《The Party's Tank is a Masochistic Trap》Chapter 2.2: The Fourth Fable


Worn out adventurers who have just returned from quests have swarmed in the guildhall. Some healing others in torn, tousled clothes. Many just exhausted and have decided to lie on tables.

Still at his spot, Master Chrisholm was staring at Faolan and Kirin, his eyes lackluster, as he asked, "You were able to do it?" The tone he used exhibited much disbelief, yet his expression refused to present any sign of astonishment. It was almost like he knew Kirin was going to be successful. Although, based on what Kirin had observed so far, that's probably just how his face always was.

"I can vouch for her, master." Faolan had lowered himself to his knee. "I was there to witness when she had rid Lavista of all beasts."

"Well then." Master Chrisholm shut his eyes, proceeding to speak as if he was half asleep. "There appears to be no need for further questioning. I'll be keeping my position as guild master, and you, from this point on, are an official member of the Harpe Guild."

"Hmph," Kirin clamped his waist. "As if you were actually serious when you said that."

Master Chrisholm tilted his head. "You thought I was joking?"

Faolan looked up at the two of them.

Kirin humphed again, crossed his arms, and looked away. "Why else would the master of an adventurer's guild tell someone he just met that he was so attracted to them, he was willing to leave his own guild? You don't even have the slightest idea what I really am."

Master Chrisholm summoned one of his chain links. It produced a scroll. Unrolling and showing it, he revealed it was the registration form. "Kirin Torisetti. Age, twenty and one. Sex? Male."

Kirin flinched.

Of course. Of course, he already knew.

"One thing not many people know about me, Dame Kirin, is that traps make me steel hard." Master Chrisholm tossed the form back into the portal.

Faolan rushed to stand, eyebrows furrowed as if they were begging for the master's mouth to shut. "Master."

"Oh." Master Chrisholm let his hands rest on the railings. "Didn't you already know?" He turned to Kirin. "Were you meaning to keep that a secret?"

Kirin jumped. "Oh, no, no. I couldn't care less if people knew. It's just... isn't it a bit unprofessional of you to hit on a newbie on his first day?"

Master Chrisholm cleared his throat. "Way to insult your master on your first day. Are you looking to be punished?"


"Thanks for everything, Master Chrisholm! I'll be taking care of her now." Faolan held Kirin by the arm and began dragging him down the staircase.

Drool nearly oozed out of the trap's mouth as his feet skidded down every step.

"Seriously." Faolan hissed. "Anyway, let's go tell Katrina you're officially part of the guild. Then we'll enlist you to the party."

Kirin shuffled with his feet, composed himself, and started walking properly. "What's your party's name?"

Faolan smiled. "Fable Eclipse."

"That sounds extra cool."


"Katrina! Kirin's in. We're registering her as new our party's member."

The lady swayed through tumbled chairs and approached the pair. "Very well, if you would kindly follow me."

They did.

Katrina brought them to another standing board, just a few feet away from the one for quests. Written on it were names like Coral Crown, Pastel Blood, Blaring Sentence, and others, all of which sounded intriguing. Of course, the name Fable Eclipse was also there. Just four stages from the top.

"So, what title would you like?" Katrina asked


Faolan nodded. "Members of guild-recognized parties are given official titles. You already know mine. Dragonlaird. Alia is the Salvation Fairy."

"Whoa. Those are cool too."

"You're Tardrem's sibling, right?" Faolan faced Kirin, a curious glint in his eyes. "What ever happened to him?"

"You know my brother?"

"Back when I was in The Academy of Blue Knights, I was often selected to compete in inter-academy competitions. Tardrem was often selected to represent your academy. We became friends because of that."

"Ohh. Now it's clear as air." Kirin nodded. "Before my brother could graduate, he decided to leave the academy. Right now he's tending to a family farm in the Kingdom of Demeter."

"Ahh." Disappointment displayed itself in Faolan's expression. "Forgive me for saying this, but he's a talent put to waste. I'm sure he could have been a great hero had he finished."

"I know what you mean. But that's alright. I'm happy my brother's contented."

Katrina locked her hands in front of her abdomen, probably getting impatient, though all patience the world possessed was manifesting on her kind face.

"Why don't you take on his title?" Faolan suggested.

"My brother had a title?"

"Well, he had one he wished to hold. The Vampire Paladin. But since he can't take that on, why don't you, in honor of him?"

"The Vampire Paladin?" Kirin caressed his chin. "That doesn't sound bad. Can I be that, Katrina?"

The lady smiled and curtsied. "The Vampire Paladin it is." She allowed her hand to wade across the board, using magic to draw four emblems in Fable Eclipse's row. First, a fiery red dragon. Second, a purple glittering fairy. Third, a pitch back wolf. And finally, a rosegold bat. "By the way, Sir Dier, do you think Sir Night and Dame Fhengyr would be okay with enlisting a new party member without their consent?"

"I'll be talking to them." Faolan scratched his head. "Alia will be alright for sure. Onyx might be okay as long as he keeps the party dormitory for himself. Where are they anyway?"

"Dame Fhengyr hasn't come in today. Sir Night went out on a solo quest. He said he'll be back later tonight."

"I see." Faolan studied the board in front, then twisted to see Kirin. "What do you say you come over to my place later tonight?"

"Hold on, what? W-W-Wasn't I just supposed to join your party? Why does that sound like we're joining hands in marriage?" Kirin cupped his mouth.


