《Arcana》Chapter 5


Initializing power conversion from source...

Converting electrical energy…


Desired input voltage achieved….

Regulating constant current…

Power level 60%....

Power level 74%....

Power level 81%....

Satisfactory power level is achieved….

Sweat trickled down my forehead and my breathing became all ragged as I watched the monitor intently. With every flash from the screen, a small glimmer of hope was seen. The dream that I’ve always thought was impossible, was now within arm's reach.


My creation buzzed and hummed as if it was coming to life. Never had I made this far before, for I always tripped upon taking this single step. The most important part for every invention that was made, the driving force or what we may usually call a power supply. That single obstacle ,that impeded with my progress in this research, was now cleared at last. Such a huge problem, solved by something so tiny.

An old rusted medallion which was enclosed inside an attache case made out of high quality insulators. Continuously emitting electromagnetic waves, it was tricky to handle, and the amount of energy it posessed was unimaginable. A perfect source of power for the machine that was hungry for pure high quality energy.

Utilizing the artifact was quite easy, for I only needed to attach a couple of wires on it and connect the other ends of the said wires into an electronic voltage regulator. As the raw energy was converted efficiently and constantly, numerous high voltage wires transfer it into the machine.

It was running smoothly and the whole system was fully responsive. No technical and theoretical problems so far, which made the previous all-nighter worth it.

A step closer to success!

I shouted within my head with a victorious smile surfacing from my lips. Never had I felt this way before, my palms getting all sweaty and my heart throbbing in excitement. If the next tests were to progress as smoothly like this time, teleporting something inanimate would most likely be possible. Maybe a ball of crumpled paper transported somewhere within the globe. Assigning specific coordinates was currently impossible since that feature was still on its creation phase. Even so, just achieving with the teleportation part would undoubtedly become a major breakthrough in the field of quantum physics.

As if reading the text message of my crush, I was so immersed in reading. With each line that pops out from the monitor, my heart never ceased to race subconsciously. Well, I certainly had crushes back in the mainland, but now the only girl that occupied my attention was the one in front of me, or so I thought.

You have received mail!

My eyebrows furrowed instantly as another program tab appeared out of nowhere, blocking the window I was so fond of watching.

What now?

I’ll be entrusting Lily in your care for today. Come to the reception area immediately after receiving this message.

From: Prof. William Sanders


I was dumbfounded after reading the contents of the electronic mail. For that obstinate old man to rely on me, sure was surprising to know.

Has he finally realized my greatness? That thought was the first one to came into my mind, but as I pondered about it more I soon realized myself. There was a high possibility of him just wanting to evade his responsibilities about his daughter. Using me as a scapegoat, he could continue with whatever he was busy of.

Furthermore, I was currently in a position where I couldn't refuse. He was a senior member and I am just a mere apprentice. Even so, if another apprentice was to receive such a favor from him, they would surely be delighted. But for me ,who witnessed his demeanor firsthand, it felt quite annoying.


Sigh.. Let’s just get this over with.

I heaved a tired sigh before setting the main computer into standby mode. Who knows what this day has in store for me, but one thing was for sure. I Seth Alberts apprentice researcher was now a babysitter as well.


"Big brother Seth! Over here!"

She called out cheerfully, amongst the bustling crowd. Her sweet and young voice stood out as she yelled in a somewhat forceful way, probably to catch the attention of the spaced out me.

Ever since I left the lab, my mind has been filled with nothing but things pertaining to my project. I was so immersed that I didn't paid much attention to my surroundings and absentmindedly followed the source of the voice.

"Good morning!"

The little girl greeted me with a dazzling smile so bright that it began to hurt my sleep deprived eyes. Anyone would surely be reinvigorated after seeing such a heartwarming welcome, but all I could manage to do was force out a wry smile in front of the cheerful Lily.

“Y-yeah.. Good morning.”

But then, after I set my eyes upon her attire, I couldn't help but be taken aback. As if she was going on a field trip, Lily wore a plain t-shirt and a pair of comfortable pants, a combination that prioritizes comfort. Her previously sandal-clad feet were now covered by bright colored sneakers and a floral print backpack was hung on her back.

“Umm.. Are you going somewhere?”

I asked out of the blue, curious as to where she intended to go while wearing such an attire.

“Yes! We’ll be searching for more fun places today.”

She replied enthusiastically with her cheeks slightly pink. No matter how you look at it, Lily’s demeanor was completely opposite to her father. The cute little girl and the grumpy old father, quite the combination if I may say.

Wait a minute! wait a minute! What do you by mean ‘we’?

My eyebrows furrowed in vexation at that thought.

