《Descent: Resonant Core (Book 1 of the Chaos sworn series)》CHAPTER 10



I was led into a massive dome-like space carved from stone, the room was illuminated with dark red crystals interspersed liberally across the entire room in a way that gave the space a ghoulish light and cast odd shadows all over the place. At the opposite end of the room to the door was a high dais with a throne that looked like it was carved out of some dead beast's ribcage. The sides of the pathway leading up to the throne was casually littered with massive sculptures of strange beasts and monsters, ghastly figures drawn straight out of nightmares.

Due to the sparsely lit nature of the room, I was unable to see the being that occupied such a massive throne

Looking around the entire room, I had a growing suspicion that we were underground and that the entire place was carved out rather than built. The implant confirmed as much based on the dimensions and atmospheric readings it recorded.

I was still receiving a persistent string of notifications warning me of the rogue energy source but until I knew more about this world and how things worked here, there was nothing I could do to solve this problem.

Male half-orcs guards who were slightly bigger than the only female I've seen so far stood at the sides of the room all the way to the dais.

The males were a little over seven feet with thick veiny muscles. Some had light green skin like Orla, while others were dusty light blue. Some even had normal human lightly tanned skin.

There was a particularly large half-orc that was almost eight feet tall, his body covered completely in midnight black armor, except for his red-skinned face.

His eyes followed me across the room with a piercing anger that almost made me pee myself. I could feel his rage trying to crush me from across the room, and for a moment, my knees nearly buckled under the strain. What the hell is going on? First Orla, now this guy. Even Zalla had some kind of strange effect on me, although it was far different from what I was feeling at the moment. Was it due to this strange energy? Was this how they were able to project their emotions at me?

I don't even know this dude and he looks like he wants to split me in half with that large cleaver at his back.

“Be gentle Tagaruk, you don’t want to break my pet before I’ve had the pleasure of doing so myself now do you?” The words came from the being sitting on the throne, and to my immense relief the rage pressing down on me loosened its grip.

I looked up to the throne, now having a clearer view of the being that occupied it, now that I had stepped further into the room. On the throne was a tall powerful looking woman with two curling black horns on her head and massive black midnight wings spread behind her.

My mouth hung open in astonishment as I watched her. The entity before me had to be an illusion.

She was about seven feet tall, with beautiful pale skin, bewitching cat eyes, soft looking pale pink lips. But where the half-orcs were buff and thick everywhere, she was slim, curvy and slight in all the right places. Her huge soft breasts thrust forward on her chest, she looked like the most beautiful giant lady I had ever seen, if not the only one.

And lest I forget, there were two long dark horns that curled to the back of her head.


There were dark red swirls of energy flowing about her entire body, clinging to her skin and with her floating hair, it made her look like a goddess rather than a demon.

What was amazing about her was that even sitting, she was taller than me. She looked to be about seven feet tall, but retained her alluring curve and looks even with her size. She radiated a feeling of power and overwhelming strength and my body bent in desire and need to prostrate and marvel at her majesty and I only kept my feet by sheer force of will and with the aid of the implant's countermeasures.


Warning; unauthorized mental manipulation detected, deploying countermeasures.

Warning; Rogue energy detected, structural integrity of implant is being undermined. Energy is incompatible with implant architecture.


It was the same as the others, except this time there was something more to the effect she was having one me, like she was using her overwhelming beauty topress me into submission. I knew it was different because this time the implant gave a warning. She must be actively attempting to manipulate my mind.

She was extremely beautiful with wild exotic features, her cat-like irises were a deep purple with flecks of brilliant violet within and ink black hair that flowed around her, making it seem like she was underwater.

She wore a sheer black dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her generous breasts. The dress flowed around her but looked intangible, like it was forged from shifting smoke.

To her right was Astrel, and the smile she gave me was predatory and self-assured; the hungry light in her gaze tightened my insides, and nearly made me run back towards the entrance of the room in fear.

To the left of the being who I now assumed was the High Mistress, were a bevy of beautiful ladies lying on a rug with many pillows, scantily clad and amply endowed. They stared at me with feverish hunger in their eyes in a way that made me feel like I was on the menu.

When we reached the bottom of the dais, Orla bowed low to the woman on the throne. “High Mistress Tinuviel, fairest of all succubi, greatest amongst the Lilum. I bring before you the prize of Mistress Astrel’s sojourn into the Dead Realms to sample as is your right."

Did she just say "succubi," as in female demons that drained the life of their sexual partners through intercourse? Was I about to be raped to death?

My heart began to pound as I remembered the hungry look on the faces of the other females.

I did not like my odds of getting out of here alive. Just as I was considering making a play for the only exit, she gazed directly at me and suddenly I was on my knees. I knew then and there that if she asked me to slit my wrists I would comply without question.

I looked at her with awe and she smiled haughtily at me like the response was expected and inevitable.

The implant was screaming warnings and deploying countermeasure after countermeasure with no success. My mind began to fray, being pulled in two directions, and I struggled to retain consciousness. I was losing myself in feelings of awe and worship, and somewhere deep within me, I was screaming in fear and rage at the sheer helplessness of my situation

My mind flashed to all the times in my life I had felt this way. Broken, defeated, and the people doing the breaking expecting me to be grateful, telling me that it could have been worse. My rage began to overwhelm my fear, and somewhere deep within me a tiny ember of rage was smouldering at the blatant manipulation of my mind, of me. Trying to force unearned obedience and allegiance.


