《Reborn in another world with a glass of water》5. Goblins are scary, but not as much as girls
I quit my job. Why? Did something happen?
Well, to understand me fully, you need to know what happened in the last ten minutes. I was cheated again, and again it was done by a woman. I don’t know if I have a bad luck… Wait, I do know that I have a bad luck. Anyway, I was cheated.
Of course, you can say things like “you got a free room”, or “you thought that you were eating there for free?”. The thing is, I don’t care. I was reborn for greater things. I know that I said that I won’t do them, but still, it’s a hard fall from “fighting a demon king” to “working like a slave for hardly any money at all”.
I know, I know. I said that I want to be a NEET. Nothing changed, and I don’t think it ever will. I knew that it was an entry level job, but I can’t bring myself to work happily in a place like this.
Oh… don’t take this wrong. I’m not stupid. It’s still better to be a slave, than to live on the street. Yeah, even a NEET has his dignity.
So what happened? There was this one weird girl, and she wearing this wizard outfit. When she saw me, a big smile appeared on her face. I don’t know what she was thinking about, but I knew one thing.
“I don’t know what you are selling, but I’m not interested.” I said, and she pouted.
“Who do you think I am?!”
Is he not a shady merchant? If she not a bandit, and not a seller, then who she is? Does she like walking through the city at night? Or she was looking for something in this trashcan? Is she poor?
Oh no! But she is just a teenage girl!
“I don’t know what you are thinking about, but you are wrong!” she shouted one more time.
She might even be a psychic!
“We will open in a short amount of time. You can stay inside, if you want.” Eri said, as if she didn’t care about what we were talking about.
“There is no reason to. I just wanted to talk with him.” this girl then responded, and pointed at me.
Wait, why me? Did I do something?
“Ahh... I thought so.” Mika just said, when she heard her.
“And here I was thinking, that you might buy something for the first time. Don’t scare me like this!” Eri added.
Wait, what are they talking about?
“As if I would buy something from a place like this!” the girl said, but the “witch” just looked at her irritated.
“You say that, but you will come back in the next day, to torment our customers as always. Maybe we should stop letting you in?”
After that, this girl grabbed her staff stronger, while looking at the three of us. Her face was red from anger, and embarrassment. She looked almost, like she was about to cry.
“Just let me talk with him!”
Wait! Why me? And if I’m not wrong, someone was saying something about tormenting! I don’t want to be tormented!
“Ehh… If you won’t come back for today, then it’s okay. But make sure to make it fast. I need him.” Eri said, and looked at me “Go outside with her for a moment. After that you… we will have a lot of work to do.”
Hey! Who decided that!? Shouldn’t I be the one to agree to this!? And why did you say “you” just now?!
“Come with me, you won’t regret it!”
This is something you would say, when you know that I will regret it!
I looked at the girl that was standing near the door. She looked cute. Very cute. When I saw her at night, I couldn’t really see her face. I was running away from her, so it was hard to do this, but now I could see her clearly.
Man, I have never been wanted by a cute girl before. Not that I was wanted by any girl.
Maybe this is my lucky day!? If she’s not a shady merchant, and she’s not some thief, then maybe, just maybe, she might be… Heh.
“Why are you smiling to yourself? It’s creepy! Just come with me!”
“Y-Yeah, I’m coming.” I said in the most attractive way I could.
I did as I was told to, and I followed her outside. It was early in the morning, and we were just going to open, that’s why the road was almost empty. Only few people were walking on it, and most of them were probably going to work.
As I felt the warmth of the sun on my face, I thought about what I should say. It was my first time being confessed to. I was happy, and the girl was cute… Man, it’s my lucky day. I have read many novels about being transformed to another world. In them, young boys have their own harems, and every girl wants to be with them.
She must be one of them.
“There is no need to talk, I know what you want to say.” I said, and she looked at me.
“Really? And you still went with me? Are you not irritated?”
“Irritated? Oh, who do you think I am? I’m happy! At first I thought that you might be a thief, or even some nutjob.” as I said those things, she looked at me with displeased face “But now I know how wrong I was. Now that I think about this, it should be obvious! Oh, I was so stupid. I hope you will forgive me.”
