《Arcana》Chapter 7


Everything was white then there was darkness.

The pupils that were once constricted began to dilate in response to the pitch black surrounding.

He couldn't move his body due to an inexplicable fatigue that assailed every part of him.

But still, Seth knew he was alive. His breathing was normal and his heart still beating. It was just his body that refused to obey his commands.

He was probably lying down on the ground, his back pressed on a surface that was both hard and cold.

There was nothing he could do at this point. A lot of questions surfaced in his mind but he didn't have the energy to think.

It was only a matter of time until he succumbed into the darkness and entered deep slumber.


He opened his eyes, revealing his emerald pupils that were somewhat exhausted.

Rather than the extreme fatigue that he felt before, Seth could feel something coursing through his veins. He felt energized but it was quite different from being energized by a good and long sleep.

Something extraordinary happened to his body but being the realist that he was, Seth dismissed it as something trivial. What he needed to do right now was to find out what happened to them and respond to the situation accordingly.

The interior of the facility was quite dark but the window panes, installed at the topmost part of some of the walls, provided enough lighting that Seth could more or less see what was in front of him.

It was a failure huh…

He sighed dejectedly.

The very first teleportation attempt yielded no results. The machines that were sprawled around the floor, the bundles of wires and cables, the slightly rusted roof, everything was still the same.

It was a 50% chance of success, but still he had high hopes for it.

“I guess, I'm back to zero again.”

Seth couldn’t help but smile wryly. The line that was uttered for so many times that it may soon become his official catchphrase, escaped from his lips. For him that focused solely on experimental researches, failure in almost every prototype runs were inevitable so he needn't brood over it.

Most importantly, what he needed to do right now was to analyze the situation at hand.

He narrowed his eyes, allowing him to view his surroundings more clearly, and saw the one he was supposed to take care of.

It was Lily lying on the ground in a somewhat awkward position. She was lying face down with her behind, a little bit elevated than the rest of her body.

“Uhmm… Lily are you okay?

Seth inquired as he approached Lily, occasionally snickering. It was quite a weird transition from her original sitting position.

No answer was heard which made him worried but as soon as he was right beside the sprawled Lily, a soft sound of sleeping tickled his ears. A wry smile escaped from his lips amidst that spectacle.

She was sleeping so peacefully even though positioned in an unusual way, nevertheless Seth knew that letting her sleep on the ground wouldn't end well. So without further ado, he princess carried her, careful not to wake her up in the process.

Everything seems so peaceful.

He thought as he was making his way to his room, his eyebrows furrowing in reflex.

Not a single sound of explosion could be heard. Even though an intruder was supposed to be outside the facility, only the calming sound of silence prevailed.

But those thoughts momentarily faded away as he arrived inside his room. He made his way in front of the bed and carefully lowered Lily’s sleeping body. Her face was quite dirty, as it was planted on the ground not long ago. Nevertheless, it was so peaceful that it made Seth forget the tension as he covered her small body with a comfy blanket.


However, as soon as he stepped outside the room, his mind was flooded with thoughts about their current predicament.

Everything was so peaceful that he was convinced that the Order had successfully defended the island from its intruders. But judging from the firepower of the said intruders, it wouldn't be that easy. It would take at least days to completely reclaim the island and it felt like only a few hours had passed since the start of the chaos.

Instinctively, his eyes fell upon the electronic clock attached on the wall and was baffled by its content.

8:88:88 AM PM, Jan. 8, 8888

It was undoubtedly broken, displaying such nonsense time and date. Seth was quick to think that maybe the light that engulfed the whole place was the cause. An electromagnetic pulse-esque phenomenon made by the failed run. With the addition of the fact that not a single electronic equipment beside the clock was functioning, he considered it as an established fact.

That was one question answered, but still a lot remain unresolved. What he needed to do right now was to view the world outside in order to enlighten his thoughts even for a bit. The only way for that now was to go out physically since all of his monitoring equipments were unavailable for the meantime.

