《The Party's Tank is a Masochistic Trap》Chapter 6.4: The God of Beasts


Ocean breezes slipped through the lobby's entrance and blew at Kirin's nape. He was laying back on a sofa, letting his feet dangle and his heels thud against the front rail.

On a glass table in front, their bags were resting, straps dangling to touch the floor. By a side rail, their wheeled luggage sat, waiting to be pulled along. An innocent bonsai was growing from soil in an oyster shell's vase by the receptionist's desk, and Onyx was glaring at it. While Alia was just beside, using a spoon to scrape and gather crumbs of brownies in a glass bowl.

"That's all you're gonna have for your celebration?" Kirin asked.

Alia used a napkin to wipe her lips and nodded. "It's delicious! I told you guys to get yourselves orders too."

"It's too sweet." Onyx hissed.

"Cranky." Kirin's legs paused. "He probably just decided too impulsively and was too prideful to take his decision back."

"No. I was not."

"For me, it was just too expensive."

"Ohh." Alia led the spoon of crumbs into her mouth. "You should have told me. I could have bought for you."

Onyx puffed air with a scoff and faced away. Though he was trying to hide it, there was definitely a pout on his face.

"I still can't believe Faolan's finally able to control his Sky King's Breath without Emperor's Crown."

"I still can't believe he rampaged and almost destroyed this entire place a second time." Onyx leaned forwards to peek out of the hotel's doorway.

Equines and carriages have returned to the streets, though the pavements were still the same distorted mess that they've become after yesterday's heat storm.

"I still can't believe he actually shot a god." Kirin giggled and let his legs continue dangling.

"Me neither," said a voice by the side of the trap's head.

Kirin jumped and slid to a side, smacking by accident his lower rib against an armrest. "Kya--!"

King Nycius, right behind the sofa, was leaning against the backrest with his face on his palm. "Can't believe it worked too." He used two fingers to tug on his shirt's collar and show a burn on his neck.

"W-What are you doing here?!"

"Same as you. Waiting." King Nycius sighed and straightened his back. "Faolan is my child, you know. He may not have been from my gametes, but I technically was who gave him life. While he might believe otherwise, I do care about him."


"What a compassionate father!" Onyx commented. "Is that why you sent a crazy geneticist to obtain his material?"

"Hey!" King Nycius shrugged and gave a smug expression. "I never said anything about taking Faolan's DNA by force. And I don't know if you noticed, but I wasn't even letting the gelphin touch him at all. I even put him aside so he can stay away from danger."

"With a stun spell!" Alia pointed out.

"A parent's gotta do what a parent's gotta do--Anyways!" King Nycius leaped over and poomfed onto the sofa. "I meant only you guys harm. See! I know how close Faolan has become to all of you, so, I thought, by putting you three in an effectively inescapable situation, he'd realize just how much you guys truly need him and end up wanting to stay. Of course, I obviously underestimated you three a little bit, but I think my plan still worked out."

Onyx and Alia glared as if their eyes spat poison.

"I'm back." Faolan entered, evident embarrassment scrunching his face. Near one of his wrists, a smear of soil had browned the fabric. "I know I've been apologizing since yesterday, but I still really am sorry for what's happened outside."

"That's alright. I'm having our constructors work on the damages immediately." King Nycius leaned forwards and kicked to get on his feet.

"What are you doing here?"

"Saying goodbye. Am I not allowed to bid my own son farewell?"

Faolan's expression rebuked the king. "Goodbyes are fine as long as you don't do anything crazy again. Where's Mother?"

"The Kingdom of Morpheus. I visited her a while back, but she didn't wanna return with me. Not yet."

Faolan's expression softened just a teenie bit.

"Look, Faolan. I'm a god. But I know full well I haven't been a divine husband or father. I... I just want you to know that... I have always been happy you came into my life. Both you and Odess. Had circumstances been different... and if I didn't have these responsibilities... I would have been satisfied just to live a life with you two as mortals." King Nycius smiled with genuine joy in his pupils. "If you could give me a hug, that'd seriously make my heart explode. Well, one of them. I'd still have two."


Faolan shook his head. "I told you, nothing crazy." ...then extended a hand for a shake.

King Nycius chuckled and accepted. "Thank you, son. I wish you and your friends good luck for your journey back home."

Onyx got up and lifted some of the bags from the table.

"Oh, by the way, please send my regards to my old buddy," requested the god to the blue knight. "Last he told me, you all will be fighting in Sword's Guild Games. You better bet I'd do anything not to miss that."

"No wonder you two are friends. You're both excruciating." Onyx grumbled as he began to make his way towards the exit.

The rest of the party followed. Alia set her bowl onto the table and picked up her bags. Kirin was about to lift his but received help from Faolan volunteering.

When all four of them have left Seabed Hotel, King Nycius revealed a plastic bag holding a glass cylinder, took out the object, then stuck his finger inside.

From the tip of his index, red liquid dripped and filled the container.


The return journey to Latesi took no shorter than the journey to Ollepheist. A five-hour ride that brought them back to the guild outpost by half-past four in the afternoon.

As it was, the guild's facade was mucky and unsupervised. But inside were still the most subservient of knights any kingdom could ever ask for.

Nearly everything was the same, Pani included, except that the atmosphere felt significantly more relaxed than how it was. Almost like the people had suddenly run out of things to do!

Sure enough... the board having scarcely any sheets pinned gave some context to what was going on.

"They one-upped us again," Kirin murmured, leaning against the carriage's wall as streaks of color ran by the window.

By then, it had been the fourth day of their journey. A time close to noon. Their party arrived at Bladewood and was driving to the trap's place.

Whether it was because of the temperature or something else... Nah, it was definitely something! Coral Crown, to be precise. ...Kirin erupted.

"For goodness' sake!" The trap wheezed and crushed air with his fists. "And I was really looking forward to doing more of the quests there too! I swear--Oh, I swear! That shota, again! He's done it again!!!"

"It'll be alright, Kirin." Alia consoled, patting Kirin's back.

Dew glistened on the trap's eyes as he bit his lip to suppress cries from coming out.

He failed.


"I'm trying to estimate how much they could have earned from all of those." Onyx was rubbing his chin. "Before leaving, we did take several of the most difficult quests. They only dealt with our leftovers. After our deposit yesterday, Pani said we'll be earning 242 malagmium."

"242?" Kirin's mood switched, and the dew from his tears quickly became sparkles.

"We'll see the updates on the board once we get back." Faolan looked out a window just as the carriage drew to a halt. "We're here, Kirin. You wanted us to drop you off here, yeah?"

"Yes, please. I'll be lying down for the rest of the day."

"Alright. Let me help you with your stuff." Faolan slid off his seat and hopped onto the road outside.

"Hey. So where's my cut?" Kirin extended a hand over to Onyx.

"I said 'we'll' be earning. Katrina's giving us our rewards once Pani sends her the receipts."

A sudden gloom clouded over Kirin's head.

Onyx smirked mockingly. Had he not been the rude devil that he was, he would have gotten a kiss. He actually looked quite charming.

Kirin sighed and slowly made his way off the carriage. "But I only have thirty-three algium left..." Half-mindedly, he walked to a drawer that he'd purchased just several days ago and pulled an empty drawer out. "This looks just as cute as when I bought it. Shame there's barely any coins to put inside."

As outdoor winds blew and carried his hair, realization struck.

Why was his drawer outside? Wait. Why were all of his furniture outside? His kitchen things! His clothes! What was--

At the entrance to the building, the saloon's landlord was crossing his arms. From his eyes, a dark aura emanated. "You're a day overdue."

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