All wanted to do for today was to sleep undisturbed. I was so tired, I think could sleep on cold pavement without much difficulty. Besides, wouldn't it be better for her to be with her father instead of me? Nevertheless, I don’t think that old timer knows anything about fun and I was the one who told her about those fun places in the beginning.

I pondered for awhile that I forgot Lily was waiting for a reply. Looking up at me with wide eyes full of expectations, another one of those psychological attacks used to persuade those older people. She used this tactic frequently that I began to doubt if she was a normal girl at all. Maybe a secret agent sent by some secret organization to infiltrate the facilities of the order.

This is bad!

My thought process was continuously deteriorating that I began thinking of such ludicrous ideas. If I were to continue through this day in this state, I wouldn't be surprised if I was to commit serious acts of idiocy.

“Haa… alright follow me…”

Regardless of my unmotivated manner of replying, Lily’s face brightened up in response. For her to easily change her mood just like that, it was really fascinating. Well, such a trait was quite usual for children so I shouldn't be surprised. But then, seeing children within the island was in itself rare.

As I turned my back at Lily, she immediately walked beside me and waited for me to lead the way. Seeing this, I could safely say that she grew more comfortable of me compared to before. Its an achievement alright! But first thing first, we shouldn't waste more time and proceed to our destination as soon as possible. A lot places could be considered fun here but I had already decided within my mind.



The weightlessness of my body, the absence of the force called gravity. Soaring through the air as if I was a bird but did not have wings. A feeling that could only be felt by those people whose work was to live outside the world we call earth. Was it unpleasant? The body that was built for land now deprived of gravity. My sense of balance going haywire as balance didn’t matter here. If one was to undergo such environment for the first time, experiencing dizziness and nausea was inevitable.

Even so, Lily tried maneuvered her tiny body through the room by doing some swimming techniques. It was impossible to obtain propulsion even if she continued with it, I wanted to tell her, but her delighted face stopped me from doing so. She was clearly having fun and was not showing any signs of dizziness…. weird.

As for me, I allowed my body to rest as it floated aimlessly. The oval shaped room was neither hot or cold, pure white walls, ceiling and floor. Just the perfect place to enter deep slumber. Not being a first-timer at this, the feeling was rather pleasant to me. I was literally sleeping in air, an authentic out of this world experience.

I yawned as if it was the last for me, limbs outstretched my stiffened muscles began to relax.

It was all for the best, choosing the facilities of the anti-gravity project as our destination for today. Furthermore, my mentor was the one who supervises this project so acquiring access was quite easy. The researchers assigned here were nice too. After whispering to them that Lily was Professor Sander’s daughter, they became cooperative all of a sudden.

Ingenious indeed! Using his reputation for our own advantage! But it was the truth so there was nothing wrong with it right?

Setting those things aside, what I needed to do right now was to get some shut-eye. Clear the mind of anything and just let the darkness takeover.






A deafening noise reverberated throughout the room, even if it was clearly shut tight. I, who was on the brink of falling asleep was awoken spontaneously. My previously drowsiness wiped out completely and was now on high alert. For such a sound to reach the interior of the lab, the source must’ve been near. If I were to guess, maybe a failed experiment caused a huge explosion. But then, the island has its own testing facility for projects that involved highly explosive substances and if I remember correctly, it was separated from the main island.

From these thoughts, I began to worry. What could be the cause of this? I repeatedly questioned myself. But even before I arrived at a conclusion, a sudden announcement partially explained the current situation.

DANGER! DANGER! LEVEL 4 Security breach is detected! All members are advised to relocate inside the underground containment facilities immediately!

The usual monotone electronic voice was heard but was in a higher volume compared to before. Sirens were continuously sounded along with it, notifying the members of the order about the situation at hand.

A level 4 breach...

The gravest of all emergencies had befell upon us. For the location that was hailed to be the most difficult to detect and the system that was the most secure out of all the places in earth, it seemed that some people had the capability to detect our presences and consequently invade.

It was unthinkable that anyone actually managed to infiltrate it. A terrorist group? No. There’s a high possibility that an advance military force was behind this. Maybe one of the world’s military superpower. A mere terrorist group wouldn’t dare to disturb the order but if it was a whole country then that’s another story.

About their motives, I am unsure. But the vast information about the latest technologies could be the most probable reason. Acquiring it for their own use to boost their country’s economy or even employ the newly developed weapons for national defence.

Nevertheless, what we needed to do right now was to follow the instructions relayed by the announcement. If we were to idle longer, who knows what might happen to us.

