done, she tells herself. Pure suicidal when she looks back at it right now. So being called a hero because of that is so bizarre for her. ”Well would you look at that.” Gallian snickers as she watches Selica’s beet red face. “Seems like I have some really top quality friends here. One’s a princess, the other’s a hero. How fortunate I am.”
”Shut up Gali.” Selica responds in an embarrassed rage.
As they continue their story, Selica recounts the different mages that ventured into the cave. Recalling back, Selica is still amazed by the vibrant cast of characters she was able to meet in such a short amount of time.
“Hold on.” M stops while Selica recounts the different mages she’s meet by this point, “Who is this “Aesir” fellow?” Her eyes glazed for a good minute trying to spot the person named as such, but she returned empty handed.
“Oh, he didn’t make it I assume.” Selica recalls Deringer’s notion of them being their sacrifice to buy them some time, and they unfortunately, for Selica, did. “I thought he would survive since he was in the same council as Dimas.”
“Wait. He’s also another Tamageres Council member?” M looks flabbergasted. It seems like she wasn’t expecting two council members to appear in the test.
“Yes. What’s so significant about these members in the first place?” Ashlin finally butts in after witnessing M’s astonished face. “You seem to perk up every time I mention the name “Tamageres”.”
But before M could answer the girls, she gave out a deep groan. Seemingly disappointed by something, but after a second she goes back to her professional investigative face. “The Tamageres Council is one of the few Mage sects out there who acts like a “Mage Haven” but is actually a “Mage Dominant” nation. You know, mage is the top of the food chain kind of deal.” She begins explaining. “As an actual Mage Haven society, Magecraft City has been avoiding the possibility of attracting their kind to its tests as they fear if at least one of them becomes a citizen of the city, the politics within will be swayed to benefit them, even if its changes ever so gradually. That’s why the city always kept the details of their invitational tests as a secret. The uncertainty keeps unsavory folk like them from being prepared and taking full advantage of their position during said tests.” M pauses. “However it seems like someone has been leaking information to them that’s why not only one, but two Tamageres Council mages entered the test.”
Selica then remembers her theory from before. She recalls the justification she gave herself to fight Dimas during the test. At that time, it was a petty excuse created by an overcompensating mind looking for a reason to beat an evil person, but right now Selica feels like that same theory might actually be correct.
“So does that mean this Threshold person actually did a good thing?” Selica concludes, and the very notion of her question made M gives the biggest groan in her life. “For the good of the city I mean.”
M looked at Selica disappointed, annoyed even. But before answering Selica’s query, she once again composed herself back to at least an accommodating attitude. “Yes, she did.” She answers with a sigh, “...just like always. Anyways. Let me just confirm your story about this for a bit.” M’s eye glazes again for a moment, then returns back. “Huh. It is real. They’re also the splintered group of mages who left the cave, huh? No wonder they didn’t make it.”
“And after that, well, I think you can connect the stories you’ve heard by now with the reports from the city’s Silencers I’m guessing.” Ashlin adds in.
“Yes, that’s about the time the final confrontation happened.” M is recalling as if she’s read about it before. “Thank you for retelling this tale, I will surely forward this to the council while deciding Threshold’s fate.” She speaks grimly.
“I do have a question.” Gallian speaks up. “I know the city thinks of itself as a prestigious locale where mages all across the cosmos are fighting to have a home in, but do they really think that letting us in is compensation enough for what happened to us?” Selica watches Gallian haggle with their current condition.
“Well,” M looks at Gallian with a confident look. “You could choose not to enter the city. But in doing so, we’ll be forced to place an amnesiac spell over you. Making you forget what happened during the faithful day.” M grins a bit, “Is that what you want?”
“Well...noo..” Gallian was taken back by M’s swift rebuttal. Her face turns red and conveniently cowers behind her friends.
But seeing Gallian’s reaction only made M laugh. “Oh I was joking.” She answers with a smile. “Well, technically not. Removing your memories of the test, especially as bad as this one, is standard protocol for the city. However, your idea of haggling more from the city is actually why I’m here.”
“What do you mean?” Now even Selica is sitting up straight listening to the story.