"Huh? Join hands in what?"

"No... Nothing."

"I'll be looking for Alia and waiting for Onyx here. Then I'll be inviting them to join us have dinner. We'll welcome you officially to the party then."

"Oh. I get it."

"Before you leave, Dame Torisetti." Katrina bowed her head. "For being successful in completing the quest to eliminate the rosadonises, you are hereby rewarded ten malagmium coins."

"Ten?! Malagmium?! That sounds like too much."

With that money, Kirin could even extend his rent for more than half a year. Heck, he could probably buy a small house.

"Well, you did take on a party quest all by yourself." Katrina gave a helpless smile.


Walking through Bladewood's roads, Kirin stared at the coins on his hand.

Suddenly being rich has overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't even decide what to spend money on. What he knew was it had to be something fun! After all, he had just been successful in entering a guild and completing his first-ever quest. He should celebrate! Maybe cake and sherbet from a high-class dessert shop? Wait, no. Kirin had no more clothes other than the one he's wearing and the other pair from yesterday. To purchase more would likely be a better idea. Another set of armor would be exciting, too, but only if he'd have enough money. A new dress should come first! Thinking about it, since he'll be meeting with Faolan and Alia later, and another guy too, Kirin should definitely look presentable. That's right! He needed to get a dress!

"Mine!" Ragged black fabrics wagged in winds, and a hand, with the nimblest of fingers, pilfered the coins from Kirin's palm.

A phantom? No. A person?


Just as Kirin had realized what it was, the figure vanished, as if it and the coins were never there to begin with.

Blood rushed to the trap's face, his heart hammering as though steel had just flooded his veins. Thug! Thug! "Aaaaah! Th-Thief! I feel... I feel violated!" He balled his fists. "As good as this may feel, I've just been robbed!"

"Get out of my way! Moon Magic! Gravitate!" A blue-armored knight jumped off a roof and hacked his sword at the air.

"Argh!" The silhouette of a man faded in, crashing to the ground.

At that same moment, an invisible force drove Kirin down, bringing him to his knees then face flat on the street.

The blue knight pointed his sword at the bandit. "Surrender and answer my questions or endure greater consequences."

"K... Kyaaaaa." Kirin squealed, suffering inescapable magic.

The blue knight flinched.

"Blink!" The bandit snickered and faded out, only to reappear somewhere else where Gravitate wasn't affecting.

"You won't escape me." The blue knight grinded his teeth, then began to run after the escapee.

"Ha-ah... You're...You're still pinning me!" Kirin struggled for air.

The blue knight paused, turned around to swipe his sword and undo the spell, then bolted to continue his chase.

"Wait!" Kirin shouted, rushing to get back on his feet. "That's my money!" He ran, following the knight following the thief. "You get back here! Vampire Magic! Vampiric Lycanthropy! Bat!" Kirin poofed, his body shrinking and growing wide sheets of skin from his arms. As fur covered him and fangs grew from his mouth, he had fully assumed the form of the flying rodent.

"Moon Magic! Crescent Blade!" The blue knight swiped, sending a glowing, sharp-edged magic projectile at the bandit.

"Blink!" The bandit teleported onto a roof.

"I'm coming for you!" Kirin flapped his wings faster.

"Moon Magic! Gravitate!" The blue knight sent a pulse downwards. It pushed him up and let him jump all the way to a four-floored building's rooftop. "Crescent Blade!"


"Crescent Blade! Crescent Blade! Crescent Blade!"

"Blink! Blink! Blink!" The bandit teleported behind the knight.

The blue knight's metal boots skidded on roof tiles as he took an abrupt stop. "Crescent Blade!" he casted, whirling to slice behind him.


Kirin's bat eyes protruded as the crescent blade made its way to cut him. "Kik!" was the noise he made before transforming back to his human self, breathing heavily after the hit he had just received.

"It's... you?!" The blue knight glowered.

Gasp. That guy was that same man Kirin bumped into earlier.

Kirin hugged himself. "You just shot at me...."

"I won't apologize for that. You flew into my attack, stupid." The blue knight swung his blade, sending a spell towards the bandit rushing away. "Lunar Pulse!"

A bright white beam shot from the blade to the bandit's back.

The thief grunted, fell over, and rolled down a roof. The coins he had in his hands flew in all directions, scattering so fast, no eye could see where they'd fall.

"Nooooo!" Kirin hurried, extending his arms as far as he could, reaching for his money. Unfortunately, not only was he too far, the bandit had also recovered quick enough to get back on his feet, blink, catch the coins in the air, and teleport away, eliminating all chances of Kirin beating him to them.

"My money!!!" Kirin cried. It would have been a longer wail, had he not tripped on a clay brick and fell to physic's mercy. He was going to be falling off the rooftop.

The blue knight looked around, searching for the bandit. There, on another roof, he was. But the knight held off on chasing him any more, as he chose to leap after Kirin, caught him before he plummeted, and casted Gravitate to slow their fall.

The bandit blinked away.

Landing on their feet, Kirin rested his forehead on the blue knight's chest plate. "My money. You should have just saved my money."

"Money can be earned back. Life can't. I just saved you. Be thankful."

"I could've flown."

The blue knight slid his arms off of Kirin's back and crumpled air in his fists.

Kirin wailed. "My money!!!"

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