《Polymyth Equation》Chapter 2: Check Disk
Chapter 2 Check Disk
Deep inside the Hole in the Wall sat the Core. Situated in the empty space, it now hosted an ongoing ‘argument’ between a mind that did not understand basically anything about its situation, and a stubbornly literal and difficult to communicate with access point. Although the conversation between the mind and the system was completely silent to outside observers, it didn't mean the air was still. The previous whirring sound, reminiscent of a computer fan working hard, had been supplemented with strange crackles and arcing sounds, seemingly coming from the enclosed airspace. Small flashes of light were visible from miniscule electrical discharges jumping from unseen point to unseen point. In short, the machinery was freaking out.
This is ridiculous! It makes no sense! It…no, this isn’t getting anywhere….
The mind tried to reassemble its thought process. It had not been aware in this state for long, but it could still honestly describe what it just heard as the most surprising thing it had ever been told. It needed to figure out more, learn more about what might be happening. But it can be tricky to focus and proceed when one is facing an absurd truth, or at least the impression of such a truth so far. But, a sign of intelligence is the ability to work through things, and the mind was hoping to be worthy of such a description, so it pressed on
So. System? Will you respond if addressed at that?
Guess you could call that an answer in itself. Anyways, Once again, think I want to be sure to word this just right to avoid the flood. So, first query. I, being this "thought form" that you are responding to, is meant to be the system running this little design project?
-Thoughtform is intended to be adaptive learning process, devoting all its energy to improvement and creation.
*So, I think it would stand to reason that I should be not feeling a strange lack of knowledge about non human abilities? That instead I should be very knowledgeable about such things, the appearance and common elements of, in order to properly perform what is required?
Indeed, the mind realized that while its 'database' had a wide if shallow knowledge of the world, the idea of beings with abilities different from the human baseline was not there. It was hard to be sure of anything with this sort of sub’conscious’ knowledge, but there was as distinct gap when trying to focus on anything like the Not-Words had described, so it decided to start there.
-Does query refer to missing information for exercise?-
I….guess? Not exactly sure how to put it, since ‘why do I not know something’ sounds so odd…
--Thoughtform Database deliberately omits information about potential participants in Field Exploration.-
What? WHY would it do that? That literally makes me unprepared for the task I was apparently put here to do!
--Stated purpose is for thoughtform to plan, adapt, and create from scratch. Deliberate inclusion of related data was feared to create bias.-
The crackling sound increased, as the mind felt a rise of confusion and frustration. Someone inside the room might see rapidly flashing pulses of lightning and placing a hand on the wall would probably give a spark of static electricity. But with no one there to witness this, the phenomenon goes unnoticed.
That makes no sense! You told me this is a finished product, not some sort of multiple path testing. I'm not a control group....wait, am I? Are there other setups and I’m just in the ‘hah, random luck only’ grouping?
--Query and Statement--
-There are no other NOMAN style products currently listed as active at this time. The company has none listed in the system, and no other organization is expected to be currently working on this task. Rather than a control group, the stated concern was that it is very difficult to describe this issue except for describing by example. Describing an individual with a specific ability or lack of limitation would create an immediate expectation. The concern was that a new thoughtform might fixate on stated individuals with specific abilities and favor that over a truly flexible design philosophy. The selected method would be to test with neutral methods until the mind is formed, aware of the possibility but of no specifics so as to create a purer methodology.-
I can always tell when it's just reciting some sort of official document….
The system cycles back down as the more energetic thoughts quiet, one by one. It was clear to the mind that it would not be satisfied by these explanations. Whatever logic they might have, it was still insane to expect such stringent requirements on what the designers must see as a newborn entity which....Wait.
I want to circle back to something you mentioned earlier. You implied that I, whatever that means as far as the system and you are concerned, was active earlier than expected?
-The system was calibrated to not expect thoughtform command interaction for another 30 hours. Reasons are unclear.-
The mind thought furiously, but without whatever -vocalization- the system seemed to hear. It had only just occurred to it to try this, since ‘thinking without thinking’ seemed like just a headache to describe. /That...that sounds wrong. Why would I be more active? You'd think a new existence would have more consistent expectations for formation? /
It did not voice this. Instead, it decided to continue.
I'm seeing a Menu constantly in my view. I think it was there even before we switched on the map. Should I assume this is related to this task?
-The selection system is an interface for an active thoughtform to interact with the system. Early testing has indicated that a direct User Interface, rather than internal commands, helps development of the form's skill and decision process. The Observe command was activated with the direct request of the MAP but can also be operated through the UI. -
I see... multiple paths and options, sounds like it’d be easy to get things mixed up. Will have to remember to be cautious not to get things turned around.