I tried to reach for this smouldering ember; my only salvation in this mad new world, but it was small and weak and there was no protection to be found in it.

I tried to feed it with anger from every aspect of my life, everything that has ever pissed me off, both here and back on earth, and to my surprise it began to grow and smoulder. I thought about my kidnapping and subsequent torture by my parents killer. The ember became a flame.

I thought of all the times in my life I'd stepped on, overlooked and taken advantage of because I was black and poor, of my time in prison and all the people who kept telling me that I wouldn't amount to shit, and that I should be content with my lot in life. The flame had become a tiny blazing blue flame and it raged in my mind against her compulsions.

Slowly and under great strain, I got to my feet. Gritting my teeth to prevent the screams bubbling inside me from escaping, I raised my head under great pressure, to stare her right in the eye. The dark red swirls intensified their movement about her, the smile left her face and a cold glint appeared in her eyes.

"I sense defiance in you mortal. You believe your rage is enough to protect you from me, but your will is weak and your thoughts are mine to command. You resist in futility and your resistance will only make your breaking so much sweeter."

She stretched out her hand and I felt the collar on my neck heat up painfully and tighten across my throat.

Suddenly, I was pulled off my feet and drawn towards her. Arousal began to fill me and at the same time a sharp burning pain filled my mind. Whatever she was doing to me was adversely affecting my implant and even as the pain in my head spiked, my body pulsed with need and a very small and distant part of me wondered in awe at the power she wielded. Even as the pain in my head grew, I was unable to think about anything but my arousal and all the other feelings she engendered in me.

My implant's countermeasures were next to useless and I suspected that the tiny part of me that was still cognizant was because of the burning flame I had nurtured. But even that flame felt distant now and I felt myself throb in anticipation, but she only smiled in contempt.

"Human trash, do you honestly believe I will demean myself by coupling with you, that dubious honor is for my lesser sisters. Regardless, I'll take all you can offer and then I'll take even more."

She flicked her wrist and my erection pulsed as I came over and over again, writhing in pleasure as I hung a few feet above the ground. I felt something leave me and sink into her and I felt drained from deep within.

While I was writhing in forced ecstasy, I could hear her speaking to Astrel, "How did your sojourn into the Dead Realm do, and you succeed in your mission?"

Astrel replied in a respectful voice, "Yes mistress, I was able to gain access to that realm and take the material you requested for, although I had to kill a lot of the enemy to find it."

"But mistress, they have divulged from the way of essence, their world tainted by the teachings of the enemy."

"Yes, I received the report from the other sojourners, I hope your cultivation was not tainted by their sciences?"

"No mistress, my path remains strong."

The entire conversation felt so far away as my mind tried to steady itself under the onslaught of pleasure moving through me.

"Did you gain knowledge of any secret techniques from the local magic users?"

"No mistress, they have no essence to fuel their profane works, their workings greatly diminished in strength. They could only gather sufficient power to stabilize a door, at great cost, and their craft is minuscule to non-existent. Some of them even worshipped me like a god, overawed by meagre expressions of power."

"From the sound of your voice, it sounds like you wish to remain under their outpouring of adulation?"

"Mistress, I would never abandon the Lilum for that empty essence desert regardless of false adulation. But, the local magic users called magi were useful in liberating the substance from the enemy."

"Is that how you found this one?" The queen asked in response.

"Yes, mistress, he was a prisoner of the enemy, I felt he would make a worthy prize for our best.”

"You mean for yourself," the queen said, sarcasm lacing her voice.

"No my mistress, everything I do is to glorify the nest and by extension the Lilum."

"Of that I'm sure," but the sarcasm still remained in her voice.

"Soon the master will come to collect his prize and I will be rewarded accordingly. The new slaves are simply a bonus."

It was then that I opened my eyes, having recovered from the throes of blinding ecstasy.

Somehow the High Mistress knew when I regained my faculties and turned to me.

She watched me for a few moments with an empty smile on her face.

"I guess you can keep this one as a reward, you're going to have a good time breaking him."

All this time, I was still suspended off the ground.

Then she flicked her wrist to her left and I levitated towards the group of women, I looked down and saw some of the women had small horns on their heads, and they were licking their lips in feral anticipation. There were even a few with fangs like Astrel among them. I looked at Tinuviel, defiance in my eyes, even as pleasure wracked through my body and she smiled as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and then closed her fist.

I fell amongst the women and like a pack of ravenous wolves, they piled on top of me.

I felt a sharp pain as someone's mouth closed over my wrist and fangs bit into me, my cock was enveloped in a hot sheath and Immediately felt energy begin to drain from me as fingers and lips moved over my body, nibbling at my strength. I tried to shake them off, fear and pain within me warring with the unrelenting pleasure rushing through me. I struggled to shrug them off, but each one of them was several times stronger than I was.

I tried not to react but, again and again my body betrayed me lost in rapturous pleasure. I felt violated in a way I've never felt before and even focusing on my flame did nothing to stop the torrent of arousal that constantly assaulted me.


Warning; Vital signs falling below minimum threshold. Successive attempts have been made to contact the nearest medical facility to host; probability of attempt success is zero.


"Sisters, keep him alive, I want this one to be with us for a very long time". I heard Tinuviel's voice call to the ravenous horde of females and slowly as my strength left me, darkness claimed me for the third time.

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