So Seth decided to at least take a peek cautiously, not forgetting that an intruder was supposedly still on the loose. But first and foremost, he needed something to defend himself with.

He walked towards the front door with a serious expression plastered on his face.

A gun rack that was inconspicuously placed beside the door, held the only weapon that could be found inside his home.

Seemingly made out of a simple system of tubes, a tranquilizer gun that resembled the form of a sniper rifle. Beside it was a belt, filled with darts with different labels attached.

Seth unhesitatingly picked up both the weapon and the belt. The gun wasn't that heavy at all since it could be held easily with one hand and the belt was perfectly fitted onto his waist.

A holographic sight was attached to the gun which made aiming a little bit easier for Seth, nonetheless shooting wasn’t his cup of tea.

Numerous darts, tipped with hypodermic needles, with varying degree of lethality were installed to the belt. Allowing quick reloading, considering that the gun could only fire once every reload.

“I need something that can kill.”

He muttered in an indifferent tone, as he fished out the darts from his belt one at a time.

A sedative, a paralyzing and a comatosing dose were the ones used commonly. But since this is a special occasion, Seth reluctantly picked a homemade dart.

It contained the most acutely lethal toxin known to man, the botulinum toxin. The dart was made by him impulsively as soon as he got his hands on the tranquilizer gun. He didn't really consider the possibility that he would it someday, but now was the perfect time.

He loaded the dart into the gun and proceeded to unlock the old fashioned locks that secured the door. With every single click of the locks, Seth’s heartbeat felt like it doubled in speed. It was nerve wracking but he steeled his resolve to fight back if needed.

Pushing back the door with his left hand while aiming the gun at the other, he cautiously opened it. Sunlight slowly creeped through the gap of the opening door, momentarily blinding his sight. But soon enough, his eyes adapted to the radiance and proceeded to view his surroundings with utmost focus.


As expected, a steady line of trees surrounded the facility but something was eerily different about it.

These trees are enormous!

Towering at about a hundred meters, the humongous trees overshadowed his house. Even so, the sunlight wasn’t blocked at all since it was currently positioned above.

“It’s like an entirely different place.”

He concluded, but still couldn’t believe himself.

Forest critters, that one would normally consider harmless, could be found here and there. But upon closer inspection, their sizes were five times bigger than normal. The nearest one was a butterfly nestled on a tree branch whose wingspan was comparable to a parrot’s.

It was like he was dreaming while still awake. Most probably, these were delusions caused by the aftereffects of that light that swallowed him. Overwhelmed by the outrageous things he witnessed all at once, Seth was left stupefied.

His thoughts were in shambles but something immediately pulled him out of confusion.

The unpleasant scent of iron wafted into his nostrils which made him wince in reflex.

The ground where he was standing at was smeared with fresh blood and something unusual was left in the middle of that mess.

A futuristic weapon that Seth was quite familiar with.

“A plasma gun huh.”

Its length was as long as his tranquilizer gun except for the fact that it was bulky, with plates of thermal resistant alloys making up most of its body.

The weapon was originally made by the order so he had seen it before. But seeing it here made him realize that the invaders were somewhat related to a country's government since these weapons weren't mass produced and was exclusive for special defense forces.

Seth meekly picked up the weapon that had hints of blood around its surface and was surprised to how light it was. But now wasn't the right time to be immersed in it so he shifted his line of sight back to the bloodied ground.

A dried puddle of blood was concentrated on the front of the door but it didn't end just there. A trail of blood continued until it entered the forest. It was easily visible to Seth because there was a clearing around the facility that was devoid of any kinds of vegetation. Beyond that was the forest that seemed untouched.

Seth was sure that the one who bled profusely here was the intruder. He was undoubtedly attacked by something very dangerous and consequently, suffered a gruesome defeat.

The weapon that was his only way to fight back was left here, further escalating the probability that the intruder was killed and was dragged back into the forest.