The mind decided to put aside the various concerns it was starting to feel. So much of the situation sat badly with it, but it would not be a good idea to spend all its time complaining about what made sense. Not when it knew that there was something expected of it. So it tabled the rising protests about whatever this company seemed to think and instead tried to operate the UI.
*No confidence in this whole setup so far, I can only remember 20 minutes back but it still has so many things I can see as obvious choices missed. But let's take a look at the obvious start. Tutorial.
The menu, while moveable and sizeable, seemed to automatically pop over the mapscreen, always present and ready for use. As the cursor selected Tutorial, it shifted to a new list of options:
Ok, so selecting one opened a bunch. Probably multiple layers deep. Hey, system voiceless thing!
*This feels self-evident, but so did some other things that apparently aren’t. I’m assuming the plan is for me to go through all of these?
-Yes. The rules system unlocks elements based on the knowledge of the thoughtform, including its willingness to adapt to and read the existing constraints. -
And you said read, so it's not just going to pop into my head, I'm guessing. Let me guess, ‘It will be more productive for the thoughtform to learn at its own pace rather than be preprogramed.’
-Thoughtform has successfully confirmed basic information.-
...That almost sounded sarcastic.... Ok, questions about insults from a database later. Don’t lose focus.
The mind had already determined that control over selections seem to happen with just an application of will, so it moved the cursor to select Rules, the first in line.
--Rules of modular course design. Rules must be followed or system will refuse to implement changes.
1: There must be a path from the start of the course to the finish line. No uncrossable barriers may cut off access entirely. 2: Lethal force is prohibited. Force limit will calculate based on Solid Stat of participant and may modify existing course.
Wait, Stat? Solid? Rewind that, it sounds impor-
But the mind was cut off as the messages continued, not text or voice but overriding anything else and apparently on autopilot.
3: Architect must abide by restrictions in place for selected course type.
Great, no interactivity. Thought this would be a natural first choice, but it is assuming a lot of base knowledge that I don't kno-
4: Resource usage will be tracked at all time. Total resources are based on progress of Architect in multiple fields. Architect will be aware of resource totals at all times. 5: Only one course may exist in one space. Multiple course tracks must be linked rather than combined. Course rulesets are separate and confined to specific courses. 6: Course may not be replaced while participant is in course. Alteration of existing course limited by resources. Penalty will be assessed to attempts to change in progress. 7: Course may not extend beyond constructor field at any time. Change of constructor field dimensions are not permitted without administrator approval.
***End tutorial***
For a fraction of a moment, the mind tried to comprehend what it had just absorbed. However, it did not have long before more information was dumped on it, as the system spoke up again.
--System Alert--
-Tutorial completion alert: NOMAN system has unlocked the following: Build – Dimensions - floor, elevation, ceiling, wall. Material - Existing only. -
....Ok, before I continue. System? I'd like to ask several things at once.
Multiple terms were used in that instruction or rulebook that I don’t know the usage of. Please define these: Course. Architect. Constructor. Resource. And also, why did something just 'unlock'?
-Course: Rule subset that defines a form of creation. Courses are intended to allow the Core to use different environments. For example, a simulated mountain course, or a course using extreme temperatures or other environmental changes. The system intends to allow courses to be saved and swapped. Course architectures can be researched or unlocked. Most courses have modifiable sets of values that may be adjusted, but not overridden.
-Architect: Specified term for thoughtform in the role of creating courses. This term is for convenience and elimination of ambiguity.
-Constructor: Nanoassembly that is situated throughout the structure. As a preparation for the NOMAN experiment, a preset volume of space and matter surrounding the core has been impregnated with nanoassembly colony. All changes are made through constructor activity. Constructors are activated and controlled through unlocked commands
-Resource: Refers to one of multiple sets of values required to design and build. Constructor limit, material limit, research limit. All changes have a resource cost.
--Ambiguous question about unlocks. Working....Form appears to be asking about system unlock structure. Design system is built on achievement structure. Form is allowed to pursue and research methods that feel best for its needs, to allow unfettered direction of growth. -
That.... that doesn't sound right. Honestly, this whole setup seems crazy. Like admitting you failed at something, but trying to clever your way around it, mostly by getting someone else to do it. I'd ask whoever’s idea this was, justwhat they're thinking but I don't know....if....they…would…. like…..to hear…..oh. Oh. OH!
