《Tale of a Blue Mage》Chapter 9: Quetzalcoatl


Quetzalcoatl was a beautiful being. The white feathers that covered its body shone in a faint gleam. The wings contained colorful feathers on its outer border. It could fly gracefully in the sky, making anyone mistake it for an angel descended from the heavens.

But it was the opposite, the epitome of chaos. Blood and destruction left in its wake. The city guards and local adventurers rained their barrage of spells on the titanic dragon, affecting it very little.

The dragon took notice of the students, and for some reason decided to ignore everything else and focused on shooting powerful blasts from its mouth.

"Why is that thing coming towards us?" A girl from Eon's class shrilled in horror.

The feathered reptile slapped its tail towards them faster than they could react, but a large thud was all that could be heard from the attack.

It was Eon. He reacted in a swift way and casted a very powerful shield, sturdy enough to not only absorb the enormous amount of impact but also stay in its place unaffected. The hexagonal shield made out of purple arcane aura gave the appearance of the scales on a dragon. The area of shield in contact with the Quetzalcoatl's tail constantly shone and the light dispersed around it slowly and faded away. The area was distributing the shockwaves constantly throughout the shield, keeping it intact. It was obviously a very high level magic.

"Draconic magic: Scale Shield." Eon muttered.

It wasn't difficult for Eon to puzzle out the effectiveness of magic on the dragon. These god touched reptiles were highly magic resistant. To deal visible damage to it one needed to launch very powerful spells that could penetrate its resistance. That's why it took Azona its large Royal army to drive the dragon away. Their multicasting artillery spells could damage these beasts effectively. But even if Grandor acted swiftly, it would take hours for the Royal Army to effectively teleport here. The city wasn't built to last a couple hours of Quetzalcoatl action.

Alternatively if they could recreate the scenario of Aeria Apocalypse Dragon attack, they had a chance. These Draconic spells Eon was unlocking unknowingly, were surprisingly good against these gigantic monsters. "Draconic magic: Saurian Slash!" Eon covered his hand in a familiar arcane aura, taking the form of ectoplasmic claws, then shot his hand like a projectile with "Arachnid magic: Grappling Hook!"

The claws dug deep in the dragon's body, causing it to flinch in the extreme pain and look around for the source, only to find a kid with jet black hair, in a black shirt and blue coat climbing on top of it. The dragon shook Eon off its body, and shot another ray of concentrated energy towards Razor.


Razor jumped out of the way, casting a few Air Blade spell that were launched towards the dragon like projectiles but disappeared on impact. "Goddamn it. How the hell do you do it Eon?"

The foreigner girl cast a Blind spell on the dragon, effectively stopping it in its tracks for a few minutes. But that didn't stop the dragon from smashing against buildings and slam its tail against stuff.

"I think the dragon can't shoot its beams as consistently. It needs to recharge its mana slightly before being able to fire them again." The mechagic boy from Eon's class (his name is apparently Gizmar) decided to speak up. "I've been observing the dragon through above with my floating eye." He pointed at the floating mechagical eye that has been staring at the dragon from various angles.

Eon was genuinely surprised, so were the others. "How about we retreat for now and regroup with a plan?" Eon suggested.

"I'd love to do that but I'm afraid we are cornered here by the dragon. For some reason it's specifically targeting us and has disconnected us from any help from outside. And not all of the students are in their best condition." Cindy pointed at the less fortunate students who were not completely out of the harm's way and had been injured by the debris and stuff. Cindy had been bandaging them with her spider's silk while the elf girl in green robe casting some form of healing spell on them.

"I've also noticed the dragon specifically targeted me a couple of times." Razor sounded slightly nervous. "I don't know exactly why but the dragon seems more interested in me than all other students gathered here."

"Interesting." Eon mused.

While brainstorming for a few minutes they got notified by Gizmar that the dragon was regaining its eyesight. "I had been keeping an 'eye' on the dragon." He said.

Razor swiftly dashed towards the dragon. The feathered serpent tried to hit him a couple of times but couldn't lay a finger on Razor with his enhanced agility. He gave a nod to the Elf girl in green robe, she replied with a smile. Apparently she and the foreigner girl were Green Mages and were able to cast 'Haste' on people.

