《Tale of a Blue Mage》Chapter 13: Making Decisions


The three young mages did not share a single word as they headed back to the town. Violent storms were wreaking havoc in each of their minds, completely unaware of the other.

Evelyn clutched onto the bright red bigger-than-average Flame Magistone in her hands all the way. Since the battle with the Salamander she was reminded time and time again how much of an useless burden she was to the other two. She might have had access to better spells but Eon was far more capable at using his spells more effectively. And that kind of skill comes from pure experience, which she lacked. The gap in their skill level would only get larger as Eon gained more experience. Evelyn had to make a decision. Fast.

"What did Leonhart mean by the attack being planned specifically to get rid of him?" The thought plagued Razor's mind. "What was the dragon master's true intention?" He also couldn't help but notice Leonhart was a Shiftblade. His father never talked much about his family so Razor really didn't know anything about this master Blue Mage or if they were even related. "Is the dragon master specifically targeting Shiftblades for some reason? That would make sense, but the reason would still be unclear. But after being confronted the dragon attacked the mana jewel, that didn't make any sense." Razor felt like every attempt to answer a question gave rise to two more.

Eon was just emotional, but he didn't know what to feel. Leonhart did prefer using a sword in battles but Eon never guessed Leonhart was actually a Shiftblade. He didn't know how to respond to that. He couldn't understand how Leonhart knew about the dragon attack. His thoughts were brutally being smacked against each other in the storm in his heart. He had to figure out the secret behind the dragon attacks, and to finish what his mentor started. There was too much info for him to process. He clutched the wyvern fang sword tighter in his hand.


"I think I'd have to refuse you on that offer." Evelyn answered gloomily, still clutching on to the magistone. "I can not accompany you to Grandor."


"But why not?" Razor asked.

"I just think I'm not strong enough. I can not allow myself to be a burden to people around me. As an heir to the Igno-.. no, as a proud mage, my pride is at stake here." Evelyn explained. "I hope you understand."

The two boys watched as Evelyn walked away. "What now?" Razor asked Eon.

"We get in. Let's recruit my old friend." Eon pointed at the weapon shop they were standing in front of.


"I don't think I'll be of any use to you two." Darryl deadpanned. " I'm not a fighter, just a mere shopkeeper."

"Leonhart thinks otherwise." Eon replied.

"No, I think you got it wrong. If I understood the letter correctly, he never told me to use the sword. He simply gave it to me and gave permission to do whatever I see fit." Darryl examined the said sword in his hand carefully.

"Oh.. well, let us know if you change your mind then." Eon decided to leave the matter and proceeded to leave the shop, Razor tailing behind him.

"Hey Shiftblade!" Razor looked back to Darryl's call. "Take care of the shortsword for me, 'kay?"

Razor caught the Wyvern tooth shortsword flung towards him. "I will."

Both of them decided it was a rather long day and decided to call it a day early as they reached Eon's place.


Aeria was situated at the southern end of Primora, with nothing but the lush southern forest separating it from the Sea of Leviathan. To the north-east Grimoria stood half a day of train journey away. Grandor on the other hand, was to the north of Aeria, slightly further away from Grimoria, situated at the bank of Marduk bay. It was almost a whole day's journey by train to the capital.

Convincing Eon's parents was a little hard. He only got permission after promising to be back within a couple of days. Their fear was justified, with the recent dragon attack, the whole Kingdom was in a shock.


The train compartments were a little too empty as well. To adapt to the situation, rail workers ditched half of the compartments on the rail station so they could cut off some magistone fuel cost.

"Does that mean the train will go faster and we'll reach the capital in less time?" Razor was staring out of the window, enjoying the scenery.

"I don't think so." Eon replied, sitting across Razor, staring at the travel card in his hand. 'It came in handy afterall.' He thought.

"Say.. do you think we should warn my father about all this?" Razor asked again.

Eon took a few moments to think. "Seeing how the person behind the dragon attack-"

"Dragon Master." Razor interrupted.


"We're calling him Dragon Master."

"Uhh.. okay." Eon didn't protest. "So, as I was saying before getting rudely interrupted, the 'Dragon Master' has some issue with the Shiftblades, even if the latter is aware of that or not. So I think it's only the responsible job for us to make sure that all of this info reach him."

"I know my father probably has a lot of work in his hand and everything, but I think the dragon investigation isn't something even he can overlook. Maybe we will get some help from there as well." Razor grinned.

"I'm slightly curious about this sphere as well." Eon took out the silver sphere to inspect.

"Well it is important. We are on this journey to deliver that thing after all."

"From the weight you can say it's hollow inside."

"Really?" Razor took the sphere in his hand and tried to estimate its weight. "You're right."

"Maybe there's something valuable inside. Like an ages old trinket, or a potion of some sort." Eon theorized.

"Don't you think the sphere is too small to fit a potion flask inside? I think there's a note inside. That's the only thing one can probably store in it."

"A trinket makes sense too."

"Sure, magistone town boy."

Their idle talk went on as the train crossed through the dense forests of eastern Primora.


Grandor was nothing like Grimoria, but one could still find similarities between the two. The magical lights and beautiful fountains and statues spread throughout the lively yet peaceful city of Grimoria was completely different from the royal and grand roads, huge buildings and giant crowds of Grandor. The capital was buzzing with population and the roads were crowded with drake-drawn carriages.

After a lot of asking around, Eon and Razor finally managed to locate the Merchant Guild, which was a grand building, even for the big standards of Grandor.

"It's the worst time to be coming to this city, lemme tell ya." The guild master smacked his glass of beer on the table. "The city is in panic from the dragon attack. Everyone is running around to gather or save their belongings. They're completely sure another dragon attack is coming and Grandor is next.

"What do they think is the reason for these attacks?" Razor asked the middle aged muscular man with dark hair and beard.

"Some blame Asterisc's new ruler. Apparently the young king wants to get his hands on Grimoria's jewel. But you know they're just a bunch of bullshit." The guild master laughed.

"And you don't have any info about Hotaz?" Eon asked.

"As I told you earlier, it's the first time hearing that name. I contacted the young Miss. She will guide you around the city and take you to the Alchemy association. If anyone knows where a particular Alchemist is in the city, it's them."

The front door suddenly opened and a familiar face barged in.

"Hey! I came back running to the guild as soon as I heard about you." Myera smiled, trying to catch her breath. "Didn't think we'll be seeing each other this soon!"

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