She didn’t respond immediately, but she just stared at me for some time. After that she smiled, with the biggest and cutest smile I have ever seen.
“You aren’t lying?!”
“Of course I’m not.”
“Really, really?”
“Really, really, really.”
Just how much you don’t believe me?
When I was thinking about what to say next, she covered her mouth with her hand. Even after she did that, I could still see that she was smiling. I took her some time, to regain her composure, but she finally started speaking again.
“Then, let me say it…”
Oh, it’s so good to be young. I knew that God was on my side. All this “heh, we will only give you a glass”, and laughing at my death.
He must be on my side, if a girl like her is going to confess to me. The first thing he will give me is a girl, and the next will be some strong weapon. I knew that this life can’t be this boring.
“Let’s get rid of those goblins!”
Huh? Oh… She must be stressed. You meant “I like you, do you want to go out with me”? Don’t worry, I understand. When I confessed for the first time, I have done something stupid too. Now you just need to correct yourself, and…
“At first we will dig a big hole. I don’t know how big, but it should be pretty big. After that we will put spikes in it. Many, many spikes.”
H-Heh, that’s a nice one. Weren’t you going to tell me, that you love me?
“Then we just need to lure them there. It’s going to be fun!”
Now, now. I’m pretty sure that you were supposed to say something else. Don’t make me wait.
“Okay! Let’s go! We don’t have much time. We have a lot of digging before us!” this girl just said, and smiled.
I don’t understand. Weren’t you going to tell me that you love me? Why are you talking about goblins? Is this a custom in this world, that when you love somebody you talk with them about goblins? Is this big hole full of spikes a metaphor, meant to show your girlish heart?
“What are you waiting for? We need to go.” I heard her voice one more time, as she called me.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this hole full of spikes a metaphor, meant to show your inner struggles?” I asked, and she looked at me puzzled.
“Then you were just talking about normal goblins, and how you want to lure them into a hole?”
“Yeah, that’s what I did.”
“Ah… I understand!” I said, and she smiled at me.
“Good, we need to go, and…”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Wait! What?!” she sounded surprised, as if she didn’t know what happened.
“I don’t care! You can go, and dig this hole for yourself. After that you should jump into it, and stay there for the rest of your life, for playing with my heart. You.. You monster!” I said, and walked towards the guild.
I don’t care. I don’t care about anything. Why did I even think for a second, that something was going to change?! Don’t I have zero luck?!
“Hey! Stop!” I suddenly felt her hands on mine. They were small, and warm.
“W-Why do you touch me?! Are you not satisfied?! Y-You want to see me cry?!”
“What are you even talking about?! Anyway, didn’t you say that you were happy?”
“Happy?! Let me go! I want to work! I want to work in a shitty job for the rest of my life!” I shouted, and she let go of my hands.
After that she looked at me with anger, and then she took a piece of paper from a pocket of her navy blue coat.
“You want to work with her!? Look at that! Look at the bottom!” she said, as she shoved it to my face.
Mikori Aura Attributes Intelligence 7/10 Strength 3/10 Dexterity 3/10 Luck 6/10 Skills
Use your weapon to slash an enemy before you, and deal small ammount of physical damage.
Use your legs to jump away from a slow attack.
Cleaning God
You are very good at cleaning. Keep it up, and something good will happen!
A piece of paper. The same as mine, but this skill on the bottom. It looks fake as hell. What is this?
“I worked in there too. I was working like a slave! And when I finally said, that I didn’t think it was a good idea to stay there, she told me “Oh, don’t worry child, you can grab a very useful skill in this place”! It took me two months to realise it was fake!”
Two months?! Isn’t her intelligence higher than mine?
But what she says is true. This woman… This witch, she’s a monster. I just wanted a potion, to get higher stats, and she knew in the same moment, that she could use me like a child. But even if that’s the case…
“Even if that’s the case, I don’t want to risk my health and life in a stupid fight. And even if I wanted to, I don’t have a place to stay. I can’t just quit my job, no matter how bad it is.”
It’s not like I wanted to work there. I needed a place to stay, and food eat. I don’t think a room costs as much as she wants me to pay for it, but I can’t say no to her. We have made a scene in the guild, and a lot of people now know about my “skills”.