“As I have said earlier. I’m an impartial investigator solely focused on documenting what happened during the test. So I’m neither affiliated with any mages who participated in the test nor am I a representative of the city themselves. Meaning I’m not bound to either side solely.” She begins her talk. “However before I started with the investigation, some of the city council members urged me to convince you survivors to join the city despite what happened earlier. Because you see, for the first time ever in this city’s history; there’s a lack of residents to fill up their assigned district.”
The girls’ eyes widened. They knew very well that the city’s admission never stopped after the testing phase, a deliberation would always occur afterwards to determine who truly deserves to be part of the city. And now M is telling them that the current district that they have is actually underpopulated? It sounded so preposterous to them.
“As of right now, there are only 436 survivors during the test.” M started listing off the numbers. “And right now around only 80% to 90% of them have agreed to enter Magecraft City.
”Wait, isn’t the lowest population of Magecraft City 500?” Ashlin recalls the standard district population at the top of her head.
“Yes, and now the district of Hameza has less than that.” M smirks. “That’s why the councils are very, very eager to convince the rest of the survivors to join the city despite what they’ve been through. To save their face in public they’re willing to give ANYTHING they can possibly give to the survivors as an added bonus in joining the city.” She winks at the girls. Gallian immediately notices it and finally gets what she means.
“Oh I see.” Gallian nods her head as well. “So you were also planning to give us some haggling powers in the first place.
M smiles with a mischievous grin, “Not going to lie, I do want you kids to have the upper hand.” M smirks. “Because the moment you accept the city’s invitation, you’ll be under their law and command. So I want at least you kids to have a better deal before accepting such an offer. Full disclosure, I’m not just giving it to you girls, there’s a surprising amount of kids who were able to “pass the test” and I am also extending this deal to them as well.” M really sounds sincere with her offer. When she’s talking to them as an investigator she sounds distant, but when she speaks on her behalf she gets quite a bit excited.
“And what can you recommend for us then?” Selica asks. She’s still wary of how things are unfolding, but getting a leg up before entering Magecraft City wouldn’t be too bad, right?
“Well, getting a high-rise spire to live in is one. But having an invitation to the City’s University, The Silicon Institute of Magic, is also a great deal. Probably Magecraft artifacts can also be neat, but randomly getting an artifact might not be the best for you kids yet.” M tries to think of other privileges they could squeeze out.
“A university invitation? Is studying magic in Magecraft City has their own requirements as well?” But the moment M mentioned the University, Selica found it peculiar that she needed an invitation to get into their school. Selica’s heart starts to flounder, does it mean she needs to overcome a set of difficulties if she entered the city through the normal way?
“Oh apologies, I didn’t explain it properly. There are a lot of schools in Magecraft City that teach magic. Some districts have two to three schools openly available for anyone, from other districts and some even to Silicon City citizens as well.” M hastily explains, seeing Selica’s despair. “But the university is a bit different, you see. Instead of a lecturer teaching their students a finely curated curriculum of a certain magical practice, the University follows an open forum setting. The Silicon Institute of Magic is filled to the brim with seminar halls where they present their findings and studies to the forum of mages attending and openly discuss its implication as equals rather than a teacher to their students. It’s here professors of magic from other schools get better hands-on insight from practitioners to help modernize their curriculum.” M almost lost her breath while talking. “And having an invitation allows you to sit in through these seminars and listen in without requiring a proof or certificate of contribution.”
Selica’s astounded. At first she felt like another obstacle blocked her way in learning the magic she had originally desired, and it made her realize that maybe being in Magecraft City might not be actually worth it for her. But after hearing the actual purpose of the University, she does feel like it’s not something she would have access to as a mere student. Now thinking about it, getting an invitation in the University feels like a cheat she could get to leap and bound through the stairs of fundamental study.
“That’s really good for you Selica!” Ashlin seems supportive for her friend. “Unfortunately not all of us are keen to listen to some old codger talking about magic theory.” But she then returns back to her honest response.
“Hmm, as the child of a famous hero in a famous city I honestly don’t know what I can suggest for you that you can’t easily get.” M thinks, “Maybe this question might help me; why did you want to enter the city in the first place?”