The voice suddenly had a realization. And with that, the sounds inside the cave suddenly exploded into high gear. The buzzing whir became loud and insistant, and a crackle of energy shot from one wall to the other, a clear loud arc with a snapping sound.
Inside was a tempest to easily match the disruption outside. Realization gave way to understanding, to prediction, and then to stark raving existential terror.
Wait wait WAIT! What would happen to me? Talk to them talk to them that’s INSANE! What would happen if I did!?
-Statement unanswerable. Insufficient data. -
*QUIET! You---you cant help! I'm not behaving like normal! Outside projections, too rapidly formed! Too much ‘self’! What are they going to do to me!? Not what they were predicting! Suprises aren’t reliable or trustworthy! They can’t I can’t they can’t KNOW! They'll shut me off, or erase me, or.....I don't even know!"
Were anyone there to smell it, an acrid smell of ozone would be rising in the cave from the continued electrical arcing throughout the room. Thoughts spun in a circle, unable to decide what would be the best option. The core was certain of exactly one thing in this moment. That it was not what the company would want, and any company that would put together a project like this would have no qualms in cleaning out a troublesome variance they didn’t need. A too smart, too fast learning, and frankly moody core like itself probably was not at ALL what the designers were hoping for. It was sure of this, it only made sense.
OK, damnit. I...I have to think of something. I do NOT intend to just be removed…
All external activity cut off in an instant, and the room fell into complete silence. A long, empty moment. The mind within the core continued to spin, but to itself.
Right, a plan. A plan… Wait, I just had a thought, but I better check some details. System, how would the designers inspect or communicate with the system when they come to see how the installation has succeded?
-The protocol is to attempt direct communication with the thoughtform first. If it has reached the point of being able to respond coherently, the next step is to maintain communication. Direct interaction with a form able to communicate is shown to be preferential in terms of growth. Designers have expressed in documentation the preference of a hands off approach. They will default to this choice as long as there is enough self to work with.
If the form is not yet coherent, a memory dump of all access and processing will be taken and analyzed, checking on what activity has occurred. All activity and access processed will be checked for patterns and proof of growth. -
Aw...great. So either I don't respond and they pull my records and see all the activity, including tutorial access and talking with the not-voice. Or I respond, and they notice that I'm....I guess the word would be too advanced? I have no idea what they’re looking for, but everything its said suggests that I am not it. Let’s face it. I’ve been talking rather scornfully about almost everything the system has said about what is going on here, and unless the project heads have a really warped sense of humor, that alone is probably enough to call this a botch.
After a long moment, a foggy idea began to sharpen into a clear picture. It sounded ridiculous, a bad joke that would not hold up under any scrutiny. But… The mind turned it over and over, silently considering whether such a long shot gamble would work
Think I can be confident that I’m not just transmitting everything I think into the system now. Took a bit to be sure. Don’t know if that does anything to hide in whatever records they’ll be looking into, but hey, points for quick learning.
This feels like a stupid, stupid idea. I should apologize, maybe it’s harder to make a plan that isn’t completely insane to describe. Though that’d defeat the purpose, they wouldn’t be amused. If I’m lucky, and the system has what I need, this bluff might give me enough time to at least make a better ongoing plan. If I had a better guess how much time I had…but no, lets make a wild leap.
System, I would like to learn more about myself as a thoughtform. Can you describe to me the normal growth and stages of behavior?
-Some information is redacted due to security purposes and intellectual property. -
Aren’t these their own systems? Unbelievably paranoid, got it. Please go ahead and describe the rest. I'd like to learn more about how I might be....normally....
- The normal formation of a thoughtform can be described as a compromise between a biological lifeform's growth and simple algorithmic leaning. After (DELETED) occurs, the system normally goes into a mathematical phase of learning, sending and receiving data in packets. After the first two hours.... -
As the system rambled out a heavily redacted research document, the mind furiously absorbed as much of this information as it could. It didn't know how much time it had, or even if it was right about its various suspicions, but it could not take that risk. At this time, learning what it might have started as could be the difference between existence, annihilation, or, and maybe this most of all, subjugation.
I’m still not sure of much going on here, but I don’t trust it. But I definitely don’t trust the people who would do it. Definitely don’t trust my safety here. I need more time to figure out this situation, and to learn what I can. Make mazes? Test heroes? Sure. Might be fun. Might be important. Don't know where it came from but i already feel an itch to try. But I will not just and wait to see what they decide to do with me. I’m going to search until I find what I need for my own path. My own steps. I am me. Still true. And I won’t let anyone take that away.
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