As I thought about those things, I looked at the girl. She was smiling confidently.
“If that’s the case, then you can live with me.”
Wait! Wait, wait, wait. Living with a girl?! Under one roof?! Is this some kind of joke? Is she joking right now? She wants to live with me. W-a-n-t-s? N-No way, maybe she likes me after all?
“H-Hey! Why are you blushing!? What are you thinking about?!”
“N-Nothing... “ I replied, and looked at her. She looks cute, and she doesn’t seem to be a bad person, but there is one problem. “It’s nothing, but you should ask someone else. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to risk anything. I know that this job is bad, but I also know that it’s better than fighting with some monsters.”
Yeah, I don’t want to risk anything. Some things in this world suck. It sucks that you need to go to work. It sucks that you can’t sleep for how long you want. Many things suck, but there are those that suck the most. One of them is dying because of a stupid reason. Dying because a stupid dog can’t understand your words is one of them.
“What are you talking about?”
“Goblins are harmless. They run after you with small sticks, that can’t even hurt you. Stronger adventurers don’t even kill them, because they are funny.”
Wait a moment. Just wait a moment.
“Didn’t you say, that you wanted to dig a big hole, to lure them inside?”
“Y-Yeah, I did. And what?”
“Can I ask you why?”
As I said this, she looked at the ground, and started playing with her hands. Don’t tell me that this reason is that stupid.
“You saw my skills, didn’t you? I don’t have many of them, and they are weak.” she started speaking “Many of the beginning adventurers start by killing goblins, and then they go after bigger things. That’s what I wanted to do, but…” she stopped for a moment.
“But they are scary, and weird looking. I mean, they are green, and small! It’s weird!”
“Okay, you are on your own now. Good luck.”
“Wait!” she grabbed me one more time “You must come with me! No one else would! They say that it’s stupid to dig a hole just to kill some goblins, but they don’t understand! I told them so many times, but they wouldn’t understand! Only someone like you can understand me!”
Only someone like me?! Is it an insult?
“Do you want to go back to there?! Do you want to work with her?! It’s a beginning of a great friendship of two common people, bound by the fate. We will laugh by the campfire, looking at the faces of those green dwarfs in our hole!”
Well, it good pretty weird at the end, but there is something that makes me wonder.
“Can’t you do it alone?” I asked, and she looked away.
Don’t tell me…
“They are scary, so I wanted you… to lure them...”
“Okay, I’m going back.” I said, but she wouldn’t let me go. She was still holding me with her hands.
“You want to spend the rest of you life in this place?! It’s going to suck your soul! It’s going to destroy you!”
She had a funny way of saying things, but she was right. You don’t need to be a NEET, to feel that working in a place like this is bad for you. The most important thing to feel good in your job, is your salary and your boss. And my boss is a witch.
Lure some goblins into a hole? She said that they are small, so the are probably slow. I’m not the fastest man alive, but I don’t think I would lose to a dwarf. After that I would get some free gold, and then I would live with a cute girl…
I looked at her one more time. She was still holding me with her hands, refusing to let me go.
“You will let me live with you?” I asked, and she responded immediately.
“Yeah! Of course!”
“And you have food in your place? You weren’t looking for food in this trashcan at night?”
“O-Of course I have food! Don’t worry about it!”
Did I hear a slight hesitation in her voice? Ah… It doesn’t matter. If I’m going to live my life in next world, then I might as well kill some goblins. It’s like getting baptized.
“Okay, but if you are lying to me, then I’m going to…” I didn’t even end my sentence, because she interrupted me.
“Thank you! Thank you! You won’t regret it!” her voice was cheerful, and on her face there was a big smile.
It almost made me feel, like I made a good choice.
“Just wait here for a moment. I need to tell Eri, that I’m going with you.” I said, and she nodded.
After that, I slowly entered the guild. Both of the girls were cleaning the place, and Mika has already changed into her apron.
“Oh, you finally came back? What took you so long?” Eri said, when she noticed me.
I looked at her. She was calm, but I knew that what I was about to tell her, was going to change it.
“Y-You see. A-After talking with this girl, I decided to help her.” I said, and both of them looked at me like at an idiot.
After that I heard a loud laughter.
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