Not long after the announcement, the force that allowed the anti-gravity chamber to be operational, was cut off abruptly. Causing the relaxed me ,who was floating just moments ago, to fall on my back. I didn’t even had the time to react to the pain and immediately checked Lily’s current condition.

Fortunate enough, she had landed safely on both her feet but clear confusion could be seen from her young face. If I would guess, such an expression could certainly be what i'm showing now myself.

“Let’s go back now…”

I spoke in a serious tone after managing to stand up from my fall. And in response to that, Lily just nodded her head meekly, seemingly conscious of the seriousness of the present situation.

With that, I silently walked in front of the door, which automatically opened after sensing my presence. Revealing the spectacle of all researchers, assigned to this project, in a state of unrest. Confusion, fear, excitement and curiosity. Different faces showed different expressions.

The hallway full of people was now in a state of chaos. Numerous voices mixed in together, forming an irritating discord. Some were shouting in excitement, some were trembling in fear. Others debating on what might be the cause of this incident, others just quietly obeyed the order.

Such disorder was in itself dangerous. I was unsure if we could safely arrive at the destination, especially since Lily was with me right now.

“Hold my hand and never let go, Okay!”

Thus, I decided. Shouting in a volume high enough for her to hear but not too much to hurt her ears, I notified Lily. At the same time, I offered a hand in front of her, waiting for her to accept voluntarily.

Upon hearing my voice, Lily nodded her head vigorously with eyes that showed unwavering determination.

Alright that’s the spirit!

It seemed that this girl was a brave one as well. Holding the outstretched hand firmly, she clasped it with a strong grip that I flinched in reaction. But then, her soft hand certainly felt cold. Maybe sweat? No it's obviously sweat.

There were still traces of fright, but she prevented it from showing off by putting up a strong front. It was quite amusing to me. Which made my tensed body to loosen up a bit and show a wry smile momentarily.

“Let’s hurry now!”

I exclaimed, before clashing with the sea of crowd with Lily in tow. Forming a path on our own, as if I was an icebreaker and Lily, a following ship. Shoulders colliding and bodies crashing to each other. Not concerned if they were to inflict harm to others, the waves continued to flow with only one direction in mind.

Find the nearest elevator!

A chant that was inaudible but was clear among all of them. The underground containment facilities were only accessible through elevators because of security purposes. I myself had never seen it before but the seniors said that it was the most secure place of all the structures within the island.

Soon enough, a row of elevators were finally in sight. As it was not that far from where we’ve been just moments ago, only 5 minutes or so was elapsed in our journey. Around it, a crowd that was thicker by several levels from before, gathered. Since this room connected many different divisions and was the only place where we could find elevators, it was as I expected it to be.

Extreme physical contact such as intentional pushing and pulling of fellow members, wanting to save themselves above others. There was no such thing as a sense of camaraderie. Well, not all exhibited that kind of demeanor but the majority was the former.

Me and Lily were in smaller in terms of size so we somewhat managed to slip off through the gaps of people. If this continued to proceed smoothly, we were bound to reach an elevator sooner or later. Securing the safety of the both of us, I was relieved by that thought that I pulled Lily much more faster and shoved aside those who were obstructing our way.

Just a little bit more!

I gritted my teeth in endurance for I had seen a glimpse of the door that would take us underground, away from the danger that might befall upon us. But as I drew closer the layers of people increased. Consequently, the gaps that were our only salvation shrunk in size as well.

Oh no you don't!

In spite of that, I persevered. Squeezing my body through forcibly, I didn't care if those people were to get angry at me. My efforts were not in vain as i’m already in front of the opening, just a few steps away from safety. I was overjoyed! It could be said that this was another kind of accomplishment. Nevertheless, I immediately felt something was wrong, the hand that should’ve been clasping the hand of Lily was currently empty.


I shouted in reflex, panic noticeable from my tone. Hoping to hear a response or even find Lily amongst the crowd, I sharpened my senses. I did everything that may possibly notify her of my current location and locate her position as well. Frustration crept up inside me as I didn't hear anything but the crowd’s hustle and bustle.

Damn it!

I had no choice. Retreating was the only way to go right now. I couldn't possibly think of leaving Lily here!

Using the way to get here, I began to retreat. Contrary to my previous countenance, I was enraged at the moment. Nose flared up with heavy steps, I clashed against the horde. My prior endeavor was all for nothing.

Shortly after that, I reached the outermost layer of the crowd, where only a few softhearted ones had remained. Standing there, I continued to search frantically. But it seemed that I lost her while in the middle of the crowd as I still failed to see any signs of her.


There was nothing I could do at this point but to wait. Wait for the cluster of members to disperse.


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