“This place is too abnormal.”

He concluded with an anguished look. Thoughts about the dangers that might be lurking just beyond this clearing made his spine shiver.



*rustle* *rustle*

His ears twitched in reflex as a suspicious rustling sound was heard somewhere in front of him.

*rustle* *rustle* *rustle*

The sound continued, its frequency increasing with every passing second.

*rustle* *rustle* *rustle* *rustle*

Seth dropped the plasma gun and assumed an aiming position with his tranquilizer gun.

As much as he wanted to use the futuristic gun, he didn't really know how to operate it so he still chose his original weapon.

A bush that was almost out of his view, shook uncontrollably and eventually showed the thing that was coming towards Seth.

A pitch black wolf that was three heads taller than Seth albeit standing on fours. Muscles that bulged at a degree that it was clearly visible even if its fur was quite thick.

The both of them paused as soon as they saw through each other's eyes. The raging color of crimson and the ever so tranquil emerald stared at each other. And the one who made the first move was-.

“Oh no you don't!”

He shouted in distress as the wolf began to lunge towards him.

It was full of hostility right off the bat so Seth readied his counterattack.

His heart felt like it would burst anytime now, as adrenaline was pumped into his system continuously. The dot sight was aimed straight at the incoming beast with Seth's trigger finger waiting for just the right timing to fire.

The desire to survive overshadowed his fear of the enemy. Making his form as steady as a rock and his eyes focused to the limit.


Seth pulled the trigger, the compressed gas released. Propelling the aerodynamic dart that was armed with the biochemical weapon.

It flew silently while spinning at regular intervals, allowing it to overcome the drag caused by external factors such as wind.


And it was an accurate shot. The dart was embedded on the forehead of the wolf. Injecting its contents through the hypodermic needle, Seth was satisfied with his aim. Since it landed on its head, the poison would act more quickly.

But still…….

That thing is not slowing down!

The wolf kept its speed even if the toxin had entered its system. It's pair of crimson orbs still locked on its prey.

What the hell is that thing made off?!!

Seth tossed the tranquilizer gun and picked up the plasma gun. His original weapon could only be fired once so taking the other one would probably raise his survivability even for a bit.

“Work! Work you piece of trash!”

He aimed the plasma gun unsteadily and repeatedly pulled the trigger, while cursing out of frustration. Even so, the gun didn't respond in any way. And eventually the wolf that was supposed to be running towards him was nowhere in sight.

Oh shit!!!

The beast, intending to pounce on Seth, jumped out of his vision.

And Seth, out of pure survival instincts, jumped and rolled to his side, in an attempt to escape from certain doom.


A deafening sound reverberated into his eardrums, bits and pieces of rubble were dispersed from the point of impact.

Seth, close to the source of the sound, felt his ears ringing and was disoriented for a few seconds while lying on the ground.

“Ughh, that was close. “

He slowly stood up with a hand gently massaging his head that received such a shock. However, another shock was on his way as soon as he got up.

A cloud of dust momentarily obscured his vision but as it dissipated bit by bit, the aftermath became as clear as the day.

The part of the facility, where the door was supposed to be, was caved in. Inside of it was the beast, slumped lifelessly on the floor.

“So it was effective.”

He muttered interestedly while approaching the center of the destruction.

Upon closer inspection, the body of the wolf was triple the size of a grown thoroughbred horse. It had such a massive body that the toxins’ effect slowed down to such a degree that it could and even jump that high.

“Not so tough now ain't ya?”

Seth snorted at it arrogantly and began to throw kicks at its exposed belly repeatedly. Not knowing that the toxin hadn't exerted its full effect yet.



It gave a last cry of struggle, its body jerking uncontrollably, which made Seth whimper embarrassingly after doing such a childish move.

But after a minute or two, it ceased to move once again. Leaving a massive carcass that took up at least a fifth of the interior of his home.

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