“I...” Ashlin stammers a bit, Selica watches her friend find the right words to explain her situation. “Let’s just say I want a fresh experience outside of the “glitz and glamor”” Ashlin says sarcastically. “Does that help?”
“Hmm, new experience you say,” M suddenly has an idea, “Does this new experience include still being a “hero”, just outside of your father’s strict gaze?”
Ashlin’s a bit surprised by M’s correct assumption, and shyly nodded.
M smiles, but a more compassionate one rather than a victorious one. “Then maybe I can recommend you to one of the adventuring guilds down in Silicon City.”
Ashlin seems surprised by her suggestion, “What do you mean?” ”I know an adventuring guild in Silicon City that’s a bit stiff in their requirements for entry, but is a great bed for growing young talent such as yourself. Normally dealing with Magecraft City’s policies in regards to being a member of an adventuring guild, especially in another city, can be quite taxing for a kid. But a quick favor or two can smooth things out especially since your district is dealing with direct combat themselves.” M explains her proposal.
“What’s the name of the guild?” Ashlin cautiously asks. But the prospect of the idea seems to intrigue her from Selica’s perspective.
“It’s the Gringor’s Garrison. A very old guild. As locals you might have heard of it already.” M explains. “I’ve worked with them in some instances during my courier duties. And they also owe me a bit for the emergency work I’ve done for them. So maybe I can find some things to smooth through the process.”
Selica has indeed heard of them, The once adventurer and now hero Gringor is a legend that made an impact around the sea that was named after him when he was alive. And the Gringor’s Garrison pays homage by providing aid in maintaining the peace in the Sea of Gringor. Selica recalls her parents talking about them when they had to cross the sea safely, or when they were asked for help by an adventurer or two.
“That’s...acceptable. For now at least.” Ashlin wants to maintain her composure but everyone in the room can see her excitement. “But we’ll still want the high-rise spire along with it as well.” Ashlin sneaks in a request between.
“Fine, fine.” M begins writing their demands in her magical paper once again.
“How about me then?” Gallian raises her hand. “I came to this city to learn how to manage my magic. Pact Magic.” This is the first time Selica actually hears Gallian’s reason for entering the city. Looking back, I guess it does make sense why she was so wary about her magic. And was surprised when it worked on her.
“Pact Magic, huh?’ M seemed surprised. “Well, I can give you two things. I know there’s a Pact Mage community within Magecraft City, and I can get to introduce you to them no problem. And another is a personal teacher, but to be frank I wouldn’t rely on said teacher that much, so I guess you can say I can give you one and half favor. I think?” M sounded a bit unsure by the tail end of her deal, but the first part was a solid offer for Gallian.
“Pact Magic community?” Gallian’s eyes widened, “You mean-!” Her face starts to flush red, as red as her hair.
M notices Gallian blushing and starts to shake her head, “It’s a sharing community, like having other Pact Mages come together and exchange their accumulated magic to others like them.” M rolls her eyes. “Seriously, I would never recommend a group like that for you kids ever.”
“Oh okay, that sounds good.” Gallian’s tries to cool herself off, and lessen the embarrassment. She’s never been really good for things like that, Selica thought.
“Good, I can get these things to happen no problem.” M nods in affirmation. She writes Gallian’s demands as well.
“These are such sporadic demands, I admit.” Ashlin finally notices. Selica, too. Every single one of their requests seem so detached from one another. Though she may have some connection, Selica doubts M would be able to handle them all.
“Oh they are, but don’t worry it’s very easy to convince those in command.” M puts down the paper. “They’ll be more than accommodating to help the citizens of the Hameza district with whatever they need just so they do their responsibility in exploring the dungeon and returning back with the crystal they are after without getting their hands relatively dirty.” M confidently raises her pen.
“So now-!” But before she could continue her talk, she immediately grabbed her head and started wailing. “Oh dessert kings! What now-!” Suddenly, a cacophony of screeching voices echoes outside of their chamber. Quaking the crystalline walls as if they’re in the middle of an earthquake.
“What is that?” Selica holds her ears tightly to keep the horrible screeching away from her head.
“Shit.” M curses and she tries to stand up. “Something got out of its chamber.”
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Kay dis is a ship that to me is very interesting so yuh pls watch the videos there the songs that will be used in the story tanks 😊
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