"So you can do healing magic as well as buff your teammates" Eon asked the shy elf girl.

"Yes.. I lack offense so I want to be as supportive as I can!" She adjusted her glasses.


"Can you please focus, Sonia?" Razor yelled from afar.

"Y-yes! I'm really sorry!” The elf girl panicked and focused on her spellcasting again.

Razor hopped on the dragon and skillfully reached its head. He hung onto the large feathers on its head as it tried to shake him off. The silver haired boy thrust his blade into the dragon's right eye.

A loud screech vibrated the very air around them. An unconscious Razor's body almost fell down on the floor before someone from the class floated him in the air with some anti-gravity spell and carried him to safety.

The Quetzalcoatl shot its beam vaguely towards the floating Razor but missed. It lowered its head to spot the mage boy responsible for blinding its eye and looked for him carefully.

"Sticky Web!" Cindy held her familiar in front of her, who launched a couple of cobwebs made out of sticky threads towards the dragon, gluing its face to the ground.

The dragon flapped its wings and struggled. "Draconic magic: Saurian Slash!" Eon leaped from above, and ran his claws made out of draconic aura across the reptile's neck.

The white feather around the dragon's neck slowly soaked in red blood. The titanic serpentine monster snapped the webs and flapped its wings, slowly rising from the ground. It shot one last energy blast at Eon, which he shielded with a Scale Shield. The dragon kept firing the beam till Eon had poured every ounce of his mana into the Shield just to keep it intact. The shield was durable enough but it was also extremely mana hungry. As Eon ran out of mana, visible cracks started to spread throughout the shield.

But luckily enough the Quetzalcoatl couldn't fire its beam for long periods of time. It rose higher in the sky and flew away as fast as it could towards the center of the city.

Eon collapsed on the ground. Finishing up one's mana reserve wasn't a pleasant feeling. The foreigner girl (named Xiola apparently) came running to his aid. She started casting some mana regeneration and healing magics on Eon.

"Are you okay?" Xiola asked.

"Yeah I'm unharmed." A panting Eon replied.

"No you're not." Xiola continued to cast her spells.

Eon didn't notice it till now, but Quetzalcoatl's beam had slipped through the shield's cracks and ran across his face, bloodying his face in the process.

"Where is Razor?"

"Don't worry, Sonia is taking care of him." Xiola pointed at Sonia, completely focused on treating Razor, who was yet to come back to his senses.

Some of the teachers came running to the site now the dragon was gone. Apparently the monster was repelling everyone from entering the area, constantly slamming them with its tail or flinging concrete chunks at them, to specifically target the students (Or rather, Razor particularly, as Eon have figured out by now). The city guards apologized for being so useless, but seeing their wounded bodies it was easy to imagine they were trying their best to save the kids.

"It's amazing how bravely you students fought back." Miss Camper looked relieved. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to any of you."

Things started to calm down a bit but another large explosion was heard coming from the center of the town. City guards were long gone, tailing after the dragon, the wounded ones left behind started to panic.

"The dragon is here for the jewel" one of them said.

Uneasiness started to surface on the teacher's face as well. But they could just wait for now.

Eon started to detect a powerful source of mana from the direction the Dragon left. "Is that the jewel?" He wondered. Did he just simply locate the jewel's position? And why now, why not before?

He noticed some city guards returning to the academy building to report back to the wounded soldiers.

"The dragon disappeared without a trace." A soldier stated. Visible frustration covered his face. "But, the jewel is intact."

That was good news.

"Curiously enough, the dragon indeed came for the jewel. It penetrated through the suppressors of the jewel and the self sustaining barrier spells underground." He continued to explain. "But instead of taking the jewel it rampaged around the location, and left."

"Don't let anyone know that. The jewel is intact, that's what matters most." Ordered one of the wounded guards, probably the commander. "The reports should say the Quetzalcoatl failed to penetrate the barriers and the guards managed to chase it away."


Eon laid on the ground, relieved. The dragon attack was officially over. He knew what he needed to do after this.

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